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Idioma extranjero I

| Reto 2. Who are you?

¿Quién eres?
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The interview
1 La entrevista
Instrucción: redacta en idioma inglés, dos preguntas para cada tipo de Wh question y dos
preguntas con el auxiliar do, en total son 12 preguntas en presente simple relacionadas con la
vida de un personaje famoso, puedes elegir a quien tú quieras.


● Indagar en la vida del personaje que elegiste para obtener ratos reales.
● La estructura que se utiliza para hacer preguntas con Wh es la siguiente:
○ Wh question + verb to be + pronoun + complement + question mark
● El auxiliar do se utiliza para realizar preguntas en presente simple y su
estructura es la siguiente:
○ Auxiliary do + pronoun + verb + question mark (?)

Personaje: Elon Musk

Tipo de Wh
Wh questions and present simple

1. What does he do?: He is an engineer, economist, and

technology innovator.
2. What does he like? He likes to think in how new
technologies can make life easier.
3. Who are his parents? He´s mother is Maye Musk, a model
from Canada, and his father is Errol Musk, a South
Who? African electromechanical engineer, pilot and sailor.

4. Who is his wife? His wife is a Canadian writer called Justine


5. When he did get interested in technology? At the age of

10, when he developed and sells his first videogame.
6. When he became an entrepreneur? At the age of 17, when
he cofounded, a financial services and payments

7. Why he is technology oriented? Because he thinks is a

Why? way to make people´s life easier.
8. Why he
9. Where was he born? He was born in in Pretoria, South Africa
10. Where he did studied? He studied business and physics at
the University of Pennsylvania

11. Does he Works all the time? No, he does not, he likes to
watch comedy shows, he even was the guest star in the
comedy show The big bang theory and he loves to play
videogames with his kids to

12. What does he think about his job? .

Auxiliary do In an interview he said
“Really liking what you do, whatever you are into, is what
matters, because even if you are the best of the best, there is
always a possibility of failure, so the key is to do something that
likes you that much than you think about it even when you are
not working”

Personal description
2 Descripción personal
Instrucción: resume en cinco oraciones, los aspectos más importantes de la vida del personaje
(apariencia personal, actividades que realiza y sus características emocionales), puedes hacer uso del
presente simple en negativo y afirmativo, así como de las palabras look o like.


➔ El presente simple se utiliza para hablar de hábitos o actividades que realizamos

cotidianamente (estados permanentes), su estructura gramatical es la
◆ Pronombre + verbo
◆ Pronombre + auxiliar do + verbo
◆ Pronombre + verbo + complemento
➔ La palabra like significa gustar o agradar, y cuando se complementa con la
palabra look, se utiliza para describir la apariencia física de una persona.

 She is optimistic.
 He likes to go to on vacation.
 She looks like her mother.
Elon Musk

1. He is passionate about his job, and philanthropic, he wants to make the people’s life
easier trough technology.
2. He is Environmental care aware, trying to introduce and popularize cleaner technologies
like electrical and solar energy to the mainstream and in the mind of the people.
3. He doesn’t think all in the world is work, work, work, he has a good sense of humor, he
even was the guest star in the comedy show the big bang theory once.
4. He is family oriented, likes to have a big family.
5. He looks like a strong man, he is tall and chubby, has small eyes, straight brown hair and light
2 Hablando
Instrucción: Es momento de practicar tu pronunciación en inglés, para ello deberás realizar las
siguientes grabaciones:
 Record 1. Inicia tu grabación mencionando el nombre del personaje que elegiste,
posteriormente pronuncia las 10 Wh questions y las dos preguntas con el auxiliar do que
 Record 2. Graba la descripción del personaje que escribiste.

Ligas a los audios

Coloca aquí las ligas de los audios en caso de que hayas grabado en vocaroo, si decidiste grabar
con tu celular, no es necesario que coloques aquí las ligas, sólo adjunta los audios a través del
envío de tareas de la plataforma.
 Record 1.
 Record 2.
1971, in Pretoria, South Africa. He is the son of Maye Musk, a model from Canada, and Errol Musk, a
South African electromechanical engineer, pilot and sailor.

March 1981 Inertes in Computing 

He really got into computers. At the age of 10, he developed an interest in computing and taught
himself computer programming, in 1984 sold his first video game, by the age of 12, Musk sold the code
of the video game he created called Blastar.

At the age of 17, Elon Musk moved to Canada to attend Queen's University, where he meet his wife, a
Canadian author called Justine Wilson, They had six children.
Musk left Canada to study business and physics at the University of Pennsylvania. He gradúate  
With an undergraduate degree in economics and  stayed for a second bachelor's degree in physics.

March 1999 Cofounded, a financial services and payments company via email. It achieved  
a high level of security without it being  complicated for the user to make the transfer, some years later
and after merge with Confinity Inc., the company changed its name to PayPal and in October 2002
Elon sells PayPal to eBay for billion US dollars

May 2002 Founded SpaceX 

Musk founded SpaceX, with to develop and manufactures space launch vehicles with the goal of
eventually building more affordable spacecraft that would make it possible to one day reach and
colonize Mars. One year later Tesla is founded too

Musk provided the initial concept and financial capital for Solar City. Co-founded by his cousins, Solar
City develops and sells solar panels and solar roof tiles.

In an interview Elon said

“Really liking what you do, whatever area you are into is what matters, because even if you are the best
of the best, there is always a possibility of failure, so the key is to do something that likes you that much
than you thin about if even when you are not working”

He is passionate about his job, and is philanthropic, searching make the person’s life easier,
He is Environmental care aware, trying to introduce and popularize cleaner technologies like electrical
and solar energy to the mainstream and in the mind of the people,
He is family oriented, likes to help his family to achieve personal and professional goals, like he did with
Solar City and his cousins

He is collaborated and working oriented, he said that his day is succinate in 5 minutes times periods,
trying to cover the most of important activities in the shortest time possible, but he doesn’t think all in
the world is to work, to work, to work, he has a good sense of humor, hi was a Guess star in the comedy
show The big bang theory once and he loves to play videogames with his kids, his favorite game is no
man sky
May 2016 SpaceX makes history 
After many failed attempts, SpaceX successfully  landed its Falcon 9 rocket on a drone ship at sea  
after launching it into space for the first time  changing the economics of spaceflight forever.

January 2021 World’s richest man 

Musk is now worth $182.9 billion, which  again makes him the wealthiest person  
on the planet. According to Forbes' estimates,  the Tesla chief is now just less than  
$1 billion richer than Bezos, who falls  to the second-richest person in the world.
2025 Mars 
SpaceX intends to land on the Martian surface,  starting a project which could colonize Mars in  
40-100 years. Musk has said he’d like to die  there, if possible – though not on impact.
AllFrom your searchElon MuskListenableRelated

He is colabotared and working oriented, he saids that his day is seccionated in 5 minutes times
periods, trying to cover the moust of important activities in the shortes time possible, but he doesn’t
think all in the world is to work, to work, to work, he has a good sense of humor, hi was a Guess star in
the comedy show The big bang theory once and he loves to play videogames with his kids, his favorite
game is no man sky

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