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Introverts and Extroverts Article Summary

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The general public primarily misunderstands introverts due to their demeanor. Extroverts,

unlike introverts, are open-minded and love to tell stories. Because they do not communicate

their ideas, they are labeled arrogant. According to the author, introverts are misunderstood

because they do not spend as much time connecting with others as extroverts do (EUNIKE,

2021). Apart from being judgmental, people must comprehend the nature of introverts.

"Awareness and information are crucial for making significant changes and making decisive

judgments in developing fruitful partnerships. When we better grasp individual backgrounds, it

might be easy to understand, sympathize with, and converse with them. Everyone, not only your

friends, love partners, and family, is involved in building relationships. Understanding

teammates and their personalities can help you provide and accept feedback, create a better work

environment, and overcome obstacles (EUNIKE, 2021). The research will primarily look at how

society regards introverts due to misunderstanding.


Significantly, Understanding the dissimilarities of introverts' and extroverts' propensities

might help an individual understand themselves and others. Having more self-awareness could

be advantageous when things in your life don't feel right or aren't going as planned.

Understanding our habits can help us get back on track when we're feeling out of sorts. One

should not expect starlets to their introverted friends; instead, accept their offers. Introverts

should not be disregarded while developing strategies because they confront unforeseen societal

hurdles (EUNIKE, 2012. In contrast to introverts, who are secretive, extroverts have an edge in

obtaining political posts and other top occupations because of their openness. Unlike extroverts,

introverts like their company in a quieter environment. When extroverts are alone, they typically

become bored and need to find ways to keep themselves occupied, such as using cell phones

(EUNIKE, 2021). Introverts are not anti-social, as many believe, prefer solitude and calm. Others

may perceive introverts as arrogant due to their sensitivity and level-headedness attributed to

their inability to converse in small groups (EUNIKE, 2012. Introverts torture extroverts in

various ways, but both people live their lives naturally.

It's not that introverts dislike or are incapable of interacting with others. They like

interacting with others. It is, however, a question of degree. Their "outward" energy supplies

tend to be exhausted faster in high-volume exchanges (Yunos et al., 2021). On the other hand,

Extroverts frequently feel tired and exhausted when they don't get enough face time with others.

Although everyone's "people time" threshold is different, being extroverted, conservative, and

fully involved can be stressful for introverts (EUNIKE, 2021). Connecting with others is an

essential part of a leader's job, and introverts might grow exhausted if they don't have the

awareness or tools to regulate their energy. Before meetings and networking events, fatigue, even

a sense of dread, may set in. "I'd rather stay at home with a horrible book that I've already read

than face one of those awful cocktail gatherings," one introverted manager quipped, jokingly.

The frantic pace of life at work and home is a widespread complaint, despite or perhaps

because of the advancement of technology. Introverts may feel pressured by their management,

team, or organization to complete tasks quickly, even if they don't believe they have gathered all

the essential information. Despite the need to make judgments fast, most introverts undoubtedly

prefer to think about topics and ideas and take more time to consider them. Introverts value the

pause because it allows them to gather their breath and reflect (EUNIKE, 2021). Finding pauses

in deadline-driven, fast-paced workplaces with technology and other distractions demonstrates

planning a compelling, convincing plea regarding work difficulties. Extroverts and quick talkers,

on the other hand, frequently believe you've completed speaking when you pause, even if you

haven't. For an introvert, this is a disruption, while for extroverts, it is merely filling the void.

Introverts have a lot of insights, ideas, and solutions, but if you can't find a method to share

them, they'll go unnoticed (EUNIKE, 2021). When they speak up, they claim that their ideas are

frequently ignored or stolen by more aggressive people in their immediate environment.

For many introverts, self-promotion is difficult due to a fear of networking and a natural

predisposition toward modesty. According to Schritt (2021), they place high importance on

privacy; thus, bragging about their achievements on social media makes them feel uneasy. When

their extroverted friends are prominent on these platforms, this can be challenging to solve.

Introverts' facial expressions are typically less emotional than extroverts'. Even if nothing is

wrong, introverts are frequently questioned, "What's wrong?" Most likely, they're merely

pondering something. One method of looking at how these impressions are created is through a

notion called The Perception Gap. The Perception Gap describes how the receiver of your

message misinterprets the feelings or attitudes you wish to represent (Schritt, 2021). For

example, you may wish to demonstrate an interest in speaking, but the conversational partner

senses boredom since you are focused and don't nod your head. They leave the conversation

presuming you're uninterested in their subject, even if this isn't the case.


These and more difficulties confront introverts, but many of them are caused by a lack of

understanding and misconceptions about introverts; these are simply the most common issues

that most introverts face. We must teach ourselves and society to deconstruct negative

stereotypes so that introverts can develop their personalities with the same freedom as extroverts.

Furthermore, society needs to educate itself on the nature of introverts and overcome its

prejudices against them. Specifically, the debate over class participation is driven by the reality

that introverts do not dread being asked to speak; they want time to analyze and formulate an

answer. While various solutions to such issues have been proposed, distance learning is more

appropriate for college classes than grade school. Then there's the issue of people not

understanding introverts' demands, which can have various uncontrollable implications, such as

how others perceive introverts due to teachers' responses. And all of this can harm individuals in

the job market and at work.






Schritt, J. (2021). Janus-faced presidents: extroverted and introverted politics in oil-age Niger.

Review of African Political Economy, 48(169), 420-441.

Yunos, F. R. M., & Husin, M. R. (2021). Relationship between Introversion and Extroversion

Personality and Learning Styles of UPSI Student. International Journal of Humanities,

Management and Social Science, 4(2), 76-82.


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