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Topic: Phonics

Objectives: to introduce and practice the new vocabulary and grammatical material, to
review the story, to point and say, to develop students` listening, speaking, reading and
writing skills.

Materials: flashcards of down, brown, mouse, house; phonics cards of down, house.

1) Підручник «Англійська мова» 4 клас Г.К. Мітчелл.
2) Smart Junior 4 Teacher's Book.
3) Інтернет джерела:

Хід уроку

І. Початок уроку

1.1 Привітання

- Good morning, children! I am glad to see you.

- Good morning, teacher! We are glad to see you, too.
- Sit down, please! I am your English teacher for today. My name is Oksana

1.2. Організаційна частина

- Let’s see if you have everything you need for your lesson. Show me your
- Now I see that you are ready for the lesson, let’s start!

1.3. Мовленнєва розминка

Tell me please:
- What day is today? – It is Tuesday.
- Is it Friday/Thursday/ Monday/ Wednesday today? – No, it isn’t.
- So, tell me please, what day is it today? - It is Tuesday today.
- How are you today? – I am fine/bad/ok/so-so/wonderful/ not so good.
- What is the weather like today? – It’s cold/warm/sunny/cloudy/rainy/windy today.
- What season is it now? – It is spring now.
- Is it autumn/winter/summer now? – No, it isn’t. It’s spring now.
- What are the spring months? - The spring months are March, April,and May.
- What month is it now? – It is March now.
- Is it April/May now? - No, it isn’t. It’s March now.
- Well done!

1. 4. Фонетична розминка

- Now we will read a tongue-twister with sound [au].

- Listen to the tongue-twister.

Little Mouse, Little Mouse,

Will you come out of your house?
Thank you, Pussy! Says the mouse
I won’t leave my little house.

- Let’s practice this sound. Repeat after me: [au] - [au] - [au] - [au]
- Let’s read the words with this sound. Listen and repeat after me 3 times: mouse,
house, out.
- Let’s read our tongue-twister line by line and translate it.
- Let’s read our tongue-twister all together.
- Thank you! Well done!

ІІ. The main part

2.1. Оголошення теми і мети уроку

- Children, today we have a lesson on Phonics. We will practice sound [au].

But before it, we will review the story we read at the previous lesson.

2.2. Повторення матеріалу. Робота з підручником.

- Children, let’s see what you remember from the story about the treasure hunt.

(I hold up the book and ask students to tell me what they remember from the story)
- Tell me please, where are the children? (They are at school.)
- What are they doing? (They are taking part in a treasure hunt.)
- What is the treasure? (Tickets to the zoo for the children.)
- How do they feel? (They are happy.)

- Now, open your books at pages 68–69, ex.1 and we will listen to the story.
(Включаю аудіозапис діалогу)

- Children, please follow along in your books.

- Now we will listen again and you will read with the speaker.
- Now let’s read the story in parts. Vika, you will be Zoe, Iryna, you will be Lucy,
Christina, you will be Dylan, Katya, you will be Tony.
- Well done!

2.3 Фізкультхвилинка

- Now, I see that you are a bit tired, so let’s have a rest and do some exercises.
(Показую відео фізкультхвилинку)

2.4 Вивчення нового матеріалу.

- На сьогоднішньому уроці ми навчимося вимовляти звуки ow [au] та ou [au],а
також правильно вимовляти їх у словах.
- Look at the blackboard. Here we have some new sounds. Listen and repeat after
me three times all together.
1) ow - [au]
2) ou - [au]
2.6 Робота з підручником
- Let’s do exercise 1 on page 70.
- Listen and say.
-Listen again and repeat.
- Well done!
- Now, children, let’s do exercise 2 on page 70. Direct your attention to the picture.
- What do you see in the picture?(A house with a cow on the roof.)
- What color is the house? (It’s brown.)
- What color is the cow?(It’s black and white.)
- Now you are going to listen to a chant and you will have to say the words that have
the /au/ sound.
- Listen and follow along in your books.
- Listen again and say the words.(Town, brown, house, cow, house, down, down)
- Now chant along.
2.7 Вправи на закріплення
- Now you can see the phonics cards of down and house on your desk. I will play the
phonics chant and each time you hear one of these words, you have to raise the
appropriate phonics card while you say the chant. (Я ввімкну звукову пісню, і
щоразу, коли ви чуєте одне з цих слів, ви повинні підняти відповідну звукову
картку, поки звучить наспів).

- Well done!
- Now I will divide you into two teams.
- A student from each team will come up to the board (Я даю кожному маркер)
- I will call out one of the words you learnt in the lesson and you have to write the
digraph on the board.
(The student that does this the fastest wins a point for his/her team. The team with the
most points wins.)
E.g brown - ow
- Good job! Well done!
ІІІ. Підсумок уроку

3.1. Бесіда

- What did you learn today?

- What new sounds have we learned?
- What words with this sound can you name?

3.2. Повідомлення домашнього завдання

- Your home task for the next time will be to learn new words with this sound.
- Our lesson is over. Thanks for your attention. It was nice to work with you.

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