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Patricia Nicole Cruz


Assignment 2

Why do you think that the last level of Kohlberg’s Six Stages of Moral
Development is not reached by all and is even rarely seen in adults?

Because society and culture influence our decision-making process, I believe

that not everyone achieves Kohlberg's last level in his Six Stadiums of Moral
Development. We are focusing on the repercussions of our acts, good or bad, in the two
initial phases of the Kohlberg Theory of Moral Development, most of which are founded
on social standards. We learn to decide on issues to avoid penalties, for instance in the
initial stages of level 1, without discomfiting others or causing injury to ourselves, we
seek the greatest thing we can do for ourselves. When we reach level 2, conventional
morality, the impact of society grows. We learn how to choose on the basis of people's
reactions. We consider how our decisions might impact our connection with them and
take their points into consideration. In terms of what's good and wrong, we obey the
rules and regulations of society so we don't cause any social chaos.

While the moral development theory of Kohlberg was critiqued, the theory had a
major influence in the formation of the discipline of moral psychology. According to
researchers, moral thinking evolves throughout life, with certain stages similar to all
people. As a result of these stages, it is possible to have a better understanding of
moral decision-making in children and adults, as well from the very beginning of our
decision-making process, we constantly examine two variables: you and society/culture.
Not only do we think about what's best for ourselves, but we also considering the
feelings of the people around us. That is why I don't believe that most adults arrive at
the final stages of Kohlberg's theory of moral development, as we already develop with
this state of mind, and we are supposed to concentrate on complex thought and do
things that are ethically correct but not in the eyes of the society when it comes to the
last level.

Lumen. (2008). Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development | Education, Society, & the K-
12 Learner.

Mcleod, S. (2013). Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development.;

Simply Psychology.

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