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Completează traducerile următoarelor propoziții:

1. Eu nu sunt pilot.
I am   a pilot.
2. Ești avocat?
 you a lawyer?
3. El nu e fermier. E bucătar.
He   not a farmer. He is a chef.
4. Este ea contabil? Da, este.
Is she   accountant? Yes, she is.
5. Jinxy nu e câine. E pisică.
Jinxy is not a dog.   is a cat.
6. Noi nu suntem funcționari.
We   not clerks.
7. Sunteți voi medici stomatologi?
Are   dentists?
8. Sunt ei / ele scriitori / scriitoare? Nu, nu sunt.
Are   writers? No, they're not.
9. Este un ceas de perete? Nu, este un ceas de mână.
Is   a clock? No, it is a watch.
10.Care este slujba ta? Sunt medic veterinar.
What is your job? I am   veterinarian.
The 26th of July, Tuesday
Times of the day / week / year
1.Days of the week
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
2. Numbers
13-19 >”teen” !!!13(thirteen/15-fifteen)
20-90>”ty” !!!30(thirty/50-fifty)
100-one hundred
1000-one thousand 1000000-one million 1000000000-one milliard
!!!One, two, three … are cardinal numbers.
First, second, third … are ordinal numbers.
The main exceptions are with the numbers 1, 2, and 3.
one – first(1st)
two – second(2nd)
three – third(3rd)
Also you need to be careful with the spelling of some ordinal numbers:
five – fifth (not “fiveth“)
nine – ninth (not “nineth“)
The ordinal numbers from 1st to 31st in English are:
8th – eighth 16th – sixteenth
1st – first 9th – ninth 17th – seventeenth
2nd – second 10th – tenth 18th – eighteenth
3rd – third 11th – eleventh 19th – nineteenth
4th – fourth 12th – twelfth 20th – twentieth
5th – fifth 13th – thirteenth 21st – twenty-first
6th – sixth 14th – fourteenth 22nd – twenty-second
7th – seventh 15th – fifteenth 23rd – twenty-third
24th – twenty-fourth 27th – twenty-seventh 30th – thirtieth
25th – twenty-fifth 28th – twenty-eighth 31st – thirty-first
26th – twenty-sixth 29th – twenty-ninth
Her birthday is on the 29th. (Twenty-ninth)
Their Independence Day is on the 4th of July. (Fourth of July)
I came third in the race.
This is the first time it has happened.
Our office is on the ninth floor.
She lives on the second floor.
A person’s 15th birthday is an important celebration in Mexico.
He had a huge party for his twenty-first birthday.
Shakespeare was born in the 16th century.
The Renaissance was a period in European history from the 14th to the 17th century.
hour -oră
day -zi evening -seară
date -dată night -noapte
week -săptămână midday -miezul zilei
weekend -sfârșit de săptămână midnight -miezul nopții
month -lună today -astăzi
year -an tonight -la noapte
morning-dimineață tomorrow -mâine
afternoon -după-masă the day after tomorrow poimâine
Prepositions In/On/At
In-months: in March
seasons: in spring
years: in 2012
On-dates: on the 1st of March
days of the week: on Friday
At-hours: at 9 o'clock/at midnight
What time is it?
Question: What time is it? / What's the time?
Answer: It is 9.15. / It's 9.15.
sharp -fix(o’clock)
9.15 → a quarter past 9 → un sfert după 9
9.20 → twenty past 9 → douăzeci după 9
9.30 → half past 9 → jumătate după 9
9.40 → twenty to 10 → douăzeci până la 10
9.45 → a quarter to 10 → un sfert până la 10
10.00 → 10 o'clock / 10 sharp → ora 10 / 10 fix
(to) meet (a) întâlni
(to) leave (a) pleca
(to) arrive (a) ajunge
(to) return (a) se întoarce
(to) watch (a) privi
(to) sleep (a) dormi
3.Months of the year(lunile anului)
5.Plural of the Nouns
-s -es(ch,sh,s,x,o,z) y-i(-es)
Dog-Dogs watch-watches story-stories
Boy-boys fox-foxes secretary-secretaries
one man - two men
one woman - two women
one child - two children
6.Personal Pronouns/To be/Present Simple
7.Family Members
father children copii
dad - familiar tată brother frate
mother sister soră
mum - familiar (Br.) grandfather bunic
mom - familiar (Am.) mamă grandmother bunică
parents -părinţi grandparents bunici
husband soţ grandson nepot
wife soţie granddaughter nepoată
son fiu grandchildren nepoţi
daughter fiică uncle unchi
aunt mătuşă
cousin verişor / verişoară
nephew nepot (de frate / soră)
niece nepoată (de frate / soră)
in-laws- rude prin alianţă
father-in-law socru
mother-in-law soacră
son-in-law ginere
daughter-in-law noră
brother-in-law cumnat
sister-in-law cumnată
this acesta / aceasta
that acela / aceea
these aceştia / acestea
those aceia / acelea

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