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CCCH9029 Contents

Common diseases: preventable, o Dementia

o Stroke
curable, or incurable? o Diabetes
o Asthma
Zhang-Jin Zhang (張樟進) o Constipation
Professor, School of Chinese Medicine, HKU
o Menstrual pain
o Migraine
November 18, 2020 o Nearsightedness (myopia)
o Eczema

The course of human life: 中醫哲學: 健康长寿,无疾而终

Chinese philosophy TCM philosophy: healthily aged
and die without suffering
o 上古之人,其知道者,法於陰陽,
生 老 病 死
be born, to grow old, to get sick, and to die 和於術數,食飲有節,起居有常,


何謂天年,何謂夭折 (1) 何謂天年,何謂夭折 (2)
Happy longevity & unexpected death Happy longevity & unexpected death
o 天年 (natural span of life): 120 years
o 天年 (natural span of life): 天賦的壽命 o 九折 (10% off): 108 years (茶壽)

o 天年: 120歲 (120 years) = 兩個甲子。 o 八折 (20% off):96 years (高夀)

o 七折 (30% off):84 years
o 一甲子: cycle of sixty years
o 六折 (40% off):73 years (虛歲)
o 頤養天年 (peacefully and joyfully
o 夭折 (die before getting 60 years):
getting old):開心地活到老。
o 人生七十三、八十四,閻王不叫自己去。
o 夭寿 (原意: 夭者,少也):Die before 60 o 73歲後多有病痛纏身 (Getting illness from 73
years old 未成年而亡。 years)。

The course of human life: 我們可以無疾而終嗎?

Chinese philosophy Can we die without suffering?

生 老 病 死
be born, to grow old, to get sick, and to die

p Senile dementia 老年性癡呆

p Stroke 腦中風
(Downloaded from internet)

10 top diseases of death in 2013
Compromising strategy
死 因 死亡人数 %

1. 惡性腫瘤 13 727

生 病
2. 肺炎
3. 心臟病
7 431
6 361

4. 腦血管病 3 328 7.3
Die without
5. 疾病和死亡的外因(意外) 1 513 3.3 無疾而終 suffering
6. 慢性下呼吸道疾病 1 740 3.8
7. 腎病 1 671 3.7 Die with
8. 痴呆 1 108 2.4 less illness
9. 敗血病 881 1.9 少疾而終 輕疾而終
10. 糖尿病 388 0.8
Die with
11. 所有其他原因 7 562 16.5
無痛而終 mild illness
12. 所有原因 45 710 100
Die without
Only <16.5% could die without suffering. pain

Quality of Death Index

An index of death with and without

The life expectancies of HK (1971-2015)
Hong Kong's women and men enjoy the
longest life expectancy in the world

p The life expectancies at birth for both sexes have steadily

increased during the past 45 years, from 67.8 years for
males and 75.3 years for females in 1971 to 81.2 years and
87.3 years respectively in 2015 (Source: Centre for Health
Protection, Department of Health, HKSAR)

Senile dementia in HK Classification of dementia

o Alzheimer's disease: 50%-70%
o Vascular dementia: 25%: stroke
o Lewy body dementia: 15%: visual
hallucinations and “parkinsonism".
o Frontotemporal dementia (FTD): 5%:
drastic personality changes and
From 86,000 in 2010 to 233,000 in 2036 language difficulties

Yu et al., 2010. WHO, 2012; Burns & Iliffe, 2009

簡易智能測驗 The time course of cognitive
Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)

o Mild cognitive impairment (MCI):

70% with MCI progress to dementia:
MMSE score 27-30 (normal).
o Early stage: MMSE score 20-25
o Middle stage: MMSE score 6-17
o Later stage: need 24-hour supervision

Comorbid symptoms of dementia Medications for dementia

o 乙醯膽鹼酯酶抑制劑 (Cholinesterase inhibitors):
o Balance problems
n 多奈呱齊 (donepezil)
o Tremor
symptoms o Speech and language difficulty n 利斯的明 (rivastigmine)
o Trouble eating or swallowing
n 加蘭他敏 (galantamine)
o Depression o NMDA拮抗劑: 美金剛 (memantine)
o Anxiety
o Anti-Aβ: aducanumab, crenezumab,
o Elated mood
o Agitation/irritability solanezumab
symptoms o Apathy o β-secretase (BACE) 抑制劑: Lanabecestat,
o Impulsivity
o Delusions and hallucinations
o sleep disorders

高錕 (Charles K. Kao) (1933-2018) Management strategy for dementia
Nobel Prize in Physics in 2009
p Diagnosed Alzheimer’s p Preventive and
disease in 2003 when early intervention
he was 70 years old and p Mild cognitive
die in 2018 at 84 years
impairment (MCI)
of his age.
p His wife Gwen said that
Charles would deliver If you forget taking keys
his speech in the Nobel when you leave from (Downloaded from internet)

Ceremony if the prize home twice per week, you

could be awarded him definitely have MCI
one year earlier.

中醫典籍有關癡呆症的記載 Chinese Herbal Medicine for MCI

Dementia recorded in TCM literatures
o 《靈樞 天年》:人生十歲,五臟始定,血氣已通,其氣在下
o 孫思邈《華佗神醫秘傳》:首次出現“癡呆”。

o 清 沈金鼇《雜病源流犀燭 中風源流》:“中風後善忘”。

Resveratrol (白藜蘆醇), a natural compound
derived from grape skins against dementia Ginseng against dementia

百合水提取物改善更年期輕度認知損傷 Nootropic herbal formulae

p 補中益氣湯 p 六味地黃丸
p 益氣聰明湯 p 人參養榮湯
p 安神補心丸 p 黃連解毒湯
p 地黃飲子 p 小半夏湯
p 鉤藤散 p 小柴胡湯

Zhang et al, 2016

Nootropic herbal compounds
Herbal Name Active Mechanisms of actions
千層塔 石杉堿甲 Inhibit AChE
Yokukansan Huperziaserrata (Huperzine A)
(抑肝散) 石蒜科植物 加蘭他敏 Inhibit AChE
(Amaryllidaceae) (Galanthamine)
for Dementia
銀杏葉 標準提取物 (EGb (1) Inhibit AChE, β-adrenergic
(Ginkgo) 761) receptors; (2) antagonize
GABAA receptors; (3) Neuro-
人參 人參皂甙 (1) Enhance ACh synthesis; (2)
(Ginseng) (Ginsenosides) inhibit β-amyloid; (3) neuro-
protection; (4) modulate ACh,
GABA, and HPA axis
Matsunaga et al., 2016

Nootropic herbal compounds (con’d) Nootropic herbal compounds (con’d)

Herbal Name compounds Mechanisms of actions Herbal Name Active
compounds Mechanisms of actions
水提取物 Modulate ACh, 5-HT2, 5-HT1A (1) Improve hippocampal
Water extracts and GABAA receptors synaptophysin and synaptic
五味子酮 (1) Reduce APP+ cells;(2) 知母皂苷 plasticity;(2) enhance NA,
(schisandrone) reduce Tau levels;(3) (timosaponin) DA, 5-HT synthesis;(3)
antioxidant; (4) stabilize 知母 Common reduce the production of β-
五味子 intracellular calcium level. Anemarrhena AP.
Schisandra Rhizome (1) Modulate M1 and M2
五味子酚 (1) Antioxidant;(2) inhibit
知母皂苷元 receptors;(2) reduce β-AP-
(schisanhenol) AChE
(Sarsasapogenin) induced synaptic impairment;
五味子醇甲 (1) improve pathological antagonize cortical neuronal
(schisandrin) changes in brain tissues;(2) apoptosis.
increase synaptophysin

Nootropic herbal compounds (con’d)
Herbal Active
Nootropic herbal compounds (con’d)
Name compounds Mechanisms of actions
Herbal Name Active compounds Mechanisms of actions
(1) Increase hippocampal stem 天麻Gastrodia 天麻素(gastrodin) (1) antioxidants; (2) b-AP;
葛根 葛根素 cells and BDNF;(3) antagonize 天麻苷元(HBA) (3) Suppress GABA
Pueraria (puerarin) neurotoxic effects of free radicals transporters
and β-AP;(4) apoptosis.
吳茱萸 evodia 去氫吳茱萸堿 (1) 抑制AChE; (2) b-AP; (3)
rutaecarpa (dehydroevodiamine) apoptosis
靈芝 靈芝多糖 (1) Synaptophysin;(2) apoptosis;
Ganoderma (Polysaccharides) (3) neuroinflammation
鉤藤 Uncaria 鉤藤堿(rhynchophylline) M1, 5-HT2和NMDA
(1) Antioxidants and receptors
neuroprotection; (2) protect
枸杞 當歸Angelica 阿魏酸 (ferulic acid) Antioxidants
多糖 against brain ischemia-induced
(polysaccharides) brain impairment; (3) apoptosis ; 益智仁 Water extracts (1) Antioxidants;(2)
(4) activate microglia to produce Alpiniae increase ChAT activity; (3)
immune factors. oxyphyllae inhibit AChE.

Non-pharmacological interventions for

Nootropic herbal compounds (con’d)
preventing from dementia
Herbal Active compounds Mechanisms of actions
Name p Yoga 瑜伽 (Danucalov et al., 2017)
側柏葉 紅松內酯 Antioxidants, neuroprotection
Platycladus (pinusolides) p Tai-chi 太極拳 (Lam et al., 2005)
遠志 提取物(BT-11) (1) AChE; (2) neuroprotection;
p Meditation 冥思 (Innes et al., 2018)
Polygala (3) Neurotropic factors p Acupuncture 針灸
黃芪 Water extracts (1) AChE; (2) antioxidants p Diet 食療
Astragalus p Chorus singing 合唱
續斷 Ethanol extracts Antioxidants, neuroprotection p Cross-word puzzles 文字遊戲
Dipsacus p Swimming 游泳
何首烏 Water extracts (1) Antioxidants;(2) 5-HT2A p Plaza Dancing 廣場舞?
Fallopia receptors;(3) MAO-B
multiflora Ashford et al., 2015; Zhou et al., 2015

Our study: acupuncture
Acupuncture for Alzheimer’s disease improved vascular dementia

Plaza Dancing 廣場舞: 減緩癡呆發生? 八段錦可以推遲癡呆嗎?身體力行

Photo downloaded from internet

The prevalence and death of
The prevalence of stroke in HK (2012) stroke in China
p 215.6 per 100,000 each year.
p Over 8 million acute stroke
patients each year.
p > 1.5 million stroke-related
deaths every year.

p 絕大部份存活下來的中風病人成為不同程度的傷殘, Jia et al., 2010


中藥注射液治療急性腦梗塞 中藥用於中風後康復 Chinese herbal

Chinese herbal injections for treating acute medicines for post stroke recovery
cerebral infarction

p 丹紅滴注液 (Danhong)
p 舒血寧注射液 (Shuxuening)
p 銀杏達莫注射液 (Yinxingdamo)
p 疏血通注射液 (Shuxuetong)
p 紅花黃色素注射液 (HongHuaHuangSeSu)
p 燈盞細辛注射液 (DengZhanXiXin)
A, without acupuncture. B, combined with acupuncture
p 參芎葡萄糖注射液 (Shenxiong glucose)
Han et al. Medicine (2017) 96:49
Liu et al., 2018

Chinese medicine reduces poststroke
neurological symptoms

Wu et al. 2007

Wu et al. 2007

Comprehensive Acupuncture
Acupuncture for stroke Therapy (CAT)
p 肢體癱瘓 Limbic paralysis (Zhang et al., 2014)
p ⾔語障礙 Dysphasia/aphasia (Sun et al., 2012)
p 吞咽困難 Dysphagia (Xie et al., 2008)
p ⼆便失禁 Incontinence (Thomas et al., 2008)
p 精神症狀 Mental symptoms (Zhang et al., 2010)
p 呃逆 Hiccups (Yue et al., 2016)
p 疼痛 Pain (Mulla et al., 2015)

Diabetes symptomatology
o Urinating often
o Feeling very thirsty
p Type II diabetes is currently o Feeling very hungry, even though
affecting around one in 10 you are eating
o Extreme fatigue
people in HK or about 700,000 o Blurry vision
people. o Cuts/bruises that are slow to heal
o Weight loss—even though you are
eating more (type 1)
o Tingling, pain, or numbness in the
hands/feet (type 2)

Change in blood glucose level Diabetes: Herbal medicine

after ingestion
o increase the production of the body fluids
and relieve thirst (生津止渴): Tianhuafen (天
花粉), Zhi-mu (知母), ren-shen (人参), sheng-
di (生地), mai-dong (麦冬), niu-xi (牛膝), yu-
mi-xu (玉米须)。
o Expel heat and purge fire (清熱降火): huang-
qin (黄芩), da-huang (大黄), hou-po (厚朴),
huang-lian (黄连), Shigao (石膏)。
o Nourish the Kidney-yin (滋養腎陰): shan-zhu-
yu (山茱萸), shou-di (熟地), shan-yao (山药)﹐
Yizhiren (益智仁), Sang-piao-xiao (桑螵蛸).

Diabetes Diabetes
Dietary therapy: dietary porridges Dietary therapy: Medicated Diets
o Balsam pear (苦瓜): It is proven clinically that it can
o Spinach porridge(菠菜粥):Spinach 100-150g, non- reduce the blood glucose.
glutinous rice 50g.
o Onion: light taste with neutral in nature, it reduce blood
o Celery porridge(芹菜粥):fresh celery 60-100g, cut glucose. Take the decoction made from 50-100g of onion.
it into pieces and cook into porridge with 50g of
o Huangqi (黃蓍), Chinese Yam (山藥),sea cucumbers (海参)
non-glutinous rice. Diabetics with hypertension.
and trichosanthes root (瓜蒌根) can be a supplementary
o Radish porridge (萝卜粥): Fresh radish, cook into treatment.
porridge with 50g of non-glutinous rice. Diabetics o Stewed Duck with Yu-Zhu (玉竹) and Sha-Shen (沙参):
with body overweight. Yu-Zhu 30-50 g, Sha-Shen 30g, one old duck, stew them
o Chinese wolfberry porridge(枸杞子粥): Chinese with scallion (大蔥) and ginger. It is suitable for diabetics
wolfberry 15-20g, cook into porridge with 50g of of middle-aged people.
non-glutinous rice. Diabetics with lower weight and o Steamed Chicken with Chinese wolfberry: Chinese
low fever. wolfberry 15g, one hen, cook with wine, ginger and salt
and then steam them.

Diabetes Diabetes
Dietary therapy: soups and drinks Acupuncture and exercise
o Soup of Sticky Rice and the Root Bark of White Mulberry
(桑树根皮): quick-fried sticky rice 30g, the root bark of
o Acupuncture:
white mulberry 30g, drink the decoction made from n diabetic neuropathic pain
them. for diabetics with extreme thirst.
o Soup of Spinach and Tremella (白木耳): fresh root of
n retina degeneration
spinach 150-200g, tremella 20g. for diabetics with n erectile dysfunction
o Pigeon Soup of Chinese Yam (山药) and Yu-Zhu (玉竹) : n constipation
one pigeon, Chinese yam 30g, Yu-Zhu 20g: for diabetics o Exercise: control body weight and
of yin deficiency type.
mood, improve the quality of life:
o Green Tea with Chrysanthemum (菊花) and Sophora
Flower (槐花): chrysanthemum 3g, sophora flower 3g,
taichi, qi-gong.
green tea 3g. for diabetics with high blood pressure.

TCM classification of asthma
Asthma (哮喘) o Excessive type (實證)
n Wind-cold constraining lung (风寒束肺): cough,
o Prevalence in HK asthma, chest tightness, clear thin sputum, chills,
fever without sweating.
n 9.4% in children n Phlegm-heat blocking lung (痰热壅肺): urgent
asthma, chest tightness, yellowish viscid (sticky)
n 5.8% in elderly aged 70 years sputum, flushed face, high fever, dry mouth.
o Clinical manifestations o Deficiency-type (虛證)
n Deficiency of Lung-qi (肺氣虛): urgent asthma,
n air hunger with heavy breathing shortness of breath, tiredness, cough and thin
sputum, spontaneous sweating, wind-aversion.
n open mouth and raised shoulders n Failure of Kidney to catch Qi (腎不納氣): chronic
asthma, more exhalation than inhalation,
n The feelings of chest tightness aggravated by even slight activity, shortness of
breath, much thin sputum, sweating, cold limbs,
aching waist, edema.

Asthma: herbal medicine Asthma

Moxibustion in the hottest days (三伏灸)
o Wind-cold constraining lung (风寒束肺): Mahuang tang o TCM says: Winter diseases should be
(ephedra decoction, 麻黃湯) plus banxia (半夏) bile-
treated nanxing (膽南星) and baijiezi (白芥子). treated in the summer (冬病夏治). Asthma is
o Phlegm-heat blocking lung (痰热壅肺): Ma Xing Shi Gang a commonly incurring disease in the winter.
Tang (Ephedra, Almond, gypsum, and Licorice Decoction,
麻杏石甘湯)。 o The hottest, most sultry days of summer,
o Deficiency of Lung-qi (肺氣虛): Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
(Middle-restoring and Qi-augmenting Decoction, 補中益氣 most commonly experienced in the months
湯): bai-zhu (白朮), ren-shen (人參), dang gui (當歸), chai- of July and August, e. g.,
hu (柴胡), da-zao (大棗), chen-pi (陳皮), gan-cao (甘草),
sheng-ma (升麻) and sheng-jiang (生薑). n 1st 10 days: Jul 16-25, 2020
o Failure of Kidney to catch Qi (腎不納氣): Jin Gui Shen Qi
Wan (Kidney-Qi Pill, 金匱腎氣丸): Fu-Ling (茯苓), Fu-Zi (附 n 2nd 10 days: Jul 26-Aug 14, 2012
子), Gui-Zhi (桂枝), Mu-Dan-Pi (牡丹皮), Shan-Yao (山藥),
Shan-Zhu-Yu (山茱萸), Sheng-Di-Huang箊(生地黃), Ze-Xie n 3rd 10 days: Aug 15-24, 2012

Asthma: topical application with
Acupoints for moxibustion in the hottest days
(三伏灸) herbs in the hottest days (三伏貼)

Strongly pungent herbs

o Feishu (BL13, 肺俞) o Bai-Jie-Zi (白芥子)
o Da-zhui (GV14, 大椎) o Xi-Xin (細辛)
o Geshu (BL17﹐膈俞) o Yan-Hu-Suo (延胡索)
o Dry Ginger (干薑)
o Pishu (BL20﹐脾俞)
o Ganshu (BL18﹐肝俞)

Asthma: acupuncture
o Wind-cold constraining lung (风寒束肺): unblock the lung and
Asthma: dietary therapies
dispel Cold (宣肺驅寒): Lieque (LU7, 列缺), Shanzhong (CV17, 膻
中), Feishu (BL13, 肺俞), Fengmen (BL12, 風門), Hegu (LI4, 合
o Neutral and warm food: lamb, beef, pork,
o Phlegm-heat blocking lung (痰热壅肺): dissipate phlegm and chicken; apple, grape, peach, leechee, date,
purge Heat (祛痰清熱): Chize (LU5, 尺澤), Zhongfu (LU1, 中府), carrot (紅蘿蔔), Chinese cabbage (大白菜). red
Fenglong (ST40, 豐隆), Dingchuan (EX-BA-1, 定喘: 0.5 cun bean (紅豆), radish (蘿蔔), Chinese yam (山
lateral to Dazhui DU14, 大椎: the depression below the spinous
process of the seventh cervical vertebra).
藥)… …
o Deficiency of Lung-qi (肺氣虛): Strengthen Lung-Qi (補益肺氣): o Dieting (忌口): avoid cold-cool food (寒涼之品):
Shanzhong (CV17, 膻中), Taiyuan (LU9, 太淵), Zhongfu (LU1, 中 duck, crab (螃蟹) and other cold-type seafood
府), Feishu (BL13, 肺俞), Zusanli (ST36, 足三里). that may cause asthma, chrysanthemum
o Failure of Kidney to catch Qi (腎不納氣): Strengthen Kidney-Qi flower tea (菊花茶), green tea, mint, balsam
to catch down Lung-Qi (補腎納氣): Feishu (BL13, 肺俞), Shenshu
(BL23, 腎俞), Qihai (CV6, 氣海), Guanyuan (CV4, 關元), Taixi pear (苦瓜).
(KI3, 太溪), Zusanli (ST36, 足三里).

Asthma: dietary therapies Constipation (便秘)
o Neutral and warm food: lamb, beef, pork, o Chronic constipation is a common medical problem,
chicken; apple, grape, peach, leechee, date, with a prevalence of 14% in HK population and 24%
in elderly.
carrot (紅蘿蔔), Chinese cabbage (大白菜). red
o Definition:
bean (紅豆), radish (蘿蔔), Chinese yam (山
n have a bowel movement fewer than three times
藥)… … per week.
o Dieting (忌口): avoid cold-cool food (寒涼之品): n Stools are usually hard, dry, small in size.
duck, crab (螃蟹) and other cold-type seafood n difficult to eliminate.
that may cause asthma, chrysanthemum n It may be painful to have a bowel movement.
flower tea (菊花茶), green tea, mint, balsam n Often experience straining, bloating, and the
pear (苦瓜). sensation of a full bowel.

Etiology of constipation Constipation – herbal medicine

o Heat-type: cool heat and moisten the intestines (清熱潤
o Lack dietary fibers in food (飲食中缺乏 腸): Maziren Wan (Cannabis Pill, 麻子仁丸): huomaren
纖維) (火麻仁), kuxingren (苦杏仁), baishaoyao (白芍藥), zhizi
(梔子), houpo (厚朴), dahuang (大黃), baimi (honey, 白蜜)。
o Excessive intake of acrid, spicy and
o Qi stagnation: smooth Qi movement and remove
rich food (辛辣食物) blockage (順氣化滯): Liu Mo Decoction (Six grounded
o Insufficient physical movement (運動 herbs Decoction, 六磨湯). Binlang (檳榔), wuyao (烏藥),
muxiang (木香), zhishi (枳實), chenxiang (沉香), dahuang
不足) (大黃), yuliren (鬱李仁).
o Excessive stress (生活壓力) o Deficiency-type: Warm and moisten to ease defecation
(溫潤通便): Ji Chuan Jian (Liquid-increasing moistened
o Chronic illness (長期生病) Decoction, 濟川煎): Niuxi (牛膝), danggui (當歸),
roucongrong (肉蓯蓉), zhiqiao (枳殼), rougui (肉桂), fuzi
o Side effects of medication (藥物副作用) (附子), gancao (甘草).

Constipation – Acupuncture Dietary therapy
o Common acupoints: dachangshu (BL25, 大肠 o Fiber-rich food:
俞), Tianshu (ST25, 天枢), Zhigou (SJ6, 支沟). n vegetables: spinach, broccoli, bean sprouts,
o Cold type: moxibustion cabbage, various beans, etc.
o Heat type: Hegu (LI4, 合谷), Quchi (LI11, 曲池). n Whole grains
o Qi stagnation: Zhongwan (CV12, 中脘), n Fruits: peaches, pears, pineapple, banana
Xingjian (LR2, 行间).
n Various beans
o Qi and blood Deficiency: Pishu (BL20, 脾俞),
Weishu (BL21, 胃俞). o Avoid spicy and acrid food
o Yang-qi deficiency: moxibustion on Shenque o For heat and excessive constipation, often drink
(CV8, 神闕), Qihai (CV6, 气海). honey water; for elderly with cold and
deficiency constipation, have vegetable-made
soups and porridges.

Constipation Menstrual pain 痛經

Other therapies (cramps, dysmenorrhea)
o Regularly do exercises: sit-up, hiking after o Manifestation: lower abdominal pain and
meals, jog, swimming, taichi, etc. distention preceding and during menstrual flow.
The degree of pain is variable. It may be colicky
o Self-massage around on Shenque (CV8, 神 and may extend to the lumbosacral area,
闕), Tianshu (ST25, 天枢), and Zhongwan companied with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
(CV12, 中脘) to improve bowel movement. dizziness, and weakness.
o Menstrual pain can be primary and secondary.
Primary menstrual pain is not associated with
any organic diseases. The secondary may be
caused by diseases associated with the pelvic

Menstrual pain Menstrual pain
TCM classification herbal medicine
o Dong Gui (當歸) is also known as the "female ginseng," it is
o Deficiency type: This may come from commonly used to regulate the menstrual cycle and relieve
menstrual cramps.
inadequate endowment, overindulgence
o Chuan Xiong (川芎) is a key medicinal herb for treating
in sexual activity, multiple pregnancies menstrual pain by improving blood circulation and promoting
the flow of "qi" or vital energy.
and childbirth, or chronic illness. o Bai Shao (炒白芍) can nourish the blood, improve circulation,
and alleviate tension and anxiousness. It is also used for a
o Qi Stagnation and blood stasis. This may wide variety of gynecological problems.
come from chronic depression, rage, o Yi Mu Cao (Chinese Motherwort, 益母草) is widely used to treat
menstrual problems. It can improve blood circulation and clear
invasion of Cold evil, and accumulation of blood clots that occur in menstrual disorders and after
dampness-heat. o Yan Hu Suo (Corydalis Rhizome, 延胡索) is a well-known herb
to strengthen blood circulation and to relieve pain.

Menstrual pain Menstrual pain

Acupuncture, moxibustion and self-massage dietary therapy
o Deficiency type: Mingmen (DU4, 命門), Shenshu o Fishes rich in omega-3 fatty acids having an
(BL23, 腎俞), Guanyuan (RN4, 關元), Zusanli (ST36, anti-inflammatory effect can help with cramps
足三里). Sanyinjiao (三陰交) as well as bloating.
o Qi Stagnation and blood stasis. Zhongji (RN3, 中極), o whole grain, fresh fruit and vegetables that are
Ciliao (BL32, 次髎), Diji (SP8, 地機). rich in calcium: milk, green leafy vegetables, etc.
o moxibustion and self-massage at Guanyuan (RN4, 關 o Deficiency of magnesium is a cause of menstrual
元) and Qihai (RN6, 气海). cramps. Magnesium-rich foods: bran (rice,
wheat, and oat), pumpkin, watermelon and
sesame seeds, almonds, cashews, soybeans.
o Foods to avoid: Caffeine and alcohol should be
completely avoided.

Migraine 偏頭痛 Migraine – symptomatology

o Almost one in ten people suffer from o A typical migraine headache may include
migraine headaches. Almost half of all of the following symptoms:
them suffer a migraine attack one or n Moderate to severe pain usually on
more times a month. one side of the head.
o Most migraine sufferers are women. n Pain that worsens with activity
One in four women have migraine n Nausea with or without vomiting
headaches. n Sensitivity to light and/or sound
n Headache lasting from 4 to 72 hours
n Visual disturbances (auras)

Migraine – herbal medicine Migraine – Acupuncture

o Acupuncture may be the first choice for migraine. The
o Bupluerum (Chai Hu, 柴胡)
efficacy of acupuncture in patients with migraine has
o Peony (Bai Shao, 白芍) been well confirmed in many clinical trials, showing
o Gouteng (鉤藤) significant decrease in the episode of headaches and
their duration after acupuncture treatment.
o Chuangxiong (川芎) o Major local acupoints: o Major distance acupoints:
o Stiff silkworm (Jiangcan, 僵蠶) n Shuaigu (率穀) n Yanglingquan (陽陵泉)
o Dried earthworm (Dilong, 地龍) n Fengchi (風池) n Hegu (合穀)
n Taiyang (太陽) n Taichong (太沖)
o Gastroda and Uncaria Drink (Tian Ma Gou
n Touwei (頭維) n Fenglong (豐隆)
Teng Yin, 天麻鉤藤飲): Calm the Liver and
n Qubing (曲鬢) n Houxi (後溪)
subdue hyperactive Yang (平肝潛陽).
n Baihui (百會)

Migraine Children and adolescent
Nearsightedness (myopia)
Changing life style 儿童少年近视
o Avoid alcohol, caffeine, smoking and exposure to smoke.
o Avoid foods containing the amino acid tyramine (found o Nearly 40% primary school students
in red wine, smoked fish, chicken livers, and some
beans), chocolate, nuts, peanut butter, some fruits (like in HK have nearsightedness. As high
banana and citrus)
as 70% of high school students in
o Avoid foods with monosodium glutamate (MSG – an
additive in many foods), onions, meats containing the Mainland are nearsighted.
nitrates (bacon, cured meats).
o Avoid physical and emotional stress (the headache often o Nearsightedness can be classified
occurs a particularly stressful time). into pseudomyopia and true myopia.
o Avoid low blood sugar, e. g., missing meals.
o Avoid certain odors (such as perfume), allergic reactions,
bright lights and/or loud noises.
o Do not sleep too little or too much.

Acupoints for acupressure Step 1: Knead Zanzhu acupoint

and acupuncture (眼保健操) 第一节:按揉攒竹穴
o Yuyao (魚腰) o Taiyang (太陽)
o Zanzhu (攒竹) o Sizhukong (絲竹空)
o Sibai (四白)
o Jingming (睛明)
o Fengchi (風池)

Step 2: Press Jingming acupoint Step 3: Press Sibai acupoint
第二节:按压睛明穴 第三节:按揉四白穴

Step 4: Press Taiyang acupoint and rub the Step 5: Press Fengchi acupoint
upper eye socket 第四节:按揉太阳穴,刮上眼眶

Step 6: knead the ear lobes
Eczema 濕疹
o Eczema is a chronic condition,
with the inflammation of the
upper layers of the skin.
o The prevalence is highly variable.
It is about 5% in HK, particularly
in children and humid seasons.
o Although corticosteroids, a class
of hormones, may be effective in
controlling or suppressing the
symptoms, they do not cure

Eczema – symptomatology Eczema – TCM diagnosis

o It can affect any part of the skin, but o Dampness-heat is a major type:
the most common is on the face, neck, flushing, swelling, intense itch,
overlying surfaces, of joint and limbs, with a burning sensation, thirsty,
and groin. restless, and yellow tongue coating.
o Its major manifestations are o Wind-heat type: red skin with
itching, rashes, dryness, flaking, papule, vesicle, crusts and scales,
even blistering and bleeding. itch.

Eczema – commonly used
Eczema – herbal medicine herbal medicine
o Many clinical trials have confirmed the efficacy of o Flos lonicerae (Jinyinhua, 金銀花): clear
herbal medicine in the treatment of eczema. Herbal heat and eliminate dampness.
medicine could be first choice for patients with
eczema either oral or external route or both. o Herba menthae (Bohe, 薄荷):
n Dampness-heat is a major type: Cool heat, aromatically eliminate dampness
eliminate dampness, dispel wind and stop itch o Cortex moutan (Danpi, 丹皮): clear heat
(清熱燥濕﹐祛風止癢): Liver-clearing Gentiana
o Rhizoma atractylodis (Cangzhu, 蒼術):
Decoction, 龍膽瀉肝湯).
strongly eliminate dampness.
n Wind-heat type: Dispel wind, cool heat, and
eliminate dampness (祛風清熱燥濕): Wind- o Cortex phellodendri (Huangbai, 黃柏):
extinguishing Powder, 消風散) expel dampness-heat.

Eczema – dietary therapy

o Good for Eczema:
n Bitter gourd (苦瓜) n Portulaca oleracea
Thank you!
n Celery (芹菜) (马齿苋)
Tomato (番茄) n mung bean (绿豆)
n Chive (韭菜) n Seaweed (海带) Email:
n wax gourd (冬瓜)
n Job's tear grains (薏米)
n cucumber (黄瓜)
n Red beans (红豆)

o Dieting (忌口):
n All spicy, roasted and fry foods
n Seafood and animal internal organs


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