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I. Fill in the blanks.

_ethics___1. is a branch of philosophy that studies human act and human conduct.
nature of ethics__2. the study of human conduct from the stand point of morality.
_________3. science of human acts.
_________4. science of morality.
_________5. studies right and wrong acts.
_________6. science of right thinking.
_________7. only tell us the cause of man's action
_________8. study of society.
_________9. foundation of man's moral, intellectual, and physical capacities.
_________10. it should be an ethical state.
_________11. are interchangeable.
ancient greek_________12. three things that units ethics and religion. (no.12-14)
13.the Hebrew bible and the new testament
14.the middle age
 aesthetics _15. is beauty
_________16. quality of goodness and badness in human acts, and is found only in
_________17. three things that prove the reason why man is the only human being.
_________20. is the highest form of animal.
_________21. rational being animal
_________22. correlation with each other because the agent of knowing and the
agent voluntaries of choice. (no.22-23)
_________24. when a person acts with full knowledge.
_________25. when a person acts without full understanding and no freedom.
_________26. it is a situation when a person is forced by circumstances.
_________27. absence of knowledge.
_________28. easily be corrected.
_________29. attempt to scape responsibility
_________30. disturbance of the mind when controlled by danger.

II. Essay
1. how do you apply moral standard in your student life?
2. when do you think that you do things right and you do things wrong?

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