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Week 10 Response

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Week 10 Response

The understanding of how learning takes place has been the key concept in these weekly

readings. These necessitated the adoption of a pedagogy definition in the college of early

childhood education. The development of children heavily relies on who is their educator. Does

the educator meet the ethics and standards of practice when creating an environment that fosters

learning? From the weekly readings pedagogy has been referred to as an understanding of how

learning occurs, along with the philosophy and practice that underpin and support that

understanding of learning.

Curriculum is another term that is mostly confused and I can say that from the weekly readings I

can be able to distinguish it from pedagogy. The curriculum is the totality of the environments,

experiences, activities, interactions, and events that are designed to foster children's

development, learning, and well-being. It can be thought of as the content of learning. RECEs

connect and build responsive relationships and support to children. These collaborative

relationships greatly enhance the belonging of the children, well-being and their learning

development. Communication also is a strong element towards enhancing pedagogy. When you

talk to children and listen to what they have to say, you can learn about their ideas and interests.

To ensure that there is a high quality High Childhood Education in the country, RECEs are

leaders who need to use their professional skills to strengthen relationships children and families,

educators ,and all stakeholders in participation in the practice setting .Through the involvement

and collaboration ,responsive relationships can be built and therefore quality education in the


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