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14, 2006

Measurements, mechanisms and models: Some important

insights into the mechanisms of flow of fibre suspensions

Geoffrey G Duffy

Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, School of Engineering,

The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

ABSTRACT suspensions, the state of the suspension and

The complex nature of flowing fibre factors such as fibre flexibility may overrule
suspensions is reviewed. Up to four particle size and size distribution.
different ‘particles’ can exist simultaneously There are four different ‘particles’ in
in fibre suspension flow making it a unique fibre suspension systems; fibres, floccettes,
flow system. Investigations of flow flocs, and networks1. Each on its own
phenomena are difficult due suspension exhibits unique features. Fibres/filaments
opacity and fibre interference with the with high aspect ratios exist in suspension as
internal measuring devices. Some recent separate entities at low concentrations like
investigations and methods are described to conventional particulate systems. They
elucidate flow mechanisms. These include ‘connect’ with neighbouring eddies and can
modifying the suspension liquid using either aid in transmitting momentum or they
chemical and physical additives, changing can bend, deflect and absorb turbulent
the physical flow surface conditions, energy. This ‘competition’ leads to drag
modifying the flow channel size, and reducing character (friction loss below
changing the flow conditions. The water) unlike conventional particulate
application of heat transfer measurements is systems.
shown to be a valuable tool.

Conventional, non-settling, non-
aggregating particulate suspensions exhibit FIBRES
similar flow behaviour at the same solids
concentration with friction loss curves
always above the water curve. Particle
density, size and size distribution produce
some differences but these are usually NETWORKS
minor. In contrast wood pulp fibres, certain FLOCS
polymeric filaments, and some high aspect
ratio particles, develop ‘suspension Figure 1 The four “particles” in wood pulp fibre
structure’ which alters the nature of the suspensions
suspension and hence flow characteristics.
In general, most rigid particle systems can As population increases, free-fibre
be defined by a mean size or a size movement is inhibited and small unstable,
parameter, but for asymmetric particle dynamic aggregates form that allow other
mechanisms to come into play. These new those for water over the entire range of flow
‘particles’ (called floccettes) interact rates in small diameter tubes even though
dynamically with the liquid and with the same suspension at the same
themselves producing some special visco- concentration produces frictional losses
elastic effects. levels many, many times higher in larger
At slightly higher concentrations the diameter pipes. Visco-elasticity can be
floccette fibre bundles develop coherence observed in accelerating/decelerating flows.
and mechanical structure and are called
flocs. It is not just a crowding phenomenon
but a mechanical linkage of fibres giving the Shear Surface
flocs special plastic-elastic characteristics.
These agglomerates may have a range of
sizes but take on a mean value depending on
fibre type and fibre characteristics. This
third type of floc ‘particle’ dominates in
many practical applications and governs τ C2-2.5
many processes.
The fourth ‘particle’ is termed a network
and is made up of interconnected flocs that PLUG
develop high interfloccular strength. Flow
shear forces have to be sufficient to deform
the flocs or dislodge and disperse them in a Figure 2 The existence of the four “particles”
simultaneously in the transition flow regime of wood
flow field. Networks usually take the shape
pulp fibre suspension flow
of the vessel or conduit at the lower flow
rates. Flowing wood pulp fibre suspensions are
To make matters more complex, there not Newtonian; and they are not non
are many situations where all four Newtonian1. They should be classified
‘particles’ co-exist and their individual separately like other special classes of
contributions lead to some very important inhomogeneous systems eg dense-phase
shear mechanisms. The friction loss curves flow, settling flows, gas-liquid bubble flows
for conventional particle systems are always etc. The viscosity of inhomogeneous, non-
above the water curve, but for fibre systems laminar fibre suspension flows is still being
they are above the water curve only at the used widely in error. Viscosity has no
lower flow rates. Drag reduction at the meaning except as a mathematical
higher flow rates makes these suspensions proportionality coefficient connecting wall
unique (this also occurs with some long- shear stress and shear rate. Many have
chain polymer systems). attempted to apply Newtonian models and
Clearly classical fluid flow and non erroneously assigned a ‘viscosity’ to the
Newtonian models do not apply, and coherent plug flow regime, where a coherent
realistic models must be developed from a plug in excess of 98% of the diameter still
platform of understanding of the actual flow exists. Published research on MC flow and
mechanisms1. Hence, when talking about general fibre suspension flow including
fibre suspension flow, it is important to viscometry are still being published based
define not only what the ‘particle’ is, but on this misapplication.
also the state of the suspension, the flow Fibre suspensions are clearly different
conditions, and channel size. For example, from conventional particulate slurries
in certain cases pipe friction loss can be because these ‘particles’ interact,
lower in a roughened pipe than in a smooth interconnect, and develop suspension
pipe. Pipe friction loss levels can equal
structure. These inhomogeneous sub-units Wood pulp fibre suspensions exhibit
and structures produce several phenomena either plug flow at the lower flow rates, or
not often encountered in other conventional drag reduction at the medium to higher flow
homogeneous systems. Consequently they rates. There are several sub-regimes in each
produce flow models that are vastly of these flow domains that are unique to
different from classical models. In transition fibre suspension flow.
flow for example, a central coherent plug Several flow models have been proposed
still exists with the annular shear layer over the years 1, 13-15 mainly based on
having a range of floc sizes decreasing in experimental evidence of these flow
size toward the wall where single fibres, regimes. Unfortunately, some have
fines and flocettes exist (see Fig. 2). disregarded these unique features and
produced idealised models based on
MEASUREMENTS, MECHANISMS AND theories, mathematical concepts, and non
MODELS Newtonian laminar shear flow models that
Measurements do not apply to non-laminar, heterogeneous
Investigation of flow phenomena of fibre fibre suspension flow. These
suspensions at moderate concentrations has misconceptions have been embedded in the
been difficult due to suspension interference literature and have brought confusion and
with the internal measuring devices, errors that have misled newer researchers.
suspension opacity, and instrument Some of the experimental evidence
limitations. Pressure drop determinations in presented here may help to clarify some of
pipe flow, torque measurements in the key issues.
viscometry, and photo/video and laser beam
evidence have been the main quantifying
techniques used. Velocity profiles have been
measured successfully2-5 and validated at
fibre concentrations less than 1%, and NMR
has been used6 to obtain velocity and
suspension concentration profiles. Various
chemicals and additives have been used to
validate postulates or prove untested ideas.
More recently heat transfer measurements
have also opened up new insights into fibre-
liquid interactions.

The mechanisms of fibre suspension Figure 3 Some of the models that have been applied
to fibre suspension flow in the plug flow, transition
flow have been the subject of intense flow, and fully-developed turbulent flow regimes
investigation for many decades7-9, including
medium consistency flow10-12. These have SOME RECENT DEVELOPMENTS
been well documented and verified with Fibre suspensions are complex. Small
widely varying techniques. They are not differences in fibre dimensions, size
reviewed here, but some more recent distribution and physical properties often
developments to elucidate further some produce large differences in the flow
special flow mechanisms are summarised in characteristics. The nature of the flow also
this paper. depends on ‘particle’ interactions, flow
geometry, the type of shear field, the fluid
Models properties, the presence of a third phase
(air), and other additives. Some recent Drag reduction was still evident. The
developments in our investigative work to onset velocity of drag reduction was
elucidate and apply new findings are increased and the level of drag reduction
summarised here: reduced.
• Modifying the liquid using additives 16

(chemical of physical) 1 cP
16.7 cP

• Changing the physical surface

Coefficient of variation
• Modifying the flow channel size
• Changing the flow conditions

• Using different measuring methods


Suspension liquid modification

One important way to study flocculation 0
0.25 - 0.5 0.5 - 1 1-2 2-4 4-8 8 - 16
is to vary liquid properties16-18. In one series Wavelength class [mm]
of experiments, water viscosity was Figure 5 The effect of viscosity on floc size
increased by adding either small amounts of reduction and distribution
dissolved carboxymethyl cellulose CMC
(<0.2% concentration) or sugar solution.
Hydrophobic mineral oil was also used in 1.6% BLEACHED KRAFT PINE

one series of experiments. Increasing

Pressure Drop [Pa/m]

viscosity allowed fibres in a decaying

turbulent shear field more time to straighten 1000

to some degree before coming to rest against

other fibres. Floc coherence and the mean 1cP
floc size were reduced resulting in less plug- Increasing
With fibres
like character. 30.0cP
0.1 1 10

Bulk velocity [m/s]

Figure 6 The effects of viscosity on pipe friction loss
curves of a bleached kraft pine fibre suspension at
Average floc size [mm]

5 1.6% fibre concentration

4 1.0

Drag ratio

BKP Lo, 0.5% 0.8
BKP Hi, 0.4%
0 3 6 9 12 15
1cP, 1%
Viscosity [cP] 0.7 6.5cP, 1%
17.1cP, 1%
6.5cP, 0.7%
Figure 4 Effect of viscosity on floc size in grid flow 0.6
6.5cP, 1.59%

for a low and a high coarseness bleached kraft pulp 0 2 4 6 8

Bulk velocity [m/s]

The friction loss curve changed shape as
shown in Fig. 6. The overall effect was
Figure 7 The effect of viscosity on Drag Ratio
similar to decreasing fibre concentration (pressure drop suspension to liquid ratio) for a
(making the network and floc strength bleached kraft pine pulp at 0.7%, 1.0% and 1.59%
weaker). fibre concentration
The plug became less coherent with plug and transition flow. In effect,
increasing viscosity as illustrated in Fig. 8 increasing liquid viscosity produced a more
with the reduction in point velocity u to bulk homogeneous suspension which allowed for
velocity U ratio u/U nearer the pipe wall. improved processing capability.
This is also shown clearly in Fig. 9 with the Experiments in a pressure screen18
centre line velocity ucentreline to the bulk showed that increasing liquid viscosity
velocity U ratio (ucentreline/U) increasing with increased fibre acceptance, reduced reject
increasing viscosity. The plug becomes thickening, reduced screen pressure drop,
more parabolic in shape with increasing reduced pump power, and increased
viscosity and with increasing flow rate. throughput. Screen aperture size could be
reduced to maximise contaminant removal
while maintaining good fibre throughput.
1.0 120


Accept Mass Flow Rate [o.d. kg/hr]



0.4 1cP


0.2 3.2m/s, 1cP

3.2m/s, 14cP 20

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0
0 200 400 600
Accept Volumetric Flow Rate [l/min]

Figure 8 The effect of viscosity on the plug-like Figure 10 The effect of increasing viscosity on
character of the velocity profile at the same fibre screen capacity showing increasing accept mass flow
concentration rate with increasing volumetric flow rate
Less plug-like
µ=1cP, P=0.31
Reject Thickening Factor
ucentre / U


µ=11cP, P=0.62
More plug-like H2O
With fibres 6.4cP
1.0 1 µ=18cP, P=0.85
0 2 4 6 8 10

Bulk velocity [m/s] 0

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Figure 9 The effect of viscosity on velocity ratio Vol. Reject Rate
(centreline to bulk velocity ratio) for a range of
velocities showing less plug-like character with Figure 11 The effect of increasing viscosity on
increasing viscosity reject thickening and volumetric reject rate

The changes in flow mechanisms (from Suspension hydrodynamics can also be

visual and photographic observation, and affected with the addition of small amounts
measurements of pressure differential, of other ‘particles’. It had already been
velocity profile and turbulence), all validate observed that drying and rewetting the pulp,
the previous postulates of the flow pulp bleaching, and pulp refining, all shifted
mechanisms of fibre-water suspensions in the curve maxima to lower velocities by
lowering the network strength. To shift the
maxima in the friction loss curve to higher
velocities small quantities of cut wool fibres DROP / LENGTH
were added to the suspension. The jagged
wool fibre surfaces improved fibre SMOOTH PIPE

interlocking and hence floc strength. Pipe

friction loss in the plug flow region before
the maxima also increased but the maxima

were shifted to higher flow rates. This

reinforced the concept of network strength
dictating the conditions in the plug flow
regime. The network strength of the
suspension is therefore an important Figure 12 Schematic comparison of friction loss
parameter for plug flow. curves for rough and smooth pipes (same diameter
and fibre concentration)
Modifying the flow surface
In screening, surface topography, hole
Experiments were carried out with pipes
geometry/design, and boundary layer flow
having internally-patterned rough surfaces.
are all highly significant. It was proposed
It was found that although pipe friction loss
that as the velocity gradient was steepest
was higher at low flow rates, the maxima in
near the screen surface, fibres would tend to
the friction loss curves occurred at a much
align themselves in the direction of flow.
lower velocity and friction loss fell below
Hence arranging slots predominantly in the
that for the same pulp flowing in a smooth
flow direction would give the elongated
pipe. In some cases the reductions were of
fibres better opportunity to pass through19.
the order of 50%. At low flow rates the
The slotted screen had the same percentage
peripheral flocs could move into the
flow area as the holes for direct comparison.
roughness hollows. As the velocity
In addition the slots were narrower and
increased the flocs had less time to deform
hence the rejection of deleterious particles
into the lower regions and in essence, began
increased with a simultaneous increase in
to ‘skip from peak-to-peak’. A water layer
fibre acceptance.
developed in the troughs and at the peaks at
slightly higher shear rates. This ‘lubricated’
the asperities allowing a reduction in FLOW DIRECTION
frictional drag. This mechanism persisted
over a good range of flow rates until local
wall turbulence set in and increased the
frictional resistance again.
Hence in the normal region of industrial
pipeline flow, frictional resistance (and SLOT IN FLOW DIRECTION
hence the pump power) can be lower than CONVENTIONAL

for the same pulp suspension flowing in a SCREEN HOLE

smooth pipe. The roughness pattern and the

flow velocity are related for specific fibre Figure 13 Diagrammatic representation of a screen
suspension conditions. This shows the slot in the flow direction to increase fibre acceptance
importance of floc elasticity in providing a and improved suspension cleaning
unique visco-elastic characteristic to the
flow. In effect the screen would be a more
efficient barrier to foreign unwanted
particles while providing a better
opportunity for the flexible fibres to pass in friction loss curves for the fibre suspension
their more preferred fibre orientation. This became more aligned to the respective water
indeed was the case19. The overall effect curve. At the lowest pipe diameters close to
was similar to increasing the fluid viscosity the mean floc size, the pulp and water
of the liquid medium to improve the curves coincided over the full range of flow
hydraulic drag on the fibres and hence rates studied (up to 3m/s). The plug-like
increase passage ratio. network structure was clearly evident but
the friction loss was entirely identical to
Modifying the flow channel size water alone. This had not been reported
Another important insight comes from before at fibre concentrations well above
the affect of the channel dimension on 1%.
flow20, 21. Flocs exist at fibre concentrations
above about 0.5%. Most industrial pipes
> 50mm Pipe diameter
and flow channels are large enough for flocs
to exist side-by-side. Plug flow occurs at 50mm
low to moderate flow rates and the entire 28mm
shear is confined to the flocs embedded in
the peripheral plug layer adjacent to the
wall. In essence the bulk of the plug is OR

undisrupted and undisturbed. As the ?

conduit width or pipe diameter is
sequentially reduced the number of adjacent Floc CYLINDRICAL
flocs that can fit side-by-side pipe markedly Stressed flocs

deceases. The plug becomes less coherent as

diameter decreases, and more side-by-side Figure 14 Diagrammatic comparison of plug flow in
flocs are mobilised. large and small pipes
A new and different type of ‘plug
structure’ develops when the channel size is Of course in conventional industrial pipe
a little smaller than about twice the sizes, the pulp friction loss curve happens to
characteristic floc size. The new plug is cross the water curve (single point case) in
more uniform and is like an extruded the plug regime (>98% of the plug
network array of fibres. Its structure unsheared), but that has no comparative
depends on the inlet geometry to the small significance. It is in essence a special
channel, acceleration rate, and the condition of plug flow where the outer fibre
characteristics of the fibres. Norman et al. 22 layers are producing a local turbulent shear
were the first to highlight this in their novel mechanism around the plug to reduce pipe
medium consistency flowbox. They friction that happens to correspond with the
actually referred to the bulky sheet formed water-only value at that point. At small
as a continuous floc. differential velocities near that point there is
This phenomenon was investigated no correspondence. This is totally different
further20, 21 in a series of experiments using a from water-only at that point which is at the
range of pipes in series and parallel. The fully-developed turbulence state.
pipe diameters ranged from 3mm to The network structure in small diameter
28.8mm. This allowed the collection of data conduits is remarkably different from
simultaneously so the fibre concentration normal plug structure in larger pipes. This
and temperature would be identical. ‘extruded plug’ structure reduced the
Three surprising findings resulted. frictional drag to that equivalent to water
Firstly, as the pipe diameter was alone over the entire range from 0 to 3m/s.
systematically decreased, the separate
This is illustrated in Fig. 15 for a short-fibre These experiments verify the previously
eucalypt pulp. proposed mechanisms of flow but increase
the understanding of how channel
4.6 2.0% EUCALYPT D = 3.77mm dimensions and the entry conditions change
the fundamental structure of fibre


4.4 D/L’ = 5.1

Eucalypt Pulp
suspensions and the plug structure in


5000 4
Changing flow conditions - visco-elastic
2.0% EUCALYPT D = 22.5mm

0 0.1 0.2 0.3
0.4 0.5
suspension behaviour
D/L’ = 30.4
Systematic experiments23 were



performed to investigate suspension

behaviour over a wide range of acceleration
1000 and deceleration rates. Both longitudinal

pressure differential and point absolute
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
FLOW VELOCITY m/s pressure data were recorded. The data were
compared with the steady-state friction loss
Figure 15 Comparison of pipe friction loss data for a curves and some selected results are
eucalypt pulp obtained simultaneously in large and
small pipe sizes
presented in Figure 16.

The second feature was that the new

extruded network or floc remained coherent Bleached

along the pipe length for long distances.

Longer chemical softwood pulp fibres P

naturally produced single, long, axial-

networks (typically 1m long or more) with
more coherence than with hardwood pulps.
∆P/L Steady state
Short-fibred hardwood pulps produced a curve Steady state

series of end-on-end, long, cylindrical flocs HYSTERESIS

(20 to about 50mm long) because the fibre
network integrity was less. The fact that
fibres accelerating into the small tubes were
more aligned in the flow direction meant Figure 16 Hysteresis friction loss curves for
bleached and unbleached kraft pine pulps at
that they could readily retract from the wall approximately the same fibre concentration and
to produce a well developed water layer acceleration/ deceleration rates
over the entire range of flow velocities.
Clearly this entry phenomenon occurs in Clearly each type of pulp produced a
screening. unique hysteresis envelope at the same fibre
The third factor is that there was no concentration and set of acceleration/
measured or observed evidence of drag deceleration rates. Suspension acceleration
reduction (even at 0.5% and 1.0% fibre caused dynamic de-flocculation as fibres
concentration) which is normally caused by and flocs were torn from the central plug as
turbulence damping. Fibres in small tubes indication of the true fibre network strength.
at 0.5 - 2% concentration are not free to On deceleration the returning flow curve
more independently and hence the plug characterised the rebuilding of the network
structures are retained even at high shear from the centreline out. Apart from the
rates with no drag reduction. systematic trends it was shown that the
hysteresis envelope actually characterised
the suspension and these could be used to different flow field near the inner pipe wall
monitor variations in suspension properties and a lower frictional resistance.
and fibre quality. Further work carried out
with mechanical pulps verified this. Heat transfer measurements
The results presented in Fig. 16 for a Heat transfer measurements to fibre
bleached and an unbleached kraft pine pulps suspensions were used first to elucidate the
are at approximately 3% fibre concentration. mechanisms of flow and to see if heat
The envelope shapes and their relative transfer coefficient values could be used to
position to the steady-state curve show how predict friction loss25-27. This was initially
small changes in fibre flexibility (elastic and successful but more importantly some new
plastic character) affect floc strength and insights were obtained. It was found at fibre
network coherence. The shape of the concentrations in excess of about 2% that
absolute pressure hysteresis curves also the heat transfer coefficient hc were highest
demonstrates these effects. up to the maximum point in the friction loss
Hyteresis-type curves have been curve (plug flow) and then decreased below
observed before but no systematic research the equivalent water-only hc values.
has been reported. Bennington et al.24 However for pressure drop, the decrease
observed the effected in their rotational below the water-only curve occurred at even
viscometer operating at 8-10% fibre higher flow rates; that is at the onset of drag
concentration but concluded the effect was reduction. The heat transfer reduction at the
due to suspension inhomogeneity and torque curve maxima showed that the decrease was
measuring errors (see Fig. 17). caused by a mechanistic change from
predominantly conduction due to fibre-wall
drag, to thermal energy transfer across a
laminar shear wall layer as previously
proposed. This heat transfer decrease also
validated the fact that fibre-wall drag
dominated up to the maximum in the friction
loss curve. However, for momentum transfer
reduction after the water curve was crossed,
turbulent fibre-liquid interactions in the thin
annular layer were proven to be the cause of
this reduction using the heat transfer

Figure 17 Hysteresis curves from experiments using 45

a rotational viscometer (after Bennington et al.24)

Dimentional ratio L/P


The findings in our research were then 25

applied to a practical pumping problem of 15

Hi Med Lo ULo Sp UEu

transporting fibre suspensions. An AC 0.35

ULo Lo Med
variable-speed motor driving the pump was 0.3
Hi Sp UEu
2.7 2.8 2.9 3 3.1
Heat transfer coefficient kW/m2K
3.2 3.3 3.4

used to cycle the motor speed over a narrow 0.25

range of speeds. Small hysteresis curves 0.2

developed, but the mean level of friction 0.15

loss and hence pump power decreased. In 0.1

2.7 2.85 3 3.15 3.3 3.45
essence the outer suspension layers were Heat transfer coefficient kW/m2K
continuously ‘activated’ by the variations in Figure 18 Fibre length to fibre perimeter ratio L/P,
bulk flow rate (pulsing), producing a and fibre coarseness as a function of heat transfer
coefficient for low-to-high coarseness radiata pine closer array and floc deformation responses
pulps, and a eucalypt and a spruce pulp dominate over the fibre-liquid direct
Different effects were observed28 at very This work was been extended to
low fibre concentrations (< 0.4%) where investigate model polymer fibre suspensions
fibres move more freely and independently. to endeavour to isolate the various
At the lowest flow velocities heat transfer contributions of fibre geometry, fibre
was often equal to or greater than that for elasticity and population31-33. The results
water but very quickly decreased below the have also been validated using a small-scale
water values to a minimum level. Heat annular flow loop by different researchers.
transfer increased again with increasing
velocity. Significant differences in the curve
shapes and heat transfer lowering with 5

Hi Med Lo Ulo Sp
changing pulp types, fibre dimensions, and

Formation Index

fibre physical properties, were obtained. 3.8

Clearly different degrees of turbulence 3

modification occurred which were a 2.6

2.8 2.9 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4
function of these variations. Heat transfer coefficient kW/m2K

Hi Med Lo Ulo Sp

The strong and systematic differences in

Formation Index

heat transfer coefficient hc with fibre 3.8


properties29, 30 were compared at a fixed fibre 3

concentration and flow velocity (at the 2.6

240 250 260 270 280

minimum in the heat transfer curve). One Pressure drop Pa/m

example of the many obtained are given

here in Fig. 18. Figure 19 Paper formation index as a function of heat
Naturally this led to some very good transfer coefficient and pipe friction loss for low-to-
correlations between heat transfer high coarseness radiata pine pulps, and a spruce pulp
coefficient and some handsheet paper
properties from papers made from these 3.5
Heat trans. coeff. kWm-2K-1

fibres. Good correlations were also Hi Med Lo

obtained between certain fibre and paper 3.25 ULo Sp UEu

properties and both pressure differential

values and heat transfer coefficient. One 3
comparison is presented in Fig. 19 with
handsheets made for the same low-to-high 2.75
coarseness fibres. The overall
correspondence between heat transfer 2.5
240 250 260 270 280
coefficient hc and pressure differential for -1
Pressure drop Pam
the flowing fibre suspensions is validated in
Fig. 20. Figure 20 Correspondence between heat transfer
As a consequence it was clear that for coefficient and pressure differential in suspension
fibre systems (virtually unflocculated at low flow. Pulps are low-to-high coarseness radiata pine
concentrations), it is possible to monitor pulps, and a eucalypt and a spruce pulp
fibre ‘quality’ before the paper is made,
predict the outcome, and take remedial Studying the unique behaviour of fibres
action in time to maintain a more consistent (at low concentration with virtually no
pulp quality supply. This does not work with flocs) in a shear field brought up the
at higher concentrations with flocs or larger question of what additional gains could be
networks as the fibre-fibre forces in the derived from their behaviour. It was
postulated that fibres relatively free to move flow. Heat transfer measurements offer
would possibly dislodge vapour bubbles another way to study fibre suspension flow
from heated surfaces to minimise hot spots, problems. Embedded thermocouples at the
or possibly act as micro-mixers to reduce wall or micro-thermocouples located in the
thermal and mass concentration gradients. suspension can be used as alternatives.
This is explored in the next topic. Steam or hot water can be injected into the
flow at various points to examine the state
Heat transfer fouling mitigation of the flow and the effects of turbulence,
The fouling of heat exchangers is a real floc/floccette or fibre motion, and network
and important problem in the process disturbance. They also provide information
industries. In many cases either particles or for frequency analysis and can be used to
crystals form at the heat transfer surface and separate out bulk effects and localised shear
increase the thermal resistance. Some layer effects. The examples given here are
inverse-solubility salts deposit easily on hot to illustrate the value of these simple
surfaces, lower the heat transfer coefficient, measuring and evaluative techniques.
and ultimately decrease the thermal duty so
the exchanger has to be taken off-line and
cleaned more frequently. Low
concentrations of fibres were therefore used
to investigate their effects on fouling and it
was shown that in many cases the onset of
fouling was either delayed, reduced, or
stopped altogether34-36. The initial studies
used super-saturated calcium sulphate
solution as a hostile fouling environment.
With just 0.25% long fibre kraft pine
pulp a heat exchanger that normally lasted
less than 3 days did not foul at all over a 47
day experiment period (total fouling
mitigation). At 0.15% fibre concentration, Figure 21 The effect of small quantities of fibre on
fouling commenced at about 11 days but the heat transfer fouling resistance and on the
mitigation of fouling
fouling resistance asymptotically reached a
level of about 1/3 of that of the exchanger
fouled by the solution only. This led to
extensive studies to examine how fibre
Fouling resistance Rf, m2 K/kW

3 NO Fib/DT15/V0.4/CC3.6
0.8 Fibres prevent fouling
characteristics such as length, length-to- 5 FibC0.15/DT15/V0.4/CC3.6
in heat exchangers CaSO4
6 FibC0.25/DT15/V0.4/CC3.6 3
diameter ratio, stiffness, coarseness and 0.6

population, affected the rate of fouling 0.4

0.15% fibre
mitigation. Model fibres were also used to 0.2

great effect. Fibres indeed acted as ‘micro- 0

mixers’ to even out the concentration
gradients and so prevent the transport of 15 X
NO FOULING 0.25% fibre

deleterious materials to heated surfaces. -0.4

0 10 20 30 40
Time min x 10
Value of heat transfer measurements
Pressure transducers, pressure Figure 22 Heat transfer fouling resistance versus
differential transmitters, impact probes, and time with the addition of 0.15% and 0.25% kraft
laser or light beams, have been the main pine long fibres. Complete mitigation at 0.25% fibre
devices uses to investigate fibre suspension concentration
fibre suspensions in small diameter pipes”,
CONCLUSIONS Appita J., 58, 374-377.
The mechanisms of flow of wood pulp 10. Duffy, G.G., Longdill G. and Lee
fibre suspensions have been reviewed and P.F.W. (1978), "High consistency Flow of
some new data, experiments and insights Pulp Suspensions in Pipes", Tappi J., 61,
have been presented to validate previous 85-88.
postulates and open up new concepts. The 11. Longdill, G.R. and Duffy, G.G. (1988),
new ideas derived from these simple "The Shear Behaviour of Medium
experiments have potential for some new Consistency Wood Pulp Fibre Suspensions",
practical possibilities. Some of these Appita J., 41, 456 – 461.
developments have already been applied in 12. Duffy, G.G. (1995), "The Flow of
industrial applications. Medium Consistency Wood Pulp Fibre
Suspensions", Appita J., 48, 51-55.
REFERENCES 13. Moller, K., Duffy, G.G. and Titchener
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CDRom Paper #885, Christchurch, New

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