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Please see below for feedback on your poster assignment.

Student Name/ Matriculation Number: Michelle

General: Main Argument, Rebuttal, Development of Argument

No clear thesis statement / argument presented
Opinions/examples/ summary has ¨
been provided in place of main
arguments. ¨ Some expression of point of view/position/thesis
statement, however this could have been more
Main arguments are explicitly developed and justified. x
irrelevant/inappropriate/ lack logical
flow ¨ Sufficiently clear expression of view/position
/thesis statement in relation to the question,
Main arguments are largely that was developed fairly consistently
relevant/appropriate/ offer logical throughout the material. ¨
flow x
Mostly clear and coherent view/position/thesis
Rebuttals are often statement was established in relation to the
irrelevant/inappropriate/lack logical question, and a robust position was fairly
flow.¨ consistently presented throughout the material.
Rebuttals are mostly
relevant/appropriate/ offer logical
flow. x

irrelevant/inappropriate/lack logical
flow. ¨

Counter-arguments are mostly

relevant/appropriate/ offer logical
flow. x

Relevance/Addressing the Question Supporting your claims/Using Evidence

The material used was not relevant to Insufficient clear evidence to support
the question. ¨ claims/assertion/ideas presented in essay. ¨

The material used was relevant to the Some evidence was provided, but explicit links to
topic in a very general way, but did claims/assertions/ideas could be
not make clear how it was relevant to clearer/developed more. x
the specific question/title. ¨
For the most part, there was relevant and
appropriate use of evidence that was clearly and

The material used was mostly convincingly presented to support the main
relevant to the specific issues that claims/assertions/ideas presented in the essay.
were the focus of the question but ¨
could have been better elaborated.

Organisation & Structure Critical Evaluation

Material is not well-linked and/or The material presented was largely descriptive –
relevantly connected. ¨ there was not enough analysis (e.g.: assessment
of the value or significance of what was
Material was fairly well-linked and described or discussed). ¨
relevantly connected. ¨
Argument/ rebuttal /counter could have been
Material was mostly coherently and more analytical ¨
consistently linked throughout. x
Fairly systematic, reasoned, and justified
argument/rebuttal/counter x

Systematic, reasoned, and justified

argument/rebuttal/counter ¨

Use of Language Referencing/Citations

Too many spelling, grammar, or No citations used ¨

punctuation errors ¨
No bibliography used x
Language used was unclear or difficult
to follow ¨ Irrelevant / inappropriate citations used x

Structure and prose was clear, but

language is too colloquial ¨ Relevant / appropriate citations used ¨

Writing style is mostly consistent, Incorrect bibliography style used ¨

clear, with appropriate tone x
Mostly correct bibliography style with some
Writing style and use of language are mistakes ¨
clear, consistent and appropriate ¨
Correct bibliography style was used ¨

General Comments:

It’s clear you have a good grasp of the key concepts and I thought there was potential in
the discussion around intercultural dialogue but here I felt you could have said more on
the nature of this – what does it entail, when is it truly valuable, how does it actually help –
there’s a clearly a distinction between what something is meant to achieve and whether it
actually achieves this and how so. I also noted there was no bibliography and the poster
citations were not done correctly.

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