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Practicum Report

Animal Structure

NAME : St. Asyah Alya Faradiba P

ID : 210107510001
CLS/GRB/WV : ICP of Biology Education/1/1
Assistant : Fitria Ramadhana
Assistant coordinator : Suhardi Aldi, S.Pd.
Responsible Lecturer : Dr. Adnan, M.S


The complete report of the Animal Structure Practicum with the title " Carp
Body Structure" was made by:
Name : St. Asyah Alya Faradiba P.
ID : 210107510001
Class : ICP of Biology Education
Group :1
has been checked and consulted by the Assistant and the Assistant Coordinator,
then this report is declared to have been received.
Makassar, 22th April 2021
Coordinator Assistant Assistant

Suhardi Aldi, S.Pd, Fitria Ramadhana

ID : 1714040007

Responsible Lecturer

Dr. Adnan, M.S.

NIP. 19650201 198803 1 003

Fish are vertebrate organisms that live or their habitat is in water,
either fresh water, brackish water, or sea water (salt water). Fish is one of
the vertebrate organisms that live or their habitat is in water, both fresh
water, brackish water and sea water. One type of freshwater fish is carp
(Cyprinus carpio). Pisces or fish are members of poikilothermic (cold-
blooded) vertebrates that live in water, breathe using gills, the body is
covered with scales and acts using fins. Thus, ichthyology is a science that
examines fish using all aspects of their lives, including morphology,
anatomy, physiology, taxonomy, and how to identify them. Fish are the
most diverse group of vertebrates with more than 27,000 species
worldwide. Taxonomically, fish belong to a paraphyletic group whose
kinship relationship is still debated: usually fish are divided into jawless
fish (class Agnatha, 75 species), cartilaginous fish (class Chondrichthyes,
800 species including sharks and rays), and the rest classified as bony fish
(class Osteichthyes). So it is necessary to practice about fish morphology,
fish body measurement methods, and socialization of fish organ systems
including the integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system,
respiratory system, digestive system, nervous system, excretory system &
osmoregulation. The implementation is carried out by observing,
observing and comparing the organs or organ systems that are observed in
accordance with theoretical explanations in ichthyology. Fish
identification is carried out according to meristic characteristics, such as
the number of fin rays, the number of porous scales, and the number of
scales on the face of the fin, and morphometric properties, size exclusive
parts based on fish body structure. Morphometric characters that are often
used to measure include total length, regular length, base length, body
height and width, fin height and length.
The objectives of this experiment are as follows:
1) Identify and describe the external structure of the carp (Cyprinus
2) identify and describe the structure and function of the organs that
make up the integumentary system, digestive system, respiratory
system, urogenital system, circulatory system, and skeletal system
of the carp (Cyprinus carpio).
The benefits of this practicum are:
1) The benefits of this practicum are that students can know, learn, and
understand the anatomical structure of the carp fish (Cyprinus carpio)
2) Practitioners will know more about the anatomy of carp fish (Cyprinus
carpio) both externally and internally.

The goldfish is a domesticated version of the cultured fish species

Carassius auratus which is predominantly less brightly colored in its native
East Asia habitat. This fish was first domesticated in China more than a
thousand years ago, then penetrated to Japan and entered the European
continent through trade routes. In Japan, goldfish are growing rapidly with
various varieties produced from cross-breeding, so that new varieties are
obtained with more varied shapes and colors. Ornamental goldfish have an
extraordinary variety, such as differences in size, shape. body, fin
arrangement, and color (Sudrajat, 2020).
Imaging of inner structures of biological objects plays an important
role in many biological and biomedical researches. Although conventional
anatomical methods, such as dissection and histological sectioning,
provide a relatively rapid, accessible and cost-effective way to investigate
the animal anatomy, these are invasive methods that affect the shape and
indigenous position of structures and are accompanied with spatial
distortion (Kalat & Shabanipour, 2010).
Goldfish have a unique body shape and very attractive scales.
Short and fat body shape, with long and dangling fins make this fish look
beautiful and adorable. Goldfish fins consist of pectoral fins, pelvic fins,
dorsal fins, anal fins and caudal fins. The mouth is located at the end of the
middle (terminal) and can be popped (protactile) is a feature of the
goldfish shape. While the tip of the mouth has two pairs of barbels and at
the inner end of the mouth there are esophageal teeth which are composed
of three rows of molars in general, almost the entire body of goldfish is
covered by relatively small scales. Generally, goldfish have a basic color
of black, red, yellow. and white. In each type of goldfish has a different
head shape (Sudrajat, 2020).
An important factor that affects the growth and survival of fish in
addition to feed is water quality, especially temperature. Because the
temperature can affect the growth and appetite of fish. Temperature can
affect important fish activities such as respiration, growth and
reproduction. High temperatures can reduce dissolved oxygen and affect
fish appetite. Although fish can acclimatize to relatively high
temperatures, at a certain degree an increase in temperature can cause fish
death (Kelabora, 2010).
goldfish found in ponds in Tauranga and only one specimens have
been found in the Waimapu . River in the Tauranga district where there are
few suitable habitats for koi (Pullan & Smith, 2010) Goldfish can survive
because of its increased non-specific defense which supported by blood
test parameters (Lukistyowati & Kurniasih, 2011).
Goldfish is one type of ornamental fish that has many fans in
Indonesia, from children to adults. Goldfish with puffy bodies and graceful
movements with colors are very strong reasons to be liked by fans. The
demand for goldfish as ornamental fish aquarium inhabitants is in great
demand so that the need for this type of fish in the ornamental fish market
is very high. Goldfish are also fish that are relatively easy to cultivate and
breed so that these fish are easy to obtain. Many ornamental fish
enthusiasts want to try to be able to cultivate their own goldfish, both
small and large scale (Sudrajat, 2020).
Movement in fish involves the skeleton and muscles of the fish.
Fish skeletons are generally streamlined to facilitate the movement of fish
in the water. The skeleton of a fish is composed of four groups of bones,
namely the skull, body bones, limb bones, and tail bones. The limb bones
develop into fins. The fins are used for swimming and provide balance.
(Saktiono, 2006).


1. Tools
1) Surgical board and surgical tools 1 set
2) Latex
2. Materials
1) Goldfish (Cyprinus carpio)
1. Prepare the tools and materials that will be used
2. If the tools and materials are ready, start observing the outside or the
morphological structure starting from the pina, scales, head, and body of
the fish and draw it.
3. If the observation of the external structure has been completed, remove
one of the fish scales and observe the structure, to see the growth path of
the scales, lift the scales using tweezers and then point them in a bright
place, and draw.
4. Next, start cutting the operculum of the goldfish to see the structure of
the gills, draw the structure.
5. The last part the carp body slowly and follow the procedure then
observe the organs in the goldfish, then draw the organs.

1. Morphology structure goldfish

2. Goldfish scale structure

3. Goldfish gill structure

4. Anatomy structure goldfish

The epidermis layer of the skin consists of living cells and specialized
unicellular glands, including club cells, granular cells and goblet cells, which
play a role in producing mucus. The dermis layer in bony fish consists of an
upper layer which is loose connective tissue and a deeper layer. which is
dense connective tissue. The surface of the scales in fish is sometimes
covered by enamel (hard and acellular) originating from the epidermis and a
deeper layer of dentin originating from the dermis.
Based on the results of the practicum, the carp observed were of
medium size with complete parts of the head, body, tail, fins, scales, and
caudal pendukel or a slender part that connects the body and tail of the carp.
There are 5 fins on the carp that were observed, namely the dorsal pina, the
pelvic pina, the anal pina, the pectoral pina, and the caudal pina. the eye in
fish does not have eyelids, near the eye area there is a preoperculum which is
composed of bone that supports the jaw, then there is an operculum which has
the function of protecting or closing the gills. In the mouth of the fish there is
the premaxilla or the top of the lip and the mandible or the bottom of the
fish's lip. on the body of the fish there are scales, fins, and lateral lines that
bounce horizontally. In the reproductive system of goldfish there is no cloaca,
the last exit, namely the anus, is near the pina anal which is circular in shape.
Based on the results of the practicum, goldfish scales have 2 edges,
namely the anterior edge and the posterior edge. The anterior edge is the edge
that is embedded in the skin, transparent in shape and there is a growth
groove, and the posterior edge is the edge that is exposed to dark color and
there is a slight bend in the middle edge which is commonly called ktenii.
Cycloid and ctenoid scales are the types of scales found in teleosts. Color in
fish skin is produced by pigment cells called chromatophores which contain
the melanin pigment called melanophores and produce brown, gray or black
colors. Lipophores are pigment cells that contain carotenoids that produce a
yellow color. orange, and red. Purines are crystalline substances that reflect
Based on the results of the practicum, for observing the anatomy of
goldfish, I only found a few organs because the fish's organs had begun to be
coated with mucus and were difficult to observe, namely the kidneys which
were attached to the middle bone of the fish, the stomach which was in the
posterior part, and the liver which looked dark in color was located at the
anterior end. From the cavity, the bile is attached to the liver, the small
intestine is located ventral to the ovary, the small intestine is arranged coiled
and narrowed, at the base of the pleuropentoneal cavity The small intestine is
arranged coiled and narrowed. There are three finger-like projections at the
anterior end of the small intestine, which called the pyloric ceca. Duodenum
is the anterior part of the small intestine which has a wider diameter and the
most important is the swim bladder which is below the kidney and above the
stomach in the form of a dark membranous sac. swim bladder, which is a
membranous sac. The swim bladder is located on the dorsal surface of the
ovary. The swim bladder is not covered by pentaneum. It is a hydrostatic
organ that is used to control the fish's body when it floats.

1. As for the outer structure of the goldfish, the eye functions as a tool for
seeing. Fish themselves can detect colors, but have short eyesight. The
nostrils on the fish's head are used as a tool for smelling. The mouth is
used to eat food. The operculum is a bony flap located near the gills as a
tool to cover the gills from the outside. The pectoral fin is used as a
means of movement to change the direction of the fish's journey, while
the pelvic fin functions as a means of stabilizing fish in swimming, as
well as the function of the anal fin.
2. Carp respiratory system – Goldfish breathe oxygen and expel carbon
dioxide, and the organ that is considered the most vital in the
respiratory system of goldfish is the gills, which are organs for taking
oxygen dissolved in water and then carried to the capillaries. The gills
have a cavity under the opercula, there are four gill arches, two arches.
Carp excretory system Remnants or metabolic waste in carp are
removed through organs such as kidneys, bladder and gills. In goldfish,
the kidneys function as a tool to produce urine and produce metabolic
waste. This organ is located at the bottom, has a dark color with a
number of two.
1) For practitioners, must be more careful in using and must understand
the instructor well before conducting the experiment.
2) For assistants, pay more attention when the practitioner is confused in
the experiment.
3) For the laboratory more attention to laboratory tools and materials
before experiment.

Kalat, T. M., & Shabanipour, N. 2010. Internal anatomy of common carp

(Cyprinus carpio) as revealed by magnetic resonance imaging. Applied
Magnetic Resonance, 38(3), 361–369.
Kelabora, D. M. 2010. Pengaruh suhu terhadap kelangsungan hidup dan
pertumbuhan larva ikan mas (cyprinus carpio). Berkala Perikanan Terubuk,
38(1), 71–81.
Lukistyowati, I., & Kurniasih. 2011. Kelangsungan hidup ikan mas (Cyprinus
carpio L) yang diberi pakan ekstrak bawang putih (Allium sativum) dan di
infeksi Aeromonas hydrophila. Jurnal Perikanan Dan Kelautan, 16(1), 144–
Pullan, S., & Smith, P. J. 2010. Identification of hybrids between koi (Cyprinus
carpio) and goldfish (Carassius auratus). New Zealand Journal of Marine
and Freshwater Research, 21(1), 41–46.
Saktiyono, 2006, Ipa Biologi. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Sudrajat, Maman & Widi Setyogati, 2020. Pembenihan Ikan Mas Koi. Jakarta :


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