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Complete report of animal structure entitled ‘‘Reptile body structure’’

made by :

name : Rika Laura

ID : 220107510002

class/group : ICP of biology education/ 2 (two)

Has been examined and consulted by Asssistant and Assistant coordnators,

then this report id declared to have been received.

Makassar, May 2023

Assistant Coordinators Assistant

Suhardi Aldi,S.Pd,M,Pd Rifka Almunawarah S.Pd

Know by
Lecture in charge

Prof.Dr Adnan,M,S.
NIP. 1965020119880003

A. Background
Indonesia is one of the countries that have the highest biodiversity
in the world. According to the Biodiversity Action Plan for Indonesia
(Bappenas, 1993) Indonesia has about 10% of flowering plant species in
the world, 12% of mammals, 16% of reptiles and amphibians, 17% of
birds and 25% of fish species. The high biodiversity is strongly influenced
by Indonesia's position in the tropics and is located between two
biogeographic regions, namely Indo Malaya and Australia.
Reptiles are one of the fauna that is abundant in the territory of
Indonesia. Indonesia ranks third as the country with the highest reptile
species richness in the world. More than 600 species of reptiles are found
in Indonesia. These reptiles have long been used, and have even become a
high-value economic commodity. Reptiles are usually used as pets.
However, the benefits of reptile consumption as well as drugs have also
expanded to various countries. Even in the last two decades Indonesia is
known as one of the largest exporters of reptiles in the world
Turtles are reptiles that have a unique body shape with its body
covered by bone modified from ribs coated by horny substance. The
covering bone of the body consists of two parts, namely the carapace on
the dorsal part and the plastron on the ventral part. Turtles do not have
teeth, but their jaws are strongly coated substance horns . Turtles become
one of the favorite pets in America, while in Indonesia, turtles have also
attracted the attention of reptile lovers to keep them.
Turtles are said to be unique because they have varied shapes and
colors and are easy to care for. Turtles are reptiles belonging to the order
Testudinata. The order Testudinata contains about 260 species in 75
genera and 13 families. Testudinata includes species that live in the sea,
fresh water, and land. Testudinata represent about 4% of all reptiles in the
world.According to the method of retraction (withdrawal) of the head,
turtles are distinguished into two suborders, namely Pleurodira and
Cryptodira. The cervical vertebrae of the Pleurodira move laterally so that
they can be bent and pulled to the sides. Cryptodira's cervical vertebrae
moved vertically so that they could be pulled into their shells. The
suborder Cryptodira can be divided into three super families, namely
Trionychoidea, Chelonioidea and Testudinoidea.The suborder Pleurodira
can be divided into two families, namely, Pelomedusidae and Chelidae
Classification of species can be done by determining the
characterphysical a species through observation of morphology to be
described and then grouped into hierarchies, both taxonomically and
phylogenic relationships. One approach that can be done is to conduct a
descriptive study of Osteology on structural observations and parts
pertulangan animals one with others, including on turtles

B. Purpose
1. After carrying out practical activities, students are expected to identify
and structure the body of a turtle (Euora ambirinensis)
2. Identify and describe the structure and function of the organs that make
up the system (Evora amboinensis)
C. Benefits
The benefit is to be able to identify and arrange the turtle's body
(Euora ambirinensis)and identify and describe the structure and function
of the organs that make up the system (Evora amboinensis)

Reptiles are one of the vertebrate class animals in the group of creeping
animals. Its entire life is already adapted to terrestrial life, it does not need water
anymore for its embryonic growth because it does not have a larval stage. The
skin is covered with hard scales or pieces of horny material. In the large-bodied
under the scales there are pieces of bone, to strengthen the protective forces
equipped with exoskeletons, a long tail, clawed fingers, poikilotherm, breathing
with lungs only, fertilization in the body and oviparous. Chromatophores in some
species can expand and contract so that the color of the skin changes according to
the state of the environment near it. The skin has no mucus, the five-fingered
member and some types of members are missing, it has a cloaca, urinary and
some types of uric acid in the solid phase merge with feces and come out together
rectally, does not drink and adapts to life in a dry place. Consists of four orders,
namely lacertillia (lizards), ophidia (snakes), chrocodilia (crocodiles)and chelonia
(turtles).( Yuliati nani 2022)
Reptiles were the first group of land animals that throughout their lives
breathed with lungs. The general characteristic of this class that distinguishes it
from other classes is that its entire body is covered by dry skin or scales. The skin
of this reptile covers the entire surface of its body and in some members of certain
orders or sub-orders it can peel or molt both totally, that is, in members of the
Ophidia sub-order and partially exfoliate in members of the lacertilia sub-order.
While in the orders of chelonia and crocodilia, the scales almost never undergo
alternation or peeling.( Sugiyo Endar 2019)
The order testudinata has the specific characteristic that its body is
protected by a building called a shell or shell. In Indonesian, known four groups
of animals that belong to this nation, namely turtles (sea turtle), labi-labi
(Shoftshell Turtle), freshwater turtles (Fresh water Turtle or Terrapine), land
turtles (Tortoise). The tortoise shell consists of the carapace, which is convex
dorsally, and the plastron, which is relatively flat or flattened ventrally. In the
carapace there are vertebral or neural bones, pleural bones, suprapygal bones,
pygal bones, nuchal bones and peripheral bones. In the plastron there are
epiplastron bones, entoplastron bones, hyoplastron bones, mesoplastron bones,
and xiphiplastron bones.( Erlansari Aan 2019)
The turtle is a member of the group herpetofauna. Herpetofauna are all
animals included in the class of creeping animals that class Amphibia and
Reptilia. Herpetofauna comes from the word herpeton which means creeping
walking animals. The tortoise is a herpetofauna. Ernst and Barbour distinguish the
turtle nation into four groups based on habitat and morphology, namely turtles are
turtles that live in the sea (sea turtle), tortoises are kurakura that live on land,
Terrapins are freshwater turtles and labi-labi or bulus are soft-shelled turtles (soft
shelled turtle).In general, turtles can be divided into two large groups of
Cryptodira that generally can insert the head into his shield and group Pleurodira
whose head and neck were simply deflected into side by side hiding. Turtles of
the Pleurodira group can be easily recognized. Apart from the neck that can not be
inserted into his shield, also from part of the shield his stomach which has
intergular pieces.( Diba F.D 2022)
The turtle is a very easily recognizable because it has a body shape special.
Morphology of the head, limbs and character carapace shield pieces and plastron
can used as penciri type identification on turtles. The total number of turtles in the
world is estimated more than 285 species divided into 14 familia. In Indonesia
there are about 45 species from 7 families. While in the region of Borneo there are
an estimated 25 species in 6 families. Turtles are suitable for living in Bengkulu
because Bengkulu has oceans, rivers, swamps, forests even grasslands, this is a
native habitat turtle. Characteristic features possessed by Turtles is the presence of
a shell called the carapace. The size of turtles ranges from 11-185 cm. Turtles are
very reptilian animalseasily recognizable because it has a body shape special.
Characteristic features possessed by Turtles is the presence of a shell called
carapace on the dorsal and plastron on the vetral. Morphology of the head, limbs
and character of the puck carapace shield and plastron can be used as a feature
identification of species in turtles.( Sari Julia Purnama A t all 2021)
By morphological character the observed, Cuora amboinensis has an Oval
carapace shape and tall, dark black with there are three layers to the vertebral
column, and smooth and even edges. Average value of the ratio of length and
width carapace curve of Cuora amboinensis 1.02 ° 0,05. Plastron can be tightly
closed, it is dirty white or cream with black spots on the edges Cuora
amboinensis head piece black with yellow lines circular following the edge of the
section head top and part of the cheek. yellow lips, and the eyes have a yellow
iris . Cuora amboinensis has a distinctive pattern in the form of colored stripes
yellow on his fingers.Based on The Shape of the long tail and slender, three-
individual Cuora amboinensis found in research everything Manly.The carapace
is yellow-brown, it is round and tends to flatten. The marginal puck of the
carapace is serrated and darker in color. Plastron movable, gular puck shaped
triangle does not protrude, femoral slice longer than anal puck, front edge
couples of arc-shaped anal puck. (Setiadi Anandita Eka 2021)
Pola plastron in the form of black stripes radially arranged and somewhat
thickened The head has blotches or a thin red line and barely noticeable limbs it
is Black, has membranes and paws. Based on The Shape of the tail Cyclemys
dentata found in this study is male.Trachemys scripta has an oval-shaped
carapace with a slight indentation on the surface, Brown young with yellow
stripes or spots. The marginal puck of the carapace is serrated. On young
individuals, the carapace is more drooping, at the ends of which are shaped like
scales thickened, young carapace is green with dark blotches.Morphometric
carapace of Trachemys scripta shows the average value of the comparison length
and width of the carapace arch 1,02±0,05. Morphometrics of Cuora amboinensis
and Trachemys scripta has an average value the ratio of the length and width of
the carapace almost the same, but the difference in carapace which is very
clearly visible from shape. Plastron Trachemys scripta yellow with a pattern in
the form of circle brownish green circle on adult individuals. Head Trachemys
scripta yellow striking with red on the sides head, a glimpse of this red spot like
ears. Trachemys Limbs scripta has membranes and claws with a typical pattern in
the form of a circle the green color of the individual young and Brown in adult
individuals. Based on The Shape of the tail two individuals found in research
male and 4 female sex.( Purwandari Endina Putri 2020)
Trachemys scripta has an oval-shaped carapace with a slight indentation
on the surface, light brown in color with yellow stripes or spots. The marginal
puck of the carapace is serrated. In young individuals, the carapace is more
drooping, at the edges it is shaped like thickened scales, the young carapace is
green with dark blotches. Morphometric carapace Trachemys scripta showed the
average value of the ratio of the length and width of the arch of the carapace 1.02
° 0.05. Morphometric Cuora amboinensis and Trachemys scripta have an average
value of the ratio of length and width of the carapace is almost the same, but the
carapace differences are very clearly visible from the shape.Plastron Trachemys
scripta is yellow with a pattern in the form of brownish-green circular circles in
adult individuals. The head of Trachemys scripta is striking yellow with red on the
sides of the head, at first glance this Red Spot looks like an ear. The limbs of
Trachemys scripta have membranes and claws with a characteristic pattern in the
form of green circles in young individuals and Brown in adult individuals. Based
on The Shape of the tail, two individuals found in the study were male and 4 were
female.reptilian literature suggests that fertility is directly correlated with body
size, intraspecific and interspecific. ( Mochamad A 2021)
The Data presented here show that the average clutch and average
carapace length of females in nesting populations are directly intraspecifically
related among olive ridges, hawksbill turtles. and green turtle populations, but
available evidence suggests no such relationship among loggerhead populations.
Insufficient Data preclude making statements about the average size of nesters and
among lamellar and among leatherback turtle populations, although small
leatherback turtles in the Eastern Pacific lay fewer eggs than their conspecifics
elsewhere. Leatherback turtles are the largest sea turtles, but the average number
of eggs per nest is smaller than other marine species of turtles except
lamellar.Turtle Data show a general interrelationship between the average clutch
and the average diameter of the eggs. And, beyond the flatback, evidence suggests
an intergenerational positive trend between average nest length and average egg
(and hatchling) size. The success of hatching (= emergence) in natural nests of all
turtle species on average ranges from 60-85%, except in cheloneries where
density-dependent nest destruction occurs.( Setiadi Anandita Eka 2019

A.Tools and Materials

1. Tools
1. Surgical board and 1 set of surgical tools (1 pieces)
2. stationery (1 pieces)
2. Materials
1. Cotton (1 pieces)
2. Anesthetic bottle (1 pieces)
3. Chloroform (1 pieces)
4. Tortoise (Euora ambirinensis) (1 pieces)

B. Work Procedure
observe the turtle and then after that photograph and describe the results of
your observations for each sub-unit of activity in the box that has been provided
and equipped with a description of the parts of the picture.Use the schematic
diagram image as a comparison image, to help you observe and identify the organs
of the Frog's body

A. Observation Result
Table 1.1 Identification of the anatomical structure of turtle
Image of own observation Picture of observation Description
1. Eye
2. Nostril
3. Mouth
4. Mandible
5. Nail
6. Front leg
7. Marginal
8. Tail
9. Vertebral
10. Nuchal shell
Table 1.2 Identification of the anatomical structure of turtle
Image of own Picture of observation Description
1. Gular
2. Humoral
3. Pictoral
4. Axillary
5. Abdominal
6. Inguinal
7. Femoral
8. anal
B. Discussion
The Chelonian has a body covered by a shell, the shell of which has
Chelonia covered from the carapace and plastron. The cartilage comes from the
osteoderm that grows side by side with the spine and ribs, while the plastron is
part of the ventral bone of the shell. Plastron is from 12 students. Plastron can also
be used to identify the type of turtle on the carapace and plastron there is a link
called axillary, axillary hidden in the tail of the English opening.
The morphology of the Chelonia shell depends on where it lives.
Examples such as turtles that live on terrestrial territory have distinctive features
of height, feet single, and small head. Chelonia living in the ocean also has a
different shell shape. This can be seen in the Chelonia that coexist with it flatter,
calmer and slender in shape. In addition, there are also other modifications such as
anaerobic metabolism.
The Marine Chelonia also has metacarpal bones and phalanges that have
been considered locomotion and the rear fin bones can be used against the nest.
Chelonia living in semi-desert regions also have different characteristics, sure to
have webbed feet, the skin is rough, flat and the size on the plastron is smaller
with the size to be inserted into the rough skin
Reptiles have dry skin and have more hair than normal in humans or
mammals. The skin in reptiles is keratinized with a lipid layer to eliminate air
pollution. The only exceptions are the femoral and precloacal pores found in some
grades. The Epidermis in reptiles forms scales. In reptiles it is different from fish,
if the fish does not fit the reptile then the reptile does not fit the reptile does not fit
the reptile does not fit the reptile does not fit the reptile does not fit the reptile
does not fit the reptile it can be because it is an integral part of the skin. The
Epidermis in reptiles consists of three layers: stratum germinativum (basale),
stratum granulosum and stratum corneum.The basal Stratum is formed from
cuboid cells that produce keratin protein.
Stratum granulosum is a middle layer that contains a lot of lipids, plays a
role as a water permeable barrier in the skin. The outermost layer is the stratum
corneum, which is keratinized to form scales. Keratin is divided into two namely
alpha-keratin and beta keratin. Alpha keratin has more flexible properties. Found
on the hinge or between the scutes while beta-keratin has a hard nature as a
reinforcement, generally found in the sisk of the Chelonia shell. The Dermis in
reptiles contains connective tissue, blood, lymphatic, vascular, nerve and pigment
cells. In some species, the dermis has bone plates called osteoderms. In Chelonia
the part merges with the spine forming a shell
Subcutaneous tissue (hypodermis, hypoderm, and subcutis) is a layer of
ajringan located under the dermis, consisting of fibroblasts, adipose cells, and
macrophages. Subcutaneous fat in reptiles is less developed than in mammals.
Some species are known to have substantial subcutaneous banyalan it's in the
gecko. Integumentary glands in reptiles are limited to certain areas of the body.
Examples of integumentary glands are found in the femoral glands in lizards, odor
glands in the cloaca in crocodiles and turtles. Most integument glands in reptiles
are thought to play a role in reproductive behavior
The carapace is the hard outer skin on the dorsal side while the plastron is
the abdominal skin. The carapace originates from the osteoderms that grow
together with the spine and ribs. The carapace is composed by 38 corneal scutes.
The middle part of the carapace, along the back there are corneal or vertebral
scales while the plastron is part
Which is an almost flat shape that is the ventral surface of the shell. The
Plastron is generally composed of 12 plastral scales, six on each side that
converge at the midline. Plastron can be used to identify species of turtles by
using the form dnan plastral formula consisting of intergular, hular, humerus,
pectoral, femoral abdominal sisk, and anal platrak. The connection between the
carapace and the plastron is called the bridge, the cranial opening is called the
axillary opening and in the caudal part the inguinal opening
The turtle has a shell, the shell on the turtle as a place for limbs and a head
composed of ribs, vertebrae and dermal bones. The integument in turtles merges
into a protective bone that is used as a container for the contents of the stomach.
The appendicular skeleton in turtles is unique in that it is located inside the ribs
rather than outside like other vertebrates. The skeleton of the turtle consists of
cervical vertebrae, scapula, humerus, thoracic vertebrae, coracoid, peripheral
plate, expanded rib, pubis, ischium, and femur
The mechanism of motion in the testudines of both the front and hind legs
used for walking. The way the turtle walks is more focused on the strength of its
limbs.Then for the rear legs on the turtle is used as a steering direction and both
legs also serve to make a nest of eggs

1. Turtles are four-legged scaly animals that belong to the group of reptiles. This
animal nation called (order) Testudines (or Chelonians) is distinctive and easily
recognizable by the presence of a ‘house’ or shell (bony shell) that is hard and
rigid. The shell of this turtle consists of two parts. The upper part covering the
back is called the carapace (carapace) and the lower part (ventral, abdominal) is
called the plastron. Then each of these parts consists of two layers. The outer
layer is generally in the form of large and hard scales, and arranged like
tiles.Turtles live in various places, ranging from desert areas, grasslands, forests,
swamps, rivers, and seas. Some types live completely aquatic, both in fresh
water and in the ocean. Turtles are plant-eating (herbivores), meat-eating
(carnivores), or mixed (omnivores).Turtles have no teeth. But the pavement of
bones in the snout of a turtle can cut anything that becomes its food.
2. Turtle legs have the function of walking and swimming in water. The mouth or
muzzle serves to hunt for food and eat it. The eye serves as a sensor and to see.
The nose serves for the smell sensor and also for the respiration process.Blood
circulation in reptiles is closed and double blood circulation. The circulatory
system consists of the heart and blood vessels. The heart in reptiles has two
atria and two ventricles but is not completely blocked (except in crocodilians).
The kidney in reptiles is metanephros. When embryonic, reptiles have a
pronephros kidney, at maturity it becomes mesonephros to metanephros. The
result of excretion in reptiles is uric acid.

The advice in this practicum is that in carrying out the experiment, you
should practice more carefully and be careful when carrying out the experiment.

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R Mochamad A 2021.Biologi Kura-kura Sesuai Hahslm 472319 Di Era Ekonomi
Covid ,Prodi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah
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Setiadi Anandita Eka 2019. Turtles Identification In West Kalimantan. Prodi
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Yuliati nani 2022 . Buku PanduanPenanganan (Handling) Satwa-Reptil. Jakarta.

Direktorat Pencegahan dan Pengamanan Hutan

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