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In my personal perspective, abortion is only morally correct when used for medical reasons or they happen
naturally as in miscarriage. Such as when the woman and the baby’s situation are in danger. It is only morally
right if there is really no choice or any other options to save the baby like ectopic pregnancy. Meanwhile, it is
immoral when you abort the baby for the reason that you’re not ready to become a parent and not stable

1. Am I a steward of life in my own personal stand in many issues that tend to destroy and degrade the
value of life?

- YES. I am engaged in the stewardship of life. I am not free to do things that tend to destroy and degrade the
value of life. Instead, it is God’s will that I work hard at solving problems which beset our world. I must care and
respect my life and the dignity of others and act in ways that will promote the good and protect our values as a
human being.

2. Do I have habits and vices that may lead me to destroy my own health and life in the process?

- I do not have any vices that may lead to destroy my life because I know what I’m doing, I always listen to my
mother and grateful that my mother raised me well. Not only that, sometimes when my life goes wrong or not in
the right direction anymore, the first thing I do is praying. I always believe that prayer is powerful and so I
always ask God for guidance to bring me to the right path and I start fixing myself again. I also believe that yes
prayer is powerful but without helping yourself or working it for youself, it is useless.

3. Do I treat my fellowmen (family, colleagues, friends, others) well and accord them the worth and
dignity due them as human beings?

- Yes. I do respect them. I treat them on how I want to be treated. I treat them with respect and dignity. We are
made by the image of our Creator God, so if I don’t respect others as a human being, it’s like I am not
respecting our God. That’s why we must not discriminate or degrade others just because they are not your
family or friends. We must always respect each other. “Respect begets respect”.

4. Am I patient in my dealings that I never think of violence or inflicting harm to others as a course of

- Honestly, I never think of any violence or harm that may destroy the life of others. Yes, my patience is short
but violence or harm is not the solution to revenge. It’s better to solve the conflict in a positive or healthy way.
There is always a choice or options to solve it in a better way just like communicating to him/her nicely with

5. Do I value my elders? Do I recognize their special role in my life? Have I done enough to help them
have a meaningful and dignified lives?

- Yes, I value my elders but only those who deserve it. It is because there are also instances that some elders
don’t deserve my respect. We’ve been taught since a young age that we should respect everyone, especially
those who are different from us, our teachers, our peers, and our elders. We’ve been taught by our family to do
the same, in all aspects respect everyone around you. But as I’ve grown up, I’ve come to realize that
sometimes trying to treat everyone with the same respect and kindness that you would like to receive doesn’t
always work out in your favor. To me, respect is a two-way street. If you treat me with kindness and respect, I
will do the same to you. If someone continuously has no respect for me, then I see no reason why I should, in
turn, respect them. If someone continuously disrespects my time, emotions, lifestyle, anything of that nature, I
see no reason why I should respect theirs. Hence, to me respect should always be earned. Those who have
no respect for you should be treated civilly and with kindness, but should not have the gift of your respect.
Don’t get me wrong ma’am in my answer. But honestly, I never talk back to my parents. In times or argument, I
just locked up myself in the room and cry and when they are calm already, I talk to them nicely.

I am a person who knows my worth and knows who worth’s my respect. My life is a gift from God, my life is
under God and my life is for God. God made me with certain resources, unique gifts and personalities, abilities
and purpose and I must use this in doing good things and preventing those things that may degrade or destroy
my life and other’s dignity. I must not engage or involve to any activities that may destroy the life and dignity of
others. All in my power, I defend, maintain, and promote the dignity and value of human life. I value other
people, how they feel, what could harm their physical, mental, moral, and spiritual well-being. I respect others
and their dignity as a person by not saying words that will hurt and scar them for life. Most importantly, I value
myself as a person of great worth and value and I am aware that my life is precious so I do not waste it doing
anything that my heart does not respect or agree with. I respect myself by taking good care of my hygiene, I
am mindful of the things that I say about myself, and I will be careful not to do things that will harm my moral,
spiritual, physical, and social well-being. “Life is beautiful and too precious to waste a single bit of it. I am
grateful for this life and I live it to the highest value and purpose”.

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