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Explain the relevant steps in their order in implementing the tracking system.

Implementation is the process of putting a decision or a plan into effect or execution. A tracking
system is a locating system which is used to observe persons or objects on the move and
supplying a timely ordered sequence of location data for further processing.There are relevant
steps which are used to implement a tracking system which are explaining the need for a
vehicle tracking system, educating your employees get employees buy in, create an on-
boarding program and expect to learn and adapt.

Explain the need for a vehicle tracking system.

Gather adequate information before you attempt to explain vehicle tracking to others in your
business. Define business goals, set expectations for the type of solution you need, calculate
costs and understand how the vehicle tracking software will improve productivity and efficiency
for everyone involved. Once you have gathered intel and defined a bigger picture to explain to
your team, you will be ready to present.

Educate your employees

Educate your employees about the new situation you want to implement. Explain vehicle
tracking, the technology behind it and the many benefits it can offer each member of your
team. Show them them how others have successfully optimized their fleet operation in a
competitive market. Ensure that you educate your team to build confidence and support across

Get employee buy-in

Adopting to new technology can be a difficult task for some employees, so you have to show
them that it will help them in the long run. Outline the features and benefits of vehicle tracking
software such as increased visibility and safety, the ability to automate office and in vehicle
tasks, improved efficiency and productivity. Being able to cut costs and track productivity and
work patterns comes with rewards, then discuss this could mean recognition and reward
programs for the team and individuals based on performance and the company's overall

Create an on-boarding programs

As part of your introduction to why vehicle tracking software is the best solution for your team,
you must have an on-boarding plan already. Create a strategy to train your employees and
drivers on how to use the software and apply best practices for an optimal user experience.
Check out vehicle tracking providers that offer training and other professional service to
support your team as it ramps up with a new vehicle tracking solution.

Expect to learn and adapt

The first phase of any vehicle tracking solution is implementation. Once the implementation is
complete, the discovery phase kicks in.You and your team will learn what the features do, how
to use the data and use both to make operational fleet changes as needed.Drivers will also
learn how to handle in-vehicle devices and use them on a daily bases. The more your team
embraces the changes, the stronger the outcome.
In summation, selecting and implementing a vehicle tracking system is made easy by thorough
research and planing that goes with acquiring new tools for the entire team and spending more
time troubleshooting than reaping the benefits. Thus to help you in your implementation use
the five tips i have outlined and explained.

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