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Workload Matrix

Student's Name Allocation of Work Percent Signatures

Pawan Shrestha (NP000109) 25%

Sangeeta Timsina (NP000115) 25%

Sanjib Kumar Raidanuwar (NP000116) 25%

Saujanya Regmi(NP000117) 25%

Feasibility study report:

a. Technical Feasibility:

As technical feasibility study accesses the details of how an organization delivers the product or
service (i.e., materials, labor, transportation, where the business will be located and the technology
needed), through the study we knew that our system i.e. Stock level monitoring system for Tip Top
Bakery is technically feasible. Because the Bakery is already in good location and has good labor, the
thing Tamara requires is hardware and software and transportation which can be easily acquired.
So, the things found out during technical feasibility study was , the organization need to setup
computer hardware and software as well as manage transportation for the deliveries of the bakery
items. This study helped us in making strategies of the long term planning for the troubleshooting
and technical operability.

b. Economic Feasibility:
Economic feasibility study is the procedure to determine the benefits and savings that are
expected from a candidate system and compare them with costs. If benefits outweigh costs,
then the decision is made to design and implement the system. Taking the same thing under
consideration, we studied about the cost effectiveness of the system which we were going to
design. Thus, through this study we found that the system we were going to design is cost
effective and economically feasible as the short-term costs of our system can be overshadowed
by long-term gains and produces immediate reduction in operating costs. As a result, we were
very much sure to develop the system knowing the economic feasibility of it in near future and
all the cost related facts.
c. Schedule Feasibility:
Schedule feasibility is defined as the probability of a project to be completed within its
scheduled time limits, by a planned due date following the same definition we were able to gain
high schedule feasibility because we had team of four members and were working with full
dedication in every field of developing the system. And we were pretty sure to deliver the
software within a time constraints of Tip Top Bakery. We maintained the entire schedule making
the project charts and Gantt charts which made it possible to deliver the project.
d. Operational Feasibility:
The process of assessing the degree to which a proposed system solves business problems or
takes advantage of business opportunities. It also refers to a system that users will accept and
use effectively to support business objectives. To solve the problems and make the system
advantageous by not facing any errors, it requires set of knowledge and proper skills of the
program. Thus to determine the operational feasibility the staffs and all the members were
asked whether they could use the system or not and also their limits to the understanding of
technology which we would be delivering them. As it is essential to analyze if the system will
help the Bakery to advance in its service providence or not and also if it will solve the ongoing
operational problems or not we assessed the analysis of the operational feasibility by taking the
PIECES framework approach.
PIECES Framework:
The PIECES framework is an approach which help in identifying operational problems to be
solved and their urgency.

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