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English Department

Fourth Grades A – B
Miss Francisca Calderón V. – Miss Ruth Jopia.

Social Studies Institutional Evaluation

Name: _____________________________________________________________ Date:

Class: ____________ Total Score: __________ Real Score: ____________ Mark:

Learning outcomes: To locate places on a map using geographic coordinates as a reference. Identify
parallels and meridians and their characteristics. To distinguish between renewable and non-renewable
natural resources. To classify economical activities such as primary, secondary and tertiary activities.

Item I. Circle the correct answer. ( ____/ 7 pts. )

1. Regarding meridians, it is correct to say that:
A) You can only see them in planispheres
B) They are imaginary and parallel lines
C) The most important one is the Greenwich meridian
D) The Equator is an important meridian
2. Regarding the Equator, it is correct to say that:
A) It is perpendicular to the Tropics
B) It is essential to determine longitude
C) It is an imaginary line that goes from north to south
D) It is a parallel and marks 0-degree latitude location.
3. How many degrees of latitude are there?
A) 90° in the Western Hemisphere and 90° in the Eastern Hemisphere
B) 180° in the Western Hemisphere and 90° in the Eastern Hemisphere
C) 180° in the Northern Hemisphere and 180° in the Southern hemisphere
D) 90° in the Northern Hemisphere and 90° in the Southern Hemisphere
4. Which divisions of the Earth are the results of the Greenwich Meridian and the
English Department
Fourth Grades A – B
Miss Francisca Calderón V. – Miss Ruth Jopia.
A) North pole and South pole
B) Continents
C) Hemispheres
D) Tropics

5. Copper, gold and lithium are:

A) Renewable energies
B) Industrial products
C) Non-Renewable resources
D) Farming resources
6. Which energy source is renewable?
A) Coal
B) Oil
C) Sunlight
D) Artificial light
7. This activity consists of exploiting mineral resources found ON and BELOW the
surface of the Earth. This description refers to:
A) Mining
B) Livestock
C) Metallurgy
D) Forestry

ITEM II. Match the numbers with the correct name of the imaginary line. (____ / 7 pts.)

Arctic Circle


Tropic of Capricorn

Prime Meridian

Tropic of Cancer
English Department
Fourth Grades A – B
Miss Francisca Calderón V. – Miss Ruth Jopia.

Antarctic Circle

Earth’s Axis

ITEM III. The Easter Bunny has lost his eggs. Find the location of his eggs. Follow the
example. ( ___ / 5 pts.)

Egg 1 30°N 30°W

Egg 5

Egg 7

Egg 3

Egg 6

Egg 8
English Department
Fourth Grades A – B
Miss Francisca Calderón V. – Miss Ruth Jopia.

ITEM IV. Color the square GREEN if it is a RENEWABLE RESOURCE.

Color the square RED if it is a NON-RENEWABLE RESOURCE. (____ / 7 pts.)

Natural Gas Gold Livestock Coal

Fertile soil Poultry Sunlight

ITEM V. Classify the following activities from the box and identify if they belong to a
primary, secondary or tertiary activity. ( ___/ 8 pts.)

Azapa Valley School





Tomates Ocaña
English Department
Fourth Grades A – B
Miss Francisca Calderón V. – Miss Ruth Jopia.

North: norte Lithium: litio
Northern: al norte Renewable: renovable
South: sur Non-renewable: no renovable
Southern: al sur Farming: agricultura
East: este Resources: recursos
Eastern: oriente / oriental Source: fuente (de donde provienen los
West: oeste
Surface of the Earth: superficie de la
Western: occidente / occidental
Hemisphere: hemisferio
On: sobre (posición)
Latitude: latitud
Below: debajo
Longitude: longitud
Coal: carbón
Parallels: paralelos
Bricklayer: albañil
Meridians: meridianos
Factory worker: trabajador de fábricas
Lines: líneas
Livestock: Ganado / ganadería
Poultry: aves de corral
Degree: grados
Location: ubicación
Copper: cobre
Gold: oro

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