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Weekly Diary For

Industrial Training At

Name of Industry: - Internshala

Duration From: -
Name of Supervisor:
Name of Student: -
Enrolment no.: -
Branch of Engineering: - Computer Engineering
Name of Polytechnic: -

Signature of Student: Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

Week 1: from 01/Aug/2021 to 06/Aug/2021

Expected Work: Setting up Local Environment, use of HTML tags.

Day Activities carried out

1. 01/Aug/2021

Html Introduction

We learn about HTML, used of HTML every web page is developed using
HTML. HTML support the language that browser understand with the use of
netbeens editor we can type the HTML code. And installation process
and how to handle it.
2. 02/Aug/2021

Html Page Structure

In this module we learn syntax of how to write HTML code, comments, tittle,
body of elements and also attempts some quizzes and code challenges
3. 03/Aug/2021

Tags &


In this we learn about different tags and elements are covered Ex:
<body>, <HTML>, <head>, <tittle>, <p>

HTML tags are hidden keywords in the web page that defines how the
browser must format and display the content most of the tags have 2 parts
opening tag & closing tag opening tags are always in opening and closing
angular brackets (<keyword>) and closing tag are enclosed in opening angular
bracket forward slash and closing angular bracket (</keyword>). The text can
be added in
between opening and closing tag

Signature of Student: Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

4. 04/Aug/2021

Text Formatting

In text formatting, the different tags are used to define the unique text from
the normal text.
For example: 1) Heading tags- There are 6 heading tags to define the text. h1,
h2, h3, h4, h5, h6.
1) Bold tag- It will display the text in bold. <b> </b> is used for this.
2) Italic tag- It will display the text inside <i> </i> tag in italic form.
3) Underline tag- By using this tag the underline will display below the text.
<u> </u> is used.
4) Strong tag and em tag- <strong> </strong> and <em> </em> will indicate
the importance of text inside it.
In this lesson we also attempt some quizzes and code challenge.

5. 05/Aug/2021

Signature of Student: Signature of Industrial Supervisor:


There are two types of attributes i.e. Global attributes and Elements specific
Attributes are used to define properties in HTML elements. Attributes
consists of two parts i.e. attribute name and attribute value for
example: sec attribute, href attribute, id attribute.

6. 06/Aug/2021


By adding the hyperlinks on the particular image or text, we can link it to

another page or same page.
Anchor tag is used for the text to link it on other page. <a> </a> is used in
hyperlink. href attribute is used in anchor tag to link the text and SRC
attribute is used for image to link it.
Example :<a href="> click here</a>
Now in above ex the “click here" text is linked. If click on the "click here" the it
will go to the Internshala page.

Weekly summarization of above activities: Introduced to HTML use basic concepts of web
development, set local environment, use HTML tags.

Signature of Student: Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

Week 2: from 07/Aug/2021 to 12/Aug/2021

Expected Work: Use CSS Selectors and Structure the Web Page.

Day Activities carried out

1. 07/Aug/2021

Cascading Style Sheets.

In this lesson I have learnt that CSS is used to styles of the HTML page i.e. size,
colour, font, image styling etc. Browser read the HTML & CSS page together.
There are three types of styling the page:
* Inline style
* Internal style
* External style
Priority level of styling the sheets:
Inline style > Internal style > External style
2. 08/Aug/2021

Box Model

Every HTML element is considered as a box. The different elements in box

model are
* Content: The inner most element in box model. Content can be text
or images.
* Padding: The space between the contents and border in the padding. It
can be change by giving the values to it.
* Border: The border of the page or the contents. The default color and
value of the border is transparent and 0 px.
* Margin: The default value of margin is 8 px. It can set by giving the
different values to it.

3. 09/Aug/2021


Colors are used as two different ways i.e. font color and background color to
apply the text color "color: " property is used and to apply the background
color the "background-color: " property is used.
The values of property can be in hexadecimal or RGB code. There are
different hexadecimal and RGB code for every color.


There are two types‟ properties to define font:

* Font style
* Font variant
* Font width
* Font size
* Line height

Signature of Student: Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

* Font family
We can define it by giving values to each property. The font size and font
family is mandatory to define.

4. 10/Aug/2021


There are two types of defining the list i.e.

1) Ordered list: In ordered list the items are displayed in ordered form. <ol>
</ol> tags is used.
2) Unordered list. In unordered list the items are displayed in unordered form.
<ul> </ul> tags is used.
Each item is displayed by using <li> </li> tag. The text defines in the li tag will
added in the list form.

Creating Layout

In this topic we learn about how to adjust web page in systematic way. And
learn the different tags use to design html pages.

 < header>- Defines a header for a document or a section

 <nav>- Defines a set of navigation links
 < section>- Defines a section in a document
 < article>- Defines an independent, self-contained content
 <aside>- Defines content aside from the content (like a sidebar)
 <footer>- Defines a footer for a document or a section
 < details >- Defines additional details that the user can open and close
on demand

5. 11/Aug/2021


In this topic we learn about how to insert images in web page using tag.
 < img src="image.jpg >- Defines a image to insert on web page
 <img src=”flower.png” alt=”flower”>- Defines a name to image if the
image not load


In this we learn different tags use for arranging data in form of table
The <table> tag defines an HTML table. Each table row is defined with a
<tr> tag. Each table header is defined with <th> tag. Each table data/cell is
defined with a<td> tag. By default the text in <th> elements are bold and
centerd . By
default, the text<td> regular and left aligned.
6. 12/Aug/2021

Signature of Student: Signature of Industrial Supervisor:
In navigations we learn how to write links in different way. Ex.

<li><a href=”default.asp”>Home</a></li>

<li><a href=”news.asp”>News</a></li>

<li><a href=”contact.asp”> Contact </a></li>

<li><a href=”about.asp”>About </a></li>



The form is use to create form for inputting data of user in servers. In this we
use input tag to create text field to input data.
 input[type=text] - will only select text fields
 input[type=password] - will only select password fields
 input[type=number] - will only select number fields Miscellaneous


HTML Character Codes. A collection of various HTML characters and the

codes assigned to them so you can include them in your website.
EX. <a href = “signup.html”><span class =” glyphicon glyphicon-
user”></span>Sign up.

Weekly summarization of above activities: Used CSS properties, Flexbox, Box Model. Structured the
web page using wireframe, inspected web page elements using inspect Element function.

Signature of Student: Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

Week 3: from 13/Aug/2021 to 18/Aug/2021

Expected Work: Installation of Bootstrap and set up CSS library.

Day Activities carried out

1. 13/Aug/2021

Introduction To Bootstrap
 Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework
for developing responsive, mobile-first websites.
 In chapter, we have look at some HTML elements that will be styled a
little bit differently by Bootstrap than browser defaults.
 Images come in all sizes. So done screens. Responsive images
automatically adjust to fit the size of the screen. Created responsive images
by adding an
.img-responsive class to the <img> tag. The image will then scale nicely to the
parent element.

Installation of Bootstrap

we need three files to executions of Bootstrap framework - Bootstrap.css,

Bootstrap_mean.css, jQuery.

In above file jQuery is must

2. 14/Aug/2021

Containing Elements

Bootstrap predefined classes.

Bootstrap classes: visible,
Bootstrap provides 4 Device and 3 Breakpoints.

Large device >=1200 px lg

Medium device 992 px to 1199 px Md
Small device 768 px to 991 px Sm
Extra small device <768 px xs
3. 15/Aug/2021

Jumbotron & Glyphicon

Learn four important topic in Bootstrap that is: Container Elements,

Jumbotron, and Glyphicos and Table class.

Container Elements: there are two bootstrap class in

Jumbotron: Jumbotron get some extra attention in web page.

Signature of Student: Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

Glyphicos: Glyphicos is predefined symbol defined in Bootstrap which is
used in our web-page.

Table: table are create by using Table class, which is use to represent tabular
data. In table provide some classes to styling the table such as tale, table-
striped, table-bordered, table-hover, table-responsive

4. 16/Aug/2021


creating a layout generally before creating any web-site we plane, how our
web-site look and their row design created in Page. But Bootstrap provides
the facility of creating layout and test our web how look on deferent devices.
Bootstrap divides width of web page into 12 equal Column.
Syntax: col-screen_type-number
row class remove column offset with no padding. Because it give margin-right:
- 15px and margin- left: -15px
Navbar: navbar are created by using Navbar class
5. 17/Aug/2021

To create images as responsive in any device size by using img-responsive
class. Property of img-responsive classes are display:block ;max-width: 100%;
height :auto;


Thumbnail are generally used to reduce size and version of images and video.

Form in Bootstrap

In the form two important classes that are used to create form that is form-
control and form- group it provides margin-bottom:15px; in form we can
create button, label, checkbox, textile etc.
6. 18/Aug/2021


A panel in bootstrap is a bordered box with some padding around its content.
There are five styles learn in panel are: panel-primary, panel-success, panel-
info, panel- warning, and panel-denger. Now our Bootstrap module ended
then we will solve Assignment problem and give some quizzes for practice
then we will give modal test of Bootstrap

Weekly summarization of above activities: Used Bootstrap library and install Bootstrap.

Signature of Student: Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

Week 4: from 19/Aug/2021 to 23/Aug/2021

Expected Work: Start MySQL and Create the databases

Day Activities carried out

1. 19/Aug/2021

Introduction to Database

Now in this modal we will learn SQL that is Structure query language to
perform operation on database. In very first we learn what is DBMS and there
type and need of database. Before learning of SQL we need to WAMP to run
the queries. WAMP stands of (Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) for
windows OS. Also learn the installation Linux that is LAMP. LAMP stands for
(Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP)
2. 20/Aug/2021

Creating First database

After installation process we will create our first database. Before that
we learn MySQL data types

3. 21/Aug/2021


we learn DDL commands: in DDL commands contain CREATE database

command, CREATE TABLE command and also learn Primary-key and
auto- Increment

4. 22/Aug/2021

Alter & Drop

learn Alter & Drop commands in SQL and perform some operation on
database which will create in previous day.
Foreign Key & Truncate

Foreign Key
A FOREIGN KEY is a key used to link two tables together. A FOREIGN KEY is a
field (or collection of fields) in one table that refers to the PRIMARY KEY in
another table. The table containing the foreign key is called the child table,
and the table containing the candidate key is called the referenced or parent

In SQL, the TRUNCATE TABLE statement is a Data Definition Language (DDL)
operation that marks the extents of a table for reallocation (empty for reuse).
The result of this operation quickly removes all data from a table, typically
bypassing a number of integrity enforcing mechanisms.

Signature of Student: Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

5. 23/Aug/2021


We will learn DML command in SQL, that contains INSERT command, UPDATE
command, DELETE command, and SELECT command.
 SELECT – retrieve data from the a database.
 INSERT – insert data into a table.
 UPDATE – updates existing data within a table.
 DELETE – deletes all records from a table, the space for the records remain.

SQL Joins

SQL joins are used to access data of two or more table. There are three types
of joins learn which is INNER join, LEFT join, RIGHT join
Also learn ORDER by query in SQL.
6. 24/Aug/2021

Additional SQL features

We will learn some additional SQL features such as Backup, Export, and
Then we solve Assignment problem and some quizzes for practice. Then give
module test of SQL.

Weekly summarization of above activities: Run SQL Queries, Designed the databases and create
table. Backed up and Restored the databases.

Signature of Student: Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

Week 5: from 25/Aug/2021 to 30/Aug/2021

Expected Work: Run PHP snipped and Connect the Database using PHP

Day Activities carried out

1. 25/Aug/2021

PHP Introduction

 PHP is an acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Pre-processor"

 PHP is a widely-used, open source scripting language
 PHP scripts are executed on the server
 PHP is free to download and us
2. 26/Aug/2021


Basic Syntaxes of PHP, variable, data type and operator PHP

commands are embedded into HTML by one of several
ways. The preferred method is include the code using
the special.
Tags <?php PHP_code_goes_here ?>

PHP supports the following data types:

• Boolean
• integer
• float
• string
• array
• object
• resource

3. 27/Aug/2021

Functions/ Arrays/ Strings

creating function

The real power of PHP comes from its functions. PHP has more than 1000
built-in functions, and in addition you can create your own custom
creating Arrays An array stores multiple values in one single variable n PHP,
the array() function is used to create an array

 Indexed arrays - Arrays with a numeric index

Signature of Student: Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

 Associative arrays - Arrays with named keys

 Multidimensional arrays - Arrays containing one or more arrays

Creating String in PHP.

Strings can be seen as a stream of characters. For example, “G‟ is a

character and „GeeksforGeeks‟ is a string. We have learned about basics of
string data type in PHP

In PHP Everything inside quotes, single (‘ ’) and double (” “) in PHP is treated

as a string

4. 28/Aug/2021

We learn Iterative statement and conditional statements

Conditional statement: simple if, if-else, else-if-ladder.

Looping statement: while loop and for loop
5. 29/Aug/2021

Database Connection

In PHP we used mysqli_connect() function to establish connection.

Syntax: mysqli_connect ("host","username","password","database name”);.
6. 30/Aug/2021

SELECT Query with PHP (Part

I) In this part we learnt:

SELECT query in PHP It is used to select data from database function of
MySQL Query.
The mysqli_query function is used to execute SQL queries. The function can
be used to execute the following query types:

 Insert
 Select
 Update
 Delete.

Weekly summarization of above activities: Used PHP loops, arrays, strings, functions and connected
the database and save data in database using PHP. Used Cookies and Sessions.

Week 6: from 31/Aug/2021 to 04/Aug/2021

Signature of Student: Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

Expected Work: Debug JS using inspect element

Day Activities carried out

1. 31/Aug/2021

SELECT Query with PHP (Part II)

In this part we learn about:

Display Data Using HTML & Bootstrap. Data Calculation Using Functions
2. 01/Sep/2021


A web form, web form or HTML form on a web page allows a user to enter
data that is sent to a server for processing. Forms can resemble paper or
database forms because web users fill out the forms using checkboxes, radio
buttons, or text fields. For example, forms can be used to enter shipping or
credit card data to order a product, or can be used to retrieve search results
from a search engine.

3. 02/Sep/2021


session_start() : with the use of this we can start the session storing user
information to be used across multiple pages (e.g. username, favourite color,
etc.). By default, session variables last until you click logout button then
variable is deleted.

isset() function is use to check whether session is started or not

4. 03/Sep/2021

We learn external file including in our current file using include Security
features:md5($str) is the md5 function in PHP is used to calculate the md5
hash of a string. It is commonly used to encrypt a string. Which take input and
give output

5. 04/Sep/2021


Validation means check the input submitted by the user. PHP validation
function: preg_match(pattern,string) is function used for validation with

6. 05/Sep/2021

Signature of Student: Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

Now today's at the last day of training we solve some quizzes related to the
PHP module and solve Assignment problems, After that then we have
completed final project. Then we give final test of our 6-week complete

Weekly summarization of above activities: Used AJAX, object and classes, functions, arrays of
javaScript. Breaking the web page into modules.

Signature of Student: Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

[ internship certificate here]

Signature of Student: Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

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