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C A IO G ID L E IT T N U E IN S The guidelines also offer recommendations for appropriately deluding citations and bibliographies in your papers.

Suggestions about the formatting of citations and bibliographies are based on the College of Management writing guidelines. 1. In text Citations (within body of paper) Citations in the text include the last names of the authors and year of publication. Please include page numbers when you quote directly from a work or refer to specific passages. If author's name is in text, follow it - w i t h the publication year in parentheses: another study by Duncan (1959). If author's name is not in the text, enclose the last name and publication name in parentheses: ...whenever a occurred (Gouldner. 1963). 1. Give both names for joint authors: ... (Martin and Bailey, 1988). If mere than three authors: ... (Carr et: al., 1962). 2- Quotations text: begin and end with quotation marks; the author, date, and/or page numbers follow the end-quote and precede the period: One study found that "the drug improved his movement" (''Wright and Jacobs 1994, p. 532). 3. References: to class lecture should include course number and date of lecture: e.g. ...while researchers of media bias have found significant changes over the past decade (POL 125a lecture, March 7, 2000). 4. Email communications from individuals: should be cited as personal communications. The format in text is as follows (personal communications are not cited m the reference list"). e.g L. A. Chafez ^personal communication, "'larch 28, 1997). 5. To direct readers to an .entire website (but not a specific document on the site), it's sufficient to give the address of the site in the text. For example: "kidspsych is a wonderful interactive Web site for children" ' [No reference entry is needed. 6. Listing References after body of paper (List alphabetically all soirees cited throughout your essay on a separate page (entitled "References" or "Bibliography") at the end of your essay. Adhere to the following formats: 7. Book: Nicol, A. A. M., & Paxman, P. M. (1999). Presenting your findings: A practical guide for creating tables, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. 8. Journal article: Fine, M. A., Kurdek, L. A. '1992). Reflections on determining authorship credit and authorship order on faculty-student collaborations. American Psychologist, 48, 1141-1.147. 9. Essay/article/chapter in an edited book: O'Neil, J. M., & Egan, J. (1992). Men's and women's gender role journeys: Metaphors for healing, transition, and transformation. In B.R. Wannb (Ed.), Gender issues across the life cycle (pp. 107123). "New York: Springer. 10. Course lecture: POL 125a. 2002. Class lecture. March 7. 11. Translated book: Weber, M. (1930). The Protestant Ethnic and the spirit of Capitalism. Translated by T, Parsons. London and New York: Routiedge. 12.
Specific documents on a web site : Web documents share many of the same elements found ,n a print document (e.g., authors, titles, dates). Therefore, the

citation for a Web document often follows a format similar to that for print, with some information omitted and some added, All references begin with the same information that would be provided for a printed source (or as much of that information as is available). If no publication date is available for a document, use "n.d." (Stands for "no date") in its place. The Web information is then placed in a retrieval statement at the end of the reference. It is important to give the date of retrieval because documents on the Web may change in content, move, or be removed from a site altogether. For instance:


Online announcement: American Psychological Association. (1995, September 15). "'APA public policy action alert: Legislation would affect grant recipients [Announcement]." Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved January 25, 1996, from the World Wide Web: http://wvvw.ctpa org/ppo/istook.html


Article in a magazine, no author identified: "From 'Character' to 'personality': The lack of a generally accepted, unifying theory hasn't curbed research into the study of personality." (1999, December). APA Monitor, 32(11). Retrieved August 22, 2000, from the World Wide Web:
REFERENCE PAGE 2003. What you need to knew about geography Retrieved October 21 http://// BBC News. 2003. How important is African oil? Juiy 9 Business Africa. 2001(a). Chad. May 31st. 10: 19-22. Africa. 2001(b). Prospects. December 1 Collelo, T. (Ed.). 1990. Congress.
st th


, 2003 from

. Retrieved October 21 Business


, 2003 from

. 10: I2 Library of

Chad: A country study. Washington, D.C.: Federal Research Division,


Ferguson, R. 2003. Personal interview by Joan Tonn on February 12

, 2003. Lessons

Hecht, J. E. 1995. Monitoring the environmental impacts of trade policy reform in Africa: from Chad. Ecologica, Economics 13: 155 The Heritage Foundation. 2002. Index of freedom. Retrieved October 21

2003 from

Serieux, J., Grisham, K., and June, M. P. 1999. Debt forgiveness as good economics and enlightened self-interest. The North-South Institute Newsletter, 3 (2): 2. Retrieved October 21 ir, 2003 from U.S. Census Bureau. 2003 IDB Summary demographic data for Chad. Retrieved October 21 st, 2003 from

The World Bank Group. n.d. Chad data profile. Retrieved October 21st, 2003 from,,menuPK:3499 01~pagePK:141132~piPK:141109~theSitePK:349862,00.html

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