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Name: Date:

● In this activity, you will learn how to analyze how and why Earth is so special.

● Read the statements below and decide if you AGREE or DISAGREE with each
statement. Write your answer underneath the “Anticipation” column. At the end of
your lesson, write your answer underneath the “Reaction” column. Compare your
answers? What did you learn?

Anticipation Statement Reaction

1. Low temperature slows down chemical

reactions among living organisms

2. Atmosphere provides chemicals needed for life.

3. Gravity does not affect the Earth’s atmosphere.

4. Water traps heat from the sun.

5. Size and distance from the sun affect the

planet’s ability to hold atmosphere.

6. Absence of water interferes with reactions

necessary for life.

7. All living organisms need sunlight as source of

their energy

8. Insufficient or absence of nutrients can hinder

different biological processes.

9. Volcanism helps in nutrient recycling

10. Atmosphere protects Earth from small to

medium size meteorite impacts.

Name: Date:

● In this activity, you will learn how to analyze how and why Earth is so special.

● Did you notice any change in the boxes you ticked from theAnticipation column to
the Reaction column, or did you tick the same statements? Copy the wrong
statements, then write the correct statements and briefly explain your revisions.
Use the worksheet below.

Correct Statement Explanation for Revision Wrong Statement

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