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Bioenergetics Photosynthesis and

Energy Flow 3 hours and 15 mins

Communicating learning objectives 10 mins

Communicating learning objectives

1. Review the functions of the various cell organelles 2. Describe the lesson objectives and present
the topic outline on the board:

a. Forms of energy and the laws of thermodynamics

b. Metabolic reactions

c. Enzymes as catalysts

d. Photosynthesis

i. light reactions

ii. dark reactions


Inquiry-based Activity 10 mins

Inquiry-based Activity

1. Ask the students what will happen if the sun will not shine for two months

2. Allow students to recite what are the energy reserves on earth

3. Ask students to imagine if there are no plants on earth

4. Show pictures how solar energy strikes the earth and explain how light energy is converted to
chemical energy in photosynthesis

Lecture 90 mins
1. Give a lecture – discussion, with illustrations on the following topics: a. Forms of energy: potential;
kinetic; thermal; solar; chemical; mechanical b. Laws of Thermodynamics

a. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only be converted from one form to

b. Entropy or disorder occurs for every energy transformation.

c. Exergonic and endergonic reactions

a. Exergonic reactions occur with the net release of free energy.

b. Endergonic reactions (“energy inwards“) require free energy from its surroundings.

d. Enzymes as biological catalysts

i. Components of an enzyme – apoenzyme; holoenzyme; cofactors; coenzymes

ii. Enzyme inhibition – competitive vs. non-competitive

e. Photosynthesis

i. Parts of the chloroplast

ii. Splitting of water in photosynthesis

iii.Nature of sunlight

iv. Linear and cyclic electron flow

v. Chemiosmosis

vi.Calvin Cycle


Experiment 20 mins

1. Ask students to prepare soil pots with growing mongo plants under normal sunlight. Observe what
will happen if some plants are transferred to:

a. a shady area

b. inside a classroom
c. a dark room

2. Keep one or two pots under the sun. All conditions for plant growth should be kept constant
except exposure to different “light” or “dark” areas. Record observations on the growth of the plants.
Measure the plant height every two days.

3. With paper and pen, ask students to:

a. Show the splitting of water in photosynthesis

b. Draw the electromagnetic spectrum

c. Draw a photosystem as it harvests light in the thylakoid membrane

d. Illustrate the light reactions in photosynthesis

e. Diagram the Calvin cycle


Quiz 10 mins

Directions: True or False. Write T if the statement is correct or true; if not write F.

1. Bioenergetics is the study of how energy flows through living cells.

2. Potential energy cannot be converted to kinetic energy.

3. The energy of the universe is constant.

4. An endergonic reaction is a downhill process.

5. Enzymes catalyze reactions by speeding up energy barriers.

6. Non competitive inhibitors compete with the substrate for the enzyme active side.

7. The oxygen given off by plants come from water, not from CO2

8. In the electromagnetic spectrum, UV light drives photosynthesis.

9. Cyclic electron flow produces NADPH.

10.Glucose is produced directly from the Calvin cycle.


Assignment 55 mins
1. As an assignment and in groups, ask the students to make a poster on:

a. Forms of energy

b. How enzymes work

c. Linear and cyclic electron flow

d. Calvin cycle – which reactions require ATP and NADPH

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