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22/2/2021 I04 Reading Quiz - C (Copia)

I04 Reading Quiz - C (Copia)

Reading Quiz

What is the text about?

(1 Punto)

Uncommon ways to get money.

Working hard and helping others.

Men make more money than women.… 1/3
22/2/2021 I04 Reading Quiz - C (Copia)

What is a characteristic of the “free monks” of Greece?

(1 Punto)

They are quiet and generous people.

They only sing religious songs.

They make money from their music.

What the large drug company interested in?

(1 Punto)

How the San can grow drugs in Africa.

How much the San know and use a particular plant.

How the San use drugs to go on long hunting trips.

In the last paragraph, what does the expression “easy money” mean?
(1 Punto)

The San work really hard for the money.

The San don’t work hard for the money.

The San got the money as a gift.

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22/2/2021 I04 Reading Quiz - C (Copia)

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