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Pro Same-Sex Marriage Speech

I want you to imagine a life where you'll never be truly equal, a life where you will never have the
same rights as the majority. You may find love, but you will be denied the same fundamental rights
every heterosexual couple has. You will be unable to marry because both law and society do not
accept who you are, who you were born as. This is the issue that plagues homosexual couples not
only in Australia, but in the majority of the developed world. Same-sex marriage has been a growing
issue for many Australians for several years, especially now that Australia is falling behind countries
such as New Zealand in the legalisation of same-sex marriage. In Australia the progressive
demographic supports gay marriage where as the conservative and religious demographics oppose it.
It's is time for us as Australians to take a look at how we treat homosexual people, like all Australians
homosexual people deserve equality. The unification of two individuals that love each other is a
human right, not a heterosexual privilege. Legalising same-sex marriage will give homosexual people
the equal rights they deserve and will help develop loving families for our nation’s children, all without
having any affect whatsoever on heterosexual marriage. Changes to Australian legislation will make
this possible. When it comes to marriage, love is the only thing that should matter. So why do we
deny same-sex couples marriage? Not allowing same-sex couples to marry is essentially a form of
discrimination. Discrimination is defined as the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different groups of
people or things. This discrimination contradicts everything we stand for in Australia. It contradicts the
equality and freedom that we boast about to the rest of the world. So why is that we still hesitate to
legalise gay marriage when it allows us as a nation to move one step closer to equality? Is it the effect
of same-sex marriage on heterosexual marriages and relationships that scares us? Ludicrous claims
are made by people, generally those that are homophobic stating that legalising same-sex marriage
will force heterosexuals to marry those of the same gender, or that these changes will promote
homosexual relationships. This is far from the truth. Regardless of the changes made to same-sex
marriage, heterosexual marriages will always remain untouched. Allowing men to marry men and
women to marry women will not change anything for the straight majority. Heterosexual couples will
always maintain their rights. Allowing same-sex marriage will result in both parties receiving identical
benefits, it will result in equality. How can equality possibly be considered as a negative? So if same-
sex marriage has no effect on heterosexual marriage, what else could possibly be stopping us from
legalising it? Could it be religion? In Christianity although the bible does not mention same-sex
marriage, it identifies homosexuals as an abomination so it can be assumed that the marriage of two
homosexual people is forbidden. However is marriage a 100% religious term? No its not. Holy
matrimony on the other hand is. Holy matrimony is essentially the unification of a man and woman
that is recognised and blessed by god. Marriage on the other hand is defined as the formal union
between two individuals, typically recognised by law. The issue of same-sex marriage is a civil one; it
should not be confused with being a religious one. Same-sex marriages will not take place in
Australian churches unless that church happens to support it. Same-sex marriages will be the same
civil ceremony that many Australians already participate in. From this we can see that same-sex
marriage is a matter for the state, not the church. Since this is the case, we should be pushing for
equal rights to marriage for both homosexuals and heterosexuals. Marriage is a right that everyone in
Australia should be entitled to. Not only will the legalisation of same-sex marriage help homosexual
people achieve equality, it will also help homosexual couples develop loving families. As it’s obviously
not possible for same-sex couples to have children, they must either resort to artificial insemination
and surrogacy or adoption. The adoption of children by same-sex couples will give them a stable,
loving environment to grow up in, an environment that these children otherwise may never find.
Currently most adoption agencies will only allow married couples to adopt children, making adoption
impossible for same-sex couples in Australia. Not only will allowing same-sex marriage help
homosexual couples start the family they’ve always dreamt of, it will also give children the loving and
caring parents they need to support them through their childhood. Just because a person is gay it
doesn’t make them any different to someone else. Homosexual people deserve the same rights as
every other Australian. Legalising same sex-marriage in Australia will bring us one step closer to
equality and will help us develop loving families, allowing same-sex marriage is simply the right thing
to do. Marriage is a human right, not a heterosexual privilege.

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