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Activity 1

1. Give three other major scientific and technological

developments in the world (or in the Philippines) that
created a large impact on your daily life.
  Internet—It is an important technological development because it is a limitless
space where people have access to infinite amounts of information. These days, we
rely heavily on the internet for new knowledge to feed off. We use the knowledge we
get from the internet for overall learning and understanding of life. The internet is
 Digital Media—The development of digital media has changed our everyday lives in
the way we connect and collaborate with society, in school and, for the working
class, in their workplace. It helps tremendously with the way we communicate and
interact with each other.
 Mobile phones—The development of mobile phones is probably one of the best
inventions in the history of mankind because it made communication easier all over
the world, no matter where we may be. Connecting with each other has never been
easier. It plays an important role in allowing us to talk to our loved ones easily.
2. What historical antecedents gave rise to the inventions you
mentioned in the first question?
 The Internet was first invented for military purpose. Its invention later developed
for purposes of communications among scientists. The invention was also
prompted because of the increasing need for communication during the Cold War
(Cold war between the Soviet Union and the United States). It was important to
have communication between the military and university computers that would
not be disrupted by spies.
 The use of digital media only began in the late 20th century. Its conceptualization
can be traced to the work of Vannevar Bush, a scientist and engineer. Bush
foresaw a system of devices that will help doctors, historians, and scientists to
store, analyze and communicate information. It was called “Memex,” an
imaginary device, back in the day.
 It was in 1973 when Martin Cooper changed the world, but didn’t realize it.
Cooper collaborated with Motorola, a communications company, and created the
cell phone for the purpose of wanting people to have the freedom to talk
anywhere with a more portable device.
3. How did the developments in science and technology shape
human history?
 Science finds solutions to societies problems, then society finds new uses for
the science. This allows to advance. As we advance society discovers more
problems for science to find solutions to. They shape each other as they
continue through the cycle of creating problems and finding solutions. The
developments in science and technology completely changed the way
humans live and eventually shaped human history. The advancement in
these fields promoted economic growth and elevated the standard of living.
The internet, digital media, mobile phones, and other technological
developments allow people to communicate instantly and goods to move
faster from one place to another.
4. Why do you think were most intellectual ideas
 Most humans seek to make order out of chaos. They form a view of how the
world is, and feel threatened when something disrupts their worldview. Not
only are they threatened by the novelty, but often their own judgement and
actions have been formulated on their view of what they thought as good or
bad. So they respond negatively to the imposition that they could be wrong.
Most intellectual ideas were controversial for a reason people want to validate
their theory. If there's a sudden change in the present theory this will result in
a paradigm shift. It's hard to neglect your previous belief just to believe
something new.
5. Why did the people accept these new discoveries despite
being contradictory to what was widely accepted at that
 This is what we call “evolution”, people tend to embrace new science
discoveries because of its benefits. For example, transportation and
communication, nowadays people use airplanes, MRT, trucks, and other
vehicles rather than wheels because of its convenience. Additionally, for
communication, we used online platforms to communicate rather than
6.  How do intellectual revolutions transform societies?
 Intellectual revolutions transform societies through their mindsets. It will
transform their critical-thinking on how they see things that will create new
approaches for equal opportunity.
7. Can you name other scientific revolutions that happened in
the following places?
a. Meso-America
 In Meso-America the Maya civilization made the greatest progress in science
and technology. Among its innovations were the position-value number
system with zero, the development of the most accurate known calendar, the
invention of rubber and the corbelled arch.
b. Asia
 Aside from Heliocentric and geocentric theory, belief in the superiority of
Western values combined with economic and technological innovations in
shipbuilding, weaponry, and communications to create a potent mix that
would challenge Asian societies in many ways. The Asian experience of
imperialism and revolution was as varied as Asia itself.
c. Middle East
 The Middle East has been called the cradle of civilization. ... Their great
contributions to civilization included codes of law, writing systems, mechanical
inventions such as the wheel, and the development of sciences, such as
astronomy, and mathematics.
d. Africa
 The revolutionary workers and peasants, the radical intellectual youth of
Africa are turning towards the socialist path. They have seen the evils of
capitalism at work in their midst, its greed and wastefulness of life and
resources; its ruthless contempt for the dignity and value of the human being.

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