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Good morning/afternoon/evening every one watching this recording and of course the honorable
judge , first let say thanks to ALLAH the one and only god because by only his mercy I can standing up
right here to record this recording and all of you can watch it from where ever you are ,secondly
shalawat and salam are always conveyed to the most greatest and perfect creature prophet
MUHAMMAD SAW. peace be upon him because he is the one has guided from the darkness era into
the lightness era as we can feel in this beautiful day . ok I think this time for me to get In to my speech
in titled is.

“Tips To Filter Hoax In Social Media”

Ladies , gentleman ,and of course the honorable judge we all know about hoax ,but before I tell you
about this speech ,first what is hoax ? Hoax is a fake news made by random people for some reason and
of course in this modern era for spreading a news is easy because in this modern era there are many
kind of gadget can spread something easily . the example of the gadget are smart phone, laptop, and
computer .
but do you know that person who spread a hoax sometime they don’t realize that news they spread
is actually a hoax , the reason of this is because maybe they get the news from their friend or from their
family and because of this they easily belief to the news they get from their friend or from their family,
and sometime they directly spread in social media ,and the other example is when the general selection
of Indonesia president and vice president 2019, there are many kind of hoax spreads trough social
media. the reason of this, because they want the candidate they chose win the general selection. so
now I will get to the main of my speech that is tips that you can use to filter hoax in social media.

the first tips is you must pay close attention to the side address , pay attention to the information that
you get from the website or the link because it can may be a site that is using a domain blog.

the second tips is check the facts, you can check truth of the fact in source that is official and trusted.

and the last tips is follow a group of discussion or anti hoax media social , if you found a news that is
you are uncertain about it you can share it to a discussion group ,the example of a group you can follow
are FAFHH , Indonesian hoax buster and sekoci group.
actually there are many other tips to filter hoax in social media but I think this enough in order we are
not easily to belief a news. so I agree with this speech because not all news is right, we must be able to
filter hoax in social media, and the last message from me is., ladies, gentleman and the honorable judge.
sometime hoax can make friend into enemy, and can make sibling don’t trust each other anymore and
because of this I hope all of you who are watching this recording, I beg you to be more careful to a news
because it can be a hoax that can make us apart .
Ladies ,gentleman, and the honorable judge I think that is all for me if there is something wrong with
my speech or something wrong because of me I beg your pardon , see you next time and the last I say
wassalamualaikum wr . wb.

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