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Name: Vo Hoang Gia (Jimmy) Khang


School: The St. Nicholas School | Mizzou K-12

Teacher name: The St. Nicholas School – Eric Sampson | Mizzou K-12 – Louis Jobst

Modern-Day Prologue
Ford Boehm

There was a high school scholar,

His exceptional grades got him farther.

With a skinny body and cute glasses,

Boehm decided to leave his past behind

I can see he is a competitive pupil

Then he studied hard every night

Making the future seem so bright.

People think he is the teacher’s pet

He didn’t have a deceiving mindset.

He made people confess their sins

The teachers gave him grins,

But high school is in the past.

He does not know how much more of college he could last

His grades are on the verge of failing

College is now something he consider bailing.

Ford James

A person named Ford James

He is the younger brother of Boehm.

They are pursuing their ambition of becoming doctors.

Fighting all day with their “room lockers”

Looking at unkempt brown hair and the eyes of weary

The lack of sleep from all-nighters seen clearly.

Their parents are counting on them,

Obtaining a high academic degree

They feel so desperate now.

Cheating is something they’re not allowed

Yes, he knows it is wrong.

It’s an act he has frowned upon

Guilt mars his conscience

Staying here he cannot pass his hindrance.

Tammy Abram – The President

Tammy Abram, a president who is aggressive and arrogant

It’s easy to realizes with his great appearance

That toupee is going to fall off some day

Or maybe it’s just a bunch of hay.

If he weren’t such a garbage president

Every person in this country would be a resident.

All those millions of dollars that he has

He’ll use them to rig this year’s election,

The hand movements and face he make during speeches.

His face will always be the color of fresh peaches.

This year he will lose the election

He’ll be nobody’s main selection.

He is very racist and discriminates immigrants

Nobody will ever be able to breach his arrogance.

Tim Bell

Tim was someone no one had faith in

Everyone thought that her life was a sin.

She was a woman with the pink skin

A woman of inside power, deep down think

The act of stripping was frowned upon by everyone.

No one knew her phenomenon

Behind the “Street Woman”

She lived in a punk slump

Medical school costs are deadly high

Therefore, she couldn’t afford her lunch.

She wasn’t about that life

She wanted to be a wife

Her heart was pure

But she spent special love on Gilmour.

She was obsessed with her last brutish boyfriend

So, the fear of love is what she wants to end.

Thomas Gilmour

Gilmour was a football player

He wasn’t even a taxpayer

His daddy is the one paying all the bills.

His life was full of thrills,

Scholarships and letters from the NFL

His life was all so well

He had a falling haircut

He wore no jacket, only a fine white shirt

A straight black sports pant was put on

He was immature

Crossing paths shocked him so

One night, he met Tim Bell at the bar.

He was impressed by her cheeky dress star.

Two tragic hearts fall in love once again,

They were not what the eyes could see

Never judge who someone could be.

Charlton Alex

There was Alex’ wearing a vintage coat

He looked really active and ambitious.

He is a savvy lawyer,

Admired as he sits upon a whitmoyer.

His modest car is just a fish,

It needs no gas; it runs on wishes

He's not alone; brings a digression,

a pet dog, and lots of transferred possessions

He got a unique disease named Hallux

He’s trying to find a better work environment

A place that can give him newfound glee.

On his desk are many coffees mugs

Starbucks dark roast is the only drink He chug

Traveling and visiting feel like a new start

This time he won’t fall apart.

Kim Joshua

Joshua stepped into this weird journey

He carried a bunch of items on his knee.

A black shirt and the trousers in white

He was dramatically confident about his height

His red skin and suspicious eyes were strange,

But his attention to the trip was remained the same.

See the slithering of the politician,

I think he's angry at the emissions

He finds it hard to see the owl,

Overshadowed by the live cowl.

Who is that hooting near the pebble?

I think he'd like to eat the gaebel

The politician shudders at the brainy box

He wants to leave but she wants the rocks.


1. Who was your favorite character to write about in the prologue and why?

Answer: The character in this prologue that I feel most impressed with is Thomas

Gilmour. The first reason is that he and I both have a common interest in sports,

especially football. Moreover, I was surprised by the situation that he met the girl he

loved in a very special situation and person. Finally, because of the impression made by

the love story of these two characters, I give Gilmour special priority in building conflict

and describing this character through simple lines of poetry.

2. What came the most easily to you in creating this prologue?

Answer: I believe the element that I find the least obstacle during the process of making

and building the main characters is the characteristics of each person on this amazing

journey. I have had the opportunity to witness and interact with many different

personalities and behaviors in life, which inadvertently assisted me in describing the

external appearances and personality of the character in a specific way, which can be

more appropriate for each conflict they have to suffer through. Moreover, I also use real-

life experiences of people around me to apply to the character traits in the story, which

strongly augments the characters' becoming more vivid and realistic.

3. If you could change one thing about your prologue, what would you change and why?

Answer: If given the opportunity to change one thing in this prologue, I would like to

elaborate more carefully on the causes and conflicts that each character has to go through

on this trip. Not only that, I want the individual stories of each character to become more

extreme and painful, which makes the events in the story much more interesting and
engaging. And finally, changing the motives of the characters when participating in the

journey allows me to explore other aspects of my life that I have always wished to

include in my own story, such as the corner view of beggars, street cleaners, or even

successful businessmen who go bankrupt due to lawsuits and disputes.

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