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1. (Softtech Hackathon) Anand International College of Engineering, Jaipur

2. (Hackathon) Poornima Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur

3. (Hackathon) Shankara Institute of Technology, Jaipur

No Poverty:

By providing work to the unprivileged people, thereby empowering no poverty

Inspiration: The communication barrier between a work seeker and work provider is very poor,
however we examined that even if we have to hire a washroom cleaner, it’s difficult to consult
neighbours and ask them for the person (washroom cleaner).

Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment:

Integrating separate platform for women will enhance the secure upliftment and empowering
women holding in the market.

Inspiration: Women are very dominant in their work, therefore not getting an opportunities in their
dominant work makes them helpless, hence providing an easy search and work nearby on their
hand. Insuring least travel time.

Decent Work & Economic Growth:

As in India, 70 percent population are unprivileged, and covering these population by helping them
finding work easily, will increase economic growth.

Inspiration: During Covid-19, many of the Indian workers lost their daily income source, perhaps
building a platform just after the period is the great opportunity to reach our target.

Reduced Inequalities:

We also focused to help specially abled people, trans gender or people from any caste, to target all
people no matter how they are defined. We called specially abled people “Divyang” in our platform.

Inspiration: Targeting every person is our aim, because the right to equality should be maintained by
the human forms.
Sustainable Cities:

Rural and urban development should be improved simultaneously, so to insure no discrimination.

Inspiration: Over past few years, analysing the population of same country but from different areas,
empower discrimination among them, which effect the sustainable growth of the country.

How does your solution address the challenge you are looking to solve for?
Our main aim is to eradicate poverty, the factors to deal are to maintain the communication
between a work provider and work seeker, by providing a hybrid platform we solves the
problem which enhance user experience, so to build satisfaction at both user end, resulting
a stable network on the platform.
What do you see as the future / next steps for your project? How will you expand your
solution to reach a larger audience? 

After our SWOT analysis, we examined that reaching larger audience will require two
(1) – The well formed user experience, which is far better but to integrate google maps will
help the work seeker to judge and direct to work easily, hence taking one step more to
user experience.
(2) – To reduce the smart phone technology disbalance from the society we need to build
network for those people who still uses featured phones, solving the requirement by
communicating users via text message.

Walk us through the steps you took to test your solution. Can you provide three
specific feedback points you received from users that tested out your solution?

Participating in three workshops/Hackathon helps us in feedback of experienced

incubators, ceo’s and leaders of non-profit organisations.

The feedback points includes:

1. Making UI more user friendly and interactive.

2. Integrating a platform for specially abled people (“Divyang”).
3. Not giving much priority to the AI assistant (voice assistant) which makes
platform difficult to understand to the users.

Please share the outcome of your testing strategy. What are three specific things you
implemented and improved for your solution based on the feedback from users?

1. Making User Interaction on the few taps, and easy and simpler UI while
taking less data and more information helped us to gain user satisfaction.
2. Integrated a platform for specially abled people (“Divyang”), which provide
not only work to the for specially abled people but to filter their work
according to them.
3. We removed AI integration after analysing no usage of AI assistant from
users to ignore wastage of time.

Describe the architecture that your team chose for your solution. What are the high-level
components of your architecture? What is the responsibility of each component? Which
specific products and platforms did you choose to implement these components?




Database(managed by third party companies)

Database(main database)



High-level components are:

UI, API’s, Database


UI :- Insuring better User experience

API’s :- To enhance the functionality of the platform, interaction between database and UI

Database:- To handle information of the users and their corresponding data

Products and Platform choosed:

UI:- Flutter(Dart)

API’s:- Python(Flask)

Database:- MySQL
Server:- AWS(EC2 Instance, Ubuntu)

Highlight one challenge you faced while building your code, including detail on how you
addressed the issue and the technical decisions and implementations you had to make. 

Implementing the review system and deleting work, while insuring that the history of users
won’t affect was the one of the challenge we faced.

Hence, addressing the value of user who applied to the work by storing Boolean
expression in the database table, helped me to identify when user or work provider should
rate for which work.

This was done by implementing status and answer column to the database table where
status was to check if the work has been responded from the work provider’s side, and
answer for storing the answer of work provider that if he accepts or rejects the work seeker
request, hence if he accepts then the review could be done from both the side, else not.

Second, when work provider deletes the work from his side resulting to loose user history
was solved by storing again Boolean expression in the database work table, so to get data
in history by filtering the delete status of the work_id.

[Optional] Do you have feedback for the Google products/platforms you used? Are there
any features you would like to add for those technologies?

1. Google Cloud Platform:- Hosting the Ubuntu VM Instance

2. Firebase:- OTP and Email authentication

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