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1 AHMED MOHAMMED ………………………. A/RU25446/11

2 LENSA FEKADU …………………………..……A/RU25343/11

3 MASTEWAL ADINO ………………………….. A/RU25046/11

4 AYSHESHIM AMARE ………………………… A/UR25670/11

5 DESSALEGN BELINA ……………………..… A/UR 25780/11


JULY, 2021


First of all we pray to almighty Allah for his blessings to excel in academic life. Next we
would like to express our deepest gratitude for our advisor Fanta T. (MBA) for his
constructive comments and professional guidance starting from beginning to the end of
this research proposal. At last but not the least we would like to thank our department and
our institution Ambo University Woliso Campus for giving us the chance to come up
with a research proposal.

CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Background of the study....................................................................................................................5
1.2 Statement of the problem.................................................................................................................6
1.3 Objective of the Study.......................................................................................................................7
1.3.1 General objectives......................................................................................................................7
1.3.2. Specific objectives......................................................................................................................7
1.4 Research Question.............................................................................................................................8
1.5 Significance of the study....................................................................................................................8
1.6 Limitation of the study.......................................................................................................................8
1.7 Scope of the study.............................................................................................................................9
1.8 Organization study.............................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................................9
2 LITERATURE REVIEW.................................................................................................................................9
2.1 Defining job satisfaction....................................................................................................................9
2.2 Measuring job satisfaction...............................................................................................................10
2.3 Theories of job satisfaction..............................................................................................................10
2.4 Factors of job satisfaction................................................................................................................10
2.4.1 The nature of work...................................................................................................................11
2.4.2 Working condition....................................................................................................................11
2.4.3 Pay............................................................................................................................................11
2.4.4 Supervision...............................................................................................................................12
2.4.5 Co-works...................................................................................................................................12
2.4.6 Promotional Opportunities.......................................................................................................12
2.5 Importance of job satisfaction.........................................................................................................12
2.6 Consequence of job satisfaction/ dissatisfaction.............................................................................13
2.6.1 Job involvement........................................................................................................................13
2.6.2 Job stress..................................................................................................................................13
2.6.3 Lack of Productivity...................................................................................................................13
2.6.4 High employee turnover rates and absenteeism......................................................................13
2.6.5 Poor all Moral...........................................................................................................................14
2.7 Sources of job satisfaction...............................................................................................................14
2.7.1 Satisfaction and productivity....................................................................................................14
2.8 Outcomes of employee Dissatisfaction............................................................................................15
2.9 Application of job satisfaction in the work place.............................................................................15
CHAPTER THREE........................................................................................................................................16
3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY....................................................................................................................16
3.1 Description Area of the Study..........................................................................................................16
3.2 Research Design...............................................................................................................................16
3.3 Target Population of the Study........................................................................................................16
3.4 Sample size......................................................................................................................................17
3.5 Sampling Technique.........................................................................................................................17
3.6 Data source and collection method.................................................................................................17
3.7 Method of data analysis and presentation......................................................................................17
Appendix I..................................................................................................................................................18
Appendix II.................................................................................................................................................20

The study will be conduct on the assess employees job satisfaction .the main objectives
of the study was to assess employees job satisfaction in the case of (Ambo University
Woliso Campus)

The respondent to the study was employee of (Ambo University Woliso Campus) all
necessary data for the accomplishment of the study were collected from the employees
through questionnaires and interview. The result of the data was organized and analyzed
by using descriptive through cross tabulation and percentage to analyze the possible
solution. The study population is 100 employees and all of them were selected as a

The researchers are using census survey sampling technique. Those entire employee of
Ambo University Woliso Campus administration to be selected as a respondent.

1.1 Background of the study
Different authors defined the term job satisfactions differently. Among this different
definition let us see one of them. The term job satisfaction describe a positive feeling
about job resulting from an evaluation of it is characteristics person with a high level of
job satisfaction hold positive feeling about the job well dissatisfied person hold negative
feeling. When people speak of employees attitudes they usually mean job satisfaction of
employees attitudes they usually means job satisfaction in fact the two were frequently
used interchangeably (Robbins,2010).

Managers should be interested in their employees attitude because, attitudes give

warnings of potential problems and because they influence behaviors. Satisfied and
committed employees for instance, have lower rate of turnover, absenteeism and
withdraw behaviors. They also perform better on the job (Robbins 2010).

Despite the fact that human power is the back bone for the provision quality service for the
population and high level of employee satisfaction among them earns high dividends such as
higher worker force, retention and customers satisfaction. There is limited amount of literature in
the areas related to factors affecting job satisfaction and retention. The job satisfaction of
employees has become an important topic. Job satisfaction is the degree to which employees
have a positive affective orientation towards employment by an organization. Job satisfaction has
been conceptualized both globally (general satisfaction with a job) and dimensionally
(satisfaction with specific dimension of a job). The major job satisfaction facets (work itself,
pay, advancement opportunists, supervisions,

And coworkers) enjoying the work is almost always one most strongly correlated with
high level of job satisfaction (Robbins 2010).
1.2 Statement of the problem
Human resource has gained wire spread of acceptance over the last decade because it
expresses the belief current in the organizations that workers are a valuable and
sometimes irreplaceable resource ( Gumez-mejia, 1994).

The term job satisfaction describes a positive feeling about a job resulting from an
evaluation of its characteristics. A person with a high level of job satisfaction holds
positive feelings about his/her job, while dissatisfied person holds negative feelings.
When people speak of employee attitude they usually mean job satisfaction in fact the
two are frequently used interchangeable (Robbins 2010).

Managers should be careful and interested in their employees attitudes because attitudes
given warning of potential problems and they influence behavior.

Satisfied and committed employees for instance have lower rate of turnover absenteeism
and withdraw (Robbins 2010).

When we come to the context of Ambo University Woliso Campus administration, there
were some symptoms that show the existence of employee’s dissatisfaction on their job.

As the manager of organization stated, there were problems like absenteeism turnover
and tiredness of employees managers of the organizations thus this study was critical one
to bring solutions for problems of the Ambo University Woliso Campus administration
that related to employees job dissatisfaction.

1.3 Objective of the Study

1.3.1 General objectives
The main objective of this study is to assess employee’s job satisfaction in the case of
Ambo University Woliso Campus administration.

1.3.2. Specific objectives

The specific objectives of the study are:-

 To determine whether the employees of the organization are satisfied on their job
 To measure the satisfaction level of employees to their job within Ambo
University Woliso Campus administration
 To identify factors that affect employees job satisfaction i.e. pays, working
conditions and workers supervision in Ambo University Woliso Campus

1.4 Research Question

1. Were employees of Ambo University Woliso Campus administration satisfied on their

2 .The what degree the employees of Ambo University Woliso Campus administration
were satisfied?

3. What were the main factors that affect employee’s job satisfaction in Ambo University
Woliso Campus administration?

1.5 Significance of the study

This study is enabling the student researcher to grasp potential skills and abilities in
conducting research study in this career future life. This study may initiate other
researcher to conducted similar study on the related areas of fields. It may also help the
organization to use possible solutions for the problems that may create poor satisfaction.
Finally, the researcher belief that the study is essential one of the Ambo University
Woliso Campus administration in that of providing insight solving job dissatisfaction

1.6 Limitation of the study

Since the researcher is students who have taken different courses we have limited to
conduct the studies. So the study will be have the following limitations

 Some respondents unwilling to give full information

 Lack of budget and time
1.7 Scope of the study
The study is emphasizes on assessment of employees job satisfaction. The study is much
better to extend It’s emphasize on other employees behavior of an organization, but due
to shortage of time and budget the study focuses only on the in job satisfaction.

1.8 Organization study

The study is encompasses three chapters. The 1 st chapter contains the introduction that
contains background of the organization and study, statement of the problem. Objective
of the study was significance, limitation, and scope of the study. The second chapter also
contains related review of literatures so as to get relevant information about the matter
and research methodology. The third chapter also contains research methodology,
description area of the study, research design, target population of the study, sample size,
sampling techniques, data resource and collection method, method of data analysis and


2.1 Defining job satisfaction
Different authors defined job satisfaction differently as pre kreinter and kinkincki (2007)
job satisfaction essentially reflects the extent to which an individual likes his or her job.
Formally defined, job satisfaction is an affective ore emotional response towards various
factors of one’s job.
Robbins (2010) also defined job satisfaction as a positive feeling about a job resulting
from an evaluation of its characteristics, this implies a person with a high level of job
satisfaction holds positive feeling to his job where as dissatisfied person negative feeling.
According to T.Ramaha (1999) ‘’job satisfaction is a combination of psychological
physiological and environmental circumstances still Debra L. Nelson (2000) defend the
term job satisfaction as a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the
appraisal of one’s job or job experiences.

2.2 Measuring job satisfaction

Basically these are different measurement of jobs satisfaction in the course of its
assessment but as Robbins (2010) provided, the two mostly used approaches in the
measurement of job satisfaction are a single global rating and a summation score
methods. The single global rating method is nothing more than asking individuals to
respond to one question such as all things considered, how satisfied are you with your
job? respondents then replay by circling a number between 1 and 5 that corresponds to
answers form ‘’ highly satisfied to ’’highly dissatisfied’’ the other approach a summation
score of job factors was more sophisticated. It identities key elements of job and asks for
the employees feeling about each.

2.3 Theories of job satisfaction

These were number of theories develop related to job satisfaction even though most of
them were not proved by rigorous controlled experiments to be a complex explanation of
job satisfaction in a circumstances. Some of them however, provide useful in sight into
satisfaction. According to Dilworth 1983 Abraham Maslow 1954 postulated a general
hierarchy of needs that appear to guide a human activity these needs have presumed to
have a special order in which they dominate the structure on an individual (Dilworth:

2.4 Factors of job satisfaction

Finding out exactly what makes people satisfied about their work can be a multifactor

As per Arnold and Feldman (1996), there were variety of factors that make people feel
positive or negative about their job’’ some employee satisfied with certain aspects of
their work but dissatisfied with all other aspects (Mullins 2002).
2.4.1 The nature of work
According to S.P Robbins 1998, employees prefer jobs that present them with
opportunities to execute their competencies on a variety of tasks and that were mentally

Again Robbins identified that if the job is unchallenging it leads to frustration. According
to lack man and old ham (1980) a job characteristics was an aspect of job that generates
ideal conditions for high levels of motivation, satisfaction and performance. Fur them
were (lack man and old-hum 1980) proposed five core job characteristics that all job
should contain skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback.

2.4.2 Working condition

Working condition include work load, necessary equipment job complexities, health and
safety etc. These forces are directly related to the job satisfaction better working
conditions results higher job satisfaction and versa (http://www.factors affecting job
satisfaction com).

2.4.3 Pay
Pay can have a powerful effect in determining job satisfaction, man has multiple needs
and money provides the means to satisfy these needs. Furthermore, a desire of money
steams forms people trying to satisfy their physical and security needs (Alnord and
Feldman, 1996).

Job satisfaction is impacted by an employee’s views about the fairness of the company
wage scale as well as the current compensation he/she may be receiving. Companies have
a mechanism in place to evaluate employee performance and provide salary increase to
top performers.

2.4.4 Supervision
Different studies stated that supervision was one of important of job satisfactions.
Supervisor must treat his/her subordinates fairly. One of the most sited reasons for
turnover in many organizations was in effective supervision; supervision can be one a
grater contributor to employee satisfaction and detainment in the organization.

If you have appositive and respect relationship between supervisor and subordinate are
fulfill employee’s functional and interpersonal needs.

2.4.5 Co-works
Lathan’s (2006) concluded that the level of job satisfaction or dissatisfaction can be
influenced by cooperation and understanding amongst their members. However, if the
opposite situation exists and challenges were difficult to work cooperation with their
members may create a negative impact on employee job satisfaction employees seek to
be treated with respect by those they work a hostile work environment with unpleasant
coworkers is one usually has lower job satisfaction (http:www. factors affecting job
satisfaction. com).

2.4.6 Promotional Opportunities

Promotional opportunities were another domain factors that affect employee job
satisfaction. As Peterson (2003) and Sclafane (1999) suggested job satisfaction was
strongly related to promotional opportunities.

2.5 Importance of job satisfaction

Most business focuses on employee retention only, when employee turnover starts to
increase. Successful employees realize that in effective employee retention strategy was
help sustain their readership and growth in the market place through the highs and lows
of economic condition.

Low level of job satisfaction has been related to such problems as turnover, absenteeism
and the feeling of grievances. Thus job satisfaction was exceedingly important for the
wellbeing of the organization as well as important for the individual (http: www.
importance of employee job
2.6 Consequence of job satisfaction/ dissatisfaction

2.6.1 Job involvement

Job involvement represents the extent to which and individual was personally involved
with his or her work role. It was one consequence of job satisfaction as kreinter kinaki
suggested managers have to encourage to faster satisfying work environment in order to
such employees’ job involvement (kreerkinck 2007).

2.6.2 Job stress

When employees were not happy with their job they are match likely to experience and
report streets on the job. Workers who are satisfied or happy at work were much less
likely to report feeling stressed out by their job (http://www.consequence of low job
satisfaction. com).

2.6.3 Lack of Productivity

Low job satisfaction coupled with low employee morale and equals a lack of productivity
in the work place, when someone was unhappy they do not focuses well and do not pay
attention to the tasks. They find hundreds of other things to do that make them happy
(http://www.consquence of low job

2.6.4 High employee turnover rates and absenteeism

Low job satisfaction also creates high turnover rates with employee sooner or later, the
employee was going to quit so that they can actually enjoy doing. Absenteeism and turn
over causes tremendous, cost and loss of investment. An interesting finding was that
absenteeism followed by negative feedback like loss of pay might lead to dissatisfaction
and in turn a high rate of absenteeism (http://www. consequence of low job

2.6.5 Poor all Moral

When one employee was miserable doing their job all of the other employees they come
into conduct with are going to be affected by their attitude.
They sees someone who they sees someone who as so obviously miserable. It will begin
to color how they view their own jobs. Negative attitudes can spread through a work
place like a wild fire and, it they are not improved the overall moral the employees will
take a sharp decline (http;//www.cosequence of low job

2.7 Sources of job satisfaction

One of the most important variables that are constantly with job satisfaction is job level.
Satisfaction is higher among workers.
Whose satisfaction depends on the level of intrinsic and extrinsic out come and how the
job holder views those outcomes.
The other important individual differences are the perceived equity of the outcome in
terms of term what the holder considers of fair reward. If the outcomes are perceived to
be unfair in relation to those of others in similar job requirement similar effort the job
holder will experience dissatisfaction in higher level positions.
Employees in similar organization tend to be more satisfied than employees in large
organizations (Robert 1999).

2.7.1 Satisfaction and productivity

A number of reviews were done conversely dozen of studies that sought to establish the
relationship between satisfaction and productivity. The early reviews on the satisfaction
performance relationship can be essentially summarized in the statement ‘’a happy
workers a productive worker’’ careful review of the research indicates that it there is
appositive relationship between positive satisfaction and productivity the co-relations
were consistently low the performance satisfaction corrections are stronger for higher
level employees. Thus we might professional supervisory and managerial position
(Robbin: 1989).

2.8 Outcomes of employee Dissatisfaction

Those who fail get job satisfaction become frustrated and disappointed. The evidence
suggests that unskilled worker in most likely to suffer from personality and psychological
illness that those who are doing skilled jobs the skilled workers were found in the better
adjusted then unskilled workers.
Low morale and low productivity result from lack of inadequate last organization lead to
employee dissatisfaction (Rashid and Archer 1983).
2.9 Application of job satisfaction in the work place
Application of job satisfaction in the work place was though concepts to grasp due to its
individualistic and circumstantial nature, what one employed desires form their work
another may not.
There are numerous aspects of job than an organization can manager to increase
satisfaction in the work place such as:-
 Company policies: policies that were clear, fair and applied equally to all
employees will decrease dissatisfaction.
 Salary benefit: making sure employee salaries and benefits are comparable to other
organization salaries and benefits was help raise satisfaction.
 Working conditions: keeping up to date facilities and equipment and making sure
employees have adequate personal work space can decrease dissatisfaction.
 Advancement: allowing employees who show high performance and loyalty, room
to advance was help to insure satisfaction. Despite the numerous aspect of the job
there were a few that specifically allow for greater improvement of satisfaction.
http://www.job satisfaction pen state wikis spaces. Com.



3.1 Description Area of the Study

Ambo University Woliso Campus will be found in Southern west shewa zone in Southern
Oromia regional state and 116 km far from Addis Ababa. In Woliso town there is city
administration includes different sectors of Ethiopia which is still state owned. City
administration of Ethiopia in Woliso town will be one of the earlier and largest which
have different sectors.
3.2 Research Design
The study used descriptive type of research as it is to assess the satisfaction level of
employees. Because descriptive researches are used to describe data about populations,
situations, problem and existing affairs of the organizations.

3.3 Target Population of the Study

The target populations of the study in Ambo University Woliso Campus administration are one
hundred (100) employees

3.4 Sample size

The total employee of organization is 1oo, and so we used all of the employees as
respondent. The reason is the number of population is small and it helps to gather

3.5 Sampling Technique

The sampling technique used by the research study is census survey method, because it
provides exact, reliable and accurate information from each employee.

3.6 Data source and collection method

The study is used both primary and secondary source of data in order to achieve research
objective. The primary data is the original data to be obtained from the employees of
Ambo University Woliso Campus administration. The secondary data sources from
Ambo University Woliso Campus administration that collected by review of different
records and books relating with this topic.

3.7 Method of data analysis and presentation

Raw data are collected from respondent because of nature of data that obtained. The
method is dominated by descriptive way of analysis. Hence careful analyses are takes
place and presentation using tabulation and percentage.

Debre L. nelson (2000) job satisfaction as pleasurable.
Fedman.D.C and Arnold managing individual and group behavior in an organization

GenraldGrumbers (1979) understand in job satisfaction.

Kreitnerkinik (2007) the dissatisfaction of job involvement

Mulins, (2002) management and organizational behavior 6thed.

LuisR.quez- mejja (1995) managing human resources by prentice hill

Razhid and arches M(1983) organizational behavior.

Robbins (2010) the measurement of job satisfaction

Sruffela (1999) how does supervision affect job satisfaction

Sterphen.Robert (2009), organizational behavior 9thed.

http:// www. Factors affecting job satisfaction com

http://www.Important of job satisfaction .com.

http://www. Job satisfaction penn state wilms spaces com

Appendix I
Ambo University
College of Business and Economics
Department of Business Administration and Information System

This questionnaire is prepared by Fanta Tariku in order to collect information on the Assessment of Job
Satisfaction in the case of Ambo University Woliso Campus administration. It is prepared to undertake a research
for the partial fulfillment of BA degree in Business Administration and Information System. Responding to this
questionnaire will not create any harm. Therefore, you are kindly requested to respond confidentially while you are
 No need to write your name
 Put a(x) mark for your answer
 Please give your brief description for open ended questions.
 For close ended questions give your answer on space provided.
I. Personal profile
ii. Age 20-30 31-40 41-50 51 and above
iii. Education level illiterate Certificate 12th completed
Diploma BA Degree MA/MSC & above
II. Work related question
1. Do you agree that you are satisfied to your job relative to other jobs?
A. Strongly agree C. Neutral
B. Agree D. Disagree E. Strongly disagree
2. Do you agree that you have sufficient employee training and development in your office?
A. Strongly agree B. Agree C. Neutral D. Disagree E. Strongly disagree
3. Do you agree that working conditions of your job is good?
A. Strongly agree B. Agree C. Neutral D. Strongly disagree Dis agree
4. Do you agree that the nature of your job is interesting?
A. Strongly agree B. Agree C. Neutral D. Strongly disagree E. Disagree
5. Do you agree that you have a good relationship with your co-workers?
A. Strongly agree B. Agree C. Neutral D. strongly disagree Dis agree
6. Do you agree that the supervision system of your office is good?
A. strongly agree C. Neutral
B. Agree D. Disagree E. Strongly disagree
7. Do you feel that you are well satisfied on the overall aspect of your job?
A. Highly Satisfied B. Satisfied C. Neutral D. Highly Dissatisfied E. Dissatisfied
8. Do you feel that you are well paid for the job you are working in relation to Ethiopia context?
A. Highly paid B. Medium paid C. Low paid
9. Have the manager tried to motivate you a number of way other than pay?
A. Yes No
10. For which of the following factors of job satisfaction you give priority? Please show your priority selection by
giving a rank in descending order?
-Promotion and development opportunity
-Working condition
-Please mention them if there are any
11. Do you feel that you are well paid for the job you are working in relation to Ethiopia context?
A. Highly paid B. Medium paid C. Low paid
12. Have the manager tried to motivate you in number of ways other than pay?
A. Yes B. No
13. Are you comfortable with policies and regulation that comes to Ambo University Woliso Campus administration
from administrative organ of government?
Yes No
14. Do you feel that a promotional opportunity affects the employee’s job satisfaction?
Yes No
15. Are you feeling that employee satisfactions associated with customer satisfaction of your organization?
Yes No
16. Are there employee absenteeism?
Yes No
17. Are there employees turnover rate in the organization?
Yes No
18. Are the employees low moral toward their workers?
19. To what degree the employees of your organization are satisfied?

A. highly satisfied B. Less satisfied

C. Moderate satisfied D. Neutral E. Dissatisfied

Appendix II

1. Have provision that enables to maintain skilled and motivated workforce in the organization? If yes please
explain them?
2. What opportunity is given to employees those perform his job well in your organization?
3. In your organization the employee’s performance measured in what perspective?
4. Have main challenging and constraints issue in your organization?

Thank you in advance for your cooperation!!!

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