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Asian Journal of Civil Engineering


A simulation‑based decision‑making framework for construction

supply chain management (SCM)
Ajinkya Kulkarni1 · Srijeet Halder1 

Received: 4 June 2019 / Accepted: 12 August 2019

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

The conventional economic order quantity (EOQ) model used for calculating re-order point in construction material procure-
ment cycle is fundamentally limited by the assumed constant lead time. In real construction scenario, the lead time is hardly
ever constant. This study uses a PERT-based simulation model to calculate optimum re-order point and order size with an
objective of minimizing the average inventory level and downtime due to non-availability of material. The simulation is run
on the STROBOSCOPE simulation framework developed by the researchers at the University of Michigan. The duration
data collected from a construction project are used to model each step of the procurement process. The results from the
simulation are analyzed to study the relationships between order size, re-order point, average inventory level and work–idle
time. A decision-making framework is proposed to choose the optimum order size and re-order point (minimum inventory
threshold) for efficient use of storage space and minimum idling.

Keywords  Supply chain management · Stroboscope · Simulation · Modeling · Variable lead-time · Decision-making

Introduction to commencement of work (Soni et al. 2016). Managing

the inventory level within imposed constraints is a major
Construction processes and activities can vary in complex- challenge, since, if the inventory is allowed to run low, the
ity. While simple processes are easier to analyze, complex execution of work might stop due to unavailability of mate-
processes require special techniques for proper analysis. The rials. Yet, keeping a too high inventory level runs a risk of
complexity in analysis within the construction activities and exhausting space as well as of wastage due to material dete-
processes could be made easier using computer simulations rioration. In projects near a densely populated area where
(Martinez 1996). space is less such as in downtown commercial-space projects
Supply chain management is one of the core processes or in expansion projects, managing the inventory space is
of a construction project. About 64% of the total project a major challenge. Often, land from outside of the project
cost is spent on material costs. Any saving in material cost perimeter is leased to stack the bulk materials, which, of
can be of great importance in improving the profitability of course, comes with additional cost.
the project (Saharkar and Nanaware 2017). According to While the need for managing inventory is obvious, it is
Prasad et al. (2018, p. 13), the primary objective of mate- not so easy to implement practically. For example, in the
rial management is ‘having materials of the Right Quality, case of materials which have long yet variable lead time, it
from Right Source, at Right Price, of Right Quantity, and at is not easy to predict the exact point in time to re-order the
Right Time’. The productivity of the project can be improved material. For an item which can take anywhere from 7 to
by as much as 8–10% by proper management of materials 15 days from raising the request to the item being delivered
to ensure availability of materials at the project site prior at the site and clearing the quality check, order it too soon
and there is too much of it lying idle at the site, order it too
late and the work gets halted.
* Srijeet Halder Apart from design and engineering, simulation has been
used in construction management as well for quite long. It has
RICS School of Built Environment, Amity University been used for simulating the tunneling process with a tunnel
Mumbai, Mumbai-Pune Expressway, Mumbai 410206, boring machine (AbouRizk 2010). Monte Carlo simulation is
Maharashtra, India

Asian Journal of Civil Engineering

often used for cost estimation (Chou 2011). Oracle Primavera ProcEss. The basic meaning of simulation is to run a real-
Risk Analysis™ uses Monte Carlo simulation to analyze time world process in a computer environment multiple times by
and cost risks in a construction schedule, which is often more varying the different parameters.
informative than a simple CPM-based schedule. This paper is written in four parts. First, the extant body
Construction processes which are often stochastic in of literature is reviewed related to simulation, supply chain,
nature benefit a lot from simulations. Due to randomness and various techniques to solve supply chain problems. Then
and uncertainty ingrained in many of the processes, adopt- the simulation process and the methodology are described,
ing a deterministic approach often has limited application and various notations used in model development are
in construction management. Simulations not only give explained. Next, an example case is taken to demonstrate
results, but also provides the best-case and worst-case sce- the simulation process. The results from the simulation are
narios which are greatly useful for anticipating and manag- discussed along with its potential use in decision-making.
ing risks. Another advantage of using simulations is that Finally, the theoretical and managerial implications of the
it can work with estimated data as well. This is especially study are discussed and directions for future research are
helpful during preliminary analysis when exact data are not provided.
available. Yet, we get a result and the confidence level asso-
ciated with it. Earlier, when computers were not mainstream
and running simple simulations required high-end comput- Literature review
ers, simulations found limited applications. Recently, with
technological advancement in computer science, even a low- Cheng et al. (2010) developed a Web service-based col-
end all-purpose desktop computer can run these simulations laboration platform called ‘SC Collaborator’. Such plat-
with much ease. Further enhancement of efficient computer forms facilitate real-time data exchange between different
architecture and development of soft-computing techniques parties of the supply chain. Being a Web-based platform,
such as artificial neural net, fuzzy logic and evolutionary it is also independent of the type of system being used for
algorithms will allow researchers to develop more efficient accessing it. With the advent of smartphones, people may
prediction models, which do not rely solely on quantitative use it directly from the site without the need for a desktop
data but also consider qualitative data. computer.
In supply chain management (SCM), simulation has Roozbeh Nia et al. (2014) developed the ‘Ant Colony
been used to assess the effect of variation in demand on the Optimization (ACO)’ algorithm to solve the EOQ problem
transportation cost and overall logistics cost (Vidalakis et al. by mimicking the natural algorithms of ants to find the short-
2011). Jung et al. (2018) developed a simulation model to est route from their nest to a food source. They compared
simulate the supply chain in a high-rise building and ana- ACO with more popular genetic algorithm (GA) and dif-
lyzed the effect of sharing limited storage space and hoisting ferential evolution (DE) algorithm. All of these algorithms
equipment. The methodology adopted by them is similar to create near-optimum solutions. Although ACO produced a
the methodology adopted in this study. Agent-based mod- slightly less optimized solution (5.77% more cost as com-
eling, which is a new development in the field of simula- pared to DE) on average, it took 33.7% less time in find-
tion and modeling, has been explored only recently in the ing the solution. ACO is a goal-based heuristic algorithm,
context of SCM, that too in a limited way. Van Der Zee and that is, it tries to find the optimum solution based on the
Van Der Vorst (2005) developed an agent-based modeling constraints and the objective function by taking small steps
framework to simulate the supply chain for optimization of toward the set goal. However, such algorithms are not always
the logistics process. able to reach the global optimum point, but can reach a near-
Computer simulation helps to understand the tedious optimum point very quickly which is practically acceptable.
and complicated processes in a simpler manner. There Research on heuristic and meta-heuristic algorithms are
are various simulation platforms available such as Sim- rising in recent years (Kaveh and Vazirinia 2019). Heuristic
phony, CYCLONE, STROBOSCOPE, RESQUE and UM- algorithms are problem specific, while meta-heuristics are
CYCLONE (AbouRizk 2010; Sawhney et al. 2003). But as generic algorithms which can be used to develop heuristic
far as availability, ease of operation, and capability to run the algorithms for specific problems. Genetic algorithm (GA)
simple as well as heavier simulations are concerned, “STRO- is an example of a meta-heuristic approach that has been
BOSCOPE Educational” is favoured by many construction applied to many types of problems, such as resource leveling
researchers (Sawhney et al. 2003). The same has been cho- (Li and Demeulemeester 2016) and construction layout plan-
sen for running the supply chain simulation in this study. ning (Papadaki and Chassiakos 2016). Kaveh and Vazirinia
In general terms, STROBOSCOPE is a tool which is used (2019) applied many such meta-heuristic algorithms, such as
for simulating cyclical activities. STROBOSCOPE stands charged system search (CSS), whale optimization algorithm
for State and Resource-Based Simulation in COnstruction (WOA), vibrating particles system (VPS), and enhanced

Asian Journal of Civil Engineering

vibrating particle system (EVPS) to optimize the site precast of the model solely depends on the accuracy of defining the
yard layout. They found that VPS and EVPS provided more constraints and the unit prices of transportation and storage.
reliable solutions as compared to other algorithms studied, However, LP has an inherent disadvantage of the inability to
while EVPS reached the solution fastest. consider fluctuating constraints. Since both demand and unit
Sremac et al. (2019) developed a decision support system prices may vary from time to time, LP alone cannot cater to
using an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) such variability.
approach to determine the economic order quantity (EOQ). In a similar study, Minnullina and Vasiliev (2018) com-
ANFIS integrates benefits of both artificial neural network bined the well-known Harris–Wilson model of economic
(ANN) and fuzzy logic systems. It combines adaptability order quantity and the classical model of Economic Batch
of ANN with approximation and reasoning capabilities of Quantity (EBQ) to solve the optimization problem of the
fuzzy logic. However, one inherent disadvantage of such total cost of material supply. Their research focused mainly
system is that it requires large datasets to train and test the on the supply chain of high-rise constructions.
model. Without enough data, the output of the model is not
reliable. Simulation proves to be advantageous here, as it
needs very less amount of data. Even a small dataset from Simulation process
a reliable source and having less variability can be used to
produce reasonably accurate results for practical purposes. Background of the study
Simulations can be distinguished into four types, namely,
spreadsheet simulation, system dynamics, discrete-event The proposed simulation model is developed by first identi-
dynamic systems, and business games (Kleijnen 2005). The fying steps in a typical procurement process. From issuing
choice of simulation method depends upon the complexity an order to final unloading at the site, there are 16 steps that
of the supply chain under study, its predictability, and the must be taken. Each step is assumed to have variable dura-
level of confidence desired from the results. tions. Therefore, they are best modeled using PERT (Pro-
In a study, similar to the current one, Vidalakis et al. gram Evaluation and Review Technique) that fundamentally
(2013) developed a simulation model based on the discrete revolves around uncertainty in estimating durations. Other
simulation modeling technique. They used the simulation assumptions made in this study are as follows:
software Simul8™ in their study to assess the effect of fluc-
tuations in demand for construction materials on the cost • There is only a single consumer of resources at the site.
efficiency of the construction supply chain. They found that However, the model can be adjusted to accommodate
the profits were inversely related to the demand level. This multiple consumers by tweaking a single parameter in
was mostly due to the higher inventory cost associated with the simulation code.
higher demand. • The consumption and procurement of material run paral-
STROBOSCOPE has been used by Marzouk et al. (2007) lel to each other. This means that the existing inventory
to simulate the construction of a bridge using incremental may change between placing the order and material even-
launching technique. The objective behind the development tually reaching the site.
of the simulation model was to optimize the resource and • There is enough material available with the supplier for
production rate of the bridge. Using simulation, they were completion of work.
able to test different scenarios such as constructing single • Execution stops as soon as the amount of material in the
segment vs constructing two segments simultaneously. It storage falls below the requirement for the next day of
also enabled them to carry out sensitivity analysis on the work. This means that there can still be a little amount
resources, which revealed that the construction rate was of material left in the storage while execution stops due
most sensitive to the rebar crew. to lack of material.
Zhang, Xiong and Tao (2019) developed a plugin for MS • The time required to shift material from site storage to
Excel to model the supply chain of construction projects. the actual point of work is negligible.
They used the linear programming (LP) method to calcu-
late optimum quantities of material to be transported from Simulation notation
various warehouses to the various construction sites. The
objective function was to minimize the total cost of mate- The terminologies used in this study are similar to that in
rial distribution and transportation, subjected to constraints the STROBOSCOPE modeling framework (Martinez 1996).
of storage capacities of the warehouses and the demands at The following terminologies and notations have been used
the sites. This method is easy to use as it does not require in the simulation model.
any special software or even any technical knowledge of Activity Activities in the context of this study are actions
quantitative techniques on the part of the users. The success that take resource and pass it on to the next activity or queue.

Asian Journal of Civil Engineering

Combi activity Combi activity is always preceded by a OrderSize by user). The queue ‘Pending order’ is initiated
queue. The Combi activity can start only if the preceding with new resources of type ‘Product’ of quantity equaling
queue has sufficient resource, more than what is required the OrderSize parameter defined in the simulation code,
for one instance of the Combi activity predefined by the which prompts the activity ‘Call for product’ to start. It runs
DRAWAMT keyword. for a duration randomly assigned to it at runtime based on its
Queue Queues are where resources are created and stored. optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely duration and assum-
An activity cannot store a resource. It must take resources ing a PERT distribution. After completion of this activity,
from its preceding activity or queue at the beginning of its life the next activity ‘Request for Quotation’ starts and assumes
cycle and pass them to the next activity or queue at the end a random duration based on its own three-point duration
of its life cycle. In the simulation, the ‘Product’ type resource estimate. STROBOSCOPE makes it very easy to estimate a
is created in the ‘Pending order’ queue. It moves through random duration for an activity. For an activity with optimis-
various activities and is temporarily stored in the queue ‘Stor- tic, most likely, and pessimistic duration as 1 h, 2 h and 3 h,
age’ until drawn by the activity ‘Utilize’. This final activity its duration can be defined in STROBOSCOPE as:
dumps the resource into the last queue ‘Executed Quantity’
DURATION request for quotation Pert[1.0, 2.0, 3.0].
that marks the consumption of a certain amount of resource.

Methodology Here, ‘DURATION’ is a STROBOSCOPE reserved key-

word to define the duration of the activity ‘requisition for
A small construction contractor firm in Mumbai City was quotation’ (user defined). ‘Pert’ is also a reserved keyword
approached to collect data regarding the supply chain links. which tells the simulation engine to estimate a duration based
Site store-in-charge was interviewed to understand the steps on PERT distribution with the provided three-point durations.
taken between placing a request by a site execution team The whole sequence of activities is executed until the Product
and delivery of material at the site. The steps (or activities) reaches the queue ‘Storage’. The ‘Utilization’ activity depletes the
identified from the project along with their optimistic, most ‘Storage’ with a variable per-day consumption rate. The ‘Utiliza-
likely and pessimistic durations are reported in Table 1. tion’ activity is defined as a Combi activity in STROBOSCOPE,
These activities are modeled in the STROBOSCOPE which means it can run only if both the queues ‘Storage’ and
modeling framework. Figure 1 shows the simulation model ‘Consumer Waiting’ are not empty. It ensures that work will be
developed in this study. The simulation starts with issu- executed only if there’s material in the storage and there’s a con-
ing a new order of predefined quantity (defined as variable sumer (labor) available to work. The queue ‘Consumer Waiting’

Table 1  Steps in a typical procurement process and their durations

Sr. no. Activity name Duration (h) Remarks
Optimistic Most likely Pessimistic

1 Call for product 0.25 0.5 0.75 An order is placed with the supplier
2 Request for quotation 1 2 3 Quotation is prepared and submitted
3 Quotation approval 0.5 0.75 0.1 Quotation is approved by managers
4 Ready to supply 1 2 3 Material is prepared for dispatch
5 Physical checks-1 0.25 0.5 0.75 Physical check done at supplier’s end
6 Weighing-1 0.1 0.25 0.5 Weighing done at supplier’s end
7 Quality checks-1 0.5 0.75 1 Quality check done at supplier’s end
8 Documentation-1 0.25 0.5 0.75 Waybill, tax Challans and other documentation prepared by supplier.
9 Load 0.25 0.5 0.75 Material loaded on trucks
10 Transport 5 6.5 8 Materials transported by trucks
11 Halt 0.25 0.5 0.75 Trucks cleared security checks at the site gate
12 Physical checks-2 0.25 0.5 0.75 Physical check done at site
13 Weighing-2 0.1 0.25 0.5 Weighing done at site
14 Quality checks-2 0.5 0.75 1 Quality check done at site
15 Documentation-2 0.25 0.5 0.75 Receipt note, inspection note and other documentation prepared
16 Approval 0.083 0.167 0.25 Final acceptance of material done at site
17 Unload 0.5 0.75 0.1 Material unloaded at site store
18 Utilize 24 Material consumed by site execution

Asian Journal of Civil Engineering

Fig. 1  Simulation model

is initialized with only one consumer. Since the ‘Utilization’ quantity, which is the size of each batch of material to be
activity is a Combi activity, it can run only when there’s a con- delivered at site, is calculated from the following formula:
sumer in the ‘Consumer Waiting’. This ensures that only one √
instance of the activity can run at a time, or else there would be 2⋅D⋅S
Q= ,
an infinite number of parallel ‘Utilization’ activities and the ‘Stor- H
age’ will be exhausted in a single run. The ‘Consumer Waiting’ where Q is the EOQ units, D is the rate of consumption, S is
can be initialized with a value other than 1 depending upon the the order cost, and H is the holding costs.
number of consumers consuming the same resource in parallel. Figure 2 shows the movement of the level of stock of
Once, the ‘Storage’ reaches a value below a predefined material due to steady consumption and periodic replenish-
threshold (which is the re-order point defined by the user), a ment. However, this model does not consider the variable
new order is issued by increasing the ‘Pending order’ count rate of consumption and variable lead time. It also assumes
by OrderSize. The same process is repeated and the ‘Stor- inventory space to be infinite and the safety stock is cho-
age’ is replenished by OrderSize quantity of the material. sen arbitrarily. Traditional EOQ model focuses on the cost
The stopping condition is set initially as the total quantity aspect, while completely ignoring the space constraints and
of the material required for construction. Once the condition stochastic nature of supply chains.
is reached, which means that much quantity of the material In a realistic scenario, when the consumption rate var-
has been consumed by the ‘Utilization’ activity and dumped ies and the lead time is also not constant, the level of the
into the ‘Executed Quantity’ queue, the execution stops and stock moves irregularly. Figure 3 represents the movement
the results are displayed. of stock in such situations. If the safety stock is not chosen
properly, stock can even reach zero level, thereby hampering
the progress of work.
Example case The simulation model proposed in this study provides
a basis for selecting the safety stock and batch order size,
To test the simulation process, an example case is taken. In taking into consideration the constraint of limited storage
this, the total scope of 2000 units is assumed to be executed capacity as well as variable lead time.
in a project. The total quantity is not procured in one order, The simulation process starts with the material going
but ordered gradually in multiple deliveries. through the supply chain to reach the ‘Storage’ queue. The
The traditional EOQ problem assumes demand and lead simulation runs in thousands of iterations, and with each
time to be constant throughout the project length. A safety iteration OrderSize and Threshold parameters are varied.
stock is maintained to meet the demands at all times. The The size of a single order (OrderSize) is varied from 20
material is consumed at a constant rate until it reaches the to 200 units. The material is consumed continuously with
re-order point. A new batch of material is delivered at the again a PERT-based hourly consumption rate. The storage is
site and the inventory is replenished. The economic order allowed to deplete gradually until the storage level reaches

Asian Journal of Civil Engineering



8 Order size

Order Quanty)

Re-order point
Safety stock
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

Fig. 2  Movement of level of stock in inventory in an ideal situation



Order size


Re-order point
Safety stock
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637

Fig. 3  Movement of level of stock in inventory in a realistic situation

a minimum Threshold. Once, that condition is reached, The simulation is run for multiple iterations by varying
another OrderSize quantity of material is ordered which OrderSize from 20 to 200 and Threshold from 10 to OrderSize.
reaches the ‘Storage’ after some lead time. Figure 4 shows a sample result reported by STROBOSCOPE.
The above process is repeated until 2000 units of material All iterations are not shown in this paper, for brevity. The whole
reaches the final queue ‘ExecutedQuantity’, then the process simulation takes approximately 43 s to run on an Intel i3 3rd
stops. This whole sequence is considered as one iteration. Gen. CPU with 8 GB RAM and running on Windows 10 OS.
The average inventory level is noted by STROBOSCOPE The results are exported into MS Excel spreadsheet for
by calculating the time-weighted average of quantity stored further analysis. Figures 5 and 6 show the effect of OrderSize
in ‘Storage’. Idle time is noted by calculating time-weighted and Threshold on Average Inventory Level (AIL). It can be
average quantity in ‘ConsumerWaiting’. This queue, at any clearly observed that by increasing the value of either Order-
instance, has value as either 0 (consumer is locked in the Size or Threshold, the AIL also increases, thus eating up stor-
‘Utilization’ activity) or 1 (‘Utilization’ activity is not run- age space and increasing holding cost. While OrderSize shows
ning and the consumer is released, hence idle). a linear effect on AIL, Threshold shows a non-linear effect.

Asian Journal of Civil Engineering

Figures 7 and 8 show the variation of idle time in %age of PERT to model the uncertainties in the duration of each
total time with the OrderSize and Threshold, respectively. It activity in the supply chain.
can be observed that the idle time has inverse relationships The results from the simulation show that both idle time
with these parameters. and average inventory level strongly depend upon the two
From these results, it is seen that the objective of mini- parameters, viz., order size (aka Economic Order Quantity)
mizing average inventory level and idle time can be achieved and minimum re-order threshold. The objectives of effective
by optimizing these two parameters. Choosing the correct supply chain management (SCM) in a construction project
combination of these two depends upon the site constraints. are to minimize the idle time (i.e., the time wasted due to a
For example, if the storage space is not as big a constraint material shortage at the site) and minimize the average inven-
as the time, a high value of these two parameters will ensure tory level (i.e., average stock level maintained in inventory).
that there is no significant idle time. However, if the stor- While keeping the idle time close to zero is important to
age space is limited and must be managed efficiently, lower maintain the efficiency of the project, minimizing average
values of those will be prudent. inventory level is important especially in projects where stor-
age space is limited. In projects where storage space is leased
from nearby sites, the role of managing the space becomes
Discussion crucially important to avoid incurring additional costs.
However, a similar study has been done in the past to
This study describes a simulation method to model the sup- develop practical methods to calculate the economic order
ply chain of construction projects. This simulation process quantity and re-order point (Nia et al. 2014; Sremac et al.
is developed in the STROBOSCOPE framework, which is a 2019), using ANN and other techniques. This simulation-
discrete event-based simulation framework. The uniqueness based approach is much easier, as it requires very less spe-
of this simulation process is in its capacity to acknowledge cialized knowledge of advanced techniques.
the stochastic nature of the supply chain activities. It uses

Fig. 4  STROBOSCOPE results

Asian Journal of Civil Engineering

Fig. 5  Average inventory level 140

vs order size

Average inventory level

80 20
40 80


0 50 100 150 200 250
Order size

Fig. 6  Average inventory level 100

vs threshold
Order size
Avg Inventory level

0 20 40 60 80 100

In cases of construction bulk materials, such as reinforce- viz., the idle time and the average inventory level. Real project
ments, cement, etc. that require regular deliveries at the site, data can be used to model the supply chain using the proposed
procurement managers and store-in-charges often have to method. The predicted values of the aforementioned depend-
decide the best approach to place the order to fully support ent variables can be compared to that observed at the project.
the work while keeping inventory costs and wastages low. The proposed simulation model can be further developed
This method described under the current study provides a to incorporate the cost aspect of the supply chain in addition to
practical approach to aid the decision-making process in the time aspect. In modeling the procurement and delivery of
construction supply chain management. The procurement materials, such as diesel and other fuels that have fluctuating
managers and store-in-charges can adopt this technique to prices in both short and long term, looking at both cost and
determine the best parameters to run their supply chains. time aspects would be more useful instead of focusing on time
alone. For example, in the case of an anticipated rise in the
Limitations and directions for future research price of the material, stocking more quantities than required
could be beneficial. While the use of storage space would be
This study lacks the empirical validation of the simulation pro- sub-optimal in this case, the cost–benefit would offset any
cess. Future research can be done on the parametric study of the such disadvantages. This is applicable to the imported mate-
two main dependent variables in the construction supply chain, rials as well, which are sensitive to foreign exchange rates.

Asian Journal of Civil Engineering

Fig. 7  Idle time vs order size 50


Idle me (%)

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Order size

Fig. 8  Idle item vs threshold 50

Order size
Idle me (%)

0 20 40 60 80 100

Conclusion if not measured with reasonable accuracy, can bring huge

errors in the results. Too high variances in the three-point
A simulation model has been developed in the STROBO- durations can lead to reduced confidence level of the results,
SCOPE simulation platform. The model is tested with an thus rendering the whole process unreliable.
example case. It shows how simulation can be a useful tool
in proper decision-making in construction supply chain man- Acknowledgements  The authors express their deep gratitude toward
RICS School of Built Environment Mumbai and Amity University
agement. The aim of this model is not to make the right Mumbai for supporting this study by providing adequate infrastruc-
decision, but to aid in the decision-making process. ture and working environment. Without it, this study would not have
Simulation has been proven to be a great tool in many been completed.
scenarios. Construction supply chain management is one of
them. However, as in all simulations, the quality of input Compliance with ethical standards 
has a tremendous effect on the quality of output. The con-
cept of “Garbage-in Garbage-out” plays a significant role in Conflict of interest  On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author
states that there is no conflict of interest.
simulations. The duration estimates of individual activities,

Asian Journal of Civil Engineering

Appendix: Simulation code

/Sample Supply chain simulation model development

/User defined supplied data
VARIABLE totalQuantity 2000; /total quantity to be executed (Stopping condition)
SAVEVALUE orderSize* 10; /quantity to procure in a single order
SAVEVALUE threshold* 0; /re-order point
VARIABLE step 10;

/Defining elements used in the model

GENTYPE Product;
GENTYPE Consumer;

/Defining queue
QUEUE storage Product;
QUEUE pendingorder Product;
QUEUE consumerwaiting Consumer;
QUEUE executedWork Product;

/Defining Activities
COMBI callforproduct;
NORMAL requestforquotation;
NORMAL quotationapproval;
NORMAL readytosupply; /involves manufacturing, preparation, finishing make it ready to
NORMAL physicalchecks1;
NORMAL weighing1;
NORMAL qualitychekcs1;
NORMAL documentation1;
NORMAL load;
NORMAL transport;
NORMAL halt; /for entry at the point of destination
NORMAL physicalchecks2;
NORMAL weighing2;
NORMAL qualitychecks2;
NORMAL documentation2;
NORMAL approval;
NORMAL unloading;
COMBI utilization; /End or exit or return

/Defining the Links

LINK A01 pendingorder callforproduct;
LINK A02 callforproduct requestforquotation Product;
LINK A03 requestforquotation quotationapproval Product;
LINK A04 quotationapproval readytosupply Product;
LINK A05 readytosupply physicalchecks1 Product;
LINK A06 physicalchecks1 weighing1 Product;
LINK A07 weighing1 qualitychekcs1 Product;
LINK A08 qualitychekcs1 documentation1 Product;

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LINK A09 documentation1 load Product;

LINK A10 load transport Product;
LINK A11 transport halt Product;
LINK A12 halt physicalchecks2 Product;
LINK A13 physicalchecks2 weighing2 Product;
LINK A14 weighing2 qualitychecks2 Product;
LINK A15 qualitychecks2 documentation2 Product;
LINK A16 documentation2 approval Product;
LINK A17 approval unloading Product;
LINK A18 unloading storage;
LINK A19 storage utilization;
LINK A20 utilization executedWork;
LINK A21 consumerwaiting utilization;
LINK A22 utilization consumerwaiting;

DRAWAMT A01 orderSize;

DRAWAMT A19 Pert[2,3,7]; /per day consumption rate

/Duration @ Point of origin

/One hour is considered as an integer and less than one hour considered in decimals.
/ 1=one complete hour

DURATION callforproduct Pert[0.25,0.5,0.75];

DURATION requestforquotation Pert[1.0,2.0,3.0];
DURATION quotationapproval Pert[0.5,0.75,1.0];
DURATION readytosupply Pert[1.0,2.0,3.0];
DURATION physicalchecks1 Pert[0.25,0.5,0.75];
DURATION weighing1 Pert[0.10,0.25,0.50];
DURATION qualitychekcs1 Pert[0.5,0.75,1.0];
DURATION documentation1 Pert[0.25,0.5,0.75];
DURATION load Pert[0.25,0.5,0.75];
DURATION transport Pert[5.0,6.5,8.0];
DURATION halt Pert[0.25,0.5,0.75];
DURATION physicalchecks2 Pert[0.5,0.75,1.0];
DURATION weighing2 Pert[0.10,0.25,0.50];
DURATION qualitychecks2 Pert[0.5,0.75,1.0];
DURATION documentation2 Pert[0.25,0.5,0.75];
DURATION approval Pert[0.083,0.167,0.25];
DURATION unloading Pert[0.5,0.75,1.0];
DURATION utilization 1; /24 hrs for 1 day of consumption

Asian Journal of Civil Engineering

/Defining variables to be used later

SAVEVALUE totalLeadTime 0;
SAVEVALUE cycleCount 0;
SAVEVALUE start 0;

/Print header of output table

DISPLAY "OrderSize Threshold AvgInventoryLevel IdleTime";

/Conditional statements
WHILE orderSize<=200;/(totalQuantity-step);
ASSIGN orderSize orderSize+step;
ASSIGN threshold 0;
WHILE threshold<orderSize-step;
ASSIGN threshold threshold+step;
INIT consumerwaiting 1; /1 if only one location of usage. Can be
adjusted if required
WHILE executedWork.CurCount<totalQuantity;
IF storage.CurCount<=threshold;
INIT pendingorder orderSize;
ASSIGN start SimTime;
SIMULATEUNTIL storage.CurCount>(orderSize-1);
ASSIGN totalLeadTime totalLeadTime+SimTime-start;
ASSIGN cycleCount cycleCount+1;
SIMULATEUNTIL storage.CurCount<=threshold;
DISPLAY orderSize " " threshold " " storage.AveCount " "

/Present general statistics of the simulation run


DISPLAY "Average lead time of one cycle - " totalLeadTime/cycleCount " hours";

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