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Compliance Engineering Journal ISSN NO: 0898-3577



Author: Mr.Mohammed Kaso Sado

Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
College of Engineering and Technology, Wollega University, Post Box No: 395, Nekemte,
Mail ID:, Mob: +251910767710

Co Author: Dr. Mahesh Gopal

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
College of Engineering and Technology, Wollega University, Post Box No: 395, Nekemte,
Mail ID:, Mob: +251904018639, +919787033153

Abstract: In a modern and highly competitive manufacturing environment, manufacturing plays a

virtual role in industry to store both finished and unfinished goods. Now, industries that are trying to adopt a
highly adoption and flexible warehouse design in order to minimize inventory costs. Designing a convenient
warehouse plan is a critical process because it has a direct impact on the efficiency and productivity of your
warehouse. The intended provision should organize processes in a logical order that can help streamline
operations, increase productivity and reduce expenditures. This study looks at the design of a warehouse for a
central pumping station. The station is currently processing an issue to store the product. The current layout
and operations were reviewed and it was concluded that there are no effective warehouse techniques being
adopted. The main aim to develop a warehouse plan for the facility to improve the flow of product and
reduces inefficiencies in daily operations. These suggestions aim to improve operational efficiency at a
minimal cost of implementation
Keywords: Ware house design, Distribution, Cross – Docking, Central pumping station


An organization capacity to analyze previous attitudes and decisions in order to

explain where it has been, assess its current state, and predict or change what will
happen in the future. With the ever-increasing demand for a wider range of goods
and faster turnaround times, the ability to develop smooth and reliable logistics
operations has become increasingly important. These operations are also crucial in
determining an organization's competitiveness, as logistics costs account for a
significant portion of overall production costs. Rouwenhorst et al, (2000).The first
category of design issues deals with the overall design problem and focuses on
formulating top-down, iterative, optimization-based approaches Gray et al,
(1992). The second category of design issues deals with the overall design issue and
focuses on formulating top-down, iterative, optimization-based approaches. The
second category of research by Yoon and Sharp (1996) focuses on specific
development practices, such as the layout of a storage system or an order
preparation system. Handling systems, sorting systems, warehousing systems, and
other systems are designed to implement processes. The general storage assignment
issue is then to specify those systems and processes that are governed by material
and information flows, as well as their relationships to one another Bozer and
White, 1996. The goal of this research is to create a store design process model
based on ethnographic research methodology. The formulation started as a template
and is now identifying specific tools that will be used in the decision support
architecture. Additional case studies were used to fine-tune and enhance the model

Volume 12, Issue 4, 2021 Page No: 649

Compliance Engineering Journal ISSN NO: 0898-3577

and calculation tools, according to Bodner et al, (2002).The two key roles of a
warehouse, according to Heragu et al, (2004), are (1) temporary warehousing and
the security of goods, and (2) the provision of value-added services such as
fulfillment of individual consumer orders, packaging of merchandise, after-sales
services, maintenance, monitoring, inspection, and assembly. Using readily
accessible data from the warehouse manager, the author created a statistical model
and a heuristics algorithm that together decide the distribution of items to the usable
areas of the warehouse and the scale of each region. The software eM-plant,
developed by Hsieh and Tsai (2006), will be used as a simulation and analytical
tool, and a warehouse design database will be developed, based on the minimum
global travel distance as an optimal performance index. The cross-sectional
quantity, warehouse layout, storage assignment, collection route planning, collection
density, and type of order mix will be optimally integrated and planned. Baker and
Canessa (2009) investigated a systematic warehouse architecture approach as well
as research on the methods and strategies employed in particular study fields. The
literature's overall findings were then validated and refined for storage design firms.
Gu et al. (2007) found a slew of documents that covered operational design for
various aspects of a warehouse, though some aspects have received far more
attention than others. The reader can look over this document for techniques that can
help them figure out how to operate specific warehouse activities. Gu et al. (2010)
reviewed the literature on warehouse architecture, efficiency assessment, real-world
case studies, and computational support methods. The characteristics of a
warehousing system in which storage and retrieval orders are performed by a tower
crane were investigated by the author Koh et al (2002). Mathematical travel time
models for this warehousing system based on the S/R crane's ability to move in both
radial and circumferential directions at the same time. René et al., (2017)
Warehousing study is not restricted to conventional topics such as enhancing
productivity in low-level order picking circumstances or traditional automation
systems such as AS/R systems. New automated technology, such as very high-
density storage systems and AVS/R systems, are receiving more publicity, as are
other factors (such as human factors) that aid warehouse efficiency. Wang et al.
(2015) suggest a statistical model for shuttle and lift mission scheduling. The work
scheduling dilemma is modeled as a concurrent job problem on an assembly line.
They suggest a statistical model for a multi-objective approach for a specific time
window. Lee and Murray (2019) investigate an integrated novel order picking
dilemma in which the time it takes to send all products on a select list to the packing
station is minimized. The pick, place, and transport vehicle routing problem is the
name of this problem. To answer those three related research questions, a mixed-
integer linear programming formulation is developed. Lerher (2018) studied at an
SBS/RS that has shuttles that can change aisles at the same tier level. In that system
design, he developed analytical models for load travel time estimation. Multi-tier
shuttle warehousing systems are becoming increasingly popular due to their high
flexibility and robustness, according to Wang et al (2015). By analyzing the
mathematical model, which generates the scheduling task queue model in the
specified time window, the task scheduling problem between shuttles and lifts is
converted into an assembly line parallel job problem. In addition, to solve the multi-
objective optimization function in the task scheduling problem, a Pareto optimal
based on an elitist non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm is used. Finally, we use
a practical example to illustrate the study's findings. The optimization scheduling
solution can reduce total lift idle time and total shuttle waiting time, according to
the results. It can also improve warehousing efficiency and reduce operating costs.
Roy et al. (2012) explored the architecture trade-offs in a single tier of an AVS/RS
utilizing a semi-open queuing network (SOQN) model. The proposed models will
capture the influence of vehicle positioning within a tier by considering different

Volume 12, Issue 4, 2021 Page No: 650

Compliance Engineering Journal ISSN NO: 0898-3577

vehicle groups and class switching probabilities. To find an estimated solution to the
problem, a decomposition method is suggested. The findings indicate that a design
of several zones is preferable. This is attributed to the reality that travel time in the
cross-aisle is shortened in this scenario. In addition, Roy et al. (2015) present
stochastic models for unit-load multi-tier warehouse structures focused on
autonomous vehicle technologies. They create semi-open queuing network models
that can be used to assess congestion effects in the system's storage and retrieval
transactions. Bortolini et al., (2020) This paper builds on previous work by
incorporating dual command operations into an original analytic model that supports
the concept of non-traditional warehouses with symmetric straight diagonal cross-
aisles and a random storage assignment strategy. The expected cycle travel distances
are computed using closed-form expressions, allowing the aisle location to be
optimized. As opposed to a conventional layout and taking into consideration the
lack of floor capacity owing to the inclusion of the extra aisles, an industrial case
study utilizes the model and obtains distance savings varying from 11 to 17 percent.
Although diffuse indicators to measure and evaluate concept models rely on treating
performances as technological criteria influencing everyday management, service
level, and storage costs Zhang et al, (2017). G Richards (2017) Industrial firms
utilize warehouses to balance out volatile demand volatility and gain substantial
advantages, such as increased quality levels and reduced time-to-market. Reis et al.
(2017) proposes building a framework that reveals the state-of-the-art in order to
improve understanding of the main aspects involved in warehouse design. The main
aspects of warehouse design that have been highlighted in academic literature were
covered in this study. Researchers, on the other hand, can identify gaps in the
warehouse design area by systematizing it, which could lead to future research.
Ekren et al.,(2020). This paper discusses a hierarchical solution approach for multi-
objective optimization of a warehouse design using an autonomous vehicle-based
storage and retrieval system (AVS/RS). It is also hoped that this work will draw
practitioners' attention to the importance of multi-objective performance
optimization. Pareto-optimal solutions are presented for multi-objective
optimization. Relocating items in a warehousing system is usually used when the
handling machines become the bottleneck, according to Chen et al, (2011). This
paper looks at the problem of warehouse relocation optimization with a dynamic
operating policy. A formulation for integer linear programming is proposed. To
generate an initial solution, a two-stage heuristic method is developed. To improve
the solution, a tabu search algorithm is proposed. The effectiveness of two different
relocation policies is compared. Many supply chains strive to reduce the time
between a customer's order and the actual delivery of the ordered goods, according
to Vis and Roodbergen (2011). One option for reducing response times is to use
cross docking. Cross docking facilities are fast-paced environments where goods
arrive and depart on the same day.


The continued expansion of plant products into mainstream production has resulted
in a need for a new warehouse for the product. With the current warehouse layout it
will be very difficult to accommodate the different packaged product. The
warehouse is required to be able to effectively manage storing shipping, receiving,
picking and packaging processes. Several constraints are in place for the design of
the solution, including those established by the customer. Due to the relatively small
scale of the operations only a small amount of capital, approximately $3,000 (USD)
is available for improvements.

Volume 12, Issue 4, 2021 Page No: 651

Compliance Engineering Journal ISSN NO: 0898-3577

To increase the efficiency of operations, specifically by minimizing travel, a method

for classification of items is recommended. The current classification is based upon
product type, with the popularity of items only given secondary consideration. A
proven system which would provide definite benefits is the ABC classification
system. The overall layout of the warehouse is an important factor in the
optimization of operations. The flow throughout should generally move in either a
line or a 'U' shape. In this facility there is a single door for both incoming shipments
and outgoing orders, so the flow should be in a circular manner. Beginning with
reception from the manufacturer, to put away and replenishment, to order picking
and fulfillment, and finally concluding with packaging and delivery to the outgoing
shipper, each process should be in close proximity to those it relies upon.
Warehouses must manage two classes of storage: Active Storage - storage for
basic inventory replenishment, it focuses on quick movement that includes flow-
through or cross-dock distribution. 2. Extended Storage - storage for inventory
held in excess of period for normal replenishment that includes the advantages of
seasonal, speculative, or even commodities.

Figure1: Warehousing distribution centre

Figure 2: Before Cross – Docking , After Cross - Docking

Volume 12, Issue 4, 2021 Page No: 652

Compliance Engineering Journal ISSN NO: 0898-3577

Warehouse management systems (WMS) integrate procedures and software

support to standardize storage and handling work procedures. One main use of
WMS is to coordinate order selection. Discrete selection is when a specific
customer’s order is selected and prepared for shipment as a single work assignment.
Wave or batch selection is when orders are processed through zones of the
warehouse assigned to specific employees.

Cross-docking is used extensively by retailers to replenish store inventories

The goal of most warehouses is to increase throughput rates and reduce the amount
of stock held. Cross docking is a process where products are moved directly from
goods-in to the dispatch bays. This avoids the need to place the product into store
and any subsequent picking operation. Cross docking needs the full support of
suppliers as to how they present he product. This includes clear labeling and
advance notice of arrival together with accurate, on-time delivery. Cross docking
requires systems to identify the product that needs to be cross docked and a process
needs to be in place to recognize and prompt the transfer. Cross docking is used
significantly in the movement of perishable goods through the supply chain and
retailers use this system in their distribution centers where they receive products
from multiple suppliers and sort and consolidate them for onward shipment to
different stores. It has been said that Wal-Mart in the United States delivers
approximately 85 per cent of its merchandise using a cross-docking system. This
system is prevalent in many retail operations today. Just-in-time systems also rely
on cross docking whereby manufacturers deliver parts to a cross-dock centre where
they are consolidated and delivered line-side in sequence.


In this study, the problem of determining an optimal relocation strategy in a

dynamic warehousing environment is considered. The explosion of the consumer
economy after WWII saw the rise of distribution networks for consumer goods.
Warehousing shifted from passive storage to strategic assortment. Warehousing is
integral to just-in-time (JIT) and stockless production strategies, requires
strategically located warehouses across the globe. An important goal in warehousing
is to maximize flexibility and also respond to ever-changing customer demand

Stock Availability:
Table 1: For central pumping station of 10kw
Elements Cycle stock (day) Safety stock (day)
Central station 13*1250 3*1250
Container 12*1250 *2 2*1250*2
Base 10*1250 2*1250
Pump 11*1250 4*1250
Electric motor 15*1250 5*1250
External structure 14*1250 3*1250
Electronic cards 13*[4*1250 = 5000 8*[4*1250 = 5000
3*1250 = 3750 3*1250 = 3750
4*1250 = 5000 4*1250 = 5000
2*1250 = 2500] 2*1250 = 2500]
Small mechanical 12*[100*1250 = 12500 10[100*1250 = 12500

Volume 12, Issue 4, 2021 Page No: 653

Compliance Engineering Journal ISSN NO: 0898-3577

components (tubs, 80*1250 = 1000000 80*1250 = 1000000

washers, bolts, nuts, 120*1250 = 150000 120*1250 = 150000
etc.) 60*1250= 75000 ] 60*1250= 75000]
Small electrical 10[50*1250 = 62500 5[50*1250 = 62500
components 80*1250 = 100000 80*1250 = 100000
(switches, cables, 40*1250= 50000 40*1250= 50000
etc. 200*1250 = 250000 200*1250 = 250000
60*1250 = 75000 60*1250 = 75000
150*1250 = 1875 150*1250 = 1875
80*1250 = 100000 80*1250 = 100000
20*1250 = 25000 ] 20*1250 = 25000 ]
Table 2: For central pumping station of 6kw
Elements Cycle stock (day) Safety stock (day)
Central station complete 13*1200 3*1200
Container 12*1200*2 2*1200*2
Base 10*1200 2*1200
Pump 11*1200 4*1200
Electric motor 15*1200 5*1200
External structure 14*1200 3*1200
Electronic cards 13[2*1200 8[2*1200
3*1200 3*1200
2*1200 2*1200
2*1200 ] 2*1200 ]
Small mechanical 12[80*1200 10[80*1200
components (tubs, washers, 80*1200 80*1200
bolts, nuts, etc.) 100*1200 100*1200
20*1200 ] 20*1200 ]
Small electrical 10[50*1200 5[50*1200
components (switches, 80*1200 80*1200
cables, etc. 40*1200 40*1200
100*1200 100*1200
60*1200 60*1200
120*1200 120*1200
60*1200 60*1200
40*1200] 40*1200 ]
Table 3: For central pumping station of 4kw
Elements Cycle stock (day) Safety stock (day)
Central station complete 13*1300 3*1300
Container 12*1300 2*1300
Base 10*1300 2*1300
Pump 11*1300 4*1300
Electric motor 15*1300 5*1300
External structure 14*1300 3*1300
Electronic cards 13[3*1300 8[3*1300
2*1300 2*1300
3*1300 3*1300
4*1300 ] 4*1300 ]
Small mechanical 12[60*1300 10[60*1300
components (tubs, washers, 80*1300 80*1300
bolts, nuts, etc.) 120*1300 120*1300
40*1300] 40*1300 ]
Small electrical 10[30*1300 5[30*1300

Volume 12, Issue 4, 2021 Page No: 654

Compliance Engineering Journal ISSN NO: 0898-3577

components (switches, 80*1300 80*1300

cables, etc. 40*1300 40*1300
100*1300 100*1300
60*1300 60*1300
100*1300 100*1300
40*1300 40*1300
20*1300 ] 20*1300 ]
Table 4: For central pumping station of 2kw
Elements Cycle stock (day) Safety stock (day)
Central station complete 13*1400 3*1400
Container 12*1400 2*1400
Base 10*1400 2*1400

Pump 11*1400 4*1400

Electric motor 15*1400 5*1400
External structure 14*1400 3*1400
Electronic cards 13*1400 8*1400

Small mechanical 12*1400 10*1400

components (tubs,
washers, bolts, nuts, etc.)
Small electrical 10*1400 5*1400
components (switches,
cables, etc.

Table 5: Materials Requirement - Central Station of 10 KW

Element Code Numbers of Total number of pieces
pieces required per day
Electric motor 10M 1*1250 1250
Hydraulic pump 10P 1*1250 1250
Container 10S 2*1250 2500
Base 10 1*1250 1250
External structure 10SAE 1*1250 1250
Electronic cards 101E 4*1250 5000
102E 3*1250 3750
103E 4*1250 5000
104E 2*1250 2500
Small mechanical units 101MM 100*1250 12500
102MM 80*1250 1000000
103MM 120*1250 150000
104MM 60*1250 75000
Small electrical 101EE 50*1250 62500
components (switches, 102EE 80*1250 100000
cables, etc. 103EE 40*1250 50000
104EE 200*1250 250000
105EE 60*1250 75000
106EE 150*1250 1875
107EE 80*1250 100000
108EE 20*1250 25000

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Compliance Engineering Journal ISSN NO: 0898-3577

Table 6: Materials Requirement - Central Station of 6 KW

Element Code Numbers of pieces Total number of
pieces required per
Electric motor 6M 1*1200 1200
Hydraulic pump 6P 1*1200 1200
Container 6S 2*1200 2400
Base 6B 1*1200 1200
External structure 6SAE 1*1200 1200
Electronic cards 61E 2*1200 2400
62E 3*1200 3600
63E 2*1200 2400
64E 2*1200 2400
Small mechanical units 61MM 80*1200 96000
62MM 80*1200 96000
63MM 100*1200 120000
64MM 20*1200 24000
Small electrical units. 61EE 50*1200 60000
62EE 80*1200 96000
63EE 40*1200 48000
64EE 100*1200 120000
65EE 60*1200 72000
66EE 120*1200 144000
67EE 60*1200 72000
68EE 40*1200 48000

Table 7: Materials Requirement - Central Station of 4 KW

Element Code Numbers of pieces Total number of
pieces required
per day
Electric motor 4M 1*1300 1300
Hydraulic pump 4P 1*1300 1300
Container 4S 1*1300 1300
Base 4B 1*1300 1300
External structure 4SAE 1*1300 1300
Electronic cards 41E 3*1300 3900
42E 2*1300 2600
43E 3*1300 3900
44E 4*1300 5200
Small mechanical units 41MM 60*1300 78000
42MM 80*1300 104000
43MM 120*1300 156000
44MM 40*1300 52000
Small electrical units 41EE 30*1300 39000
42EE 80*1300 104000
43EE 40*1300 52000
44EE 100*1300 130000
45EE 60*1300 78000
46EE 100*1300 130000
47EE 40*1300 52000
48EE 20*1300 26000

Volume 12, Issue 4, 2021 Page No: 656

Compliance Engineering Journal ISSN NO: 0898-3577

Table 8: Materials Requirement - Central Station of2 KW

Element Code Numbers of Total number of
pieces pieces required per
Electric motor 2M 1*1400 1400
Hydraulic pump 2P 1*1400 1400
Container 2S 1*1400 1400
Base 2B 1*1400 1400
External structure 2SAE 1*1400 1400
Electronic cards 21E 2*1400 2800
22E 3*1400 4200
23E 1*1400 1400
24E 1*1400 1400
Small mechanical UNITS 21MM 60*1400 84000
22MM 60*1400 84000
23MM 80*1400 112000
24MM 40*1400 48000
Small electrical 21EE 40*1400 48000
components (switches, 22EE 60*1400 84000
cables, etc. 23EE 40*1400 48000
24EE 30*1400 42000

Table 9: Characteristics of the element or the package

Elements Maximum packing Weight (kg) Characteristics of the
dimension(mm) element or the package
Central station 850*1000*650(h) 180 Cannot be piled up.
Container 450*850*550(h) 50 Can be piled up.
Base 850*1000*50(h) 10 Can be piled up.
Pump 350*400*350(h) 45 Cannot be piled up.
Electric motor 300*300*300(h) 25 Cannot be piled up.
External structure 400*250*500(h) 10 Can be piled up.
Electronic cards Box 10pcs 3 Can be piled up to4
300*200*200(h) level
Small mechanical Box 50 pcs 2 Can be piled up.
components (tubs, 150*100*120(h)
washers, bolts,
Small electrical Box 10 pcs 0.5 Can be piled up.
components 50*100*50(h)
(switches, cables,

Volume 12, Issue 4, 2021 Page No: 657

Compliance Engineering Journal ISSN NO: 0898-3577

Table 10: Principal activities in the construction of the warehouse

Activity Duration(day)
Signing of the contract 1
Engineering phase Layout 12
Deign of warehouse Shelves 20
Internal transport 30
Structure (building, loading and unloading areas, etc.) 10
Software development for the warehouse administration. 45
Approval of the project 15
Supply phase
Request for offer from shelf supplier 3
-Evaluation of the suppliers offer 5
Request for offer from internal transport suppliers. 30
-Evaluation of the suppliers offer 10
Request for offer from machinery suppliers 30
-Evaluation of the suppliers offer 10
Placement of orders(a) 5
Placement of orders(a) 8
Placement of orders(a) 6
Supply phase
Prefabrication and transport of elements of the shelves 45
Construction and transport of AS/AR system. 90
Construction and transport of fork lifts 75
Construction and transport of an automatic transport system. 60
Construction and transport of various machinery 60
Construction and transport of loading and unloading 80
Setting- out a construction site 10
Installation of prefabricated shelves
Up to 10m height 10 m/day
Over 10m height 7 m/day
Installation of rail for AS/RS system 20 m/day
Installation of a transfer bridge AS/RS system.
Up to 5 height 15
Over 5m height 30
Installation of a transfer bridge AS/RS 10
Cable installation for AVG 13 m/day
Installation of automatic transport system 5 m/day
Installation of various machinates 20
Installation of loading – unloading mechanisms. 8
Setting up of various fork lifts. 8
Setting up the homogenous zone. 5
Software installation and testing. 45
Preliminary check (for each installation) 2
Document preparation as built – in 45
Final check 10
Personnel training 60
Terminology of the project “turn- key” 1

Volume 12, Issue 4, 2021 Page No: 658

Compliance Engineering Journal ISSN NO: 0898-3577


Options for rack type, classification scheme, and rack arrangement would be
tested in order to improve alternatives. The top choices in each division would
then be used to create two alternate formats that will be contrasted to the existing
one as well as to each other. The following conditions were used to determine the
The sum of inventory that can be contained in a specified cubic space is referred to
as space utilization.
Employees should be able to replenish items, pick orders, and perform inventory
counts with ease.
Cost of Implementation – the actual cost of implementation, which includes the
cost of supplies, distribution, and dispatch.
Long -Term Viability – the potential to respond to improvements in merchandise
and the general configuration of the factory.
All of the sections will be evaluated by the same criteria, with the exception of the
rack arrangement segment, which will be evaluated using a 'Travel Distance'
portion instead of 'Ease of Access.'
The first segment to be looked at is the kind of rack that would be found in the
warehouse. The racks must be able to store the merchandise safely and securely
while still allowing for fast picking and replenishment. They must therefore be
able to make good use of room and adjust to evolving package sizes and volumes.
Three additional categories of racks would be equivalent to the existing ones
based on these standards. The new racks are simple shelves with cross parts
throughout the center, all of which are the same size in the factory and for all
things. The first choice is to use the same racks and change the storage room
heights and widths to best suit the product while keeping the existing exterior
layout. Vertical and horizontal carousels are the other two solutions, all of which
provide a more automated and space-efficient storage solution.
Vertical and horizontal carousels are the other two solutions, all of which provide
a more automated and space-efficient storage solution.

Many of these changes were made with little downtime, in fewer than two
business days with three people on the job, and at a low expense that the firm
would recoup within two years. If this initiative is to be attempted again, it would
be useful to look at the company's ordering policy. It's conceivable that they didn't
need the same amount of room if inventory could be minimized by smarter
ordering practices. The project would have been more complete and the outcome
would have been a more robust approach if this method had been examined.

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Volume 12, Issue 4, 2021 Page No: 661

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