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Guardian Heroes - Strategy Map

Written by Magnus Andersson, in August 2000

About this walkthrough

This document is a strategy map of the game Guardian

Heroes for Sega Saturn. The game has plenty of levels,
and there many several endings, and it could be fun to
know where you will be brought when you chose various
alternatives when people ask you a question, ask you for
advice etc. This strategy map should cover all stages in
the game. Please note that my English is far from perfect
(I´m from Sweden), but I have tried my best. )

You may spread and copy this document in any way you like,
and you may upload it anywhere on the Internet, as long as
you don´t make any changes to it, and as long as you don´t
sell it for own profit.

If you play through all possible ways on level normal, you

will get access to all hidden characters in the Versus
mode (you will not get access if you play on level easy).

Stage 01 - Awakening

No matter which character you select in the beginning,

you start the game on this stage. The first scene takes
place in an inn, where the Guardian Heroes are talking
about the sword. They are just about to eat, when Serena
comes rushing through the door, and blue soldiers attacks
the house. Everyone, except for your player, and Serena
escapes. Here you can either exit to the right immediately,
or fight the soldiers to get extra experience points. Next
part of this stage takes place outside in a town. The
guardian heroes are fighting some other blue soldiers and
exit eventually to the right.

In the third part, they meet prince Valgar for the first
time. After some talking about the sword, a giant red robot
attacks. Its HP is about 10000, but after about 500 HP
damage, the golden undead warrior raises from his grave,
and takes the sword from Han. Stage one ends here.

Stage 02 - Prelude to Hope

This stage is a very short one. After some talking, the team
meets Zuru and a few soldiers. After beating these, a couple
of skeleton raises from their graves, and after this, your
player, and the golden undead warrior gets trapped between
bars, with soldiers and a giant blue Golem. After defeating
the Golem, the barriers vanishes, and the hero killes the
witches. When they are defeated, they meet Valgar again, and
then the team heroes have a little talk about the sword and
the kingdom. After this, the team has three alternatives

You may go to town without fear.

Go to a nearby small village
Go to the forest and rest

The first alternative leads to Stage 4. The second alternative

leads to Stage 5. The third alternative leads to Stage 3.

Stage 03 - Monster in the forest

In the forest, you are getting attacked by wolves, bees and

brown goblins. You will also run across some green
meat-eating plants, but they are of no greater danger. There
will also be a green machine lying on the ground, which you
need to destroy. Don´t stand too close to it, when it is
about the explode, then you will get damaged.

In the next scene, you will fight a giant plant (which

actually is a transformed rabbit (and no, we are not talking
about the rabbit from a certain Monty Python movie...).
After defeating it, the team will meet Randy's master. After
some talking, the master gets captured by Valgar and his
soldiers. Valgar is just about to attack, when Katrina shows
up, and lets her soldiers fight the team. But when the
soldiers are defeated, Katrina tries to fight the heroes
by herselves. When she is beaten, Valgar saves her. The
master is saved again, and he talks a bit to the team about
Kanon and the kingdom. From this place you have two alternatives

Go save the village.

Head for the castle.

The first alternative leads to Stage 6. The second alternative

leads to Stage 8.

Stage 04 - Wizard Weapons

This place takes place in a town, and you first of all meet
some troops of blue soldiers. After this, you head inside
something which looks like a big storage, and more soldiers
are avaiting you here. You will also face red robots and
witches. When all these enemies are beaten, you will meet
Kanon, but you will not fight him yet. Instead you will fight
his robot, Silver. When he is beaten, you get two alternatives

Close in on Kanon.
Retreat and go to the village.

The first alternative leads to a little talk with Kanon

(Serena shows up), and then Kanon vanishes. You get surrounded
by a couple of red robots, that you have to destroy, when this
is done, you will continue to stage 12. The second alternative
leads to Stage 7.
Stage 05 - Powerless Resistance

This stage takes place outside a village. You first fight

some soldiers, and will met some green soldiers, that are
you allies (they are members of the resistance army). In the
end of this part of the stage, there is a wooden sign. If you
stand just next to it, in the very back row, then you will be
brought to the area, where you can gain bonus experience
points. When you continue, you will reach to the village, and
will face Zuru, with his soldiers. You will fight him, the
soldiers, and the city guard (who actually is fighting on your
side, but which was reprogrammed by Zuru). After a while of
fighting, Zuru retreats, but attacks again with new soldiers.
When he and the soldiers are beaten, Serena shows up again,
and tells that the royal family is a fake. After this, Zuru
escapes. Now you have three alternatives

Approach the castle from the forest.

Approach the castle from the town.
Avoid the battle in town.

The first alternative leads to Stage 11. The second alternative

leads to Stage 10. The third alternative leads to Stage 9.

Stage 06 - Royal Trap

The stage begins with a battle of a gang of thieves, that are

trying to capture your golden undead warrior, but of course,
they fail. A fight against them begins (cough and redhair).
When you have won this fight, Zurus soliders arrives, and you
escape. You will meet Zuru and his soldiers and you start
fighting again. When he is beaten, Serena arrives, Zuru plays
a silly joke with you grin and then he escapes.

Now you have three alternatives

Approach the castle from the forest.

Approach the castle from the town.
Avoid the battle in town.

The first alternative leads to Stage 11. The second alternative

leads to Stage 10. The third alternative leads to Stage 9.

Stage 07 - Captured Kingdom

The stage starts with that you get surrounded by red robots.
After destroying them, the golden undead warrior almost gets
captured under a spell, but breaks free from it. Valgar shows
up with his soldiers, and fights you. When Valgar is beaten,
people are fleeing, and Valgar vanishes. Pink soliders arrive.
When these are beaten, the stage continues to the next part,
which takes place outside the village (see Stage 5). You will
fight some other pink soldiers, and some green soldiers from
the resistance army helps you on the way. You meet Zuru. He
talks some rubbish, and then he gets away, leaving you with
wizards and a giant city guard to fight. When the fight is
over, Serena arrives, Zuru plays a (another different) silly
joke with you grin and then he escapes.

Now you have three alternatives

Approach the castle from the forest.

Approach the castle from the town.
Avoid the battle in town.

The first alternative leads to Stage 11. The second

alternative leads to Stage 10. The third alternative leads to
Stage 9.

Stage 08 - Earth in Sorrow

You are first of all fighting greywhite soldiers and

skeletons on this aceint battlefield. When these are beaten,
you meet Valgar again. After some talk, a new white undead
warrior raises, and knocks Valgar down. After that it
starts attacking you. Be careful with it, because it has
plenty of nasty surprises up in its sleeve. When is is
beaten, Han gets a new fire-sword (like the one he had in
the beginning of the game), and he raises plenty of
levels!! After this, Valgar has recovered, and will fight
you. When is beaten, Kanon thw wizard will appear. Then
Serena appears. Kanon will tell you a story about the sky
and earth spirits, and the kingdom. When his story is over,
you have some alternatives about what you could reply to all

You are insane!

Replacing the Khans was wrong!
Upsetting the spirits is unwise.
Was force the only option
This is the way it must be.

The first alternative leads to a fight against Kanon. When he

is defeated, the game procceeds to stage 13. The second
alternative leads to a fight as well, and then to stage 14.
The third alternative leads to a fight as well, and then to
stage 15. The fourth alternative does not lead to any fight
against Kanon. Instead it leads to stage 16. It is the same
thing about the fifth alternative, but instead it leads to
Stage 17.

Stage 9 - Den of Thieves

This stage looks like a undeground graveyard, and maybe it

is something like that (it is quite funny to destroy the
skeletons on the ground, and they also give expereince
points! ;) ). Black soldies, and some kind of flying slime
is attacking you here. You will then meet Valgar, and after
a little teasing, a fight begins. When Valgar has lost a
lot of energy, you will get surrounded by some weird guys (I
don´t remember their names), and you will be brought to their
boss, (I don´t remember his name either). Valgar gets annoyed,
and a very messy fight begins. After a while of fighting,
the fight gets interruptes, and Serena arrives. She talks a
bit about the sword. But Valgar gets enough of it, and escapes.
And you leave as well. Now you will meet Kanon. He will tell
you a story about the sky and earth spirits, and the kingdom.
When his story is over, you have some alternatives about what
you could reply to all this

You are insane!

Replacing the Khans was wrong!
Upsetting the spirits is unwise.
Was force the only option
This is the way it must be.

The first alternative leads to a fight against Kanon. When he

is defeated, the game procceeds to stage 13. The second
alternative leads to a fight as well, and then to stage 14.
The third alternative leads to a fight as well, and then to
stage 15. The fourth alternative does not lead to any fight
against Kanon. Instead it leads to stage 16. It is the same
thing about the fifth alternative, but instead it leads to
Stage 17.

Stage 10 - Town of Traitors

This city has civilians walking around. If you kill them

(which is quite brutal), they will try to escape. You will
also face different kinds of soldiers here, and giant black
cyclops. You will reach the castle, where Valgar awaits you.
A fight with him begins, and when he is beaten, the fight
continues outside. When he is beaten for a second time, Zuru
arrives with some wizards. Zuru and Valgar goes away, leaving
you and the wizards behind to fight. When the wizards are
beaten, you catch up with Valgar and Zuru. Kanon arrives, and
Zuru escapes. Serena appears. Kanon will tell you a story
about the sky and earth spirits, and the kingdom. When his
story is over, you have some alternatives about what you could
reply to all this

You are insane!

Replacing the Khans was wrong!
Upsetting the spirits is unwise.
Was force the only option
This is the way it must be.

The first alternative leads to a fight against Kanon. When he

is defeated, the game procceeds to stage 13. The second
alternative leads to a fight as well, and then to stage 14.
The third alternative leads to a fight as well, and then to
stage 15. The fourth alternative does not lead to any fight
against Kanon. Instead it leads to stage 16. It is the same
thing about the fifth alternative, but instead it leads to
Stage 17.

Stage 11 Uncertain Messenger

In this forest, you first of all fight some blue soldiers, and
after that, you face Hans chief (I don´t remember his name),
who will be your next opponent. When he is beating, you will
go after Lucia, who is getting captured by some thieves. You
need to defeat them to save Lucia. Valgar shows up, and gets
serious to you, but Lucia explains that you saved her life.
Kanon shows up. Valgar tells Lucia to escape, and she does.
Then Serena appears. Kanon will tell you a story about the
sky and earth spirits, and the kingdom. When his story is
over, you have some alternatives about what you could reply
to all this

You are insane!

Replacing the Khans was wrong!
Upsetting the spirits is unwise.
Was force the only option
This is the way it must be.

The first alternative leads to a fight against Kanon. When

he is defeated, the game procceeds to stage 13. The
second alternative leads to a fight as well, and then to
stage 14. The third alternative leads to a fight as well,
and then to stage 15. The fourth alternative does not lead
to any fight against Kanon. Instead it leads to stage 16.
It is the same thing about the fifth alternative, but
instead it leads to Stage 17.

Stage 12 - Head-On Charge

This stage takes place in a city, and begins with a battle

against yellow robots, and you will also face blue, yellow
and whitegray soldiers as well. In the end of this part
of the stage, there is a wooden sign. If you stand just
next to it, in the very back row, then you will be brought
to the area, where you can gain bonus experience points.
When you continue, you continue to the next part of the
city, where you fight various kinds of soldiers. You will
eventually find Valgar, together with Kanon. Valgar threats
you, but then his sister, Lucia, shows up, asking him to
stop. Kanon almost kills Lucia, but Valgar saves her.
Serena appears. Kanon will tell you a story about the sky
and earth spirits, and the kingdom. When his story is over,
you have some alternatives about what you could reply to all

You are insane!

Replacing the Khans was wrong!
Upsetting the spirits is unwise.
Was force the only option
This is the way it must be.

The first alternative leads to a fight against Kanon. When

he is defeated, the game procceeds to stage 13. The
second alternative leads to a fight as well, and then to
stage 14. The third alternative leads to a fight as well,
and then to stage 15. The fourth alternative does not lead
to any fight against Kanon. Instead it leads to stage 16.
It is the same thing about the fifth alternative, but
instead it leads to Stage 17.

Stage 13 - An opening

The team is brought up into the sky, and the sky spirits are
asking them, if they would do them the favour to fight the
Earth spirits. This gives you the follwing alternatives

Fight the earth spirits.

Protect the kingdom first.
Disobey the spirits.

The first alternative leads to Stage 18. The second alternative

leads to Stage 19. If you use the third alternative, the sky
spirits get angry, and shows an example of their powers. When
the fight is won, you will see Valgar floating on the air (this
part is the same as stage 20), and you get the three alternatives

Vow to destroy all evil.

Tell them to leave you alone.
Refuse to kill Valgar.

The first alternative leads to Stage 24. The second alternative

leads to Stage 25. The third alternative leads to Stage 26.
The sky spirits get annoyed, but Valgar realised that he was
wrong all the time.

Stage 14 - A Clan charges

This stage takes place in a city, and after meetig some

civilians, you will meet soldiers and magicians of different
kinds. You will meet the resistance army, and you will get
three altenatives

Destroy the Earth spirits.

Raid the Castle
Save the people.

The first alternative leads to Stage 18. The second alternative

leads to Stage 19. The third alternative leads to Stage 20.

Stage 15 - Wizard Fort

You will find yourself outside a castle, and blue soldiers, and
blue giants are fighting you here. Inside the fort you fihgt
various kinds of soldiers and wizards as well. You will finally
find Valgar, talking to his father, the king. He is just about
to kill his father! What are you going to do now

Administer a royal beating.

Help Valgar defeat the king.
Confront the king.
Stop him from killing the king.

The first alternative will make the resistance army to arrive,

and they kill the king. Valgar escapes, and you go after him,
to stage 19. If you select the second alternative, the king
vanishes, and Valgar is being brought up in the sky in a strange
beam of light. Flying monsters appear, and you have to fight
them. After that, you are brought to stage 20. If you select
the third alternative, the king vanishes, and Valgar gets out
of there. Flying monsters appear, and you have to fight them.
After that, you are brought to stage 21. The fourth alternative
leads to Stage 22.

Stage 16 - Dark Labyrinth

This stage takes place in a cavern, and you fight blue soldiers,
blue giants, weird brown creatures, and goblins. When these
are defeated, you will meet Kanon again (who escaped last time
you met him). A fight is just about, when Valgar rushes in,
and kills him. Valgar has realised that you were telling the
truth all the time. From this point, you have three options

Search Kanon´s lair.

Destroy Kanon´s army.
Ask about the earth spirits

The first alternative leads to Stage 21. The second alternative

leads to Stage 22. The third alternative leads to Stage 23.

Stage 17 - Revenge

This stage doesn´t have any fight at all. You will catch up
with Kanon again, and Kanon gets killed by the Earth Spirit
(it is first disguised as the king). The earth spirit wants
to tell you a story, and you decide if you want to listen to
it or not, with these three alternatives

Don´t trust the earth spirits.

Return to the castle.
Listen to the whole story.

The first alternative leads to Stage 21. The second alternative

leads to Stage 22. The third alternative leads to Stage 23.

Stage 18 - Resistance Wing
This stage begins outside the castle. Blue soldiers and
giant goblins are attacking you here. In the second part of
the stage, you are inside the castle, battling a couple of
troops of graywhite soldiers and magicians. After this,
you will meet Valgar again, and an Earth spirit, which is
disguised as the king. Valgar gets knocked down, and you
get two alternatives

Battle the source of evil.

Rid the kingdom of evil.

The first alternative leads to Stage 24. The second alternative

leads to Stage 25. (Zuru shows up, and his soldiers carries
Valgar away)

Stage 19 - New Beat

(If you reached this stage from stage 13, then there is first
another battle outside the castle against goblins, and blue
soldiers) You will find yourself inside the castle again,
and the stage is very similar to stage 15. The difference
is only that you meet Valgar alone, with three alternatives

Vow to destroy all evil.

Protect our kingdom from Valgar.
Make Valgar come to his senses.

The first alternative leads to that Valgar gets knocked down

by an Earth spirit, and you will continue to stage 24. The
second alternative leads to Stage 25. If you use the
third alternative, beasts from the earth spirits appears,
and Valgar vanishes. When the beasts are beaten, the game
continues to stage 26.

Stage 20 - Determination

This stage contains no fight at all. It is the same as the

second part of Stage 13. You will be brought up to the sky,
and the sky spirits will ask you to fight evil. You will
also see Valgar, floating in the sky. You get the

Vow to destroy all evil.

Tell them to leave you alone.
Refuse to kill Valgar.

The first alternative leads to Stage 24. The second alternative

leads to Stage 25. The third alternative leads to Stage 26.
The sky spirits get annoyed, but Valgar realised that he was
wrong all the time.

Stage 21 - Battle in the Castle Town
This stage takes place in something which looks like the
castle dungeon. Green slimy monsters, goblins, skeletons,
giants, and robots are fighting you here. When all these
are beaten, you will meet the earth spirit in a new room.
She wants to tell you a story (if you decided to not trust
her on stage 17, she changes her word expression a little
bit), and it gives you these alternatives

Protect the kingdom first.

Stop Kanon´s soldiers.
Listen to the story.

If you select the first alternative, a regretful Valgar shows

up, and you are brought to stage 26. The second alternative
leads to Stage 27. The third alternative leads to Stage 28.

Stage 22 - Steel Fort

You will find yourself in the castle, and you will fight
gray soldiers and wizards. When they are beaten, you will
face a golden robot, and he has kidnapped princess Lucia,
who is standing just behind him. This gives you three

Hope for a miracle.

Try to save Lucia.
Attack and sacrifice Lucia.

The first alternative leads to a real miracle. A thunder

destroys the gold-robot, and Valgar rushes in, destroying the
other robot. You are then brought to stage 26. The second
alternative leads to a fight against red robots (which you
could see when making your decision) and then to Stage 27.
The third alternative, you are not going to do
this, are you... Oh well. Valgar shows up and saves Lucia,
and he is very upset about you (no surprise). Then he
escapes with her, and you will fight two red robots. After
this you meet the king, who actually is a transformed earth
spirit. The spirit tells you that you need to fight the sky
spirits, and fight for your freedom. You continue to stage

Stage 23 - Fate

You find yourself underground, in something which reminds of

hell. Yellow slimy creatures, goblins, flying creatures and
giant of various kinds are fighting you here. When these are
beaten, you will find yourself in a great hall, where you meet
the earth spirit. Here you have two alternatives

Destroy the rest of Kanon´s army.

Comfront the sky spirits.

The first alternative leads to Stage 27. The second alternative

leads to Stage 28.

Stage 24 - Fate

You find yourself underground, in something which reminds of

hell. Dark meat-eating plants are first in your way, but you
can simply run across them, if you don´t want to fight them. You
will fight black goblins, and other weird slimy creatures.
After this, you will find yourself in a great hall, and you
will meet the Earth spirit, and fight it (or her, the spirit
is a female). When you have beaten her, she transforms into
an enormous demon, who is the final boss, if you have taken
this way. When she is beaten, the game is completed.

Stage 25 - Insane Dance Party

In this cavern, you first some troups of pink soldiers,

some wizards, and a couple of different robots. After this,
you will meet Zuru again. he will talk some rubbish, and
then you fight him. When he is defeated, he will talk with
you, and you will get a couple of alternatives what to
reply. It doesn´t matter which one you choose, nothing
happens anyway. After a new meeting with Valgar, he gets
new power and transforms into Super Zuru, which is the final
boss, if you have taken this way. When he is beaten, the
game is completed.

Stage 26 - Scenario for Destruction

This stage is similar to stage 24 It takes place

underground, somewhere which looks like hell. Green and
black goblins, strange yellow creatures, and flying
creatures are attacking you here. When all these enemies
are beaten, you will go to a great hall, where you meet
the earth spirit, and after a talk, you will fight it.
When it is beaten, you will be brought to stage 29.

Stage 27 - Clockwork Strategy

This stage takes place in another building, which looks a

bit like a dungeon. Gray soldiers, witches, and robots
await you here. You will also fight two blue city guards,
and Silver from Stage 4. When these are beaten, you will
reach Lucia again. Valgar appears and has realised that he
was wrong all the time. You will continue to stage 30.

Stage 28 - Warrior in the Light

You are brought up to the sky, and will fight yellow

soldiers and magicians here, and a bit further, you will
also fight giants, and some white city guard robot. When
these are beaten, a sky spirit appears. After some talking,
you will fight him. When he is beaten, you will face Valgar
once again, dressed in white. You will fight him, and he is
the final boss, if you have taken this way. When he is
beaten, the game is completed.

Stage 29 - Paradise

You will be brought up into the clouds, where you meet

the sky spirit, who looks like an angel warrior. He tells
you about how you were guided during all the fights, and
then he challenges you. When is is beaten, he transforms
into an enormous monster, who is the final boss, if you
have taken this way. When he is beaten, the game is

Stage 30 - A New Journey

Here you will only fight the final boss. The easiest way to
beat him, is to let the undead golden warrior to go
Beserk!, and then you use all fire magic you have. When
you have run out of fire, simply attask him like crazy, and
when you have gotten some magic points, use new fire magic
as much as possible. Repeat til that he goes down. When he
is beaten, the game is completed.


I hope that this strategy has been useful for you

in some way. If there is anything that isn´t clear
enough, just send me an e-mail, and I´ll help you
out. ) Other walkthroughs I have written are Mytaria -
The Realms of Lore and Shining Wisdom for Sega Saturn,
Tails Adventure for Sega Game Gear, and Prince of Persia
for Sega Mega CD. If you are interested in reading any of
these, just e-mail me. )

Good luck with Guardian Heroes, and thanks for reading this
strategy! )

Magnus Andersson
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