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(t How would YOU like to pock on 45 pounds of

muscle ond power. Con'l you visuolize how much better

you would look? How much stronger you would be?
Be q success in life. . . qdmired by qll. This story will show
you the wqy.

Alain ltee leels that m.uch One look at Alain Lee's physiqu
of his success as a bod,y- is prool that his boily halils n,
Staniling 5'3" in height anil builder came lrom the use weak points. One secret ol his al
presently weighing 147 pountls, ol certain Weid,er prin- around d.etelopment is the use o
three years ol steaily training ciples, such as cheating diflerent pieces ol apparatus suc)
haoe giuen him a gain ol 45 exercises anil llushing as the lat mochine, pulleys, iror
pound,s in boilyweight and LL method,s. They certainly boots and so on. We haue beet
inches on the chest. haae ilone a lot lor him. adoising this all along,


ffi W
Like a bronze statue,
beauty ol Ahin Lee's
lature is uioid testirnonial
the unlailing benefits ol
ueight training. Rising lrom
a 102 pound weakling to the
heights ol physicd perfec-
tion, his true story is an in-

.'& spiration to all uho want bet-

ter heahh and, physique.

ffi ryffi
How To Guin 45 Pounds of Muscle!!
nru. \
Alvin [ee's L**U

Rise To Power

F amous Physical Instructor x

A LVIN LEE was born a weakling!! For the first 20 years

A of his life he didn't dare live too far from a ,tor".
He had constant back aches, dizziness, nervousness, upset
stomachs, while an ever present lvorn-out, tired feeling made
each new day a struggle {or survival. He was a "sucker" for
each new tonic or weight gaining preparation. None helped
him at all.
Imagine if you can, his pitiful physical appearance from
these measurements taken before he began to train with
weights. Neck 13", Chest 34", Upper arm lUtm", waist 287/2",
thigh I7", call lll/+", and weight just 102 pounds. His short
height of 5'3" didn't help matters any, and it is easy to under-
stand why he was ashamed to go to the beach or to mingle
socially with others.
How rnany of you who are reading this now suffer from h'l
the same feeling of inferiority as Alvin did? How many of
you feel that good health and physical power belong only to
a few lucky ones, with all others destined to go through life
sick, weak and miserable? To those who do, the story of
Alvin Lee should be a stimulating tonic. It should give you
new hope and confidence that YOU TOO need no longer be
subject to the humiliations which the weak must bear. You
can follow his glorious rise to muscular manhood. DETER-
MINATION is all you need.
Alvin was determined to rebuild his body into a new mus-
cular unit, healthy, strong and capable. He was disgusted
with being shoved around and treated like a sissy just because
an unkind nature had passed him by and made him so puny.
Alvin had the determination, but like so many others who
make up their minds to improve their bodies, he didn't know
how to start. ,,F
Weight training was not unknown to him. For years he had kdd"
picked up a copy of either Your Physique or Nluscle Power,
Oi courw Aluin Lee is prouil of what weight tain'
(Continued. on page 30) ing has done lor him. But, like other Steat stars he
d.oesn't leel that he was iust lucky. He sdys . . ,
"What I haoe, others can also ilo it they only
train with weights and lollow a good course,"
Photas by Warner I I

waist is a trim 251y'2", or three inches emaller routine too long will make a person static.
than when he started. This gives him almost and hold back results. It is for this reason
l Alvin 20 inches difierence between his chest and that the Weider System had so many difierent
waist . . one of the largest diferences re-
1ee routines and so many specialization courses.
corded. With 2lz" thighs and a 15" calf his
There is never any chance of going stale with
body is proportionately flawless.
such great variety,
l (Continued lrom page His favorite exercise is the incline bench
press, which he leels contributed to the devel- Alvin's ideal in bodybuilding is that famous
from time to time, looking it over, and shaking
his head, saying... "I don't believe it. These opment of his thigh, thick pectorals, and deep champion Steve Reeves, and his desire is to
fellows must have been born that way. You chest. He follows the set system in his train- win as many contests as Steve has. This is a
can't build muscle like that." ing, practicing anywhere from 2 to 5 sets oI high aim, but Alvin already has won or placed
an exercise. While his routine varies from high in a number of important contests, so it
He read how Weider pupils made tremend-
time to time, it is always one designed to exer. looks as though he is well launched on his
ous gains, some adding 50 pounds of muscle
cise all the muscles of the body and includes
to their bodies in just a year. How others had career to fame.
a lot of leg and lower back work, A sample
overcome sickness andstill others were Iamous Happily married, with two love1y children,
program has thigh curls, squats, incline bench
champions. But still he was skeptical. He when Alvin is not training, working or busy
press, lateral raises, bench press, lat machine
couldn't believe it was possible. Yet, certainly
pull down, wall pulley work for upper back, with his family, his hobbies of collecting
itwas worth a chance. Even if he only gained
chins behind necko press behind neck, dumb. tropical fish or studying commercial art keep
a little it would be better than what he had
bell presses, standing front laterals, curls, him interested.
now, so Alvin began to train with weights.
dips and deadlifts,
ft wasn't easy. His back and joints, particu- He feels that a sensible diet and a lot of
Looking over this routine. you will see that
larly his wrists pained constantly. He had to sleep are urgent for good health. Relaxation
Alvin uses the flushing system of training as
grit his teeth when he performed the exercises, is another important factor which he declares
well as using a lot of difierent apparatus, such
and the first few work-outs found him almost essential to physical and mental health. Final-
as pulleys, lat machine, boots, incline bench,
ready to quit. Then he'd take another look at Iy, Alvin believes that a person should be
etc. For years we have been preaching the
the magazines, forget his pains and sches necessity of including these different pieces interested in his work. You should enjoy your
and lorce himself through another training job to be really happy.
of apparatus in your training. Obviously, Alvin
has followed this advise with great results. Lacking entirely in conceit, he is glad and
After the first month things came easier. Alvin also follows his own form of "irregu- proud that weight training has made his life
He had gained 8 pounds. He looked and felt lar" training, One day each week he performs
better. The pains had left snd he could hardly so much more productive and successful, but
high repetitions . . . up to 20 or even a bit
wait for the next work-out. Looking at his does not feel that he has accomplished any-
more. The other two days he follows lower
arm and chest in the mirror he saw signs of reps, about I0 or so. He does this since his thing too ususual. He says . . . *Of course I
muscularity. Then he knew it was true! ideal in bodybuilding is great muscularity and am glad that I have found true health through
Weight traiuing was all that it was claimed definition. He is not eager to gain too much my efiorts, and I know that many others will
to be. Alvin never doubted again. That was bulk, which he feels lorver reps would give too, if they will follow my example."
three years ago, and today, thanks to his him, Whether you agree with Alvin in this
steady training he is a star bodybuilder, whose
Which is just about what we have been
viewpoint or not, is unimportant, the important
fame is already reaching the four corners of trying to tell you all along. Physical perfec.
thing to remember is that in following a form
the globe. Looking at him today, others are tion and glowing good health are not the result
of irregular training, adjusted to his require-
inclined to say as he did . . . "It can't be true. ments, Alvin has shown ouce again that he of a freak accident. They come to those wha
This lellow was.born that way." trains only in a modern manner. We too feel work for them. Just like Alvin Lee did. I
Presently Alvin weighs I47 pounds, His that the bodybuilder should vary his reps and believe you will all agree that it wae worth
chest ie a rugged 45", while his arm 16". His routine from time to time, for to stick to one the time and efiort!

Only $5.00 Complete With Courset

Know the glory of massive srm, shoulder, chegt and back
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