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1.What are the uses of ICT in education?

Give the benefits of using ICT as a medium for enhancing the

learning experience among teachers and students. Furthermore, give at least five examples of software
being used in education its advantages and its disadvantages.

ICT has a long range for student which use as a tool for learning such as television, internet, and
radios to expand the learnings and knowledge that they acquire from the tools. For students, learning Is
a long process to achieve and learn to new technologies for the enhancement of the skills, it is also to
achieve a new learning strategy instead of traditional learnings process. Students have the urge of
willingness by learning and using the new technologies (Weert and Tatnall ,2005). Through ICT students
can learn more and expand their knowledge anytime, anywhere since students can access the internet
and other tools.

ICT also have pros and cons for the learning of students. Below are the Pros in learning thru ICT:

1. Accessible for Student-Teacher to give instructions and HomeWorks

2. Tracking Student progress and behaviors.
3. Cost Reduction for Students
4. Organizing Content and Accessible Access
5. Enhance skills of students using new technologies


1. Difficult to Get Students attention

2. Not all Students are favor
3. High-Cost Learning
4. Hard to choose the right platform
5. Unstable Internet Connections.

2. Enumerate the uses of ICT in Banking and Finance and what are the problems encountered by using
ICT in Banking and Finance?

3. What is E-Commerce? Discuss the brief history of E-Commerce? What are the advantages and
challenges of using E-Commerce as a form of doing business transactions?

4. What is the Digital Divide? How the digital divide affects your learning of being a student? Give some
solutions to how you overcome the gap of the Digital Divide?

5. What are the negative effects of using computers in our health? Give some examples of this problem.

6. What is Computer Fraud? What are the steps we should follow to avoid computer fraud?

7. As a student what are the disadvantages of using computers as a tool in your studies? Cite at least
three examples of this problem.
As a student, there are a lot of disadvantages of using computers or other median as a tool for
my studies since I am still coping up for the new normal for learning or for my education. Computer is a
great median for my learnings, it plays a significant role for me as student to look for the information
that I need but sometimes the internet connection is one of my problems since if there is no internet
connection my computer can’t access the tools, I use to look for information. Second is Technical
Problems such as Lag, broken CPU and technical issues that may occur in my personal computer during
the discussions and lastly, My Lost in focus like opening other apps such as YouTube, online games and
other apps that can be accessible in my personal computer.

8. What are the benefits of using social media as a tool for communication? Explain your answer briefly.

There are a lot of online platforms that can be use a tool for communication, one of it is the
Facebook which students usually use as platform to receive information, news and other
announcements that can be seen in that platform. According to Stutzman (2005), students tend to use
the Facebook as an ‘hang out’ place, exchange knowledge and talking to their old friends in other

Stutzman, F. (2005).Our lives, our facebooks. Retrieved from Our lives, our facebooks:

Weert, T. V. and Tatnall, A., 2005. Information and Communication Technologies and Real-Life Learning:
New Education for the New Knowledge Society, Springer, New York.

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