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A chronic illness is a disease that persists for a long time.

There are
numerous chronic diseases in the world, many of which are the leading
causes of death. At any time, 50% of the population has some sort of a
chronic condition. My cousin and my father is part of this population. My
cousin suffers from asthma and my father suffers from a gallbladder disease.
Having a chronic disease impacts an individual’s life heavily. In addition
chronic diseases can also affect the family and relatives from the suffer as

My cousin has an asthma from childhood until now. They thought that
her asthma is already cure but last year when he can’t breath and had a
check up they knew that it doesn’t cured yet. When asking her what
symptoms she experiences with this disease she said, the majority of the
time she has no symptoms. When she over work or do some physical activity
she always easily tired and breathless. I ask how did she draw her map to
success in life and how it leads her to the fruition of her life’s success and
how does it affect your life and dreams, and she said, “ In order for me to
generate my personal road map to success, I only need to address necessary
questions like what’s my passion? What’s my plan for my future? And how
can I make it possible? I considered having faith on myself and my family’s
support as my major factors, it’s a simple source of my determination and
mitigation. The word success is both achieving my personal motives and
become the best version of myself. Yes, they serve as a major foundation of
my hard work. Thus they provided all forms of assistance or contributions.
The severity of my current illness affects me as a whole yet it doesn’t affect
my persistence and motivation to continue my life. Furthermore despite the
shortcomings I am till motivated to pursue my dreams in life.”

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