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/ i / i H0JI *nmnht ittwi lift

Germany serves Notice

The Nazi-Program
The Roots of German-Jewish Conflict
Clashing Traditions
Germany for the Germans
n VISA • iivc E x n f t .
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cartifiad mail) with ordar, m ehaifpi 1*1 I M M l . I H. M A N I M U N U
t o y o u r Master Card and add %A% By Dr. RUDOLPH H. GERBER
lurcharga to ordar total. Paymatit fm
foreign order* must be made In U i
currency, by check w i t h dmtwrtle
M / t . H U f l l H A f l i . t 1 t%
computer numbert imprinted imd
drawn o n U.S. bank, or intarnatiOMl
postal money order, Order w i ^ c o n tOtAI AMOttNl
fidence—satisfaction guaranteed.
Viscount ^othermere, brother of Lord Nor|;hcliffe, and
owner of the^'Daily^^aif\4n Engfa'ifd,,the feaWess British
NeTOspajper^Maghate./'well .known-'for „hisi ^ n d , favoring
th^ revision 6f''th,e treaty o f / V ^ s a i i l e s , and the return*-
of the c"6lonTes*to t^erma^, hai* th.ken"& definite stand
in support \ifjth% Nazi^ d o v e r m n ^ t iriiGermtiny. «He ad-
vises nthe young ^nfl.prij^gres'feive'Brpis^he^sto*"'pay' mc^st
careful atfention to^N^w Germany, and to disregard mis-
leading ^nd/adv^Vse reports/ *He (signJ^i^ntly remlrks,
that^it woqldf'be-'.of tremendtJus ^endfH; ,to"^T3ritain, if
A i t l e r could be^ thought tof asj being an Englishman.* •

Similarly, Lord Noel BUxton, in a letter tp thg "London

Times," refers t o ' H i t l e r .as one ^ of' ^he'greatetet men' of
the century. '
One mustj look ^ehind^th^ speneS, penetrate iiito the
heart and mind of the average young German of today, to
comprehend what is taking place, and what^ iST- behind
this glowing modern German self-assertion, what is at
the root of j^nti-Semitism, and what' determined Germany
to sidestep the alien elernents. And,"even then, ^no:clear
^ idea can be had^ unlesil we understand, also, th.e political
and social atmospfiere of "pre-war ^Germanyy and feel the
hidden resentments, '^hichr grey out of the pyramiding
, of gri'evances, TdisfrancMsenierits, l a v o r l t i s m s t o , alien
' elements, special pri'^ilegeS, by, an 'irresponsible g o w m -
Additional copies of Under the Swastika ment, which finally l^d^to^ revolution, and^the fall of the
1 for $1.50 - 10 for $13.00 - 100 for $100.00 Dynasty. '
Reprinted, September 1977 by It is unfortuifate^for the Americans, that the Jewish
LIBERTY B E L L PUBLICATIONS p r o b l ^ has introduted" ?nto 'an, "^otherwise, exceedingly
Box 21, Reedy, W.Va. 25270 USA profitable discussiofi, a confusing audi qudrrelsofflie element,
so that the main issues, to which the^ Jewish que*stion
HJSjbut of mino^ imijortahce, h^ve^ become befogged. ^How-
ever, since ^t^e Jewisl^, qufegtiod h a | assumed'national and
international pi;cportions,. it.'fs hecessaW, to^-deal-^ith it,
and to dispose of it,^ so tihat "the road be cleared for-, an
intelligent, unbiased, approach 'to the Hitler political- many's position nefeds no^defense.'nar'af fairs'are
economy. ^ • inviolably her own; to interfere woiftdflbe^an affront. A n ^ ,
Antagonism against the Jew's h^a^ existed In flermany lest it be overloOkeS, Germany finally decided upon "What
for many years, Ixut ne'ver developed into anything worse* "^is t^ be,"^only after thoae.^^whose interests, were iilvolved,
than a battle of wordp. .Right along, the Jews haj^l it a l l had had ample oppprtunity of d'elermining, W a degree,
their o w n w^y, *economically, fiancially, politically. It was "Whjtt might have^beeh". 'Now.'^the tike; compremise
not \jintil Bo^hevism began to ^row in Germany," that It has pJassed," ahd ntie wL-sefet cHuYse,^ ffjr ,fho8§ ^adversely
wal9 found, tlyit the true ¥ace o f BolsheviRm w a H a alfected* is tb fevdld ^tiieVftrlsihg olf.''further restrlctidH^.
Jewish one. It wasjj Bolshevism that forced the J e w H In •rhe J^ews'in G.prinahyl''who u're ftSeytj/ the heaV.y handi
Germany i^to |he open. For, th^ measures en««ted hlust thank jhemselves ior''(haf'rehuU, hitving t a i l e d td
against the' Bolshevists, predominantly, though uninten- ebrb thje artti-Rbgiai;' and-; linU-nAtjohat activities of th«!
tionally, hit the* Jews. It was this Bolshevistic 'affiliation predatbry,? ei^bubfe, wittiiri t|HeiT^ .^wri-f jtfc«.-, tti ^Otlnedtioli
tha<. turned out tp be very unfortunate for.Judah; beeauffe, with this, it isArfifficult'to undersfand, ^why Jewry, still,
in the ey^s of the world, it justifies^the sternest mejigures should make the figh^,.,of the ^ewlsh"'-Rus8ian and Polish
GermaMy might take, to rid ^erself of the*. Jewlsh-Holahe- Commiinista her^own, and co'nsecjue^tly, invite additiopal
vistic menace. In a similar manner,'"this war, fouRht by reprisals, and restrictive legislation, against the dbmiciled
Judah with a si)ecial kind of poison-gas, which by way of Jews^of Germany. Unless it^ be in the forlorn^ hope of
nevvspapers is spreading, like^a pestilential mlannm, Into forcing the German\leaders i n t o ^ compromise.' TThis is
every nook and ?.ranny of"th<3 land, will finally prove to jbadly mistaking the'temper., of th^ Nazis. New Germany
be a-boomerapg,'-in this double-barreled,boycott of Koods Is exceedingly-conscious of be?ng. honor-bouii^ to carry
and blood. The fate tot the Jews,.in Germany requireB
'through.' There. Is ^n, omfnous, eniotional Interisity in
most careful consideration, they are in a' very fxponed
this resolutiofij whijch, though-born of, desperation, never*
position, v^isdom*; i f not chg^it^y, demands Wnt Urn Jews
theless, has been carefully teTlitiered by Keen and sobei*
t^ihper their passions with a goodly^ portion of iit^wish
insight' ' "•'''.-.•">. t
sagacity, lest a more acute situd,tion'i>e ^sres^ted. It i s '
wpll to let sleeping jiogs lie. The Hitler moVefiieht' den?^nds the closest sittehtioti,
for its effects will'be f%lt the world ovet;* every govern-
So-far as,Germany's relation to the" Jews in conoerned', mjeht will'have to 'reScon w i i h itTv make no mistake about
she resents,Uind will obstruct to this, utmost, the not«»i''«ous, that. There is somethi&g „ un^mprbmisifig aboUt> this
aggressive, ruthless, anti-social, Jewish tactics and buHlnesft movement. \It^Icrapes 'ith6 he4-rock of'economic and
activities, rather than object to the ipresertco of a f«w political'thought aild.'-vJliether,Ve embrace Or reject, we
thousand i9dividual Jews in Germany. She i s di»lt>rmlnod must keep its innate driving power in mind..
t9 brea-kj the strangle-hold of predatory JewiH|> groups Personal 'profits? Individual aggrandisement? There
upon Germany. This makes racial qualifications necoHHary. is none *'6f this for "ani^one, in particular, but ftie world
If personal offens^ be taken, it can comd only from those^ at large will profit enO^-m6usly.f For, the H i t l e r movepient
yrho are not in a position' to grasp^the 'ijoarlni?' of the is.bent upon reconciling national and economic ^ffe^ences.
Jewish probleai upon German national life. T'M^ problem This maj^ sound paradoxic^ to^ Jewish ears. Nevertheless,
canAot, be permitted to degenerate i n t o ' a conflict of pier- from^the ^recontiliation^of •]national differences, the*eA)n-
sonalities, and'^so far as Germany is concerned, i t Is a con- omlcally sma,ll J[ew stands^ to'g^in^as much as thfe ^econ-
flict of antagonistic'racial tradition,s, cpstoms, habits. Ger- •^omically sm^lVGeVniam t/hder th6 {Versadlles Treaty, the
home-sentiment. Why destroy something that hfttbors
small Jew in-Permauy*s§oner or^later, woul^ have starved
like other thousands of small Germans.. The Jew who ulti- no element of contention? ^ ^ •, *
mately will, find themselvesj in Palestine, likely, will t l ^ n k Nationalismgrows Jinto a'bufeaboo only when hidden
their stars 'for having Reaped a Jholocaust./ For V(jar» are political cliques,'within^ the legitimate, national govern-
still in the air, Hitleriam is not«yet old enough to prevent ment, destroy the peace* of. the.^nation? and ,ai^ouse an
•them. N a t i o n ^ have not ^yet done with sending their open, or concealed, r^s^nlmentu..>agaln8t ^ treachery. A
indijstrious an^ pfodyctive^ citizens, i^noraiU: of any la- natiotf is' diseased, ; i n ' wjiich'an.Mn^^niticant minority
Kult, -and innocent qf any wrong done, away from plough ravishes, and econom'^ally, financially, ttnd^ politically en-
and bench, to kill, or to be killed, by similarly industrious, gulfs'the poihilation. Whether t h i ^ dispossession be, prac-
and productive, Ignorant a,nd innocent, citizens of another ticed, legally, by socdlled .cons^titutional rulers,-or, under-
nation, for God knows what. Wars leave scar^, and handedly, by a' group of > bankers^ ^or Jritlustrialiste, Is in
there j©re none worse than the resentments^ bred by wars. the ,end a matter of, indifference.'. Socialism ,can be in
i harmony ^ I t h ' n a t i o n a l , spirit, and* sharfT individual and
Hitler wants to reconcile thes^ resentment.s,, wants to racial distinctions'.' Individualism'and ownership of prop-
show that racial and national resentments always have, erty are fountain-heads of energy^ and initiative, they give
been inoculated by 'deception, for purposes of profit, or a nation,its vtery life, they\do not constitute a danger,
aggrandisement. Tlie, decent citizen of any one country 80 long as private pwnersblp, and'personal Initiative, are
harbors no hate for the decent citizens of another country, proihibited froiA g;rowing Into instrume,nts of power, for
unless' he has been mislead, into*'disbelieving hin own plundering, the weaker elements of society, not'merely of
heart and natural instincts., what they legitimately acquired, ''n material wealth, but
The ^innocent inhabitants o f ^ v e r y country always have also of the opportunities fOr pres'ervi'hg^ and acquiring,
had to struggle against being victimized Ijy dtahonost a cultural heritage.
polUigians, and by those in control of wealth and power. Modern society,,even,nbw,^prohibits possessing oneself
Wars provide opportunities for plunder; plunder, with of property by means 6t thefjt, fraud.j^or murder, but it
methodical thoroughness^ is going on everywhere, and little still legally pertnlts taking away tjhe property of another
difference is made, whether the victims be Jew or Gentile, by a cunningly constructed, banking- or stock-exchange-
Socialism a:ad radicalism are attempts to get away from technic; a legal form Qf fraud and''theft. It'cannot be
these impositions by po*rer and wealth. Yei:, in hla eager- denied that, constantly conditions are arising which are
ness for reform, the radicalist is often tempted to throw beyond the control of the debtor, such Us business depres-
out the baby with, the bathwater. Nationalism, In Its sions; overproduction, unstably seasbns, disease, death;
prostituted form, is chauvinism. The radicals ignore the nevertheless, the law of .^the land piaces^all of these risks
virttfes of true jiational Sentiments that are burbjd under upon the shouldeVs'of the debtor, and permits the creditor,
an overburden^ of viciousness. * Internatio^aliBm Is no regardless of these condltions/Ho sell out his debtor, by
sentiment, is unnatural, cannot be felt, is a mere Intel- giving him the power of ^"expropriating the owner.!' This
lectual concept. National and racial;differences are never form of legalized theft and fraud will fihd no support i n
resented by^ anV* man, they ^re cql|lyate(| because they New Oennany;'*i(er8onaI interests shall not Jebpardlee com-
are iqjterestlng. No n^atter how humble. the horel, In dion. interests.'
which we spent o^r childhood, we love It mpre than a In the New Genmtnjr. th^> •interests'': i n the- ,BO1I,
pretentious palace. National se]|pLtiment is oq^y a broader by the honest,'*tlIIer ot^ti^d soil, s'hall be encouraged,
by guaranteeing., him perpptuai tiwn««rshlt) c»l tlmt m>n,
and by protecting him against un:}n«l Bl»H»Mi|. m m pnu-tlct d
far and wide by "interest^sbark^*." WnpaeJty, utwry, spo- PROGRAk
liation, and dishpnest palitl|p»l p m e t l e w . 4 . « rampant in This party p r o - a m constitutes an ^extraordinary politi-
every country onfeart^. In Gewmany thty ih«H btpfjm* a cal document, iUj so far^as Ife is .rfeinfor\;ed .by thS pledge
dangerous profession; the laborer fhuH t»« tiM«r(<nt«ed hie of the party leaders to carry; jth!s«'twentyflve*1)oiivt;party-"
profits; the criminal i^is deserts. Cfl«ljd««c» in a re program tc? its realization, ^^rega/flles^'off whatever dangers
sponsible government again s j i i i l l kmmm established
to the life of the leader's ^may^ b6 lncurred*Mn the proce^ss.
amor(a the people, honest labor not b« ihMMd, preflNieer-
ing and craftiness not bring a premlumi ldt«l \>»ium f i n d 1. Union^ of all, bertn'ans, wherevien. nocated,^ on the
an opportunity of better appreolat^n ami ^emp^nAotfon, '•• Basis of, the SQlf-determlnatipn of^aljl nations.
and the tendency of everything becoming ll<« prtiperty of 2. ''' Cancellation ""oft the 'Treaty of Versliilles and
one man, of a small group of men, shall h<< hrohnn. , St: Germ'ain: ' , ' ^" ' ' '
The German insistance upon ra«MHl qu«l»fl«»UinJ« IIMH ;ui 3. ^Rfeturn of ^cofcnies*
unexpectedly important aspect, arddt' trtm Ihwl i>f ra* iul 4. ^German raViial qualification to be a" condition of
purity. Since alien elements art* prwvunlt'd fnini niior- German, citizenship. <'
ing the German national structur*', notlcs (k gtveri to the 5. Nationals, not<of Germah iSlood,^ cannot be German
world, that Germany has no interest in «nnqM«>rlno, or citizens, they may live in Gefmany as visitors, sub*
subjugating, otheVs for the purpose nf ineOfMoratinQ them ject to special rules, j *
into her own national body. This itolU^y will imui to 6. German officials must be of, German blood.
establish neighborly, and inlerhullonftl, wjfifhl«iHr« •7. The German^State is' Obligatedt'to< provide oppor-
The New Germany intends to ooncontrats upon s peace- tunities for ithe.sifpport gt all of its citizens.
ful, intensive. Internal development, *n4 Imm forward to 8. Deportation of, alllaliefis,. that 'entered Germany
equally peaceful, commercial activities ^bfoidri, irn^ not to since Aug., 2!; p u r ' ' '
an inconsiderate drive for msekets by msthe^f of under-, 9. EquM rig^hts and-equal obliga'tions for all.
selling, or an undesirable concentration upon goods, 10.^ Common w e l f a r e t o ^'precede personal welfare,
both of which endanger the security «n«l h«|*ptns««» ef the W d e r a i r conditions., •< '
productive and Industrial-classes of ether »i»it«ons, und in 11. Rem^oval'.of ai)UBes\t ^o^the institution of
the end must lead to enmities und jsaloutlM among n a - capital Stand dhierest.
tions, as well as to a deterioration of German standards. 12. jDonfisqatiof^of a l l / W a r profi^ts.
.Germany having been stripped tO tb« ]mm, materially, 13. State ownership of existing ..trusts.
instinctively re^acts by accentuating h«r t«'»dlU»tts and 14. State partScipatfbns in the t major ^ business concerns.
ideals. ^Inexorably, she is driven, to step b«yttna material " 15. Old-age pension ,for every citizen.
values, to,spre^te'^n intensified G«¥{»a» Idwl, "Osfmany 16. Encouragement J of private initiative, suppression of
over a l l , " today, has assumed Is dt«(ier ntsaniitQ. The department stoi^as, '
interests of her nationals, the very exttttnoi of ths Ger- 17. ' ^ e f o r i i of fland<laws, with-..preferehce t o , private
• man race, demand a fiery, even fanatlo/ouHivatlen of the ownership, expropriatioh without*- compensation, of
German ideals, no matter what. matorlal values be at
ta-nUs^ that*hay^'beeA neglected, 'or ar^ beiqg,hfeld
stake. To sinMn this .direction is njptional puioidt.
for speculation, or "have been'fraudulently Required.
10 —
— 11 —
l« {p.|i'iiilii?i'i. Hiipprossion^ of thQ criminal element.
iMniiiUy^ tor usurervS,'^profiteers, corrupt offi-
I'll '(h»rnrtiu >4s\wB to replace e^igting Roman laws in CONFLIC;r
(((•ijnany. • «.
No pfoblpra can'be'solved untii-'-ts, rocHs a-e fully ex-
"(i Oiijuutunity for every talented German child, to
posed,to view. The roots oi.-the' conflict
iu:(fi'iiro an education V h i c h will fit him to llll^,the
lie in the, fact that the, Jews a not ^maintain a national
liij-rliost -offiae in the staj^e; Especial emphasis to'
domicile, prefering to liv% ^ambng'ons Instead.
ho placed upon civic 'and political tralnlpg.^ Now, all races 'are so constituted that /they consider every
:fi .Piipteption of home, motlier and child,/removal of fstrangor as racially iti{QT}6hr^ akd tbat^s^entiment 's based
wonxen fcoWthe industrial flelc^ prohibition of child upon the ^ery sound Inslincts^ ^that a l l meK,are not born
labor, universal athletic training. oQual, that racial differences tcannOt be Ignored.-Although,
L*:}. Citizen/ guard in place %f conscription. the United States of'Ameriba bases her const-itution "upon
22. Libel Jlawsr' especially to curb political abuses. A the assumption, that a l l men »are H)brn(equal,,she, never-
German press, requiring pvyely German nlaff; H O U - theless, rigidly exc]'udes,,from,hei^ shores't^ree quarters
Germans caariot financially support a {,t«™iaii pross^ of the population, of the^ earth. The Jews are admitted,
Non-Germans are^ prohibited from prlnUng*. nnwa- they belong. Therefor, a ,Jewish ;;problem, as it arose
papersA)r books in the German language, unl«H3 under Hitler in Germany^ cannot be constitutionally justi-
m a r k M "Translations,"'•'and, ^by special permit. fied, i n the United States . of ~ Aihenda. Here, race is
24. 'Religious j^liberty, so long as th^ teaching do(!« not second to nationality, while i n Germa!ny, race ahd nation
collide with th^ moral sentiments of the (.Unman a B one. Hence, what is trae of ^he U'nited States cannot
race. , , be true of Germany,, a tact well woAih remembering.
25. Unqualified authority of the central offtt^o of tho-
fReich, over Germany's-policies and m*-h ttwd every Powerfdi racial structures have been completely:, wreck-
German.^ organization. Abolition of piirUfttnwntary ed, and their civillzatiijn destroyed, by thoughtfess ad-
government. In place of whlctw, a Itttuler systinn, mission ofjalie'n elements; the' exatoptfes of Greece and
based upon the principle of' "Authorily to thoso Rome, drastically and "tragically, ,,bear hiute witness ~ to
below, 'JRespopslbillty to those ftbov«". this factf Foreign elements i n large .number^^ durmg the
The Leader, Adolph Hitler, has been ^Ivon four yi'ars paot, have, bee.i 'ntroduced i i to' tne German stock, but
General ^'ower of Attorney for'^th^ purpose of HUttluK this In^y have been absorbed, or shed, and no longer present
program (into"effect. A t the end o! Uiese four-yattr« a a racial problem. > The Jews hsvO 'nia'ned a detached
. neW vote by the people will decide whether ^h«m polWim racial flection of ;he German ..population for over 1600
shall be ^continued by the <8ame> leader, or%lMlth«^ other years. That Is. time Enough to^ conclusively demonstrate
'Policies and othW leaders shall,guides th» dnntlny., of* the that the German .4s inca'pable of assimilating the Jew.
Reich thereafter. There Is nothing at a l l offensive* In this; diverging^ racial
qualities/are characteristics; the^ ar^ n e i t h ^ vlrtud^, nor
vices. White ^does >not make a< 1*086'^I'oi'e beautiful-than
red. The mixing of othe/wlse agreeable odors may pro.
duce -a very • dlsagree&bld hotchpotch', In Germany, tibe
door f to * economic' equality, ' a i d aVaflablcf cullfbral
— J.3 —

faciUlies, was always open to th«* Ji»w*. In fiu-t, the Jews T H E C L A S H O F G E R M A N A K D JEWISH
established a n JeconomiCjsupwrlorlty (Jf^jma^y, From TRADITIONS
that to political control, 'was hut « s u p YtM, U cannot
be. taken, witl«>ut coming jjnio M^rJwsrf r.iiini<<t with the There are villaihs amorife-'Je'^n'^ and G ^ t i l e s who create
traditions 6f the host-nation. But lht» J « w n to«»% ihat nUtv. misery and ^^niMJyance for their own people because of
regar41ess. They marfe a dlv« for t«»»i«*»HiiiUi ll»om««lv«H iinsociajl activities, T h e " JeVs l i k e ; ' t o identify^ them-
of the national ^ t r ^ c t y re of lh# ho»t. Th«y hfJi«»v«l t h e i r •iolves with ujnpatriptic and' internatio,nally;,ffiinded organi-
economic qpntrol of Germany, w«*wtd bo . i timph to the zations, j as a consequenci, the • better class'Jew is kept
streligth of the German racial spirit. Tb«»y wsre tnl«(iikoH. in hot water, and forced into a position 'of defence.
Germany never"^ imposed ra«*l«l latwUtrMy upon the Tho', this sort of tHlnjf has been going o n ' a s ^ a r back
Jews. RaciaF equality cannot t>e tM»»liV«sdj It N a infitter as wer can'think, the better class JeVv does not go out of
of birth*and inheritance, not o«« nt imwtKrRtlou, One l)is way to curb thesevicious tendencies " of i%,his ' c o -
cannot possess,' one cannot makt nm of, rju'lil't b»ir»irtor nationals. * " '
istics, unlpss one racially belong. It was not until some wealthy'^ Jews were caught
Furthermore, leaving racial fi>n»bJeriithMi« wntirt'ly Kmugglingj out of Germany,-iand across'the bordel^ of
aside, If a fraction of a ^population HtuiUau>dy, tir involun- Switzerland and Holland, valises brimful' with bills of
tarily, remains a separate racial unit, wHhIii H nation, exchange, that atrocity stories l^egan to, be broadcast.
i t thereby• forfeits every national rlaJm on tlmt millon. To smuggle gold across the Irorder would constitute a
To become nationally attachod. or rolntod. to a country, sin\l'lar offe;pse; <in America. .. Such gold woUld be subject
such us the United States of Anu>r|cii, th^ rsoimrlouHiiess to confiscation by the' United Spates _^ Governmen^t, and
of racial superiqrity must be HubJ«»ftml In tho^ roiinrious- the offender would be punished beSidesi ' -
ness of national superiority. But In Grrmiutv, thiM»» can By this time you have beeij f6*-up with "manufactured
be neither racial nor natioual*attRt!bw#B( for mry for- to order" .atrocity stories, as yoii are *alrea;dy with the
eigner; there can be •sonly a natloim! ftsmit'tetlon, » rola- "cut-off-hands" stories 'fro^ sJBelgium.
tlonship of host and guest. The inh»r«»t W « « « K » » « » H of
While the cables were kept hot with descriptions of ter-
•^the Austrian Empire lay in the fact that vsrloui alien
rible outrages, ,you looked? on thejca as • ji?st another
groups, constituting the. nation, could fiot «.,lut'«*l their
Jewish pogrom," to be added''^,tq the long; list of others
racial consciousness, to a common, p-aa«u«.?«d, Austrian
that from time immeifflo;;lal have been/ wreaked uppn the
national conspiousness.' For the Jew>i Vs demand r clal
innocen^t jiws, wheteyer, tlfey patched thel'r tents, be it
equality from the Germans, woul l bs ^quaiity Hhot
in Egypt- Persia- Babylop- .Cyprus- Rome- Spain- England-
through and through with self-deeeptlpa. Tho German
Ff-ance- Poland,^and Gerniiany. •
among the Germansj, as the Jew among J«w«, always re-
mains facially superior to any forelgber, Om cannot buy, The Utpite^d' States of Am<irica herself has deported 4500
sell, borrow, something that must be inhsrtt^d. U would Communistic J<sv^s,*withoyt. raising any hubbub at ^ome
or abroad.' Maybe, the; .jpnited States arq too'' close to
be painting a .^wfiite lUy, re4; the famous sale of the
home, and thej evidence t i o "^Isserviceable to the Jewish
first birthright for a ^pottage of lentils, to the poatrary
.cause in the United "States,^ to make it 4.^,advisable, to
notwithstanding. The Jewish problem w i l l disappear,
Hpread th^is infofmatidnl (Jver i ^ e country. •
as sobn as the J e w s learn to Jdeallee their own national
.Hoiy unfortunate we •'lack^th*^ fstculty^of reading the
country, as^be German doe's his.

— 14 -™
other fellow's thoughts, his intrigiieu ftittl af|}PineH. But tioiHonous medicine p r e v i ^ s l y spooned out to the
in her infinite wisdom, providence',hH>» docrftwl timt t h e tussiatfe.
thoughts of and Gentile*' aHli#, B h a l l b« tmA by Ruthless trampling down?of racial j^privileges and racial
deeds. Protestg,tions of frieridjship and piitrlotlsni ineau qualities of others, 'is a typically Jewish policy, and be-
-little,-^o long as deeds have pot Justified th« faith.* cause of it,' the Je\ is held in s6prn.
Falth-tra.ditioq--breeding-charaoter>blOMl art eMentlatly It vfks part of^the scheme, of the Bolshexl'istic iCterman-
^ne. If you want to know a porsoa, a fumlly. a race, Jews to draw" into' Germany an ariny of Communistic
.study the traditional inheritance, Jews from Poland, Galizia, and Russia, and b y supi^lying
Whiat do we mean by t r a d i t i o n | hundreds^ of< thousands of'Hhese radical'Jewa, with letters
The manners ^ d custctais of a'famlly nr « rucp, banded of German citizenship,^,the st/onlholds o^ the Germah'
down from gieneration to genera|ion,' and nbtftd u|«>n .so Jewish-radicalism, in Berlin* ^nd other cities, were to be
long, as to becoipe an unwritten law. reinforced. The^offic^al,hoodlum's''expe<jt6d, that the con-
It repi-esents the product of a cartful pr«»c«s« of ninHing, trol* of the German governrfient ^?^oul* f a l l into their lap
^it originated In hospitality, and la, la tho l««t nnmlyfil.M, an like a rjpe plum, and in certain "expectation of this ^ e y
expression of fa^th and confldon<'fe;*« t«i»t of tritdttionul made themselves broad in everyi governmental office, and
qualities. supplanted German officisfls.^ by Jewish Communists.
It.^is ^he foundation of virtue and mt-M prldH.'^of rju-ial This brood, tl^at, lavished letters of'citizenship by the
consciousness itself; it is the soil In .whl< h («ujnrttd«'Mhip, hundreds of thousands upon a hord of alien Jews, denied
charity, .chivalry grow. Where tra^Uh»oa '"Itttth iUott\n a man like Hitler, a man ^ f i German blood,^ though of
be no harmony lamong people. That In th« raaHott why Austrian birth, the'right to,German citizenship, to which
Germans and Jews cannot agree. by virtue of blood jhe Vas, inalienably entitled. Hitler,
Even among the lowest of races, to outt»i{i' himpltality who voluntarily h^d entered the German Army, had
is *^n unpardonable offerfse*-and frftquemly^punlMlUMl by fought at the front, and. been wounded, had again returned
death; nightlyio, because^lt invariably pidiits to depravity to the front, and again been wounded, and for his bravery
of character, ,to utter lack of traditional qtmlUlwH had received the Ifon Cross,of the First and Second Order,
The Jews, who directed the political mi^^i in anrmany; was deniefl his letter of citizenship!
employed the • gSangpter-methods of th« tluiwliui jewlsh- ISi,there anything more*^ pregnant^of evil intent, more
"Boliheviks, and^ | h i s Jewish-Bol3hevl8m '«« dPturmlned indicative,, of the callous "(disregard of national honor and
upon uprooting every natlonjQ.and traditional \n>nd. Mil- tradition, anything'^that couljj'better Identify the character
lions of Russians,! who resisted' this Jugttornaut of the of those smirking Jew-Contmunists who sat with moeking
Jewish-Bolshevistic regime, and ,tt)URht for th(?ir traditio- %leers in every office'of Government; State and Municipality
nal inheritance, werei.summarjily .ex»cut«d, of ^Germany?
A similar fate was to be provided lor tlartnaay. and Who can ,deny that the native /ews of "bermany were
during the pre-Hi^ler days, Germany < rwdslved a fair- not fully acquainted > with what was going on, nor that
sample of H a d B o l ^ e v i s m been lntroduo«id Into Ger- they did not stir a finger Cb'stay the hand of Judah-run-
many then there would have .been no tramped up* atroci- amuckj?
ties, but real qhes.. The' Germanic stpck would Itave been Over half a million Jews ih» Germany, and not enough
reduced b y mjlll9ns, yand)the Jews <iyould have been that appreciation of'.German traditions' aniong the one-half
many ahead. The Germans' ifr4r%' to the ^same million Jews to indignantly pi'otest these outrages. ' T h e
— 16 — — 17 -

contemplation of this fact reveals an Jii»r»Hllli«« moral and

"spiritual brutiflcation. ANTI-SEMITISM IS SYMPTOM, NOT C A U ^
Wha>t wonderful opportunity'for tH«»/'(i«irnuui" Jow to Germany.has amo,ng her population approximately 615,- -
give evidence to the world of the nor>iHlv of Mn Jewish 000 Jews; that is, one Jew to 100 Germans. ,
nation, and the soundness of his J<swl«h (uidliloiiN? flow Accordingly, the Jewish element should, be found in the
the Jew might have put even mteny ii (}»sriiMui to Mlifuiu;! various trades, occupations, professions, public offices,
Such then is the receipt, the balanelttfl of amounis, the military institutions, universities, schools, in cities ,and
Jews gave Germany in return for unpar«ll»l#d advantages country, and among the crin^nals and deserters, as 1 Jew
received from the German schools, ur»(veri(ti«t«, and cul- to 100 Germans.
tural environments, not to mention business and lucre.
But, we find the Jews crowding togethe/,'gravitating
Such was the return compb'ment s Jewish guest p,ild his
host! to ghettos of their own making.' *
209,000 of them are i n ' B e r l i n alone; the rest in cities,^
The question is i n place; Why dtd tlu* "jsuppoMi'dly
such as Frankfurt-Main, Hamburg, Bremen, Breslau, etc.
decent" Jewish element in Germany p<«rnilt thi« J«twiHh-
The Germans cannot assimilate the Jews, although Jews
gangster element to make a drive for ^l»« control of (he
have been in German lands for over 1600 years.
German Government? Becaus^ the Jmn In GHrmaiiy fully
The Jew Is' not fond of hard work, as the following
expected this Jewish Copiqiunistlc onalttUKht to bn as
figures show:
successful thei-e, as it previously had b«i?ft In U J I B H I I I
T h § Jews hate to go' to Palestine I Th*y dreimt of a Farmers, including families 6.150
new Palestine' In Central Europe! Mltlcr spoiled that Industrials, do. . . ,.. 13jB,000
dream. That is reason enough to hate him I Commerce and traders, do , 338,250
How could spch miscalculations huppfn lo Jiiduh? For Professionals, do. 36,900
the simple re£fson that 1600 years sojourn among the Ger- The Jew wants to run things. It will be no surprise
mans finds the Jew still as "unGerman" 4» before, H t l l l to find that at the time of the Jewish-German Chancellor;*
with his insane greed for money, for puw«!r. for c o n t r o l , Rathenau, fully 80% of the most important Governmental
for monopoly, for tyranny. offices in Gej-many were filled by Jews. We may assume,
German tradition? He Is not lnt«r«Bled It IN not in that the resulting resentment among t h » Germai^s, prob-
his blood. ably, had some influence upon his assassination.
The officers of the First German Revolutionary Govern-
ment is represented by a list of Jews; 'the ^eich's-Con-
ference of 1918, likewise received Jewish representatives
from every State of the German Union.
Ambassador Luther said, at Mount Vernon New York,
^ May 24, 1933, "the reason for the anti-Jewish feeling in
Germany is the fact that, while the Jews represent only
1% of the population, nearly 50% of t h e ^Governmental
offices are occupied by Jews."
Bernard H. Ridder, owner of the New York ^taatszei-'
tung, returning f r o ^ his trip to Germany on June 8, 1933,
_ 18 _ .
_ 19 —
reported, "that 62% of all German Oovt-rnnu-utut offices
higher education, to a military, or a governmental career
are occupied by Jews."
was successful and ruthlessly, shut.
Even under Emperor Wilhelm, in l O H , I I U H in hofotv! True to tradition, the average German had confidence
the War, 4^fiere were among 100 I'nlviirfdly ittntovHOVH .S 'O in the judgement of his leaders, he did not, question the!*'
Jews.' If we donslder that #he UniV«'raliy iiri'ft'H.iorn nro wjsdom, never syspected clannish motives; he interpreted
appointed, it='throws a fliaring light upt>n the l-"rtif>rroi'E, as "necessary policies," what at bottom ^wa^ barefaced
and^his advisor's, unawareness of thie JjHwifsh menace in "selfishness and^-hypocrisy".
Germany; at it exposes him to the crltlctam of "un^mmafi"
Those who knew better, became dissatisfied with the
policies, and'inferghtlaily, to \he aeeusatlorn of urtfattrtcss
existing injustice, but for evident reasorfs were helpless;
to his people.
they had to eat cfrow, or leave the country; and in fact
,The Jewish influence' in perman affalra Ht»Midil> con- many did leave.
tinued to grow, so that in 1932, there vttih nmtmK HIO Germany, as a result suffered In two ways; she raised
professors in medicine 45 Jews, Hn law 41. , tMu con- expensive and valuable human material, only to lose it
dition practically amoufited to a monopoly of lh(i pro- to other cotintries, that reaptednhe benefit,' besides, she •
,iession&, an^ notably of the legal, slncB It (ntmduc«d a alienated the affections of n\any of her own people.
strange and disquieting Jewish influence Into th« German The school system in.Germany cunningly disregarded
Judiciary. the interests,of the middle and lower classes. It was
Incidentally, worse conditions existed in V{«ntn«. ' H M T O constructed to prevent them from following a professional
were to evei*y 100 in the professionu, nfi irjhy«l<laa« HQ career; those who nursed such aspirations were frightened
Jews' of attorneys,'84, of dentists 89. away by the bugaboo of a threatening^ professional over-
supply. . * «
The cause of this intolerable and ci«pr«8HlnK alKiiulon-
ment of every one of the professions to thp J « W B Is to be ' The German was subject to certain traditional inhibi-
found in the following: tions, not so the Jew, who tqok his own cpunsel, or likely,
took his people's advice. And, how could the 'Jews in
The haughty ^ n d clannish Gernwn rnltns unci profes- Germany overlook a condition admirably suited to their
sional class connived in a systematic rppr«(mtMn nf any needs; a condition that did not require "hatching, but was
(tendency of the finanQl^lly leas-fortunRlrt (Unmna to gc ^re^dy-made. for Ihem. They saw an' opportunity to supply
in for professional vocations. Thp,Oernmti poptilar mlnrt that from which the German competitor was being de-
coined a saying, more In sarcasm, than in Jokf, "there liijerateiy driven away, and kept away, by those who di-
are no humans below an officer." One of thw mont virions rected Jthe policies of Germany's educational methods, and
institutions was the one-year-militaVy-8ervic« prlviloK*' for who. were, traditionally, notoriously numb to the .needs
those of a certain degree of education, whil«* upon the "of the common people, and their most vital in^terests.
ordinary soldier," w h o ' c o u M not aWord that privilege, a Of course, under Wilhelm, "Lehrfreiheif'^and ."Lernfrei-
two or three years military term wag Imposed, heit". the freedom to teach and to learn, was widely
These policies of chicanery towards the middle- and stimulated, among the select, the rest of the people had
lower classes, successfully reserved for the olans a certain to content themselves with "Lehrzwang" and ^'Lern-
prestige, because of these hereditary jprlvlleges. ^ zwa'iig", a^ stereotylped educational jiisclpline, in whidh
To the average German, regardless of his character or "Lehrfreude" and "Lernfreude", the joy of teaching and
intellectual qualifications, the door to, advancement, to learning, was -all but killed.
if^ ^^^^ -

_ 20 —
_ 21 —
In this manner, the average 6erman Mrna deliberately
should be in the focus of'his attention, and the glory of
cheated out of his^birthrJght,,,and by |he \'t-\y <>ne» who
the private H o h e n 2 o l l e 5 n traditions should be incidental,
expected from him "loyalty to death"; mean while, and with
and secondary, to the glory of the German Public National
out especial effort, the' professional plums fell Into the
hands of the J e w s . , traditioi;is and the. haWiness the people.
Altho, 'these educational policies have hmxi fonnidnrably T o hiin, the'common people were mere "props to the
changed in recent years, the%e fdcts mimt, b« iold. how- tlirone", to whom it was a privilege to* bleed and die on
ever disagreeable their' recitation ma^^^be to a n^rman. the battle field, so that the position of the Hohonzollerns
For, without a clear understanding of th« «Minditlonij as be secure.
they existed previous to the war, and prt»vlous lo the The Jew had the confidence of the Kaiser, and since
Revolution, and previous to Hitl^Sr, the prwfnt thouKhts,. the professionjil element in the German communities was
. sentiments, and reactions the rami of the Germans thoroughly Jewish, the Jew claimed, as government-official,
cannot be understood, ftor their attitude towiVds th« Jews. Commerzienrat, physician or attorney, the confidence also
The averagd^ German had come to feel like a stranger in of the people, and, as we shall see later, the expected
his own land, and among his own people, where the weak- happened, this confidence, both of Kalaer and people, was
ness of the German leaders had become th« strength of finally betrayed. " ..
the Jews. ^ The Jeyv is sympjkom, not cause; "Judaism is no r e l i - ,
Anti-Semitism arose in German landu and lylnolpalitles gion, it is calamity", in the words * of the Jewish poet
generations ago, when the German pot»ntMt«», the des- Heinrich Heine.
cendants of the "robberknights" of yore.^sold tliB rights Such is,the picture, the result of a people's alienation;
of usury to the <Iews, ^and shared In tlw profit-*, which an alienation, as outrageojis, as it was unnecessary, and
rati Ironi 30 to 80% and more, and doubled upon default- without parallel in Jiistory. It was a betrayal ,with a
ing. It '«ras a common occuranee, tbHt a ridiculously vengeance. ' ,
small loan grew under the Increasing Intwjsta lo isuch The Jew jgained an tndreasing influence upon the
an extent that often the entire property fell to the Jew, political life of, ever since the^ Introduction of
and the owner together with his famllr, wta, sold into the parliamentary system in 1848, a consequence of the»
serfdom ^uutil loan and • interes.t wars paid. German revolution, the results of which mainly benefited
But modern anti-Semitism has,,becoaf« Mute ilnce the the radical parties, 'ihe decade following is well*re-
War. !<Indeed, paradoxical tho it »ott«d, aatlBemltlsm membered for the merciless persecution of Germany's
and Communism were at th& root of tb« ^ w r n a n Revolu- finest, nationally-minded men. Hundreds of them'were
tion, and hastened the termination of the war.' It seems driven out of the country, and many more served long
wherever^-the Jew is involved, we* are deaUnir with para- terms in prison.' The .dream of these men, of German
doxes, i Unity, temporarily faded. Here too,, the Jew found
The Emperor w a ^ friendly to the 3m%, hJ thought he an effective, albeit, unwitting, support in the venality
had to depend upon Jews, to adjust t h » 03tl»tlng conflict of the official German policies of restricting the political
between his bw?i, private HofienzoUtrn-f^mlly traditions edu?at>o of t h - growing generations;^ and the result lof
apd the public, German National traditions. this unholy combination was, that the parlia|nentary
^ Likely, the thought nev^sr oecured to him Ahat, as ruler plums; too fell into the lap of the JeWs.
of the Germans, the interests of the common people. So that in 1918 the Jews ruled In Germany in thci of-
fices of Government, State and Muplcipalities; • they con-
— 22 — — 23

trolled Hnances, •.stock excfiange, and pracllrally every toriiy guide the ship of stajte,} and finally had deserted it,
business. The uViiyersities *and LprofesslnnH wero over- should be more successful#jiow, w^en the pro|{lem»of the.
run by therti. Wl\at the J,ews,Jiad m mind, wm indolently country were infinitely more difficult to %olve. The p'eople
expressed 'by the Jewish - Alistrlan WiniHior of War oould not jSejjersuadpd, Jheythad lost confidence in th^
"Deutsch" in an article by him, in "Kftmpf". h»> says, Monajjchy, in right or left parties, of "which th§re*were
"Now, we Jews are on'top^ nowjwe areithe bosses I Our 32! Indeed, they h a d « lost confidence -In *i:he very
most glowing c'-eams Ti.ive now eofne tnue." possibility of a people to rule itself by parties; they had
We find the Jews m cohtrdl bf most d«spartm#iit Nioros Jearned, by bitter^experience, f^hat it peqirtres a leader to
in Gerinany,' of 50% Of theT real estate Of Ilt»rl«n, »f 40%' rufe a people.- • '
of the Restaurants ^and,Coffee" houses, of «hipptn«. thea- n is difficult to see, why^Wilhelm, with the help of his
ters, news"}? "e'*s. • picttire liidustry. * _ political knd technic^al advisors, and the excellent facili-
^5% of a. p aye given on the} G b i n a n i m R « w«r« writ- ties available to him, could ^ nop^ have presente'd 'to the
i^enf'by J-ews,, ably sutpt/rted by the eoci«»y of 0««rnmn Germans a program* that would conform with \h6' best
, Theater; C i t i e s , ^ the officers of whlchsW^n* J«w«. interests of 4he people and jiiis own.- It is evident ,t1iat his
With thfe-help ,of tWfe Jew^cbntrolled pres^, tho flrrhian sense of sportsmanship a ad liberal\t^ was not enough de
'masses ieai hi to lean upon the radical, p ttU-al parlies. veloped to lift him' to that mediocre height.
These were controlled by the very Jew«, who had bene- One Cannot escape the. conclusion that the rank growth
fitld, at : „ expense of the Germaaft, fi »m I »t> Bb rt- of the Jewish influence in Germany, w h i c h ajl but choked
sightejd German Governmental policies, to w Icb r«.»*re ce> the- German traditions, jvas enc9ur|ged by the Emperor,
previously, has been made. , and his own ^selected adji^isors, ,who evidently ,*^id'
Never vheless, the simple-mliided Geripsni n«v«r exported not share the sentimentsiexpressed by Bismarck qn this
that the.Jews, who came into poww wUh the radical subject.., > ' ' '- ' ' '
party tickets, wouM with flendisa de.irwalUm, not ap- It was on June 15, 1847,^ in the ^Prussian Landtag that
point Germans, but oniy Jews, to evtry RVa lable p<}".Ulcali Bismarck made the public confession, that* he shared the
,position, and would discharge, right a i ^ l«»fi^ fvery Ger- sentiment of the comr^on people, ,of feeling* ashamed of
man official they could from the -tftipm at Qovemment, the com,pany of Jews; that he Qould not conceive, of vp-
States and Munlc;; alities. They did this so thorooghly tafning his national self-respect and honor, wei'e he coii-
that soon no Government by Germanu w«8 '«ft, and, just pelled to pay ^obedience to a Jew. ''"I Tfrould^not care,'/
as thoroughly and true to Jewish tr>ai(Hi«nt there began he continued, "to extend, nor w*ould I want to see, a. Jew
«^,ruthiess, uficoncionable, dls«ip«tlrn of funds until the occupy a position of authority tin this "state.""' That was
variojM office^ were bankraptili. - plain enough for everyone to knowt where he stood, at
•»The conditions of gofei:«ment grew so chaotic that ^ that time. - . '•
governing had to be done by emorfeBeyHieerees and by Nevertheless, in 1873^ Bismarck himteelf was taken in
threats of djctatorship. ^ by the German Jewish Bankers, v He wante^ to establish
Because of these •'unbearable^ cosdtttoiMi the adherents a Central German Government Bank, but changed ,h'ls
o i the Monarchy hofied-lor a possible, rtttira of that ^re- mind, « p o n ' the advise of ^ the Jewlsti Banker Bleloh-
gime. * They might t»ave beitn suooeteful, had they t)een 'roeder. In favor of a Relchsbanl^ under private control,
able to advance «ati«factory reasons, why an Emperor, to protect, so the Jew argued, thee assets of the Reich^-'-
who .under less trying conditions ihtad failed to satitfae- bank against-"the possibility of confiscation,* In case, of
— 24 - - — 25 —
a defeat in V a r . As a result of 'this cun,«ln|? HURR^Btton, physicians, of which Uhere wer« plenty, offic^er-patents
the 'Control of Ihe"^Relchsb^antt, ^opopo.y of cur oncy- to be passed upon, distinctions and decorations to be dis-
issue,n,and prlvillge^of coinage, fell Into the hiind» of the tributed, and that w:et may not forget, informations made
Jews,^ the Reichsbank being ^ n t r o l l o d by «l«'tft'n Jews available, obtainable only xthrt^igh Intimate contact with
anc^-four Germans;• prSbably^Oerma^s. Thus"th^ Reche- the Ministry of War?
tank; an institution,,whose Impertfince. 19 Keeonci only Instead ^ of one to one himdrwd the Jew was at the
to thejGermIn'iVitnistry of^War, also fell Ihto the hands trough of business, finance, profession, at a rate of 60, 80,
of the Jews', and gSv€s thein powers of suvh fwr r f ftchlng even 100 to 1 yet, whenever it meant physical labor,
lmp^orl!kufte, the coiisd^quences of which but f'-w (Ir'rmims dangers to .limb ,or life, he had the knack ol knowing
would be able, to appr^clate.^ i Incj'dnmally, ^th«*,< U . when and how to mysteciousiy meit away.
f e d e r a l ^Rteserve -^Bank. is similarly private bistltutlon. Israel looks after her own!
' w i t h this in mind, l e \ u s cast'a look int,c) th« »mp«ror's The German-Jews made i piain that their financial
Ministi-y/of )Var. We itake for granted, Iha' thin office support of the war could be had only by ativantages of
carries^an unp\iralleled responsibility'for IH« prottu-.tlon this type, and so, everywhere, the Jew was placed in a
of th^ country, its- people ^and tradUloflR. Huit it hoVia' more favorable position, and even in a more favorable
in^ the hollow -of'its'hand every drop of*G»?rni««, blood, light than the ordinary German Kommiss ;it the front.
4hd every single life in 'the Nktion. ^ A chain is no stronger then its weakest link, and tiiat
^h&t were the reasons, that soon^ after the outbreak of weakest link of the German Government was her Jewish
the War^Jew^ began to filter Into this Hlwpwralely Im- affiliations. The very existence of this link shows lack of
pdrtanl; citadel of Germany's defense? A t <t time when. traditional orientation, expectable in those w o look for
Germany was "struggling for'hter very life, whim U bfuuime protection, profit or pilfer, but damnable in those who
more thdn ever before a measure of neceBrdty that the were the trustees of Germany's heritage.
dependability, of it^ persoifinel be mad4 humanly certain.
The summary which follows, is based upon records of
There musi have, beerC a'reason why Germans were dis-
the German Ministry cf War.
placed by Jews in the IViinistry of
282 of the down-trodden race la tht^Oeman Ministry Total number of G e m a n s in War service 12,500,000
ofvWar!*282 descendants-of Aaron, dittoing battles by Total number of Jev 3 at front, including
holding? up hands! -282, of the kind that-ean shake down those behind the lines, in offices, at telephones 21,455
the walls of Jericho by** bloVing "bf trumpet*! Total number of Jews in the Commissary,
What German Wer^ could" have believed such m thing in the Army of Occupation, at home, or serving
possible? ^ Even Jewesses <ln the ofllces,' out numbered without arms .., 40,817
their (fuota six to one, a l l this, with no dearth o^f eflftcient German soldiers killed 1,500,000
German me^ and wpmen. ''Israel looks after her own! Jewish soldiers killed ^. 3,411
.IWas intimate confact with the l&Iniptry of War valuable? German active officers killed .' 12,500
Wha.t a questicJn 1^0 ask?'.^ ' . . . Jewish active officers killed 78
Were^ there not important buslnesB contracts to Jje Germans killed in relation to eiitlre popula,tion '2.5 " %
grabbed,* patronag'e made available, Jewish soldiers to be Jew;8 killed in relation to entire p.^ppution . . . . p.0055,%
protected against-tiie hazards of ,the front, "Jewish quali- Decorations given J;o Germans, In relation to^
fications ^ o r ' f r o n t service ,to be^ passed upon by Jeyrish number'of Germans killed I
— 26 — 27 ~
Decorations given to Jews, lH/elatlott to num-
ber of Jews killed .< -• 6 GERMANY FOR T H E GERMANS
Number of Jews. a. the front >. • .. 21,455
We are now coming to^ thje acute but more in-
Decorations received by; Jews . ; ., 21,601
' In the' form of: trinsic causes of the hereditary German-Jewish conflict,
Iron 'Crosses, First^ Class 900:. causes the world as yet knowHi little" s|l)out, .'for "they lie
Iron tCrosses, Second Class: . ,.. ..,, . , 17.000 further afield. wW are living in a time of increasing con-
Other de.corations 3,701 sciousness. We have grow'n conscious of complexes,
To tho^e who guided the destl^iy of (Jfrmiuiy, the fact health, auto, radio, * speed, even of the smell of our
tha^ the Jews >'old the record for, desorllon from Milit- neighbor, for we havie grown sanltary-conwcious; but the
ary service had no meaning,
German has grown acu|;ely tace-conacious. Unless the
In Germany, between 1882 and liS92, 4,000 Um d««firted.
outsider can gauge" the forqe that is behind this "Furor
In 1916, the "Israelitische F a m l U M Bla^t" eamplalns
bitterly about E n g ^ - d and France deportlbf *o Russia Germanicus," by sounding, the ti*aditional resources of
SO,000 able bodied* Jews that 'b<^d left RuMsia to escape the Germans of today, he cannot hope to understand this
military service. broader German problem, of which the Jewish problem
, The Russian General Martynor, In bis book n^'ntlng to is but an unimportant side Jssue.
the causes of the Russiaii Tebacle in the ?»u«»<» 'apanese .Before the days of Darwin we were Bible and revival
W a r says, regarding the TewB: "Frosft on« dlv'sjon alone, conscious, more pious than we are nowadays. We felt
266 Jews deserted, as compared to 8 *of othur nationals. ourselves children alike of one God; we were taught
In 1914 five thousand able bodied Je#s arrlvtd In Pale- ,to beliei^ve that we- are born equal; ^ taught to love
stine, being deserters from the' R u s s t a A n a y . !a 1910 of our.. neighbor as ourselves,,.and to include every mother's
20,000 Jews ca".ed to the colors i u Russia ll,OC0 deserted." son, b'e he Negro, Mongol, Jew or Gentile. It was^hard
'I km convinced < that were, the i « w t « Ughi Mnder the to live up to this, but we did the best Ave could, to satisfy
flag of Israel, and within his own,Jewish I<lgtl9fl'! Army, our conscience. We persuaded ourselves to lovethem one
his record of desertion from the army would likely be the and all, but kept repaiilng tfee fence between our lot and
same as that of any other natioriaiky. the adjoining,
tn concUision, reference is made to tl»« beloved old 2000 years of such teaching has not stiflad that still
Jewish> philanthropist, Strauss, deceftsed. While crossing small ""voice within; 2000 years of professing brotherly
over on Staten Islands, he exclaimed to ft oompantoiv i n love,'could not,make really feel it, could not bridge
referfnce to the Jews: Aeh,-mine petipie,'mine people, the chasm that separates • man from man, and race from
unless they mend their ways, and become, good American race, and eternally must.
eltizena^ in fact as we4i as in name,'pogroms are coming., It is the "voice of blood" within us; it is traditionT
to America, like no country ever has eeoni . I'm telling It is as Kipling says,. "Bast is East and West is West,
youW and never the twain shall meet".'
This conflict between, the demands of the blood and
the demands of religion, is the wealr link .^n the/ human
chain, thie disturbing facto^ in hnma'nity's ^equation, fit,
~ 28 •—
enforces- a mimicry of 'conduct which, bp it tragical or changed evecy sojpial and racial concept^ A"^thousand
comical,)' Is always natural. ^ years ,may p a ^ -into history* before'^a discovery of equal
This inner sf^'uggle to ^.unite and Jharntonlze by argument importance to the human race will likely 1;^ made. The
atid persuasion,, whith for conccet^ r i c i a i reasons Cannot deductions _>drawq, from* these experime'nts' hav^ caused
be, and should; riot be,^hirmonized, leads to the d J a l n t e g r a - Germany t o ' b e c ^ e highly '''conHjjioua oJE the'' factors
tiort of-the-racial .consciousness, and,is.sapping the' r«Belal for good and evil that are at work within the blood and
stamina of the Chi'istian Nordic^ natlo,nt. body, of the Germanic as well as every other race.
Tlie Jew'does*not knoWi nor adtRltt^ he dpttlfeHi this ' "Raciaf standards" is the J J « W key-word of Germany's
Behtim'fental-equality; fbrjiiin ther;^ airb^firKt JowH^ thefi policy. Germany has turned from an unsound, spread-
feentiies. Me is not suft^ijiig fr^nl this Infi-rnjij in(f»rnal eagie-nationalism,^ from a swanky militarism, to a sound
feoul cShfiict. J i'ki Jew has always b^eil ac-Ut«4y 'race' and unobtrusive nationalism
bonscibus, WhuC'the national and religibUK hlstfiry of, and
Horticulturalists and stockl^reeders have long ago ap-
the confhctfe ainbhgj the Westferfa Mijrdld nallflttn frtdidatd
plied the principles of true breeding, and established
ah appalling racial chaos. ^
standards of purity of stock. Similarly Germany knows
For more.thai^a thousand years the flhrlistlan Nordica today that any attempt at Germanizing alien blood is dy-
drenched Europe's soil-with'the.blood of Ihptr brothers, namiting her own. She knowfe thatf solely within the
constantly decimating their own ranks, Um of mllHons Nordic blood stream can the Germanic soul manifest, that
killed, alone, in the late"'War. A strange tomethlna has the assimilation of alien blood m^|;an^ growing a race of
been mixed w i t h ' the Nordic blood., that errates this in- bastards. She cannot, afford to ignore th^f experience of
ternal, nevei^ ending ccnfijct. It^ i« the blood S P J eur£« every breeder of stock. ^ -
of an aliOrt race within the Nordio'tf
Germany wants pure-bred Germans, not ^German-alien
The Christian Western hations 8«ff»r tmii secularis^m bastards. She will leave* to Judah^ the breeding of true-
in religion as well as in p^olitles, w^lch Ohiy the sNivival bred Jews. 'J That in short *ls the real Issue involved,
of the ancleht'Nordic traditlorts eah eurfli everything else is smoLe.
During the^ 19th century Qur ideas were ateeppd I n the
This German-Jewish pVoblem is painful to Jewry, not
Darwinian f)hilosophy which, going Christianity one better,
because she is preve-ted from.; becomin'g assimilated,
related man to a l l the lower animals. In' iV«>ry nook and
a thought furth«rst from her mind, but because she
corner of, sciencCi philosophy and politics, there sat a
does not want to reMnquish'a profitable"'and advantageous
Darwinian monkey. .Darwinism ha's made us even monkey-
field of-her own peculiar activity, G ^ m a n y culturally of-
conscious. Darwinism had a stiU further leveling e^ffeot
fers'-'too much for Je\yry to do without. .
ujpon social li!e,^.it furnished plausible reasons tor a purely
materialistic *"vleyi)oint Of life, it knbcked frbm under us G e r i ^ n y is not'opposed to Semites as'such, she does
.the lasti l e g , of our identity, <^nn difference <rom other not hate the ,Arab^ and tli^gir culture, though A r a b s ' a r ^
'beings, It juourislied in particular tbe^ radical metttatity, it a true Semitic strain.
blayed into the. hands of the Jeifr8, as every dlsltttegratiag ' Germany is not so stupid as to think/she could profit
pdw*ter fa^ror the Jews. by atrocities, I.Jew-baiting-or anti-Semitic rowdyism.
At the beginning of, the 20thibentrfry Darwinism sud- She has more imi^ortant things to do, and prefers'to
Menly^ took a tumble. .The iSlmple sweetpea crpss-breeding pay at,tention to those that will hasten, and not retard,
experiments of th^ "'Gbrman Catholic Priest, Mendel, jhab the realization of her policies. Germany,>has no need^nor
~ 31 —
. These are the reasons why Germany is going to side-
~ 30 ~ step the alien elements and why she insists upon remov-
ing, especially, the Jewish strain from her people.
desire,''to imprint upon hei' escutcheon at this ^late^-date
This does not mean that Germany disrespects, or in-
of history,'the finger-prints' o f ^ u r d e r of atrocity. The'
tends to dishonor the Jewish race; to her the Jews are
noljiiity of her trad^idn makes the ^lery .thought ofc-
only one group of many aliens which she would Just as
"atrocities at GeVmany's behestV^ ImpDsBlblfe to conceive.
rigidly exclude. To see an affront in this shows mis-
Racial purity means more toi' he/ thifi immediate ^econ-
understanding of the real issues involved.
omic advantsfges. Ecor((^mic ^vantages will be'TecoVered
Germany anticipates, and welcomes, a similar policy on
in"^ course, of \im%. GerVnany isvjwirfing to sell her goods,
the part of the Jews. She sees no reason, why a pure-bred
butUias noitdesire, to sel^ her blood, nor buy^that of an
Jewish race should have less exalted Ideals, and a less
alTen race, or have it forced upon hef^by threats of boycott.
glorious future, than any other pure-bred race.
She knows ,;tftat every^'seed transmits tJJte parehtal
After the smoke of antagonism has cleared away, and
characteristics in plants and* animals, as Ifi humans. She
Jewry has learned to see less passionately, and more
does not want the alien characteristics In her race, She''
clearly, she w i l l bethink herself of her own peculiar
knows, inherited characteristics ,^aunot be iiltored by any
racial greatness, and realize that this German - Jewish
baptisdf, any"belief, any trafning, aijiy conta<5t, any tradi-
conflict has been a means to a closer knitting of the
tioii, or any h u m ^ effort.
Jewish bonds, to a clarification or her own traditions.
Ge'rmany takes racial caste at an Insurmountable
It is always the soul of the servant, the pariah, that is
reality. Shev/realizes that racial characi«r!8tiKs must be
most easily offended. Noblesse oblige.
protected, selected^ cultivated, nursed. W« do not allow
a pure-bred female dog to run wild, if wt do not want Accusations, defamations, insinuations and boycotts
sink intQ^ "insignificance in the presence of the nobility
mongrels to j a i z up the^ breed; of life.
During the past some races ran F i l d , othtw protected
themselves 6y rigid taboos. B^t taboos or none, a race It is upon neutral ground only that the German-Jewish
Question w i l l properly and finally be settled.
cannot remain'pure if it lives^in every p&rt of the world,
and has nO homeland-'in v^hleh to drtye.lts roots.
Jazz is typitisllly' Jewish. Jazz t a k « i what it finds and
distorts charajCter'andbeautyvto suit the^cnia© of the mo-
ment. Jazz is peculiarly parasitic sAd pti-vers©. Today
hardly anything Is left^hat hja&jtiot been Jassed op, govern-'
ment, p u b l ^ institutions, international relations, business,
'church,' personality.
Gernfany is through with the^*'Ja« o^ basfardixatlon";
through witli Germanlzing'aliens.
She wantsk to build new civilization of her own, to
serve as a medium through which the German soul caih
give forth the best it holds. She Insistii vtpoii the purity
of the German racial structure*- upon a bloodstream purged
of Aien strains.
Germany belieyes thatjan integrated I'acial structure is
r,equired for ,integrit/ of character an\ personality.'

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