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You can create your own design for your title page.

The purpose of the Executive Summary is to consolidate the principal points of your paper
in one place. It must cover the information in the paper in enough detail to reflect
accurately its contents but concisely enough to permit a public or non-profit agency
executive to digest the significance of the paper without having to read it in full. The
Executive Summary is a comprehensive restatement of the document’s purpose, scope,
methods, results, conclusions, findings, and recommendations. The Executive Summary
should be proportional to the length of your paper. For purposes of the Capstone paper,
we recommend a 500-word Executive Summary.

The introduction provides the reader with background information for the research
reported in the paper. Its purpose is to establish a framework for the research, so that the
reader can understand how it is related to other research. The Introduction has multiple
purposes, namely to create reader interest in the topic, establish the problem that leads
to the study, place the study within the larger context of the scholarly literature, and reach
out to a specific audience.

The review of previous research accomplishes several purposes. It shares with the reader
the results of other studies that are closely related to the study being reported, it relates
the study to the larger, ongoing dialogue in the literature about the topic, and it provides
a framework for establishing the importance of the study. It can serve as a benchmark for
comparing the results of the study with other findings.

This section specifies the type of research design utilized in the paper, such as the
approach to data collection, analysis, and report writing. It should detail the context of the
research, e.g. type of organization, jurisdiction, indicate how subjects were selected, e.g.
random, key informants, discuss techniques for data collection, e.g. interviews,
questionnaire, document review, study of case files, and explain the underlying rationale
for these decisions. It may be useful to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the
chosen design.


Private Property of Divine Word College of Calapan.
DON’T reproduce nor disseminate without the owner’s consent!
A case study is the study of the particularity and complexity of a single case. Relevant
cases will include public and not-for-profit administrators and their programs. Most often,
these cases will be embedded in a political system in which actors exercise power and
influence over processes and decisions. We are interested in cases for both their
uniqueness and commonality. Cases are "bounded, integrated systems;" hence, we
observe working parts that connect people with programs in some sort of purposive
fashion. Some cases are so important in themselves that we focus on studying their
intrinsic qualities. Other cases are applicable to important public administration and public
policy questions. Hence, they are considered instrumental.

The analysis compares the findings of the study with benchmarks established in the review
of literature. It may point out similarities and differences, agreements and contradictions,
and posit explanations for these relationships. Normally, it will not assume a burden of
proof or disproof, nor claim superiority or insights not justified by the small sample size or
singularity of the subject or methodology. Cautious conjecture, with appropriate language
and solid reasoning, however is encouraged.


Although this section does not need to be long, the writer has an opportunity to tie up
loose ends, summarize findings, and draw inferences. Specific recommendations are a
good way of concluding the paper. The writer should recommend possible changes in
current administrative practices, suggest new methods of management or analysis, or
propose changes in ordinances and statutes, for example. The recommendations should
flow from the present study and be related directly to the analysis.


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DON’T reproduce nor disseminate without the owner’s consent!

• The content, format and style must conform to the APA style.

Paper Stock
• Use 8 ½” x 11” high-quality, plain white bond paper with minimum 20-lb weight.

Type-Face and Size, Printing

• Select 12-point fonts for main text unless indicated otherwise.
• The thesis should be written in 12 pt. Cambria Math font.
• Print should be laser printing or desk jet printing
• Unless otherwise specified, use the same type-face and size throughout the document;
including equations, tables, figures and appendices must use same type-face and size.

• Left margin – 1.5 inches to allow for binding
• Top margin – 1.5 inches above the first line of type
• Right and bottom margin - should be at least 1 inch
• Indentations - five spaces in from the left margin
• Left and right justify all text

• Copy must be type on one side of page only.
• Single column format only.

• The preliminary pages (pages up to the first page of the text) are numbered with lower-case
Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, etc.); are placed at the bottom of the page, at the right margin (1”
up from the bottom edge and 1” from the right edge).
• Beginning with the first page of the text and continuing to the end of the manuscript, number
pages in sequence in Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.); are placed at the bottom of the page,
at the right margin (1” up from the bottom edge and 1” from the right edge).

• Double-space the main body of the case study.
• Single-space long quotations, tables, footnotes, endnotes, bibliography entries
Double-space between entries.

Private Property of Divine Word College of Calapan.
DON’T reproduce nor disseminate without the owner’s consent!

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