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Official Use


1. Mangroves for Coastal Resilience: Overall Project Design and

2. Project Results Framework and Indicators
3. Mangroves for Coastal Resilience Support to Strengthen Policy and
Institutions for Mangroves Management (C.1.1)

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Official Use
Government of Indonesia’s Commitment to Restore Mangroves
In December 2020, the Government of Indonesia (GoI) announced a large-scale National
Mangrove Program with the goal of restoring 600,000 ha of mangrove by 2024

Official Use
Landscape approach to mangrove management –
Mangrove for Coastal Resilience project
Component 1: Strengthening Policy and Institutions for
Mangrove Management (USD 19 m)
•Sub 1.1 Record and Reshape the National Mangrove Map (PMN)
•Sub 1.2 Registration and Monitoring of Mangrove Rehabilitation
•Sub 1.3 Strengthening Policy, Governance, and Coordination
•Sub 1.4 Facilitating Payments for Blue Carbon

Component 2: Rehabilitation and Sustainable

Management of Mangrove Landscape (USD 300 m)
•Sub 2.1 Rehabilitation of 75,000 ha mangrove ecosystem
•Sub 2.2 Sustainable Management of 4 Large Landscapes

Component 3: Improving Livelihood Opportunities for

Mangrove Communities (USD 80 m)
•Sub 3.1 Community-Based Livelihoods
•Sub 3.2 Enterprise Development.

Component 4: Project Management Unit (USD 20 m)

•PMO, PIUs, Provincial PIUs

Official Use
Project Results Framework and Indicators
To enhance the management of mangroves and the livelihoods of
PDO Objectives
local communities in selected areas
Readiness requirements for a blue carbon program are met
according to internationally recognized standards (Number)
PDO Level Indicators Updated National Mangrove Map operational (score) (Number)
Multi-sectoral mangrove coordination bodies operational at
national and subnational level (Number)

Monitoring & Evaluation Plan: Intermediate Results Indicators

Methodology for
Indicator Name Definition/Description Frequency Data source for Data
Data Collection
This indicator measures the achievement of four readiness
criteria: (1) existence of a reference emissions level for the Review of official
Readiness requirements for a blue Annual documentatio
program area (2) existence of a framework to monitor on documentation and CMMAI
carbon program are met according to (cumulative) n and
mangrove cover change, (3) existence of a benefit sharing systems
internationally recognized standards supervision
mechanism, (4) preparation of a program design document in
accordance with an internationally recognized standard.
This indicator measures the operationalization of the updated
National Mangrove Map (PMN) based on the sum of scores of Official records
Annual Review of official
Updated National Mangrove Map the following three steps: 1) updated information from the and review of MoEF
(cumulative) records and PMN
operational (score) Project integrated into the PMN; 2) updated PMN reviewed and PMN
submitted for formalization by the relevant authorities; 3) PMN
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made publicly available.
Official Use
This indicator measures the number of mangrove
coordination bodies at the national and subnational levels
that are operational and functioning. A body will be Review of official MoEF, CMMAI
Multi-sectoral mangrove Annual documents
considered operational if it fulfills these four criteria: 1) Has documents and & Provincial
coordination bodies operational at (cumulative) and meetings
clear ToR / internal document; 2) Meets at least two times a meetings records ​ Governments
national and subnational level records ​
year; 3) Prepares an annual report on the state of
mangroves; 4) Government decree officially establishing the
body adopted.
The indicator is
assessed by
appraised and
This indicator measures the area where mangrove Field
Annual approved
Mangrove area under rehabilitation rehabilitation has taken place at site level through the monitoring BRGM
(cumulative) rehabilitation
and management application of a recognized rehabilitation technique, as per reports
designs, verifying
the guidelines contained in the POM.
implementation of
designs and direct
site inspection.
documentatio Review of official
n of formal documentation of
This indicator measures the approval and adoption of
Subnational mangrove management Annual submission submission for
subnational management plans by the relevant provincial MoEF
plans submitted for approval and (cumulative) for approval approval and
authority. The ways in which submission for approval and
adopted and adoption adoption of each
adoption can be evidenced is detailed in the POM.
of each management plan

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Official Use
Cash-for- Review of cash-
People participating in cash-for- Annual work for-work
This indicator measures the number of people participating BRGM
work activities supported by the (cumulative) registration registration
in project supported cash-for-work activities.
project reports reports

Percentage of which are women

This indicator measures the percentage of Mangrove Field reports Review of field
Percentage of villages that integrate Annual
Stewardship Villages whose mangrove management plans and village reports and village BRGM
mangrove management into village (cumulative)
have been integrated into village plans. The POM describes documents documents
ways in which integration can be evidenced.
Reductions and
removals will be
calculated and
assessed through
site level
Net greenhouse gas emissions This indicator measures greenhouse gas (GHG) emission based on
Annual activities and will BRGM and
reductions and removals (ERR) from reductions and removals resultant from mangrove mangrove
(cumulative) use internationally MoEF
mangrove rehabilitation and rehabilitation and reduced deforestation from mangrove and carbon
management management activities under the project. monitoring
protocols. Details
of the
methodology will
be included in the

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Official Use
Mangrove Rehabilitation –Best practices
Minor Hydrological Restoration
Community Base Ecological Mangrove Rehabilitation (CBEMR)

1993 2003 2015

M4CR will adopts internationally recognized

rehabilitation techniques…..
1.Natural succession
2.Planting without hydrological restoration
3.Minor hydrological restoration
4.Major hydrological restoration
5.Erosion control/beach protection with natural
succession OR human intervention

Official Use
Community-Based Mangrove Management

5. Link SL groups to buyers

4. Promote local livelihoods

investments through local
government revenues and
development programs

Mangrove Stewardship Village Approach

1. Participatory Village
Livelihoods mapping and
planning 3. Facilitate Linkages to existing
• Gender sensitive enterprise development
• Inclusive programs, financial institutions,
• Identify sustainable activities – and extension officers.
address trade-offs

2. Field School Groups / Sekolah Lapang – skill

building on sustainable productivity enhancement of
coastal marine resources
Official Use
Component One
Scope of Activities
• Support the development of policies/regulation for sustainable Financed by $15M grant from
management and protection of Mangrove ecosystem Sustainable Landscape Management
Program which closes in 2026.
Activities must be implemented by
• Updating National Mangrove Map 2021 and development of a spatial data June 2026.
portal for mangrove data
$1.31M will be used for BPDLH
• Development of integrated monitoring and registry systems for mangrove
management Financed by $4M grant from Oceans,
Marine Debris, and Coastal Resources
READINESS MDTF which closes in 2027.
• Support readiness to access blue carbon finance Activities must be implemented by
April 2027 (same as overall project)

$400,000 will be used for BPDLH

operating costs → $3.6M budget Official Use
Component 1.1
Strengthening Policy and Institution for Mangroves Management
No Agreed Activities Operationalization Lead Remarks

1. Strengthening Regulation and Policies on PP: all processes for the KLHK Draft PP and
Sustainable Mangroves Management (PP submission and formalization Roadmap has been
Mangroves & Operationalization of of the PP (meetings, prepared
Roadmap) consultation, etc)

Roadmap: socialization to
public (meetings, BRGM
consultations, etc)
2. Mainstreaming sustainable management All processes for the KLHK with support
of Mangroves at the subnational level development of Perda from KKMD
(provincials/districts) – at least 4 (Province/District):
assessment selected
province/district (meetings,
consultation), recruitment of
firm/univ/NGOs to assist the
development of Perda,
meetings, etc
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Official Use
No Agreed Activities Operationalization Lead Remarks

3. Enhance Cross Sectoral Coordination at Functioning and Operationalization of CMMAI and KLHK
national and subnational Pokja Mangroves and KKMD (at least 4):
1. Has clear ToR / internal document;
2. Meets at least two times a year;
3. Prepares an annual report on the state
of mangroves;
4. Government decree officially
establishing the body adopted.
4. Analytics on mangroves management Support the implementation on KLHK Can be in
analytics/study relevant to mangroves cooperation with
management K/L or
ch inst
5. Strategic Communication Communication Activities on Mangroves KLHK Subnational level
(at national and international) – will be
subnational supported under
C.2 and C.4
6. Analytics and Facilitation on Mangroves Tenure Analytics, Policy Dialogue, Workshop on KLHK with support
Issues mangroves tenure issue from BRGM and
Pokja Mangroves

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Official Use
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Pokja Mangroves to Strengthen

Coordination and Government Priorities

1. Pengarah
2. Tim Pelaksana
3. Tim Kerja:
o Bidang Rehabilitasi Mangrove
o Bidang Pendanaan, Penguatan Kelembagaan, Pengawasan, dan
Penegakan Hukum
o Bidang Monitoring, Evaluasi, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan

Official Use
Sasaran kegiatan Pokja Mangrove Operasionalisasi Penanggungjawab Catatan

1. identifikasi masalah, penyusunan Penyusunan Rencana Aksi tahunan dan Tim Pelaksana dan Tim Rapat dilaksanakan setidaknya 2x dalam
kebijakan, strategi, program, indikator Laporan Capaian Tahunan kepada Kerja setahun
kinerja, dan monitoring evaluasi Pengarah untuk disepakati
pengelolaan mangrove nasional sesuai
dengan roadmap dan rencana aksi
mangrove tahunan;
2. fasilitasi, koordinasi, sinkronisasi dan Sosialisasi roadmap pengelolaan Tim Kerja bidang Apakah seluruh Roadmap telah terkoordinir
implementasi roadmap pada ekosistem mangroves Rehabilitasi Mangroves dalam Roadmap KLHK&BRGM?
kementerian/lembaga, pemerintah daerah,
privat sektor, mitra strategis pembangunan Apakah sosialisasi perlu dilakukan melalui
serta masyarakat terkait; forum Pokja Mangroves dan KKMD?

3. penyusunan, peraturan dan 1. Fasilitasi Penyusunan peraturan di Tim Kerja Bidang Apakah sosialisasi/ konsultasi aturan
kelembagaan pengelolaan mangrove pusat dan daerah Pendanaan, Penguatan tingkat nasional dapat menggunakan Pokja
nasional; dan Kelembagaan, Mangroves dan KKMD?
Pengawasan, dan
Penegakan Hukum Apakah penyusunan aturan tingkat daerah
dapat difasilitasi oleh KKMD dan diperkuat
(dengan enabling conditions) dari anggota
Pokja Mangroves?
4. pelaksanaan dan peningkatan kerja sama Rapat-rapat Koordinasi dengan donor Tim Kerja Bidang
dengan mitra strategis nasional dan Pendanaan, Penguatan
internasional. Kelembagaan,
Pengawasan, dan
Penegakan Hukum
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Official Use
o To host a Pokja Mangroves Meeting (Chaired by Pak Menko and attended by Pengarah) to
kick off and receive several information, among others are: Annual Action Plan for 2022 and
2023, Workplan for Pokja Mangroves, etc.
o To prepare workplan developed from SK (each K/L submitted proposal/informations?)

o To kick start discussion on topics relevant to mangroves management: Blue Carbon

Financing and Land Tenure on Mangroves ( Lead and Coordinated by Bidang Monitoring,
Evaluasi, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan) – How is the coordination mechanism ?

o Discussion with BPDLH on grant implementation mechanism (lead by KLHK & CMMAI)

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Official Use
Terima Kasih
Hasna Nikmah, Operation Specialist
World Bank, Indonesia

Official Use

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