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' o f ; t b e nation' include Jaek Cui a m i n ^ of Dearbom

„ ^ , 'shown i n t h e {group to front of the Alexander H a -
milton .sta;tute;,at the,TreftiBnry Buildinc, Washingtonr-iD.C;. Jack j t o ^ Mty ottier patrol capU^nsl.were
given aii. all-expense trip to t b e nation's ,ca;pital b y t h e Automoblie Cyilb of' Michigan. Sbown. below, below.
*'^*», >s«*t«d in centeri H , 0 . Ronnds, club saiety a n d traflic director; left to rljht> front row: Jack Ciim-
mini^s, Dearborn; Van Peck, Adrian; 'ftobby ]lanter,..Wyandotte; left toTricM, back row: George Gabrle),
Seryice Halt
Leaders A t
Monroe;,Jack Kruse, Ypsilanti.
^^JS Cor the closing of most of
,nert<\r.tllc business h o u S ^ h^Ve
,en cosnplctcd and It is understood
,v.^t starling next week t h e stores
-11 be clo,*;e<l two or three evenings
Cofniiiisf.iion Grants Chief's
*ch \viek. Comments f r b m ' m a n y Plea t o Take Penalties
![ the merchants was t o t h e effect -®
JFor Violations tlicy will welcome such steps,
•Disciplhie of members of the
Dearbom Plre department v/ill be
Miss Anne Wiles Labdr Unit Files (Jh As Result
MAINTAINING top place among handled by. the Safety ComnUssion
i^oducers of automobiles, tJie Ford rather than Chief Roy E. Mottes-
Taken By Death Of /;Aelee; More Trou ble Fea red;
Jotor company is expected to: turn heard, it^-wias decided a t the Tues-
34,500 cars during the present day night meeting of the commis- Teacher^ June Bride-to-be iF^olice On 12.Hour Shift ^^
icck. Tottil production for the -week sion. Chief Mottesheard had asked Succumbs In Hospital
n the automobile Uidustry Is estl- the commission a t a previous meet%
„ by Automotive Daily News take over the matter of di.".- Miss Anne I. Wiles, daughter of rind<rr was aiipH<»d to^ tho Ford plant labor powder
138, 735 units and during the clplinc of, ijiemberis who violate rules
Mr. :iind Mrs. Elmer Wiles of Belle- keg W<;<dnes<iay afternoon by a delegation headed by
montii A total of 547,935 .is fore- of the department. . , vue, Michigan, died a t Dearborn RichardfT. Frankenateen,; U.^A. W. organization worker,
Jjjt, a ncw high since 1929 when, The'request had been laid on the Gentiral Hospital a t 12:10 Thursd'ay resultin!|r in an explosj^' of .fiats and, feet which quickly
5:3,250 cars were produced-' table for s, w e ^ , while the. com-", moriiin!{. Miss Wiles, who was twen- died avt Iky nfter a scor^to'* more of union nten had been
Chevrolet Is close behind I?b»d mission went into the malter of ty-threii years of age, was, born in 34,000 units and Cbrysaer d"es- wheth"er t h e retiuest' of thi^' chief injured.^ •'-'•:^''^-- ' . '
Bellevue. She was graduated from
Hic a .six hour Plymouth shutdown, ^violated. the flre manual. I t was Wes(/srn State Teachers College and . R e p e * c u s » i o n s were'.:^iafti l o n g , i n f o llowing, however,
jfic to a strike will t u m out 24,800. found that d}scipl(hary '. prfxeduire taught in Lakeview school. Battle U n i o n •-iittorrieys haviBK:i;]filedv a n . i m m ediate complaint
fodson is leading the indeiiendents was optional with the, chief and that Creek a short time, coming to Dear- w i t h t h t i ' N a t i d n a l L a b o r ; p « l a t i o n s b o a r d , c harging coercion
tlth 3,600 units, closely, followed by he could. If.he'desired vohmtarily born to teach the kindergarten in ari,d i h 1 | r n i d a t i o n of emj^lby^es a n d ^'refusal t o h e e d t h e
?.,ckar(l with 3.300. ' '• relinquidi:.the right.; ; Edison school In February, 1936. t e r m s ^ c < r ' t h e W a g n e r .li^^O^'aict . \'
Only the punishment for pne case M!iss Wiles had made many frlendj; , vyioUjice a t t h e Roug^2?^lajnt;was l i m i t e d t o fisticuffs a n d
of tardlM^rln fiVe years will be l^ft during h e r short stay In Oils city, — - r r — j - ~ :—'•—r~-7ri^t^ kicks. No weapons were in evidence
to the,chief*-Uijvdeclde. Other men and only two weeks ago h a d a n - on .eithef side and tlie brief flare-
EXTENSIVE PLANS, have been who violate" regulations will be re- noui:ice(l her engagement t o PrancJis u up was quickly over when union :t I
'.ade for an entertainmerit at the ported to the ccmirriisision and their
iiarsh & Grosfleld Sales rtx>tns' to- punishment.•vlll .be.d^id^d, after a
^ii;ht. The program,- consisting 'of ^ e a r l y g . ^ * . . .
fVL- complote vaudeville acb, willbe sioner
. , ,
' A move on the part of Commis-
DlirboiFii Tax Rate Set ielrliorn
.i >
l ^ k Frdm Triipi
C. Jlazen, music director of Edlson

Oli Sale Friday

•organizers, men. and women alike,
-.Reeded the orders of Dearborn pohce
•and withdrew from the Ford pro-
James Bubb to'establish simi-
Uplemeatod.with moving.plclairW, lar ^rk)Ceaiir'e"fot''the^i»ollce
1,o' m the General Motors company. ment was Iwt for lack of supixirt
.similar show was given last suitf- 'when It was pointed, otit;^ that Chifef
ntr and proved of sucK grfcat'lhWr- Srooks had-nutde'na reuest; to yield
Per ;;.9acH.iCrom. a trip to Washington,
where * lie represented Dearborn in,
Womeii To Make Annual back on the
Driv| t o Aid Disabled
. B u t as a result of thc outbreak,
all possible
police have been ordered
12 hour duty status;
officers and detectives
^3t that even greater , plaris "were jiy|s ,prerogaUfii and -that the com- liatioii Increased By $ 7 ; 6 7 9 , 4 3 1 ^ e ^ the - JVIiohigan delegation, • largest . I — . ;have been concentrated in the vicl-
uadi for this'year. No eharge Is ,4:^ttAptx hg.d' noil^if^ lM>,depr^ hijoa 1-: single giroup from distant states* in 'hity of the.Ford, plant and Chiel.'
uii for^ tfie'-'enterta^ment iand 'afMjm'.im)&&a!uy''v^ except on 4- t ^ s t ill-ear Council is inffoi
, .7: ' '.M^^(y-- .
t h e scihi>(5f-safety parade, is,j£ick
Tomot»ow will be Pow>y D a y l n |Carl A. Brooks Is in readiness to
Dearbbri| and iri thousands of other d^utlze addillorial police if neces-
a Mr. Marsh and Mrs. i^jroelleld )iik-:riM(iMst. , ;. \ : ^ • %- .*' ' ' , . . J V'^i^iJij ' Cuin|ning;5 of the MacDonald school, cities a f d towns throughout the sary, to maintain order. There wiil
M air to attend. ^ '; ^Pretioui' ;to';tte Increase«^ in .ti|^|atases8ed "-,' 1 .valuatiton a n d - a Wn^de-'.ojie^^^^^^ United S^Ates. MilUons.of bright red be no police Interference with distri-
dc the uiKJiamJ«s|(«<^m^ of the crease in the.]bad~ *?#*• I . * ^ * i ^ i * l j ^ * * ' ' ^ ^ - ^ « £ . ,^®i?^te ' ^ - ^ ?.o^!^«>Vsafety patrol leader. • poppies ivill be Tifom In; America's hution of the circulars which started
who are '' ' • "•' " ' '.Mai-cMitng In the parade last Sat- annual sribute to ^he World War the melee yesterday, so long as the
•WQtnc] ttorts^to'gdjriipi .o-..«iiBP^^,e -viP'OOO .5Choo.l §afgt>:, dead. ,' i«Bioa>miKk.^db.- not'- eoter.-the^PQrii. •I
TKm state hcadjiuarters of t h e t h e retaitioi oiti"grievarvces" aders; froni' ;every section of the • 4:,-^WCW»6'H ••'pt;^^t^I>e*^i><TO
.N'aiionaf ReempioyiMent SeVvice .Beeahse'-olt^Me^drial Day, : the United.IStateSv Colorful in ,new pon- PheliM-i'^ollins^^j^fiw^
/n Detroit comiMT t h e cdtsouraK'- commiMlca'deeided to*; ifieet hexfr of- assessors dnd th«^-..board oi-xeview sub,initted to;• the chos and carrying maize Legion i^oiOliiry and 6t^>VJe^ienMSyot •It was the attempt on the part
{n; word to • Dearboriv -Jone w e ^ Tuesday at:'^ p. m, . council last night and accepteU^b'y them."' •:..^-.^'i /^ ..^ V bannersrthe.Michigan delegation of Foreign;Wars will be p i i ^ e streets >f Pi-ankensteen, Walter P. Reuthei-,
{radiules t b a t job* are y : A".tftt^Uafi(&6ssed valuation for, $i7.'8,0(J6;084|.5P, 54. were ^loudly applauded, as they early. tcntionfoi^ mornliagr- with; bas- West Side local president andothers
bt much eavier .to iHntl: this swxir "vvaa PMOHC^ by L . rL^^aples; cBiirmah of the Wiird-i^f ma,rche(t dcJwn' historic Constitution kets of rthe. memorial flowers, of- •of the UAW to <U.-3trlbute their cir-
mer. Major Howard Starret,, assessors,^ ;^as revised by the board of 9> ; t" ' . . - . . . . i*""] T!". T avenue past the .reviewing stands. fering tcem in exchange 'f<w contri- .^culafa; .which jirovoked WedneJsday's
.stale director, reeently asteried - Ml r'eyjew.' This cpmlpares with a valua- The parade which
re(iuired. four hours to pass.
started at 2 p.m. butions •» aid the W{tr;S_ llylhg vic- .owt-bursi .
tlial 'Improved'^'bislnesK Oohdl-;^
tioll^> and a cbfuifed'.philosopby.'--'
a.s to thc quaUllc»tton& -of job ByBlgStiirm
tion of $,165, 326, 653 for last year,
an increase of $7,679,431.89 over'the ed band
Led; by
colorful floats,'the
tims, tlriC disabled veteran^, their 'Elftbiwrate plans have been mdde
They wl'I
.md th^^famllleitf of .^tibe dead: | i ^ the,"union to Inaugurate their
continiie working'through-, campaign for a t least 50,000 members
1936. ligures; ' : . . . , . passed the Labor Department, Inter- schopl, and w i s to have been mnr- out tho'day.-^vlng, op- in the Rouge plant. Prominent edu-
stale director, 'ncently aisertcidi
applicants are 'fotn«;: l » n d : In
. Of this .total .$106,958,950 is as- \ state Ccunmerce, New National nl^u- ried jline' 16. portunily to.';'" honor, thfe d^aH and cate™, clergymen, labor sympathiz-
hiind to make t h e lot of this CHurch Damaged bv Light- sessed against real estate and $66,- seum ijuildlngs, and broke up iaear Surviving, besides t h e parents, Is aid the living" by wearing'a'poppy, ,ers, investigators for the LaFollette
.nlng;:Traffic Lights Out 067,134.89 is on personal property. the WhiUJ. House. - a sister, Mrs. Esther Parsons of Popples will be distributed by "Senate; committee and others had
vcirS younger generation easier. Lansing. ' • wonien and girls; all working as been invited to observe the dlstri-
The city budget for 1937 cails. for All ol' Jack's expenses and those
The present grottp of J u n e g r a d - t Events t o be Hc^ld July of the 53 other Michigan youths Tho remains were taken immedi- unpaid volunteers. Money received biitipn of the laix>r literature.
u;Ues will have'ft miicb-better • Heavy rains and thimdei stonns in total expenditures-of $2;463,000, a
fli;»!irt> to g e t Jobs., ,th§ entdi-e metropolitan; area- a j ^ decrease of'.an even $5,000 from the 14-15 t o Avoid Circus : to the nation's capital were paid by ately to Bellevue, where funeral a r - for the flowers will be Used to help Members of the Women's brigadic
pareniiy centered In .West .Dearborn 19^6 budget, '^v ' ; ^ . ,^-y"--,.^ t the Auiximobile Club 'of MIchiigan. roJigements will be riiade. maintal;! the welfare Work of the wearlriig green berets and arm bands
wperiencc." , ,
this mortilrig. Eai-ly risers were Most of the increased^ valuation service units among disabl&dl vet- stood outside of Gate ,'4 of the hug:e
Dates'.- for Dearborn Day were set

iGRANrs from the Social Security ;o.'clock^ .i.;

startled and late sleepers Just plain was placed on the Ford JiQ,tor. comr
scared put tit^thehr beds wUhdetona-
tions dcciirrfttg between'fli''e and .six
' . • .
the Ford
- assessed
hringihg' the
total assessmerit of the Motor- Com- ,to avoid conflict with the-Ringling
of; the
rioon, Veteraiis Will March erans a; !.d. fiatherless famiUes during plant ready to aid in distributing
thecoriing year. .the literature. Shortly after 2 o'clock
Prankensteen and Reuther accom-
panied by other organizers arrived
m\:f.\ lieadquarters for Region V to
|Mic:.iu,i!i thus far this year for old- The Evangelic'fil churcn, -'Corner- pany,$96,.'^ i5;(>do. .iTKe rBrothfers-Barhum & 3£,lley., Ciircus.
increiised' assessment for the rest.of
u '..stance total $2,885,438.30, . a Mason ai}d Bfjay streets, lest a large the city was $l,679j431;89.- 'As a're- .As .aviesjult. Dearborn,Days will be
section" of cornice and fragments
I'fiwri Horn Cleveland revials. In were scattered on the .chnrch yard. sult .the. Fgr^ Motor, Company will July • 14 'arid iS at' Fori! iield and
|i-diti' li, Ihrough M^rch-.31, grants Limbs weire blown from trees In" all pay 55 per cent of the taxes.
Honoring War Deai Tti; Accident Scene
Offit er Hurt On Way at the plant. They parked theh: cars
and ascended the stairway leadhig
to the bridge across Miller road.
I Here they were challenged by Ford
the circus will show July 19 and 20 [service men. and ordered to show
jli-r uiunipioyment ,.cg|i||i«nsatlon sectloh of towii, and many streets CAddlng to' these figures the. per- 'at the Wyoming Michig;an grounds. Resp<: .Iding to an automobile ac- their badges or leave. The union
liMc'l $lG8.313.25.M"<!iroithan »16,- were crying for help from'the DPW. sonal assessnient against Mr. Fdrd, E. H. V/illiams To Be Slpeaker A t Dearborn's Anninal cident i^ftll, Saturday night. Officers meri turned and herded along tay
m i m has been allotted to tho Tiie action
the- motor piai^ufacturbr . and^ his difficulty of changing -the circus date
waii taken 'after the Memorial D;;iy Services Farris <:A Nunn and Raymond Baldi the service men started for the stair-
Old Mdther Nature troubled
jsuuc.s in Region V'during the JBscal Dearborn branch of the Detroit fedi- family will contribute 60 per cent the 0 - of tht Ji.jcond precinct "were Involved way. Soriieone prodded Prankensteen
unr which ends June. 30. • • • ,was explained. Prptcst over granting Veterans of thc Civil war, Spanish-" <;,ver Station WMBC through his ad- In another accident -with; the re-
son-company.more than' she 'did ariyT- qf tho .J»tal''i:|,xes. the circus permit; had been made i^mcriciui and World War, meinbers Presses on governmental subjects He sult th;:t Officer Baldi is nursing a in the back to hurry him along, hc
one else, most likely, when she start- A der ease In* the Pordson school to.the city council a t the commit- of fraternal and patriotic societies, swung a punch tuid the battle was
W ? s of.,about^ .53 1|;| indicated by I is a member of the ^unerican L'Jijlon sprained t back and two auto owners on. The Pord police leaped into the
ed acting .playful and. olew'fuses tee of tlie -whole meeting ^Thursday Natloni;.! Guardunits and Boy Scouts and \'ctijrans of Forelgri Wars and are aw> itlng repairs on their cars.
an over tqwn. Traffic on Michigan the budget;;While the school budget afternoon and an. effort was made ivill march Monday morning through has b seii active in AmericanlztiUon fiuy, PrankenJiteon and Reuther
Al'i'UdVAL of the common '. avenue .rolled by Is.higher thls.yeari.than in 1936, the to induce circus olIicialB tp postpone As tve two iwllcemen were on were badly beaten, their clothing
cnintii of final plans for elinH- the streets of Dearborn In tiibuto ivork. the wa;* in a scout car to investigate
the signal lights lor more than two amount to be raised by taxation . . , .is their .visit- on the ground that the \x> the fallen flghting men o:I the The parade wlir form a t 10:n. m. an accident on Michigan avenue was torn and thcy were bumped
nntion of the highway crossing hours, while trouble shooters were less and combined with the Increase tWo atta-actlons f(>116v>lng one. after •United St!it<;s as a part of thu an- "lit Military and Michigan avenues near Qjilegraph road^ ,.a Dearbom down the stab's and tossed out of
*l Miihij;au avenue Jvnd Tele- keptvbusv gctUng thinjs runnhig in assessed-^i valuation,- wlir Impose the otJier would imperil the success nual celebration of Memorial bay. nnd proceed east on I,illchiga;j to Coach.\ company bus . suddenly the Pord premises.
Kr-M'li r o a d b y highway , I less Burden.on fhe taxpayers. of Dearborn Day.* '* '
brid'.;(s over Telegraph roa^ smcibthly agahi. The paiade, for which elatorate Oakwood bouleward. The reviewing swervci: in front of them. Officer Meantime' outslc^e the gates, a t -
iH-.n.;, that close to |500,b<J0 By ivetting .the. dates of .the local preparation have been made "will bc ;;tand In which will be city officials Nunn 'fho was driving clammed.on tempts of the union men to distri-
"11 he spent in Dearborn during
"f i<ininK summci[/^ by. work- f o r d Profits Sec event a week earlier, the committee .followed by Meriiorlal services in and others willbe on the west side his bre(5jcs and the pollute car ^kld- bute addittonul literature provoV:ed
felt,itwould«olvethe,sltiuitlon,and,.f'^o»t ol.' "Independence Hall' In of Oakwood boulevard south of ded iri'-o ia sedan parked a t . t h e outbursts qn the part of men coming
enahle residents of the city to enjoy 'Gi-cenlield Village. Principal sr^eaker Beech sl;reet. The parade will'.nass curb f'»rcing it Into another sedan to work on the afternoon shift. At
•""1 01, t.»ic project. That's not
« h-ui little extra for buslness-
•^eii of this city.
Cameron Says the revUiwiiig stand cont-lnue to I n -
both i),ttractions without difficulty. at. the Memorial services will be dependence HaU where the manUiers parked^ahead of It. 7
County .Auditor Edward H. Willlairis Officer Baldi was taken to the Injured in the scuffle.
.least a score of men and women were
Seletrtion of Miss Dea-rKirn In ac- of Detroi';, overseas veteran of t h e will disband for t h e Memorial ser- Pord ijmergency station where he Dearbora pi>lice confined their
Profit a t the Pord Moior company Weneflt. "rhii; country would seem to cordance with a plan' submitted by World War a n d well-known radio vice, was foFnd .to hare a sprained back. efforts vto restoring order and in-
iil 2. seconAry thinjfj' only deiSred In be making-some progreJ« in spite of the Woman's Clubs of the city was commentator. . I n case of rain the services will be He wali able to retum to duty, Sun- sisting that, uie' union meri with- ;
l?rtjvx,.c. order t o keep, the,wht^eJs .turning, the numerous and-costly hindrances approved.; Under the • proposal the A native, of Michigan, Williams held In iihe Calvin theat«jr. day. . ., draw. T h i s was done but with the
she/ . . . ~". ^^"'^"."^. ^t^^9."^^^°.*^^ i w m i a m . J;.Cameron, P\Jrd"executive that.^ave been piit In iis way/' "queen" and a court "of. three'will was educated in Detroit schools and vow'on the part of Prankensteen
Increase,Of 02,261 In thef j ^ j ^ a t o d in his a<ldresc on the Ford The xjonception. of nioney In In- be selected by judges appointed by in early manhood spent 16 nionths that they would return In larger
135 iV;,
nUinK March 15. a gain ofv,ijoy,.;.g;iin4ay night.-
cent over 1936. En- "Those .who Icnow. him .-- (Henry.
.dustry "simply'as a <ilpwing stream 'the clubworiien'frdm'the four High oversea?, with the A.merlcan expedi-
to keep husiness moving was sct Schools of the city. One representa- tion forces. After the Armistice, he
S-li-hl Tyrc^ Slei|th jNesir numbers and "beat Pord at his c-wn
Sir«rin constructlon awards f o r ' -Pord) • are sure that >he pilnoipal fort h^ by , Mr.'Cameron.
^'^i- Ai-.-K ending March iS showed satisfaction he gets out, of his busi«^ Money Tciuses less emotional Inter- chosen. It was decided. Mis. Max
^'' ''"-^^a.>e ot 53 per cent oy§r the ness, a^Kl he gets-pier t y of It, too7 ..- ; ' . ' — * — » , >.. .^
. tive from each high school will be returrie<l to Detroit and entered the
— W.'Musser; is chairman . of the
liisursince business. Williams IJ. wide-
To Solution l>f Murder i n a:Xew moments, oirder had been
restored, circulars 'to.ssed over the
ly known .us a radio commentator fence by the vfomen's Auxiliary had
iH riod of last year. . .•. The Is ttie satisfaction of sfelng his prq- Continued on Pa«e; Two women's committee. ; Vell"2d hints that he as a soirctr But l^when the ^ party of * oflicers, been gathered up and'^destroyed, ;md
^ ^ ^ ^ "^f I T ' ^"'^''' '"T. ^ ? l t \ aucUbn Idew work oUt iri:thi;.inter-. ' (3o^vns and otlier apixarei for Miss service operative failed to deter the p!/:udo-sieiith and his coriipan- except for an unwonted number^of
. ":'>nec. at 100 per ccn: the 93d «J«^^ j . ^ ^ pubUc and his men. Plain
March ruilroad earnings p ^ p j ^ very readllyunderstand that;
t i y l W i p i l . ScJiQOl Dearborn and her ladies-in-waiting Mo!tcir Accidents Dearbarn police from pickin.: up ion reached.the •staUmt, -Woodward ririiformed and plainclothes police,
LaWrcrioB;Woodward of Yps'ianti, explained J<ist how It was. He has members of the Comiriission of Safe-
*crc^ "l'^ highest ;wiltb)3 supplied by the,Federal!De-
since 1929'. . - . . the exceedingly clever often
' -c,u-:()ii'.s maple syrUp crop was dlfriculli t o grasp.". Cjiiuiie^lsD^festie^ partment 'stores, Severance Paget, In Dearliorn Eirop a-passeiiger in a sp42eding iiuto- been u student in a correspondence ty arid the city council, a bevs; of
nibbiie :J)unday night oja..Michigan newspaper men and groups of I'ord ;(
president of the'.pt^mmittee ; an-. detect^ fe sthooi' for some years and service men on tbe alert, affahrij a t
aawd ;ii S2i2,700 an Increase of Mr. Cameron expireised opUmlsm rioan(!ed.; Corsae(!5 and arm bouquets ; Motor, accidents In'Dearborn are avenue.-it might be said th8,<. the
» W o v o r that for last year. .>:x.: —•hert Woodward-becaaie very con-
l>ii!y now oyer the 'out'ook for i his year and A t a sipecIal\Kmeetin.g of School for the i'queenv and her court; will showing: a decrease from" week t o ' hints were veiled largely in alcohol fldent^ctl and ImpreaslTc — he was the plant; went on as usual.. . '
production of oil wells Distriict; No^4;^T^^itor;']/Owiiship, -ttie be' fumis^hed'iiy this IMtlchlgan•• ^yhlch•pl•obably made them ler", im- There was an atmosphere of tensi-
ii^ during April In QlJadwin cited flgtifes to show the gains, oyer ^acliwi -elector^ ibverwhelml^ week, a report of the;:police record presslvetp-the officers. close io,a solution o t an old Ypsi- ty throughout; the afternoon'how-
n"^-Hy was 25.541 barrels. . . . Sales last year In purchaset jOf materials f eat^div thle>prio5>^ to/ c h a n g e ^Ihe
Schaeflief Florists.,'.; • ^, '. \ bureau; Indicates. Last week 48 accl-
by G lanti vaurder'whichi^s baffled the ever, and the feeling was general
'•'ir Wood Industries during the and. WftfMPaW. •;;•;:.} ;fv; \'-'yy^': . /;(U1 eyenli^g events,- Including; t h e .'dentJJ took place. Of these .ten in- At juiy. :rate, Woodwiird an-l his
>; diatirict?'frttm- 'a prlmwr:/ ^to, a graded ixilicejfor aaaie iiiaeyyj: ' that further «nd intensifled violence.
DirL?"' "Mariei
^*"^'"^ reached $2.183!ooo"com- In theflrstquarter;of.thlsyea*^^ schpol^dlstrict. ' Tlils xlelTeat proved <'fli-eworka',dispiair 'which It.-Is hoped volved ioxjuxy to one or-more jjersons cpmpariion, Harrj' Olson, whc^ was
drivinij:'the car, were taken "into" ' It a|l ended with the iwo motorists was in prospect. It was the gepeiral
P?;^^'-l Wllh $1,685,000 during t h e 'that the el^^rj^were satisfled with will i!«rpass<^th£kt of laat year, ^ willy and'35 resulted in property damage' custo&ytfAir they neared the Sr^'Sition golng^out tO'-aM^ -trasuquortation^ to^ opinion,, bolstered by. the wordis. bt
^^n^ospondlng iondl period of 1936. . . •. 'spent;J-or m»»r2UiV».;-,--, -"--.^v •-v^v .-tBfe present-school 'district ;boaH be Ulider the directloa of the^'CItK only., ;,'. ,;• -. • T: Fr«rik<NMt«en„ that laiixx sympathis- ll;;
eduction iagainsf 199 irillllons' for.^'aie" flr*t ,membershlp. i n d with- . t h e , .work JEtiicrcaWon; department \t, was de-jl:: Duxbig, the flrst four days of this .hmi8eiN?:b6dward admitted a sliglit YpsiliiatI '#hll«' the pollof hel^; the ers would again, appear at the plant ;-vi
(U'l, sT.. ^^' 'was ''''^'''''''^
.up I2.8"pcr ^ cent
*^^' m»rt<H-. last < year, {andt, 70^ n>U^<»*the board .his dcipp in Jhringing ^bout cided. opera under thi sl,Rrs. a pre- [.week', 24 aiscidents had been reported, iexaigeratlori'in his ciaitos. B*i v\(fw f<tr Olson to prod\teft tltle,^^ahd a
lor Wfties as against 54 ritUUons tor. sentflUon of'""ihe M]ka<io" by the'of wW:h but four, involved; Injiury.-. ' antuxider-cover man, not a • ..iecfpt drlveils UceweT^" t h « r i r f F w ^ ^ ^ ^ T ^ J ^ ' ' ^ ^ " ^ might c i ^ e . ^ d
tlif'- .'^ ^••'^ '^^^'^ ending May 15' over construction ^,of theh- two - room - .jf. .- . , . ' .. . :.. ,.-_.- t h a t Ford F o r d aci-vlce.
aervlee m e n ' aanndd ' ooth<»r
nien ther r- t . '
-^iae 'veek a year ago. . . . Dur- thil- first .quarter of., la»t,;year.^Al-. Civic Opera group will be the prin- , Thete jhave been, no fatal>a(iclderit6?fsefvic()'^!iaiari; And -flnaliy' iie came wardi hurled the,partijng shot,, "III.'
iHeomn, ^'*^^'^ °^ M^y- the Natilbnar ..._,._. ways rememberirig; that;:materi^,
schoci to'care for-the ijreat increase
In echoor children thtit the school cipal evening attraction. A cast o^ wjitiilj^ thfi; city of,Dearborn ditfing'routwith'ithe admission that he.waaj:^e set ing you f Ooattnned on ;F»ffe TIPS. SI
loMnT?^'"''"^ s«vlce In MIohiganlto'the.Ust analysis. '• the. Ust analysis, iire wages, this 75ilrehear8iixg fot tb* opera. iMajj; ^ " " ' ' , :lmpldlyi£Sl;inv the stove'woHcf::' tdevelopmehts.'' • ; " • ' : ; ^ ^ '
•"iaa Jobs for 3.136 worktn* ' ' - ' -••»^*'*"»i-^no""
district ha«-l»d^thia year. Ul'
' . , . ' ' , I V' , - • ^,--y-':J^'y: . - -, • • : ; .;,.•':• v - •' .K.
. ^' .^ ^ . --.'-.- y-^-^^yy'^y-'- ••':: ' y ^ : - . . .•'•-.•'-•-••:•:'y:-:y-y'','y^- • • ' ••'

Coatinued fron^ Page One
City lllecrea^Hbh Rady
workers would not hesitate to nieet Aiiriiounces Proiinin(i
t h e xhallengei .
Union officlalB charged t h a t 35 of T h e Recreation £j<)mmi8i|1pn "Tuesr
their men were set upon b y 200 Po|rd day evening vpmpleted p^jis,foif- ttip i l ' . * ' <3
service n^en, bi^t t h e chaitge.was de-. aupimer playgrpu.nd seaepn. t«q> o p ^
nied by Harry Bennett, isc^d per-. Mpnday, June 28,
sonnel diyectcir. "T5\ey grabbed some Accprding tp Sup^rlntendeiiit ' ^ ' ^ -
of, o,vr m x i a s thpy ^ ^ r e j^yinf tQ ry D. Schubert, supervised^piay acti-
enter the plant," Bennett jasserted. vities tax children <>f.l^ar]b?:rn vifUl
"When the organizers moved onto <^i the fpllpiing play^ • T A K E O N E Sipi
on a bill to aid persons so afflict- compsny property or attempttOd to grou^^ds: Sallna sch(»l, Rouio school.
go tliroiigh the «at?S they were Take onc sip of Liton'ia CluS r:
ed that the greatest individual Miller scliool, Woodworlii school, A l e l - W n declare it t i ' t j ^ f e
tlyrown ovt. Orders we?r§ issued t h a t Oakman schppl, Wfaple ij<:ihool, St. tage"^-beverage, with aged-L^r
aid to deat mutes in Michigan n^ se:?vlce m a n -ya^ to leave the Alphonsus school, McDonald school, •wood, mellowness that oniyT^i
is beinfr given by Mi'. Ford who' gates and I don't know iof any who liMHASlSy, QUAUTY, f t t E P ^ E D ';
Heiiry Pord school,. Pordson High _ g\ytt. Notice hov, it iJj55|
employs nearly 2,000 of tho 5,000
to 7,000 so handicap l>cd folk Jn
UQlon, oyganlzers. cited the case,
school, Oxford schoal, Edlson school
Lowrey school and Ford Field.
IWIUSTARD^ .••^.:.,,*iv12P 76nger,-,stays alive. Th.-'-, C T ^ I
COUNTRY CLUB, KRESI^R SODA LatoniaV.Club is ira-Je 'v.hh ,"?|
BEINO 'tk neiwwnoer t o Dearborn, Michig:va. Every effort is made[ hpwever, of three men whp Identlr Swimming ppplsttt the; follp'wing filtered^ waters, s-.ipc:. carb^^l
t h e ^uck, who Is possibly p u c k VI
in the line of succession. Is puzzled
by ihe anto manuiactureiir -tci. fl^d ^ipjpselvfis as Ford seivice men,
who chased newspaper photographr
schools will he useg for suiieryised CRACKERS 2^t..^b..27< undec.refngeration. TAKP nvSI
LOOK at thc price! Sc- oti?^^|
find work for these persons, swimming j^ctivitiea: Pp^rjisoii Hlght your party costs! Latoi^a C!obf^"?l
about several r^^tters. Pernaps some ers to the Melvindale police station L p w r ^ , Woodworth, Sallp^ ai>d FRESH. MARSHMALLOW SANDWICH
of the DUQk's tp^owers, If any, can Eaton f^aid. And the Duck would Icssrbccausc Krogc-.- n.,;:cs i. «?|
and were arretted hy Melvindale
supply the arijrvers to tho foUowing rather have that word of praise, police. ^
Heniy Poj;d.
I n tiddition to thij fpre|{pJing{ IOCI^T
COOKIES pliesit direct to ycur K"~i-"',.^l
EUmmatcsmiddlcrr.?n v ^ '
questions: ^ y Is there n o Chamber than all the medals engineering.^ Theife 'Wfts one brief sc^iffle afte^ tlpn.s, activities of thp Re<;re?itipn • EXTRA FRESH, DELICIOUS io you! Get severa 1 botiI-;'; d J^^^\
of Commerce or Board of Trade or ;C!ub Ginger Ale today-o: b i i ' S l
Business Men's Association in Dear- societies can dijj uj-. the flrst outbreak. Four union sym-:
pathlzers drove up in a car, apparr
departmerit wiH a^sjo taK'? pls^ce on
t h e fplipv/lng playfields: Retreat Fi(i6ARS ih)»-«9vc still more! ' ^1
•"b'om?—Why does one city have six ently late." Th'ey asked where the flcW, Chrysler, flekl, -oilppei-t fieWl,
school systems with six local school Dix flei^, Heenai\^fielc^ and Bppp, ONEY-BACK GUARANlUil
.'boards, a haV -' doaen superlnt;en-
• dents and six-sets of offico workers?
HERE'S ONB for Bo) Ripley: Be-
lieve It or Not ther D's only one
Seaman in ihe navy. Here's how'it
city property epded and, the Ford
property beg^yiand were tpld the
city prope:fty extended 13 feet from
Buperintendent SphH^ert: anr
MORE Try.itl H y o u d o n o t c i U i t a s t J I
a s or better than any—v-— K-»ri
half full. W c will rcfur.ryiln";:^'
Why is there n o pTA In p e a r b o r n ?
'•VJTiy'aro De^irbprp r ^ l d e n t s denied
' the right "pf giving their views at
happens. Men born In 'Germany are
Gormanji, a man born In. France Is
the paven^^nt. The car was parked
however, on Ford property. One of
npup.ced a special lef^ers training
course for all WQricers oil- the sumT
VALUES! chase price. ' ' '^"

a Frenclinian. a man born in Eng- the men descended and was sur-r nier playgrpui>ds. P U M P E R N I C K ; , E or WISCONSIN The Krog«r Food Foundation vcrl. "^M
regular meetings pf the City Coun- rounded b y . a group apparently ipnciudpd In the j?:rpgrani pi: activir
cil? Why, with apparently, ample land is an Englishmen and a man iTti'«very!sdvcrtijipg .claim made
funds, does the City of Dearborn born at soa Ls a There's largely composed pf |\3fd'service
ties for children during the iiummer
playgrpund seasoii qX eight weeks are
RYE BREAD . ^^» -[forLitonia Club Gingtr Ale.
neglect to piurchase a decent and flt just one man in the navy -who was FOR REFRESHING HOME-HADE DRlINKS
born at sea. "Where do we stand to pass out softball, volley bal^, hprsejshoe pitch-
* ambulance for m e in emergency ing, paddle tennis, story telling, mu- PRINK AID •. .-.-^^

• cosds? "Why. In view of the physical these circulars," ho asked
His answer was a sphd b^ow to the sic, garpes, dramatics, Viirious pen- FRANKENMUTH, MIbD[|FLAVORF,Ut
iaypdC of Dearborp, the population tests will be held in kite-flylrig. doll FRESH, CRISP, DELIGHTFUL .
." pl'' 'the city a n 4 its unique trnffic FROM the nearest cf the various mouth from the fist, of an unlden-r
fashion shows, girls' a n ^ hoys' novelr
'iitShlepn Isn't it possible to have a World fairs to Doarbom, the
Great Lakes Exposition at Cleve-
tlfled man. That ended the attempt;
to pass out handbills. The uPlPP man ty track meets, opranii;tnlty - play CRACKER JACK 2 «'•• 7*
'police force large enough to handle nights, safety contests, ipintwrn pa- AMERICAN
returned to his car anddi-oyp away. M M C K r U A r V BRICK
the job iti, should be dope? If there land, comes the following Infor-
rade, piippet shPiws, spiiiteljpx ija-
•are'answers io these questions, the
Duett can think of others.
mation to the Duck: Ligliting
arranKcmcnts for Billy Rose's
After the affray, Maurice Sugar,
U.A.W. attorney announced that the
ra<les, nature hikes, tewils tpurnar 6HEESE \ a .y^M»
ments. Handicraft 'wiJl be stressed •MAYFAIR PAPER
a Aquacade will bc three times as followlrig complaint'had been flied more t h a n ever this year. ,^..„. ' -, FRESHER; HOT-PATED,: FRENCH t t
largo as : those in New York's with the National .lAbor,. Relations IQ.
! wmUC nCNI^Ii: P O R D ;^as re- Pfcfl.
Radio City. . . . Fiv<i plots iri the Board: -^ •' •' Playgiound a n d swinimii^.^po()l;
ceiving a gold medal from the,. Horticultural g3rdc;iis, built at a •'•We charge the Pord- Motor Co,., directors chosen by the Recre^tio^ FltliSHt SALTED ''iflw-'-
' Soeiety ot l^iil^kplcal Engineers Commission will be annpimcedlater: LBS.
cost of $500,000 will be devoted with Interfering i^th, restrahiing
for achievements in. the science'
of p\(tchani^. he "vaa aJso being
to a history of gardening through and coercing employees In the exr PEANUTS Ik VSt
the a a e s . . . . A n all-new Midway' ercise of their righl^ guaranteed to
riven a i^nferf tribute from Rep.
Ulte.fl R, |:at<^n of "^Vayne county
headed by Ripley's Believe It or.
Not oddUoriuirv.ivill greet visitors
them by the Natiorial La,bor. Rela
tions Act,^to haveV-the privilege of
Purchasing AgiBnts
fqi' his ^i^na^nit^ri^n efforts In
providing WWk ?<>r wiiOhlgan
to the «xpostion which will be organizing, ,for?5ing; joining and as^ Honor Earl Ciilenan
•'• 1
deaf mutes. It was *eveJited.dur-
open from May-29 io September .
sisting laj&or organl^tlojis arid to
bargain cWlectlvcly-^ihrpugh repre !*., A S UCC E S $ Fyii;:P 1 CNIsC: IS.-GUAR A NTEED
ing a hfarjng i n t h e legi^ature sentatives of their own choosing, and Earl Coleman, purchasing agent
to engage In concerted activities foy for the City of Dearborri, has been
elected treasurer of the Detroit.Purr
m the purpose'of-collective bargaining
/ •or other mutual ,ald: and protection^ ciiaslng Agents aasociation. 'tTho or-

. v'.'Wifi 'flh«||gft''lurther;^ that, the, ?t^d
lilotQr pp., by dl«;ririiinatlon iri; re'
ga^d to hire, tenure of eniployment,
ganization, 'which has a raembership
of 186 purchasing ^agents ^jlri, vtoe
metropolitan area, has leen In ex-
THyRpqiH ; Stlcictod 'Beat and-'Pork-^ Finely.choppod,, ^
i.^j;al»d! Stai wed Without Garlic
£ m
•''• J ^ g C

terms^^idi^ndlMMvy ef'.snipjQyme^^^^ istence for several yearji. ,,,...-^

C M Y PERSIAN diSQpurages nicmjkirishijii In any l ^ r William Q. "Baley was i3leclj^|Sflce
president. Lester A.uberlin fot.vBe^
t - C h e U e B««f'^and Poi4c
' SM-^oBed"Without;Garlic ' ^2 lb. 1 8 c
LAMB SKINS An asiiistant prosecutor tpok stat^-
bom was re-elected: seBi^iaig^-v;-;:
^ Mr^ Coleriian left for; PiliCsburgh
T ' '• '• ••-••• " • • • ' '•--

VtiMt.fivdlty laaa.pi>rlr;Vather coarsely chopped, 1/ lu « 1,«

{*> "vm^ #^ -WP V-* tw ^iw «r* ••^
'siinday t<^,attend t l i ^ a m i t u l ^ o n ^\ % '.S'.i,/,-^VV'r>-..>.**4ir-.t^> •,' 4; juooed'^ and flavaraduirith'apices
' splcc und garlic ^ "'• ' ^ | C
K>R FALL <;aATS y ' 1 f S ! l ^ * m t n ^ ^ yhomj a^fd^ they
had be^ssi healen. ."niop w^^ made
were 3S! going In the ipttrty-from
I. ^ t i s i g f ; ,^oa;4e4'. v/Ith c i t c a l ^1«)
• * - . • ! ' • • • " . .
i . : .11,

stiaitemeiits were ji^atherlne Gelles

;Wi]liain Meriweat^*^;i^len Tomber
sn:d Robert Be|tte|^r^aiiwial pre-
Detroit. ' . ,: *- ,;^i J e r , . ' B e *af c. JDemand JTriple^-
<':.-T«t arid-fae «a<;»8fi«dl/'*' ' .
w Gtnulaa -Kotliiir {bvol^—Beef and
Pork.'^Beasoned with garlic 39c
We have a pergo;nAlly selected riew stock of beautiful X ' .' -•-•• • -.-- • • . • •.. \
sldsnt ,pf the 'Bjc^iitlon of Archi- •X-- -^ . .• • --' \ . r-. • - .:•

Stoy Persian Lamb skins.-^Make your selection now tects, Engine€^;Oh%iists and "Techr Ford Company Prof its \'.C^ •-1 iHRMOUR'S STAR/Sf ICED '-^ - .: ' ARMOUR'S STAR, m 9KED
for your new fall coats arid save money. niclans,'a b.T:^-yarga,h!irAtian.
Reuther,,•who pnce "worked \n the Are Hf Id $eGbnd»y W^^iOLE OR
tool and die department of the Ford ARMOUR'S,.P,icKLE^< S H A N K ; HALF LB.
PUR STORAGE comjpany, peered through two bruise^
circled. eyes tp ?ay: ,',-: .• \
Continued frora Paife One
est and less ^ of it Ii; actually seen In
"Before tJie XJ.-A. W- Sfe'ts through a big industry t h a n almoct anywhere
I<et Vs ?roicct with the^ypvd Mptgf Co. and the. else on earth. I t sometimes appears
X«Mr G a r n ^ n i s 8ervlce,dei««t^ent, Dearborn' will be so low in the scale of' usefulness,
a p a r t of the United States ^ d the t h a t even were it physically present
R|;|l«|QO^L workers-will Receive constitutional in heaps of silver S;rid bills It 'would
rights. hardly rank In importaiioe with a
^ "The .fypntrllrie. trenches In teh
fight of-the OIO to organize mass.r
productipn hidi&tries h a s been
pile pf coal'or a dock .[ull of-ore.
The only intelligent thrill one ean
^^Wt Cut Picture Costs
extract frpm money is in considering
transfwred t o t h ? Wver Rouge pl?int Itfi ceaseless flow and thfi good'It .:AJ5^QUirs^STAR.^REA^»y^TO.;^^^ WITH THIS COMPLETE SERVICE
Work done durinffQJ^ of t h e yord MPto? Co. " effects In Its course.
tii^is, summer "This drive will be pushed with
mimths all the strength a|i4 detorminatlpn
of the e i Q memt^i;*^]!'.-and will
culminate h i : succe^'%al-, .asjevery
"We. had a glimpse of this, at
Dearborn Igst week. The nian whose
job it is tp pay the bi^S remarked
cans FILMS 2O0-25
to the m a n whose Jcb it is to buy
other drive for IndustKtei; organiza-. it'OUNTRV CLlJB,,T0MATO SAU<:E T\^-i-\:\
the materials, "Well, we ihave to pay
CHECK FURRIERS tlon has." H T ;• . . out $43,000,000 on t h e 20i;h for you.^ Developing and A
;;:. ;
i i i f i MICHIGAN AVE.

TEL DE. 0468

Invitations -^ere telja^'aphed to
Senator LaFollett;e and ise\'eral other
members of Congreasji^j^coineto
DetroitTuesday a n d speafc'at a riiass
•niese checks for materials go to
fi|,943 other pmployers who supply
us "With what we need and who in
turn employ several million inen.
COUNTRY CLUB, FANQir R A 9 T O « I t i W " •'/.
'LAitGA printing Z
meeting called in protest a t the Ford

\wimi'm'mmm>mammiaaimm0m0m ^
affray. . V
Prankensteen s e n t - a telegram'to
John .Brophy, director .plf the .John
L, Lewis Committee: for Industrial Oblttisiry
IfJIH, JL, i f , E

PiARS . . . ^Prints.almost double negativo sizo!

Organization, a i Washington, say- ^'^'f^^^^^^'^^^W'iaiatmm^aitmtttmammitamaam

Eyery Day Should Be Will the OIO coroperate In slmnl-
taneous nation-wide denionstratilpn Mrs. Cecelia Blapk, 317 Pearl Sjt., • « * %

before Ford sales rooms t o prptest Ypsilanti, died a t her i.'iome Tues-^
DECO- brutality a t Ford's and.establish the
right to organize?"
day, May 25, a t the age of 79 years.
Mrs. Black, with her husband, the LBS. c
late John Blacjc, h a d resided in
It ATION Dearborn until twelve years ago.
when she moved t o "ypsilanti. phe Is
r~ suryiYed by ^ son, Praril;, 645§ Yi^ir

Day f o r ,
avenue, one sister. Mrs, Rc^ie
a n d two brothers, Tiiomas
Don't i throw t h a t DOZ.
old brlj^ ^ w a y — and Joseph Mitten.
Y o u a a .
bring i t In and let Services -were held a t ^Ip^yerPeter-
spn funeral hpihe ftt 91 o'clock this F I N E S T CUBAN FRESH / ""-5
a n expert flx It. tpWG.r<GREEN.
D.ccorA,te yourself
witih a Hs^rt Schaff—
S20f7 Mlohigan '^veiiiie.
mprning with additional, services a t
St. M&Jrk'sCl^thpllc chi;rcii,. "VVayne
a t 10 o'clpck. Interment was in St:
mEAPPlES for
J Mary's Cemetery, Wayiie.
i^er' a n d Mane o r
Fashionbilt suit, I » * » H i » • • • ' I II • • ! « • t l »ii|.
iKlinlmunc^ salaries ipr persons'
sold only in t h e appointed t o sycceed city em- .•if'-
ployee • now in pffice •will be estab-
best stores DEARSORN PRESS lished by t h e council in. omiformity
Publlshtd'Bviiry Thuniday'^y with 8, resplutlpn adoipted Tuesday
THB DE,|a^BORN PBB^S, INC. night by t h e c j t y couiicil, T h e reso-

1102 M&aoa st;^,I)e^or|i, Jjtlch. lution points out iJiat i:resent sala^
up Bntfired u 8«oond. CIABB Mat-
ter Ayguif ?,.;»is: lit th« Pe«t-
ries as; set In t h e budg(!t are based
o n l e n g t h of serviee and experience

oftica at'Vpearbprn,,-:Ilichigan, _ of the emplo3rees now holding'thei

under (h(> Act of MkrcJi S, l i l t . . , positions. "Budgetary salary appro-
priations will bo reduced hi • t h *
Mana«ingEditcr •;,•!•, • : future r j o r Bewly:. a p p o i n t e d ' em-
VBTVLB,^ Mi^roh 11. 193X^^ ;
Ilmployment. of v^ThoBUks "Wilson
"DtARBORN'S SMARTEST M E ^ S STORE''' as a n inspector on shlewalk instal-
Ba|Mi«rlpUoti Priee) '^
lation was extended to June 80 by
22017 Michigan Avenuo 1 year—4,2.00 f niont)i»—tl.10
the clly council on roqiieet of Clark
8 months—$0- .
Phope DEarbom 0409''tir''AH
'. departments.
M. Onjene, superlntendisat of public COMPIETE S^ISFACTIOtlCUARANifiiED.OR ^ O U R MONEY REFUNDED
works. O n ^ n e cited the need of on ,. . -. _ ^^^vff^^g^^^^p^M^^^^^p^^^^^^^^^^ J p,_ wmmmKmmmmmiKKKHKaKmt^imam^t^m^^^^^^^^^^^^m^i^iaa^mm
ifm m ,ni.ijii,n.jij|i>jiijp.i|i HP MJi»'ii.i.jiy!',Job, I

MAY 1 1 , 1937

11<^^>c^La£ T)Jot^
'Alice Rho er^au^
• i-i\ • • •-
for Marriage to Va
^jr aiKl Mrs Rhodes of .HeJlen^^-
n n
•Banquet>/v\ay 25
A flne gathering of Mothers ^icmd'
,caughters was lield In G^d I^elkwis'
8Hif^Ptajfi^^ Crcjwd to ;Galvin
jmil ^•1 for M r i » •

The raiaios lot the Sr. F..Jk\'t>. E.

hail Tuesday evening,"when -the dxyxh\)afei•«(»)' JUBifc,-ilw;'^»i*htir; AWKtUftry iield # surprise v^tiiwell
.'^,jy„;T:inounce the engagement «f' 'Smith'cntetiiitned'^^ IMMrt^r tor Mrs. E. Hefke at ttw iMme
'^ d.ui','^iter Alice Dora to Vavghn; Hostesses Chosen
paughteris of; lijabella gave' a ban-; The GalvlnVThe^ier .>^^
quet In'"Oiehr h'^nor, -at the same Chinese detectives. David Donaldson tft IKrs. ^. a*rwln on Jarejfeiy «ve-
,^on of Mr. «.nd Mrs. Jesse 'capSjClty Tliursday eyeiiing •when the with his stale .jokes pla'yed'the part «tf^fuaes.^afid,'a; iiUsipiEi^ir';tor.« igr<n)^
O.C-.VI". f>- Cornell avenue. The wetl- fpr Bridgre-Tea
thne entertaining the gin. graduates m » . Tite evening wte t^arit |)ka||hig
of Sacred'Heart School. Mrs, Mary greater ipart pf..D€M«;bom .gaihered bf .thi3 Eofilish actor true; to form^ ^ . , W : 9 i ( « n g j a ^ ^ PB)S
y^^ ';;y. !)'^ performed In the First, •'JGhe puke ol Kent Cha.pter^of the Bazinet was Qhairman of the eve- to witness: the piresenlfation of the and It was a hard job indeed t o b e blue were the colow; U^ed, as decora- bridge ahd the guest at hoaor maa
ile-aiCiiu-t Church June 12. iDAuchters «f the British JEmnlre ning. Mrs. Jameis McManus as toast-' musical play 'Taoilywood'Bouna" Ileye th:il; John .Steward was, really tions and scotty '^10(1(8 -• for -favors. presented with a very lovely j?lft.
A m:i'"J^'i" of affairs have beer are -apoMoriJiff «, progressive bridge mistress introdticed Mrs. R. J. Alto- given "by.the music.departmeht wf hot the Mr. Feitlebaum he" pcir- Those/3oIrIto£^•Jn"the'tife!iebrft"61oi\ 'wcrei Prizes were awarded Vtrs.'fi. "Strub
.,.pp 'ov .Miss R.*iades the past weel' *Bd tea, on Wednesday afternoon,; right, who gave 'an interesting taBt Dearborn Higli Sdhool under the traye<l, both In manner a'nd looks
Mapgeirct Ptnckwrd, Ja»e . 'SniHthj a'nd Mrs^Iico Winston. Mrs>.H: Hav-
V'^ ' , June 2. At the various homes during: on the enthusiasm 'shown by Dear- airedtlon C'f ^Libert .Rider;. . . Others doing fine work were Mur- erstlck was consoled.
the aiftemoon hostesses at bridge bella.- Mrs. John-NevaiTe spoke 'Ct i^Carbl Aim ISjrenlcp/^JaTicy 'fftchen-;
The ^tory pi'esented In song was iel Law, William • Spratt, ."Hayden a '
•wfll be Mrt). Harry 'E. Bagley, Mrs. the Da"Ughters of today, Mrs. Arthur a most ^Iriterestihg (>ne and- -kept Hayes, Margie Wlukle, Richaj-d l*je- laub, 3etty Cai'jnell, Paul,' Edwari
Earrl 'Bloomer, Mrs. J. K. Calder, Jones spoke of the Ideal Daughter, the audience wondering as to the ly,3cm8x(i Carroll, J. B. Jolin and ; <}ahovi, Nori2um Knauss, Laivrence
Mrs. M. L. CJai'k, Mrs. Percival E. Miss Bernice Drtsan of W Ideal outcome -o:! It'all. -• Dewey Johnson. Watei^htfUse,. Te*d;(r , and ' Stanley Entertain Fn
Oook, Mrs. liawaara M. Dundas, Mrs; Mother; Piano .selections were played'
Tlu! whole . p(»rformance went' Smith and CharJen •Bem'hariSt..
John E. Pokorny, "Mrs. Charles G. by Jaqueline Jones. Shirley Rager Myrtle Helwig «nd Fred Reinhart,
who carried the ieiids diH ^wne flile along .smo<itWy and the colorful cos- Dewey Olsons .
/ \^ !Pooa«li,Mrs. 'Carl S. Ratigan, Mrs. gave an exhibition of tap dancing,
Ralph B:«rrenefelt, Mrs.R. Huff oi accompanied by Mrs. La-wrence Kolb., work both in seio arid duet. .They tume!; and scenery '.made a most Friday evening, Mr. •tfadMrs.Dftw-
W«ynei and Mrs. Alex. -Smart of Clarence Shubert, vice "president-of, lmd;^«nicih to d ? ' a n d It :waS^done •pleasing .picture'*Dr .ttie audlen'cei " fey Olftoifi entertained 1i»e entire
DetiK^t.^ . " the graduating class of "Sacred Heart; well'.-and with ''confldence:' -.Robert \ Mention 'mustV bej^.TOtade '
o f^M-Gie- Sidc^agfpiisiT^tes f memberavlp of the Epworth- Ijeague
."lirtwr'alllfte hostesses with their school, spoke on behalf of her class. iBa|;r,^ who took; tSe^port'tft -'"Wiijidy" Taemhers., of. the-dancjcng- choruses J- • j .. • '• >of lihe i'irst Mettiodist 'Cburch -with
Igttests Tvini (father at the. home of was' no; less to- 'be-'cohimencled .wltJi which were mc^t pleasing with tiheir " P g f f o r m f e l l l r ' J ^ S ^ ^ ' T 9 a "m^eUaneous shower "in -iwaar at
"Mi?. Wallate R.-Matthews on Cher- Mrs. Julia Esper received a prize •his;fine ba'ritorie.iand assurajiice. Bet- cute and colorfuleostiimes. -niey.idldi "* •"^'' "*^'"f •."'"'^ A-' 'Miss .Rhodes «iid Mr. Brwm. Mr.
ry HfQ road for tea. Presiding .at for having the ' largest number of ty Stewart as the ''Ck>untes!5'' •was a •some vecy fhiished::work and -were , Mr. atid lvirs.;'Chaiaes;"E. Wagner and Mrs. Clarence Copp ^wre •'as-
the "J^a table win 'be Mrs. J. K. members of .^er family '.present. lovely ilttJe .French lady' wntil^.^e much n/ppreclatecl. • Credit must; fbe ^announce .')ihe,'mairil'age'';of "ttieir! f.i^th cro,vm.«f-^UMwi rof-the Great .sistant hosts. The table -vea attrac-
Calder -and Mrs. H. E. Bagley. Shirley Ragar also received xx -"prisse. wa§,,^;reveailed • as a plain ,^aafterican' :given, too, to the-art-department forj danghter Ivls • tovlTqyv&rd Sink' cif I ^ i i ^£)^>oiBition f> at ; Cleveland. tively, decorated with jrellow and
Nancey Assenmacher was the youhg- from Aikron, Ohio. Betty .had-plenty their wonderful" work in sceneryij Monroe, son ot 5':d^Vln%uikt>f'Leech- < ^ . j;.U8 >bec(»nlngly;bR.the b'londe orchid pansies with, candles oi the
. est da^ughter present. to do. in the singing -line,and as jiainting. , burg,' Pa.,^ Cn- May'"19.'''afie»t& "were! heaJT.l'irtwenty-Wq'OroRr-old.'Marga- .same colors. Games were played dur-
Tulips and violets made attractive usual, did it well;rin her^clear,^sweet Altogether the;pperetta"was a "very •Mr. and Mrs!vll. -D.'Wagoner, and wl^^ij^cic. ' .'She wpis selected .trom ing the evening. There were tweiity-
-^'' llfifvT'J^Ut^ Par^sntal Stiidy looking tables. .sopriwao. It was -surprising the num- iftnlsiied aiTair.aKd.'one'of the finest daughter ' Dohiia ^ Jeail- :of Trenton?; anbut'ajEores.ol dlbvcland iboaui^es two guests. The young, couple were
ber of outstanding.;,v6ices displayed. ever given by the 'high sohool. - Mr.' «.nd Mt8.'Xyte'W<ig0(tt8r tft Ceir- Iwr "J* e. "honor by,' iaie' exposltloa the recipients of many ani, -varied
Glub Officers • " • • • • • • •
The .president of,^the Quadrangle; son'City; Mr^.Jlatnialili^^haxa; Missl wWb is helhg held this! summer. gifts. . •;.
jVt tables attractively decorated Entertains V/itfi Pictures—taken by. Lawrence Sol-: Nila Wagoner, an^..J'bhii'Giiton ©f
linger—^Id some pleasing iinghigi Monroe; Mr., and iUCrs; George Blake :, JViijki;-.•t Brown, accompanied by her
' wifch sipriiag flowers, a large group Mothers-Gliib To
E:;:.S Molbey of Beech street ,'of Dearbom women lenjoyed the an-
nual luncheon of'the Parental Study' Bridge-Luncheon
himself even i:hough theire was; not
so "much of It. p t h e r s ^ h o did out-
and :Mrs.' •Ctera V/ag-ner of Wayne; rqpiMfcmate, MUdred Bingham, came
Mr. and Mis. "E. Mi-C-teorge^af Mon- from «ypsilantl the past week-end THE WINNER
standing ^ork. -were Helen filrchetti Have Card ^ Party
fcm)ns '-''fn a imen ajower«ft :w*Idi) roe;. Mr. and Mrs.'George^Wiigoner, ton'«- parentji, Mr. and'Mrs. of this wecVs Fuller Bnulh prlae te
lio Pink and white were Olijb 'Of Dear'bom Wednesday May "Mrs. James Forrester entertained who .almost stole, the show wifti her, The Mothers Club of Thayer Irene Marvin aniflAr. and Mrs. Reu- JesJS'.'^ Brown. Mrs. L. V. Wendt, 22553 P i A ave-
w colors used in the deccaratlons 19 fl;t Ten Eyck Inn. 'Mpnday with a bridge hincheon antics. Helen is a bprn coinedlennei 'Schcol will hold a card and bunco ixih Stein-^'ayiaM^on: Billy 'all 'at — noe. Please accept my voncnttula-
•rhi'.o s:.".ing flowers w^re used oni Mrs. Clyde Roberts 'gave a 'de*' having as guests Mrs. Etheredge and should follow lier •natui'al ialont, pai'ty at Thayer school, June 3, /at •Deaibom. ',\'.Tocfeittlbn' was Irreld at Mr- and Mrs. E ; 1>"x>y Barbier with tions, Mrs. Wendt, the whole Imfly
. tf.bir. Games and bunco prwddeii; ttghttCid reivdlifg. Annua;! reports Powers, Mrs. "Wllllr.m Gassett, Mrs. along this liivj. John ••Coffman as a 7:30 p.m. There -will be door and the .Oxford. •Grill on May 2a. The •some|-^'•^^"*5' 'returned Monday willenjoy the "prize yoa ha-ve-awwii.
i;',( c;\:ii;ig's entertainment for the" were read and Mrs. Ernest G. Bflck Robert HoiTSton, Mrs. Loren Stoops, "director" was good as were. Jack table prizes. Refreshments will be ,y<Amg 'eouple «f<Ill. reside <In Monroe frojn|Et week-end trip In the ;ilpper
tlteon uacsts. The guest of honor of JDetroit spoke for A Xew mlmites Mrs. Robert Shoens, Mrs, Harold :r01lN N. "NnCHDl.W)Kr,
on tbe origin of Daughters of Isa- Bennett and Mrs. Horace 'Chubbuck. ai'ter May 31. . PeD-jijulft , 3S03 Alice, Dear'bom
aivi;i n,:iny lovely gifts. Arrants tmd DwijS)t BdflenbMger, 5erv(!d.
born mothers in this new organi- Lilacs and apple Kossoms made an
ration. attractive center piece for the table.
Election of officers took place Mrs. Gassett was winner of 'first
bmmittees for Girls' being as follows: Mrs. Rolla Roberts, prize, Mrs. Stoops thc second.
president; Mrs. Warren Greenwald,
b are Appoirited vk!e preeident; Mrs. CHyde Roiberts, { !
The proposed Girts Chib dn the recording secretary,; Mrs. Irving Fey, Rainbow Girls
iiiiu di.slrict has gained fresh •Jm- cozrespondbig secretary; Mrs. Edgar
tus ti'.i.s week with the appoint-' Procter, treasurer.
•;nt o: .-^ Finance Committee head.- Install Officers
OV . .sir. C. E. Lindeman of thei On Tlinrsday evening. May 27,;
Hjniiiactiircrs National Bank and Homemakers Elect Dearborn Assembly No. "3, Order of
p.sistini! of Mr. W. C. Gerbinslti, Rainbow for Girls, 'will hold their
j!r. G • ii'Ko Labadie, H. E. 'dipjiert,; Officers public installation at D'earbom Ma-'
C-iri S. Ratigan, Harvey H. sonic Temple at 8 p. m. The officers
^Kc.v, N. DruKociu, Mr. Frank Tuesday evening, at the home of to be lnstal):ed are: Worthy Advisor!
Scliaden. Mr. H. ArtJwnia,; Atrs..Ray Corbin, the home makers Audrlan ^ r e r r ^ a n ; Worthy Asso-!
p . C C. McCormick. Mrs. T. M. ^ l u b held their annual-election of: elate Advisoi-, 'H^en Bailey; Chari-
ille and Mrs. A. E. Wells. This officers, the following ladles taking ty, Rnth Davis; H<^'e, -^JBeatrlce
l.Timiiiec will receive all funds for ofl'ice: Gertrude Kirk, chairman; Turner;' Falith; Barbara ,;Behderso!n>
p of the Girls Club. Norma LaRouche, vice ehalrmani Secretary, Em-ma StcvensV Treasur-
I On .Monday evening <i meeting Vera Paul, secretary treasurer. Pol- er, Jane Star; Chaplaln,j:Janct Mc-
|,i' held m the' Sallna School gym- lowing the election, a pot luck sup- Laren; Drill leader, Helen Strong;,
y:m to register prospective meni- per was served.
^r^Tl)Cl•c are now on file 103 ap-
Love, Dorothjr Kelly; ReUgion, Jane
Next Tuesday, the regular month- Wurst; Nature, Constance Ross; Im-.
t.a\tes. Local committees were ly meeting will be h,«ld at Cass- mortality,. Marian Wm-st"; Fldelfty,'
'•• -v., ''

V^5i "^'ith Uie following SaUna Benton park. There will be a June Betty Meakin; Patriotism, Lois
.'[residents as chairmen: Mi«. supper, J t e t h e r •.details may be obr Champney; Service, Nan Robertson; •
bu; i;aiincsbergor, activities: Mrg.J tained ircon Mavde Mills. Confidential observer, Lauretta Bm-.l
.4. Hager. memoershlp at»d Mr, " ka; Outer Observer, Sally Ann Cord-j
Drii?cciu, .finance. ner; Musician, Marilene Gottman,
See Hollywood Bound Choir dh-ector, Ruth youmans;
Members of_.the choir, Mildred
OutHof-Town Guests Schneider, 'Gladys Schroeder, Mary
Iliiloxene Class to Cordner, Joyce Strauss, Mandy Jane
Among ihe out-ot-'town people Plake and Jean Cameron. The in-
teet at Carnells j oomhig to "Hollywood Bound" were stalling officers are 'Virginia Green-;
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Clement. Mr. and
|M-:v,be:.s of the PhlloKcne Glass.l Mrs. adwln Clement and Pred Kop- hoe—Grand Hope; Evelyn Davis,
'• t'.Kt t ,it the home of Mrs. Har- ke of Adrian came -with Mr. and Grand Love; LaDonna Martin, sec- mCLUDING
1 C.i; r.cli. 325 Reginald Avenue on Mrs. M. L. Grandy4 Bob Winkel and retary of the Grand executive board, KELVINATOR ItEFRIGERATORS
••;l;v.- altcrnoon, June 2. Tlie George Boll from Flint; Betty Win-' Iva Gottman, Bessie Black; Janet IPlus-Powcrcd, with all the LatMl'features of,
fr'.;rc:'. will be spent in sewing kel wnd Dick Deny from Ypdlantl:; McLaren is tbe retiring worthy Ad- 'die fatDO«.i Kvlvhutor Doe:
>.' church kitchen.. Tea will Mr. and Mrs. H. Newman from De- visor and Margaret Pushelberg is
I jer.c.l. Mother advisor. The public is invited _ , ie«JLVINATOR RANGES
troit came with Doris Sutton; Mrs. to attend. .'Gai 'OT.elearic ~ your, choice—*be fittesn
B. McLister of Windsor, Ontario, money^cact buy. /*'
csKnae w*t2a Doris Messer»ger; C. E.
[amp Fire Girls ^NOerM, -dnagtiter and son from De-
^twtt irere iruests 'Of Pred Reinhart. International Fidac tWiidi eJcduikve Fin<FUx «gita«or aad Pre*>|
' sitre-Atbr ^rinj^er-—the industry's joeweat
fev/s and Activities deVelopmcacs; j^.<
Hiskln.s* group from tJie
orn Dancers Program to be Given « t L V i N A t o i t EUCTRIC IROMERS*
fiyc- School were guests of tlw On Tuesday, the American Legion The vtMcy last^i'icM^ i a home droains «''^pu{»- .'-
-VK;;-.; ;::-oup at
nday .''tornoon
r councfl ««|Meet Satufday Auxiliary will have an intemational xneot;; • , .•'' • • ;_.
Fidac program of-which Mrs, Johni
; '• • •. :•; Doarbom Campers -en-'^ The Deiatpm Dancers Troupe Kassube Is chairman. . Mrs. Peggy|
N li.t t b.i ills of Camp Wathana'^ No. 1 «5pcaii3ored by the Jane Caryl Fleming will read an artkile o n | |*ow*r«d. I
'•^oi;.. ud under theguatdiaja-. Muttat .Studk) of Dancing, met Bat-; Greece. Miss Wllma Lind will renderl '«t<mu<h Oft doolbl»' .-..*?'
p t'! M;,.s Marlon West. Gasip; wd*y;at tlie home of Elaine Chax- two piano selections. Recitations wllll illi«M<»tlnflca|><ac* "J^L
|i'hi:,a Vill hold open camp June. y^ad, Melvindale. After the business be given by MisS Betty Hummel and,
'"^! 8 ;," tUe parents and fiiends discussion, a-social time was enjoyed there will be a vipUn and piano duet
iCim;) Fire Girls. A gala dance all members betag present. The next "Cielito Lindo", ^y Alenlka and Ta-
Iprin":! for Saturday night. Re- meettog will be held at the home of tlana Kassube.
"tif iat mutty oiher;,

lrlii«T«##rs of
oNLT^s.o^j^im-m Think of ltl A 5-tOomi'ailr-oooditioned Kel-
vin Home—completely equipped -with all
•'"iior.- ;nay be made at the De-^ Alice NWLelJan, Yinger avenue, Sat-
Cv.iv) Pire office. •' urday, May 29 at 2:90 p. m.
The dolls which the members of
the Auxiliary dressed t o ^represent
the Fidac in various countries -will'
Pt:US-POWERESfkEmmT01pi t-stse —:y^ff.' ••y«|<liT - • *
modern Kelvinator equipment, automsiic,
heating wtrii <x>A, «•• Of oil^«hK:tr>c or )$aa
range, KetviiMutor RelH^eraeor, electric
^irasher and ironer, etc;—•including lot!
'--' .T^'

be judged by Miss: Ruth Haigh and!

Mrs. Wllllam Gassett. A prize will
be given for the best dressed doll.
K ''EUVJiNATOR -cats t h e ' ^ o s t ' o f youi: kitcbfeb, K m o ^ t o r k f i e p s l t b ^ ]
k. jyetter livi ng! T b e t-^vo facts d i s - , always ^^Mii»*'*><i^'^M^^^
playexl h€:re o n the left prove it. They KcilvioatttC qaldkly p«ys foir
itself. ^
FRBE tf'ytrn win Isc Prize in this coneetti
Wortk cryiittg for, isn't it? Yet youll be
• % '

amaxedliow easy<hls coatextia. It''t fun, too!

Mrs. Walter Dunn, Mrs. John Bart- .mean tbat day after day, m o n t h after That is why soaaaoy iw«s«atxefri|rera- [
kowiak. and Mrs. Leon Duncal as- tor ,crtfoeia«rci«pfciclog w i t h 1 9 3 7 f-
Annua! Spring Recita sisted by Mi-s. John Kassube •will thai new KolvlncH mc'citlv, year a.fter year, Kelvinator
will sive you taoney:«
xPitJi-Po^-ered K e l v i a a t o t i A t c a r CET FULL DETAILS
have charge of refreshments. tor rvrit only !ia!t [ smaJl >weeldy"^y«we«»—w litt' a as
'Xhiiy oaeaa als'o that Kelviottoir is • 90^ a week!—it's easy. Easy for Y^OU, ' A * ^ * S * ^ * easy miawatg ^arotda in ^dbe"
at many. mln<it*s ofBclal entry blank—wbidi-ire ^ v e liere
ofthe p«r built to ^'takc it," N o laatxei hcfwr iiot t o o l Coflcie i n today, aftd let^^itEiBc now, 'wi^rdng for yott FRfiB! > u l d«o|> ia
Entertains For t i M i « « l aii th« day, n o inattet b o w -oveia-like ftboi^tit: . '^- : - jibday M d msk for it.-Nodiios «o iMqr.
tint* it molntalny ^«.> .*.—. You'll also $et FR£E, a haadaoine, I n o ^ '
JANE CARYL MUFFAT Miss Roberta Nern was Ihostess ai\ Bride-To-Be lo w tamtMrati j r * r
Only Kelvinator;gives you aU theee"attvJmt^et!
MIIL1'-l»ITI«!ltMOI(fCTER: nmwM tsxms m tax CERI'VieATTtlFUIWePr S^VfAa P«0TIC110N
«itifig book A M teUa
yott ail a\x>vt KELVIN
EMTIII6C0i!r.JUl*)«H niM..K«hrinato •> f'tiu
. .K elvioi«or*s Plus P o w KE TRAYS.. Kelwiiatoc's Pow«ruaitn»nsl fU'.laae HOME, tlae oew Iciad
STUDIO of D A N C I N G .aMiss
luncheon and kitchen ishower « t
Ten Eyck Inn Tuesday honoring
Charlotte Danielson whose
t t t t t uri» tata takiMia- PUw Powef f ivek you nn
tif)tiaitA{>ctmtaxa—au»tya •bandancc ef ^(* cubes,
. . . 11t« b«tlMn lbct> atA rubber grils m a l u
l c u icuotun* titM each ttlowtf »«ed—. wrsof
a a a n t ' »-•c«f
,«f ^ M fbr « better
• w^'«fif iKring, widi plc»
to befirivenat the marriage to WilJiamS Autlb will bo an
taowftttpKivciabis. titaantasytotcmota.
f lvOtlMUltO*
»«rCoi( o l O p a t t t o a . tares of it^ercot ex-
. t c r i o r s i f l o o r plans,.
event of June 25. Guests were Mrs. photogoi^s«f.k9 nod-
, Harry- Smith, Mrs.- Fted Bilbrough,- e m , «itrack<>>woirkiag
Fordson High School Auditorium
Mrs. Betty Ives, Mrs. Leo DuVall,
^ I # R ¥ iLiJNKS MAY BE OBTAIINa> AT eqiupoient.- r
Hazel Campbell, Ruth Bond, Gwien^
Ford and Mapl-e
Friday Jw.e 4th, IS^H, * :15 P. M.
dolyn' Schlndler atid Lydia Sohable.
The honoree was the rec^eit'-of
many useful gifts.,. ., , v. V
BEARB0RJNI'S OLDEST S Enter tiie (oort0si iM. Itttifarl

(Note: Date of Tuesday,^UB-C «th was an error.)

Pleasant Ri 1^
Tickets may he obtained from pupils, or at
Scene of
' * I •

Studio. ^ [• - • 1 5 • ••.•:-•• .•ij.

DEarborn 0244
•Mr. and Mrs: HarcOd^'Blalr ^c^
;ll^asant Ridge were liosts at ia' •BUJV- MODEL • y
por bridge Friday .evening. GuestS;
were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Roeder, Mr. ROOMS \ I- \m'
and Mrs, Pierce. Weyl, . ^ n ^ : ^ : ' ^ ^
Mrs^'Elnierrscliubcrt, • ^ _ j _ ^ . j , . \ " ' - '
\1 ' '••••• V t .

- -K

-::',. K-K. -•i-::-T. -: y y , - : . y
. 11 • V / n . i . v i ^ r - t I
PAGE FOUR tHE; CrEWRBORN l>RESS "' ' " -— -—^ ' #

I ^ ^ . ^ ^ L D DROP STOP SIC

' -On Memorial Day,"the'eritlre';
country commemorates the'

Spokeii TliiursiSy
mm i !'>•'.

4i Miehiganigp
} y o n I suggestion of r™
•jiuntetL. Johnson, the N.
has'referred to the Safety,^
deeds and sacrifices of,Amerl^ • .. .•y^y-^y^ M s l o n y t h e - matter, of eiimi^,?

'cans w h o h a v e laid down thelt rrv.*' • .J)::-

•Stop" sign a t Mlllui-"'!?'''^!
lives i n i defense-of American Aya|l»^ile t o r iMpW^fiio'.^of • Dear- Beedi street. I t was poin.''"*^
• - BwbjirajG>01«irk,^ daughter; of Mr^ ':b<)tte fote-is^tiie^iaiw^ldstfiidbU^ ^fAyaxllarratdkBX^^
;li]jerty.-';^ .' ^ y .- ••••.„y Johnson t h a t MlUUiry avcn^*
%rid >Mr sV <3eojrge;; CiMk, )Hllto^ ioii^itk^StrtirisnU^Blon-'.;*^^ ca'.periition <rf/Wayn6" Goii-oitT'rii^
Our history Is replete* wltlv p a . 1 ^ In a n effort tb;»ecun>;;quali- St. Beech street and t^^a*»
i',Of,'.- t h e , valorous deeds .ofi? ouir t Ferjii^ale,'ibecairieiV^ Jifcit»pi'gefii-^tj|fe/*13ii«il«ing
fl<;l appUceoits fbr(api>roxl»n*tely n b t of sufficient v d u m j ? ' * '
.arni6d'forces who fought and • erettfLeBlanc-,^«rn<ot S^^ and Mrs. iSiliMl^deylii»-has iti«n:;,p«^ ibio VJ(>bs now open att-tlie ^I>etrolt continuing Militarv ave^u^*'
bled that we Americans'might CUtforice lieBlani;, Piixfcstreet, Dear-: •<ca.lig;lriecni: » i s e i t t i ^ a f ^ / ^ w e £ t h a n stop- street. During h; '
ofice of- the National Reunn^oyiAdit schodl children arc ^ '
pursue a free and prderly life - bornV tlie 2Qtt oi^T)kayy^9 a. m. sit $;l,5W),00()'' ii/as 'exi>i|ri4edi)n; experl- SdJvicd, 318; East Jeffei fion^ fvenue
as citizens, of the Republic. St. ;ijames/ Chm;ch, ^>i>Brnclale^ 'The ;*nieiiM. »[br Icl^aittmra^ street, Johnson pc.mted CU' .
Many of us are prone to : Rev.'GiJbi'ge'B.'Cting'officia ted/Nuj^^ 'carji eqiupped 'with- thieTniew niechari- ^L*he Dearborti Press ttdayrreiJorts
licenian is on duty a: t.h^
forget, in our busy everyday . tial high mass, was sung by the ism are. now,; beirig given by,Marsh tlr.i list of Jobs a n n o u n c e b y ; M i ^ r
life, the heroic sacriflces t h a t > boys choh- of tlie church.' ' " Sl; irref; and' urges qualifled ^wirsons
.:i i^ariityic America's defenders have i
Js. Grosfleld,' Dijarborri.' "Oldsmoblle
The bride wwi beautifully aitired, dealers! .'••'- '^;''', y : . ' '
made when our country .was . in a white satin gown a n d train, ^Pour'instead' of . t h e c u s t o m a r y
tCA Register Immediately' a t t h e looal
N i t s oflice In' t h e Safety Ooinmla-
T^yICE EACH YEAR, In,February ON15 OP NEW YORK' women sllri'biiilding or to renew their n p -
.and August, thc great Parisian ill peril. with a wireath, and long veil.,She thrue forward'sfieeds .aire provided by
columnists reported recently t h a t THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. 'carried, white bridal roses,' baby's the new device. , U ^ ' o f , the foot, •p'lscatlohs there. "The Itetf: ifollows: •:
couturiers hold grand openingsto while sitting In a beauty, salon she
couturiers hold grand openings to CAREY, MAYOR of the City ' b r e i t h J i n d maldenhahrfern. | , clutch piidal Is 'necessary only when Metal fliilsiiers, torch • • o l d ^ r s ,
nearly jumped out from' imder a of Dearborn, do hereby pro- " Her only attendant was her sister, {lolng Into reverse or when, starting Wi dtresses, -y, h a n d a n d • »ut»toatlc *
show their new styles. Altogether halr-drler when she heard the sound
about fifty stylists display approx- claim May 31st Memorial Day s Ml!B iCathleen Clark, -who wore I a from a full step. A short lever on sirew machine operators;^ : ' < ^ ^ >
of rending paper and a sweet voice * and urge all citizens to join: yellow lace dress and carried yellow t h e steering post controls the trans- r i i l e {iten9graphers and tjrplsts,.fes-
imately 5,000 models a t . each of raised in anger. On investigathig.
these semi-annually exhibitions. ' in the observance of this d a y ! roses, gardenias arid blue forget- mljtslon. • , . ; t i ale secretaries, caretaker cSouples,
she found that the girl hi the next by participating in the memo- • me-nots. The bridegroom was a t -
cell was t h e glorious Grace'Moore. I n starting the clutch Is depressed V indow washers ' (belt man)', elcva-
Throughout most of the year, the rial exercises sponsored by our * tended by his brother Clarence, i and the lever is moved t o , t h e 'low' t»r oiierators (female)i sodti fouh-
•doors of the famous salons In the The star had been reading a movie local patriotic units.
magazine article aboiit . herself, ,, Procession was preceded by Dolor rarige.
i-.-i. A5^ the car picks
... 11 • up the gears
„«««^ "«oor I t.iin girls, beauty operators, drapery
style center of the world a i e clase- GIVEN UNDER MY HAND
ly guarded. Noted for a secrecy like which apparently she d i d n t like. res LeBlanc, sister of the bridegroom shift automatically t o second par^.t j j ^ m L e ^ e s , upsetter operators, dte
makes as many duplicates as it de- AND SEAL, this twenty-fourth. The driver then moves the lever i*.id tool' designers ( J i g , a n d fix
t h a t of American automobile'de- The story said t h a t Grace lived ;ln who CJirrled a bouquet of sweetpeas
slrc'i. These duplicates are adver- clay of May in the year,of our to the high -.position, and proper
signing laboratories, admission to daily fear of losing her voice, "nie
Lord, nineteen hundred and and g.ardenias and wore a lovely gears are then,selected automatical- fires), metal dingmeri, metal b u m p -
tised as copies of Chanel, Vlonnet, fact' Is,. as La Moore well knows, long i>ink net dress. auto frame str.aighteaers,B a n d
t h e style showings is usually by in- or whoever designed the original thirty-seven. ly accordhig to the speed of the car. ' : s , tool grinders, ciitter grhiders, to $160.03 wtxo tbt Rf«
vitation only. h e r pipes are good If not better than • A "wedding breakfast for members
model. . . they ever were. .It all goeis to show (signed) JOHN L. CAREY, indow trimmers, auto- m e c h a n i c ; t r • W > t w d n»eU>od—CAUV^I ^*
.Mayor of- the immediate families followed
' Guests a t these shows Include so- Urider this system,' t h e smart'
cially prominent Continentals, fa- American -storekeepers often sell
that you shouldn't believe every-
thing you read. .Especially not every- it at the Willow t j a rooni. Out of towb
=i/ guesti! included Mrs. Rose BellemjOf
pholiJterers, lathe o]?erator« of' j
OxfiDird School Notes
nd L, P and: Q • and. engine ina- O V R HAUL
shion writers, manufacturers and exact copies of a $500 Paris creation thing about celebrities. ' ' ^ O I L and QtJt WMLA
C8ijiai(ia, the bridegrooms Grand- • The Oxford -Parent-Teacher As- blnes, tool hardeners! "e5cperlmeri-
buyers. They comc from America.
England, Belgium, Germany, Italy^
for less t h a n $100. Before the six
months are up, the shopworn-orig-
Ford Co. Launches mother, land Mrs. Louise Van Blair- 60<;lation met tu the school auditori- il sheet metal workers, road m a -
Ptotoo Slap ted •):: p a . ^
inal Is u-'jually sent back to Fiance jcoum of Florida, his grand-aunti.« u m lasl; "".rhuriiday evening for the hlnery operators, construction, ma-, WltMMBeotm. Spc^-d&iMiQ^
and other countries. In an atmo-
sphere of perfume and silk they and sold to a .back-street dress TIMES HAVE CHANGED. I've First Welded Ship 'i-.'The couple ^vlll visit Buffalo and final meeting of the school year.
^NlauBja Falls, on their easterri wed- Charles, assistant, county
hlne operators, experimental layout
.nen, monitor hands, tlnsmitiis (con-
O V B H A U L Mconaidom tvnot vu.
yoa dii«*TT.w>t n«coBMr71,^ u-. m ! Z
watch sleek manikins parade in establishment for whatever it will seen more than one Dearborn ' truction), roofers.,: (construction), mat j n l t i a c toa repairs. OVHnAt^
Watched by officials of the Ford dinc trip, and be a t home after school commissioner discussed ways mocAtoa 10,000 mllee, an.! c«,(a imtii
9:tyles decreed by the haute couture brUig—sometimes as little as $10. woman lately in knee-baring ;heet- metal layout men. (cpnstruc-
Motor Company, Including Heriry two -weeks a t :12330.Stoepel averiue, of developing,.' desirable character
for the coming season, sport togs bicycling, often' fol- Ford, P. E. Martin, vice-president; Dtj^rclt. ;,lon), structural, steel* layo.ut men
traits-through agencies other t h a n FBEE SAMPul
for the coming season. Afterwards lowed by a daughter similarly Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bennett, and a '\ [construction), auto spray j^dnters,
they usually sip champagne on the,,".. • ' >. ..
clad. Its certainly a far cry from group of children frbm the Green- ;,3;Tthe bride was graduated in 1935 George Ludvik of Deerborn High jxternal grinders, power hamm^ir-
house. A BUSINESS MAN was sttimped
recently when the directory the summer of 1920, when the field Village school, the flrst all- frppij.the St. James school-and Is a School i played! a- grouj;); of French ^ men, board hammermen, she«t n e t a l
,Most important of those attending solicitor a t Geneva, I4ew York, . Los Angeles novelist. Miss Louise welded ship'^Ui the world 'vvas laun- pieniJjer of St. James Fidelity. Mr. Horn solos. The, soclal'^our was In; workers (construction), rotfi?/'shear : M . DOUGHEI
are the representatives of the big a s k e i for his wife's first name.. Rosine, emboldened by lier new- ched Saturday a t the Rive;; Rouge I>[).B^inc Is einployed by the Foi'd charge of the. first grade . pupils'] operators, Bullard ultlmatlc. <^jere-
American department "stores. They ly-won right to vote, tried rol- slip of the Great Lakes Engineer- Motop, Company. • DISTRIBUTOR
Hc blushed, saM he couldn't re- mothers and ..teachers. | tors, brass molders and: square shear
ling down her stockings at At- ing company. • , :•..'. - 5403 Jonathan, nearb,
buy hundreds of gowns averaijlng member, and. then explained, ;Tho,.physical;educatipn classes of operators. >•
$300 to $500 In price. These are lantic City, and was ])romptIy AGENTS
"Yott see, we've been married a Oxfofrd Schooi, uiider direction of
jailed. Tlie 300-foot motorship wa's chris- There is rio charge i'or the service 7429 Northfield. DetroU|
shipped Into thc United States under
bond. If' the model is returned to
long time and I've always called
her by a pet name." I n (he end, ...... 1 . . tened "Green Island" b y ' CatJi' O. M|bie Waits Ruling
D'Ot Pummlll and J o e Fleming, pre
sented, ia.iProgram o^ health actlvU
to applicants or to employers., : •22044 Mechanic, Dearly
A. Johnson, marine suiierintendent
France within six months, the store
pays no duty. While the model Is
the poor man bad to phone his
irife and ask her name. Slender Princess of the Pord fleet of 29 craft. The
.ship will be placed in service betwoen
Olll Drunk Charges
Oes last Prlday In thc school a u d l |
in "the United States, the store MANY A DEARBORN WOMAN, I'll the Great Lakes and the''Atlantic T h e prograin was, presented as.
wager. Is ready to nominate Prin- seaboard within the next'fivei"weeks,' Decision will, be made next, Tues- pageant of .American youth " an
cess Juliana of the Netherlands as officials said. day h y the Public Safety Commission showed, the physical activities <•!
No. One Woman of 1937! The-chief o n ^vhether Glenn Mable, Melvin- boys >. a n d ' girls, through -various

Equipped with a., disappearing dale chleT of police was drunk on Ferlodij. of Am,erican history.

reason is her mastery over t h a t old i
feminine bugaboo, avoirdupois. She superstructure, the Greeri Island duty, May 6, or whether thickness Parts of t h e program were al;o
: j - t . :-•
left the church after her niarriage can pass readily under low carial of sijeech, noted on t h a t - n i g h t .was I)resented by Miss PummiU's t&()-
^ DEarborn 118 0 ^ ^ recently a very pudgy and not al- bridges. Bridge, funnels a n d ' m a s t s due to loss of. a front as 'thQ; clanclng classes in the Commuiiity
together tattractlve, bride, spent her tilt over into the hull. The new ship -chleiC. testified at Tuesday night's^ center program....
THEATRE « « « DEARBORN honeymoon In a story-book manner., has a forty-foot beam, a twenty- ' meelinK of the commission. Members of ^Mlss Hood's mi. sic
•uy and returned to the Hague with a foot draft and fs powijred''by two -li,
class at Oxford school will preij.nt
yyK jFrl. Sat. of this week: T>^o Grand Entertainers:! streamlined flgure and a tasteful 600 horsepower Diesel engines; I t Is i.v Mable was suspended by Mayor i,hei oiperetta "Jack, and the B e : n -
collection of clothes. Somehow the rated a t 2.200 net tons' ahd cah i t - , Jaines £. Kewin who testifled Tues- stalk", tonight a t 8 c»'clock In l.he
"DOCTOR BULL' Princess lost all of twenty - three tain a, speed, of 11,5 knots''ari'hoiir. i d a y night t h a t h e was corivinbed jwhooj: auditorium,; ^ h e lead
with WILL ROGERS, ROCHELLE HUDSON, MARIAN NIXON pounds! How she did It many a Within a month,' i;^ Ls 'expecied a /the..,cliief •was intoxicated. Two ;,will . t e ; ,takeit,"by. R^yriiond Deiml-
Back by Request in a Beloved Hole! . . . Also moman Is wondering today, and 1 sister ship ' "Norfolk"'''iibi^r'''''tieing phyisiclans •who examined Mible !5on.> Another, prominenl; part, i.hat
wouldn't -be surprised to learn that built in the Great'.Lalci!s^'Etig\tveer- corrobated his testimony. Mable |ad- of Capt. Kidd played bj i e e
"V^E HAVE OUR MOMENTiS'' t r she has received many a genteel ing Co. yards, will be 'iauri<fii'^d; i
note asking how she "did It. Maybe
•. A ;iOU'i)
: mitted.drinking several glasses of IBeard. Other, characters in the :»lay
. be,ci'. but denied he was Intoxicated .'Will bei gypsies,.pirates, villagers an-d
with SALLY EILERS, JAlVlfES DUNN, MISCHA AUER • ; ^ ',',>• o f . ' ; ; • jis charged.., " ..', !>'
it was love; maybe her own will- t
A Great Cast in a Great-.Comedy Role!,. . , TT«)',>
power, I' wonder? \-.• : i -
On Our Stajjc in Person Saturday Matipee Only a t 3:00 P. M.i*
i'. -.' - •' : > • -
' 1 • •
• ' , , . , • I • •
Sum. Mon. Tucs., May 30-31-Jane 1: Two Fine Featorearl'
ITS GETXif5lG SO "that women
are almmit iwalking,menageries.
More and more .lately,: costume
By fiearborn '"""
..: ,«., _i_ ,, ,Qy I..,,
SYLVIA SIDNEY, HENRY FONDA, BARTON MacLANE in . jewelry, is a-miniature of this or - Plans and estimates of--coafevwere
y\i-i'^^-< "YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE" • t h a t from the atiimai, 'world. Thc
latest is a jew.eled turtle, created
ordered prepared^by. -the^ oiVyi En-
gineer for the resurfachig of-Merl-
I t Will Givc You an Emotional Wallop You'll Never Forget! by Designer Paul Plato. Several dan'avenue to• Cherry: Hill road;
Plus well-known Eastern women have Highland drive from Telegraph.road
been seen lately sporting t h e ,
"WOMEN OF CLAMOUR" little things. Right, in Dearborn^
to Cherry HllKroad and .Rockford
avenue from .-.•Telegraph; road to
with ' I've seen zebras, , horses, ele- ' Denwood.. drive. .Bituminous . type
VIRGINIA BRUCE, MELVYN DOUGLAS/REGINALD DENNY phantSyj dogs, and—of all things • material is to be used and necessary
)^)y^\ A Daring Modern PicUirel . . . —mice!, •curbs to be installed,
CONTINUOUS MONDAY FROM 1:15 P. M. Action was taken, by the city
Wed. T h u r s , June 2-3: Two Flwe Attractions! Arrest Him council as the result of the" sub-
mission of petitions by the Dear-

• ••1
a child liking castor oil would be as
born Hills Improvement association.
The improvements are to' be paid
A Women's Picture Thai's Aces for Men! . . . And * much news a s - a man biting a dog. for by special assessment against
• f . 1. '.-•'
Down In Savannah, Georgia, when the property owners. • • ^ '•
t h e police answered the station
"MURDER GOES TO COLLEGE" telephone recently they heard a
woman's voice'Cry,:' "Help, police!"
Rare Comedy! . . . Mystery! . .•. Romance! . . .
Oflicers nishedUo her home. There
the lady pointed to her six year old
Waechter Is Named
son saying she wanted him jailed
25c APTER 4 P. M. - - CHILDREN 10c AT ALL TIAIES because he refused to take his cas- To Security Office y..\\i,,
t. FREE PARKING ACROSS THE STREET tor oil. The police demurred and ^
^^^^^^^^^^^ititiitmmmmmKmmmmmmmmmtmtmmmmmmmmmtmB^^^^ culprit remained free. A third office of tho social security
* board in the Detroit region was
opened Monday, in room 309', Calvin
> theater builciing, Dearborn.

VC. A. KANDT LUMBER C U . I Benedict Crowell; director of- ac-

tivities of the social security board
hi Region I'lve, with headquarters
in Cleveland, announced the a p -


MICHICAN near TELECRAPH PHONES DE. 0 3 3 3 ^ pointment ol" B . D. Waechter as "field

.representative In charge of the
Dearborn office.
YOUR PAIN T ^ ^ l Mr. Waeclater is a native of De-
troit, havini? been graduated from
Cass Technical Higb. School and a t -
PORCH < tending the University of Michigan. i:Kr
y - a . -^ ' a
1x2 Clear, white Last October Mr. "Waechter was ap-
pine — 2c ft. pointed to the. administrative staff
of the social .security board, taking
1x3 Clear white a six weeks 'Lraining course in "Wash-
pine — 3c ft.
Screeri wire 4c F R E E - - O n e Gal. Varnish < ington, D. C. He was assigned to the
.;^irs T
• f7 J i ' / '
sq. ft. W i t h y o u r o r d e r of 5 g a l . o r m o r e
Cleveland regional, office and for
' ^ the past five montbs has been on
duty in Columbus, Ohio.
^j'^r'if Screen moulding
Price $2;9« :J
Gal, in 5 gal. lots 4| '\ . ^ 2 5 J 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 Foijd c a r s h a v e b<^ii'
yi-^*m m a d e im ithe laei: 3 3 y e a r s - — m o r e
i ^ ^ "RHE a R " JEW
Select Grade
FENCE ^ O S f i n ^ ^ i Two Police Tickets^ t h a n o n e - t h i r d «;•£ a l l t h c c a r s ^ v e r . -;.-;'.'Twb'.v.«; <CTiiifeCk':ti;ioiNE sizps-cstp^

100 ft. $9.30 Halt Speedy Driver i ] ^ U ^ iV«^ toijay's^ F o r d V - 8 i s ;^t6p>notcb;peHorttiance;i (M'hp.' for rock-boitow econ
•• ? t
WIRE FENCE - t h e r g r c a i e s l vallie i n a l l F o r d h i s - The •*60? i« iivdiliible'ih l^ve •uuidard body lypos.
BEVELED SIDING Two tickets from Dearborn police
ahd fines aggregating $35 apparent- ' vtS^i^IJCglves yc:u m o r e **finc car?! ^' o u r ST A NO IiM o : tcbHto i* Y—Boll) «""F.''"1J,
'', give -ottUlandrng econotny, many owners rfporim? _
PICKiET FENCE ly were ne<',essary to convince • John
m 100 ft. 1-2x6

< Szewczyk cf Detroit t h a t In Dear-
born traffic laws-are meant to lie
obeyed. •. .. / ._'
>^f^twriE!8\than c;/er b e l o r e . M o r e

. dittinctive . m o i l e m lines a n d a
22>w2TiHnfe>per»allohi>fr>n,o;m.> vilh tl»^ '»"' '
safety^;cbmforii a n d economy-^— .; MO-OllNJAPJpilAilANCi—Distmclivc sueaoil""
sign cprnpliMely new from grille to tail ligkt.
$4.20 100 sq. ft. • <
* • •

••:''Vi'3j|engine. • ,; ' - A U - t T l l i ; i O f i > l l i ^ A iln«le '(vclded unitod

!l 4x8 — 4.x9 —. 4x10—- 4x12 He was first given, a ticket.*tor
PICKET GATES protective ttrmgtiu
reckless dilving and went o n ; his
way. I t w s s n ' t l o n g before he was
• picked up 'agalnr for' speeding--Khen
; • v" S e e ^ i l r - - drij/e i t — a n d ^ y o u ^
; t n g w | i i v i i t h e jiruality <»r^^ in! t h e lAfY-ACT*©H'«AfltYtfcAltII--Faslcr6lrt5l^
tt6pt_ wWi^.i^lf^:i^ hoxa pedal to * A
• -• low'pricci field.".;•-; -' -; ',•. '-';.• -
SHEETROCK SHINGLES ^ he- was caught^'going 40 miles a n
liour._ •;.•'"•'• '"••' ':',- • ,•'. •^.v.'.-...^.* -: - y I, : '• -i: -y-.^'^'^i'^ '^.^y'/\^y.;^ '-,'f '-'H :f!.' .try
• . ' - . - ; " - ^ . • • • ' • - : ' • • • . - " "
:CO«»fi9tr.i,HO-^QW and no'*"^
.r. .Ift.
FIBER BOARD Beautiful! Color. W < H ^ ^nd^ Aiphalt < -."When h<f'lap]peared before. Judge Large JuggaeecompartnuM -m all'tntkuiUi'
.ter-Poiae IUfte..B%;, roomy interior. Smooibcr.P"*
•;.5; " T T ? ^ •^Ibwj'* u)r.<m>)M 1937 Ford y > e C*w-^.
i PREiSI>W<X)D '• ^^HflO-per 100 sq. ft,'and^Ur^ i| ijco R. Scliaefer:!lii municipal :,cpi:jt Wide d i w r . o p ^ - I f r o i n tHe. Wltom«-;{Com* : fram imy Ford d«al«i,'~;aii)rwh«t« tat tW« i l , * ^
y • • . - ^ • - ' . . y i y ' ^ ' / y ' j ^ ^ ^ . ' y - ' . ' : . ^•'' • "
he was fliied $25 on the*reckless • J -y-.pmrm<m'.holtU'a'paretinh^^^^^^^
driving charge and $10 on the speed- SEi T d u R v i O R D bEALER
AiJuUAAA4AAAt^4,i^AJ:^^%4^ 'ing-charge.:;'" . • ^ ''•;
'. . •', -.'•':-'•--•(-:.''''.----'•':••'•.. 'i:^-^'-- --yy"-*'•'•::--':''



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PAGE n v i
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. ' ^ * " • - .

• . . ' ' 1 , -

. Hemry; Vohl.teijiiiea azaong the

10 mart important citluens .of Mich-
igan, :jMistiU3d,pw«erit, i n ; a list ifcGARvi:."^!^-^^ Bern^'to- Mx!'. aiiidji ®e-
-prepariBd by the state department : M;.-3. H a M n ;M(parvey, 2 l l O S : i a - y ^ ^ ^ ^ } ^ ^ i ^ ^ ' ' ^ ° ^ ^ ^ ^ avenue, Dearbom. JKJI
ThurMi:i>'. friday, Saturday ^U"^'®*'^ Artlsia, b e g i n s ' a three day :<if>uimc lristructi<)ri;in answer tq. Vmva s a n M ^ ^ y • V ^ j j P « « W l t ^ « ^ ^ H e M n g f o w . M Ckmyngham-
mo^c wJio missed it the first engagement ivlth Sylvia Sidney and the qiieiy. oJT; a Oeottia schoolboy. K A ' l } C H A T l * 0 l * i p r B o r n iio: "14^^ J ^ second class, on a t i m r
i ior the wide public de-:' Henry Fonda, t h e screen sweet- Mr. Pbrd ir. the o:nly. living person ; - a n d Mrs.•Dl&vkS;ts^aturbfr;;• - " ^ ' from.Robert D. M c N a m a r a ; o ^ « J 8 3 ^ ^ p e a n porta. .idcNamari'a'letter
IJifff. 'lo so- it again. Will Rogers', hearts-of "The Trail of the Lone-
namwl In tlae group lirhJcli includes ' . Holly, a swi: :'0«rp«*/May :i*6.~ .H* ••/^ Jfoiion^'s: ' ' " .
nvurai and appealing picture,] some Pine", reunited hi the starring Lewis Oasti,-. territorial governor* CI/ARK --^Bbrn^to: Mri and Mra.;;""
IllJOit • , ' , Helslni.'fors, Plnland,i
BU!!". a Twentieth - Cen-] roles. - -; J o h h D. Pierce, father of the school
•Docto; Jiim, returns today to t h e j A great supporting cast,'headed , John Clark i:(Eleanor Maxwell)";: ; V ; May 12, .19^7.
t'JO' .po.>:
systiem; Woodbrldfi* 1^. Felrris, edu^ 4245 Hipp, street, a dauglitiir, 'ati Greetings from Fhiland:— i'
U'ln theater. by Barton MacLane, who hidden- c a t w ahd senator; Ttionuis A. Edi-;^ ,'Dearb(tfn:;..aiiri'3(BiJVHospititl,' Mayi
shrewd, New England tally has his first sympathetic' role; Mrs. WilUam T.-Hfitch^b^ . Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gregory and On June 17, 1936, I raised' mj
^l, a ki-. ^ son; James Couseeni; ;Zachariah ^ • 2 0 . •- " : ' " • • • . " • - • • ^ : right hand and took the oath, n we
Will finds exceUent _foils Jean Dlxoh, William Oargan a n d avenue left iSjewiay'for Hollywood, children wUl spend the week-end in ' Chandler, Urst Wiichigan senator; FBENTNER •— B<Mm to: hir. and- To the. Editor,
pM-sJcian.jniinitablc.\humor in t h ethe late .Charles' "Chic" Sale, and California, where, she wLU be the North Branch. expecting to be in Emrope within
[or hl-^ •'down-Easters,'-' ;and t h e Including Warren Hymer, Margaret guest for tHe'n(!Xt few weeks of her Austin Blair, Civlll War governor; Mrs. Harry Frentner (Lteona- T h e Dearborn Press :-^ year after my enlistment, but het^
Rev. Anna Howard - Shaw, early ' Lewis), of Monroe, Mich., a t Mon-j ; Lancllng , as Pilgrim^' .Cavalier, I am and am having a good timel
^*''^^^ :,-.sL features Rochelle Hud- Hamilton; Guinn Williams, Jerome son-in-law arid daughter,^ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Miss Helen suffragist, imd WIU Carleton, poet. roe Hospital, a son, Thom&s Har-^-- Purltaa, Promoter, Missionary or We spent two days in the Portu-
'^''Ir-i a: Nixon, Ralph.-Morgan Cowan, J o h n Wray a n d others, is Mrs. Kellogg Moseley.', • ' , Yates, who have been touring the D C I i l K m High Soli has been ry. May 12., . . y . ;; Warri()r,'" the best equipped of our gese city of Ponta Delgada on Ban
g ; : ; . y Devlne. . . . • • : ;'-^ seen In this spellblndhig story of east, spent the week-end to Atliantic placW oh t h e approved Ust of forefa'Jiers carrled.wlth.them but a Miguel Island In the "Azores. ' We
h u m a n emotions In the raw. Mr. and MRJ. MS. C . "JCraver o l City. Prom there they wlU go to Bec<H>iary schools by t h e North scant armful of simple tools a s a rated flve hours of liberty or shore
-We ."IO'a" our Moments'', opening Grosse lie, Mrs.;..,J. C. W.lllett of Washington and on home complet- cehtKil AssDclatioEi of Colleges. The working outflt; but ready for the leave there.
thc Cl. vin Theater today feat- Columbia's "Women of Glamour",
Shelbyville, Ind., and Mr. arid Mrs; ing a..three weeks trip. The ladies action was taken iit a, recent meet- TWIGS
taklnt; and using all of t h e raw Copenhagen,
Our next stop was
Denmark. We stayed
tttfs S:>'.iy Eilers and Jaines Dunn, a searching emotional drama leav-.
Essler of Detroit attended, the per- had the good fortime of keeping, ing of the, associa tiori and is valid,] F r o m Y o u r B r a n c h c»f t h e j.' materials and the power with which there eight days and the whole crew
co-star t!ie never-to-be-forgot- ened with .iiie sweetmeat of gay, •formance.of "KioUywood Bound" as just ahead of the rains and floods until AprU 8,"1938; to convert them Into needed a r - of the U. S. S. Conyngham, wished
B.ia Girl". They are supported romantic comedy. Is scheduled t o the guests of Mr. and Mrs.. D- M- ,Twhich ,they are having throughout " TMi-ee Dearbom itniiiUters will take COMMUNITY FUND ' i;' ticles. they might stay there forever.- T h e
P' b.'-iiiiant such tpp-notch ,Willett of Moriey, avenne, •; . the .east and whicli added a little part In the Senior Vespers service All over our Eostern coast the people there really did t r e a t u s
open the new week's program a t Up to May 1, t h e Communit;? leaver-i was working, even back In swell. Many of the gobs fell in love
peirorin-.-r-^ as Mischa Auer, David thc Calyin next Sunday. "Vh-glnla interest to the trip. Iri tiie Methodist- lEplscopal Church,
v/urrcn Hymer, Marjorie June 6. They are iElev. John Newell, Fund provided dental treatment t j those pioneer days when a large with the many beautiful Danish
.s'iven. Bruce and Melvyn Douglas are feat- Dr. C. W.'-Rothfuss of Loi^ Angeles 95 ChUdren In Dearborn; 40 ehlldreii part of a man's thought must be on girls. While there we were moorecl
r.:;d Thurston Hall. ured In the principal roles wltli Re- recently returned to attend t h e Mr. and Mrs. Clare Pushelberg pastor of Uie. Presbyterian church; were given ey<;-examlnations ani;
V concerns a school,teach ginald Denny, Leona Marlcle, '.rhur- graduation of his daughter Marilyn .blockhouse and tomahawk. to the dock and It was packed eech
Tr.e^^'' • spent the week-end in Jaclcson, a s ,Rev. H. C. McDonald, minister of
. on ;, cu k i n K u r o p e , w h o b e - ston Halt, P e r t Kelton and Mlkl MUler Rothfu&j. Dr. Rothfuss ex-. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. the H r s t .]3aptlst church and Rev. provided with glasses; tonslUecto; I t is safe to say that the pro- day by people vfha seemed to. enjoy
' tr.-: central figure in an amus- Morlta In suppoit. mles were provided for six. ''] longed centuries of using primitive I the movies} that we had each night
pects to spend the s u m m e r . a t his Montgomery. . ', Gordon PhllUpa ,of, the Methodist
, -m.. \,i!nctimes dangerous, game . "Women of Glamour" tells t h e cottage a t Wampler's Laite*. • " * * y methods in our Uttlc town was due, j on the fan-taU of the ship, , a n ^
So'v'i>' under - cover 'detectives story of a wealthy .young artist who I n providing material reUef fo-' not to lack of brain-power in o u r ! they got a kick out of the way' •we
M r s . ' B e n R. Donaldson ' enter- Application for a marriage license Dearl3orn folk, the Commurity Fun;i town officials, but to the fact t h a t }
iJii'diiuioi-Jacketed crooVX . lives In contempt of the sham and went about, our work. , 1
Mrs. E. O. Hopkins of ^ Omaha, tained t h e Priendship Class of has l>ceh filed hi" Pittsburgh by gave school shoes and clothing t:> Isolation made i t Impossible for
selfishness of his set. We arrived in Helslngfors with
.M.iirician C o n i i n g Nebraska, is spending this • week which she Is the teacher, at'her* Howard P..Rough of Dearborn and to 24 children, a mattress to a.need-' sclicol officials to gather In coopera-
Miss .Helen McCloskey, Pittsburgh the U. S. S. Winslow and the U. ^ .
^ a ;^'H'cial treat for youngsters- with her son and daughter-In-law, cottage a t Cavanaugh Lake Satur-^ famOy and coal, payment of gf;> tive convention and thresh out the
Wednesday, Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Etheredge Powers of day and Sunday. There were twelve woman flier..Rough was for eight bills, lunches and grocery orders fb current school conditions and sug- S. Vincennes. I haven't been ashore
„f'Deari'(.i-M. Sterling the magician here as yec, but from where 'we atie
rf, ^rfv^nt a program of mysterlej; "Her Husband Lies", a^ d r a m a of Gregory avenue. ; ypung ladles present. ;. "yeafij a t the "Wayne" county airporl; othei- famUies not. eligible for WeJ- gejit Improvements.
• as rtsprDsentatlve of the Federal Bu- anchored the city seems quite inter-
iTthe 3 p.m. performance Satiu:- a lie that ^" had t o be told, brings fare as.slstance. -,. '; . Many of us have regrets upon this
rea\i of Ah'.Comnierce. Miss McClos- esting. Antv/erp, Belgium Is ,our
L. In addition to his. mystlfylnjr GaU Patrick and Ricardo Cortez to Mr. and Mrs. Jackson H. Pardee Mr. and Mrs. John Webb and key, who holds ma riy'speed and altl- point, because tho the little school next stop and then we head back
rtrcfc; sici'Ung will, also give hlii the Calvin on Wednesday. have retumed from Wasliington, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lewis motored Territory served by the Dearboi'1 districts did so much for the coun-
The story concerns Cartez, a big- D. C , where they were the 'gufjsts .tude flying records has competed in Visiting Nurses association covels try by their very influence; they to the States. i
de!.v-r-t"owii punch a n d •"Judy to Ypsilanti Sunday morning,' the ,alr.races,in. Detroit. When I left the City of Dearborn,
d;o*' 't'"-' performance will bc intime gambler whose wife, Miia P a - of their son-in-law and daughter. latter attending the Stoics annual' an .area of. 30 square miles whliii are today sadly out of place In a
• • Bitoc.aJMtreate service - for grad- includes all of. Dearborn, t h e towi;- cli-y otherwise consoUdated. Michigan, I sort of doubted whether
jdditloa to tho regular screen fare. trick, gives him the alternative o^ Dr. and Mrs. Garnet lor the p a s t May breakfast in Charles MctCenny uates, of Cranbroc»k, Khigswood and I would Uke the navy or not. biit
giving u p gambling or losing her. m o n t h . • • • • ; • t ship, Inkster, Melvindale and ^a Considered i n terms of equal that's all Iiast now, for here is on^
HaU a t which their daughter Ivah Bioomlleld Hills schools 'will be held
Sun.. Mon., Tues. He gives her his word t h a t he is small section of Detroit adjacejit scholastic opportunity. It appears
was the recipient of the E. A. Strong Sunda;^ niorning a t Christ church, | sailor who loves It.
the :iuxsi starkly h u m a n drama through with cards, and the climax Mrs. Martin Strand and daughter to Dearborn and. Melvindale. ' unfair t h a t one school district should
scholarship. She was also elected Yours truly, •
.Cranbrook'.;The-,Rt^ Rev. Prank W. a a a .obtain new buildings and equipment
|.v,» screen has cver offered comes arrives when he Is forced to go back Marjorie went to Ann Arbor Sun- president of the Stoic S<fciety" fpr Creighton, S- T. D., bishop, coadjutor
tlu- Calvin Sunday when " Y o u j o n hls,,woi'd In order to save his day to witness the University'senior the coming year. The groUp^'from In t h e fouf m o n t h s . since tlje whUe In another the high school Robert D. McNamara.
rw,,,. Iiw Once." Walter Wanger's younger brother and square him- swhig-out of whlc"h Barbaitl'iwas a Dearborn were dhiner guests of Mr. of the Episcopal diocese of Michi- founding of the Dearborn Boys cli- b gymnasium is faUing apart.
t »^t proauction for release throug"n self with: his erstwhile associates. part. • . , . ; . • ....^ I << ahd Mrs. Leroy Lewis. , "' gan wUl bo the speaker. A special the organization, has grown uniil { I n ter nis of the tax-i:at'e, it Is
Litany of Dedication has been pre- today 436 boys are taking part; >n o<lcl t h a t six different school t a x


Mrs. WiUlarh Koglln, who h a s
been Ul at the home of h e r daugh- Sphinx, University of Michigan
pared.. ; '
...JHeedini: .the,plc» of Lowrey school club.
ter, Mrs. Ralph Cato of Long-boule-: junior class honor society. "Tuesday officials for police protection a t
vard, for the past: two months, was initiated 18 third-year men on their Donald and- Schaefer road, Police
the various activities offered by"t!ie rates should be collected In one so-
called conosUdated city.
I t follows: six^^ different sets'of
A motion picture record of social school poUticlans, located in six dif-
* ^ 0 / PAID ON
0 / 0 SAVINGS.N'
EACH A C C O U N T ; ;
taken to Henry Ford Hospital T u e s - traditional hay-ride. Among t h e Chief, Cairl A. Birooks has assigned work activities in Dearborn will -jie fcsrent school districts In the other-
Fully Iniured V. ^
day. • Initiates was Leo Beebe of Dear-: a motorcycle patrolman to the In- prepared during the summer montjis wiiie consoUdated. City of pearborn
born! tersection for duty during the hours under the direction of a movie coi'.i- have f aUed to protect the best inter- Up to $5,000 c .,
Carrots Squs^sh mlttee Includhig-William Hart,,\"'r., FIRST FEDERAL
Mr. and Mrs." H. L. Diton and when children are going to and from est.-? of their charges—school chU-
Corn smy Spipach daughter Suzanne of Bay City :are Mrs. Wayne Lear and,Mrs. Earl school.- • : J. T. Woolfenden and Harold Gocll- dren. '; . ' SAVINGS & LOAN
guests of Mrs.-Dl ton's parents, Mr. E. Hole, acc6mpanled by Mrs. Edith While he was'welding a 55 gallon all, who are donating their serviijes 3?or that reason t h a t ASSOCIATION
Melon and Mrs. ArChtir Phelps and wUl McConachle, attended t h e Static! drum of gasoUne on the back fcf as cameramen. ' . • : tht) Dearborn Press' pubUsh this OF DEARBORN
remain untU after the holiday.; Congress of Parent Teachers Asso- his '1j;uck, Tiiesday, Charles Doty query addressed to the 30 odd .school 13840 Michigan - ORegon 2200
Cucumbers Lettuce
ciation held in Petoskey May narrci'vly cscap^id seclouy Injury Program dialrmen of varlc?js board members In Dearborn: Chartered and Supervised
Radish Mr. arid" Mrs.'Dewey Olson and 21. The former ladies represented when the tank exploded. Pour win- clubs In "Dearborn wlU find t h e ' "Why not consolidate the Dear- By U. S. Government
Beans children Jean and 'Gordon, -will go Oxford P . T. A;, while the latter dows were blown out of a flat above Community Pimd can help pep up born PubUc Schools?" Mortgage Money Available..
to Erie, Painsylvania, tar the com- was. sent from the TomUrtSon dis- the l?U2ea dry goods store on Ford proiprams by supplying booklets Lawrence James Sullivan, FRC.
All Bulk Garden and Farm -Seeds ing week-end. •^.' - "v j ; trict;. There were ' approximately road by *ihe force of the blast. The fiUed with entertainment Ide-is.
1000 delegates registered, who were truck: wa^i considerably damaged but Muiilc, plays, skits, speakers a .i.d ^ j ^ J V ^ t P t N W h l V J V J V i ^ ^ J V J W V V ^ J V ' t P ^ J ^ ^ ^
Earljr Potatoes • -^ -, Fertilizer " Ladies firom Dearborn attending given every accommodation a n d Doty was unhurt. other e n t e r t a i n m e n t ' a r e ayaiba-iie
Evergreens, SHrinbs and'Fruit Trees the performance a t the Lydia. Men- courtesy by the Petoskey Chamber Committees have been appointed < wlOiout cost a t the Community
delssohn Theatre, Ann Ai'bor, Prl- of Commerce, civic organisations by[L<s.Roy'Adams, president of t h e | Pund office in the City HaU. M^ DEARBOp,STATE CORP.
Schroeder^s ds.y evening were Mrs. Henry Hos- and churches.
mer, Mrs. Herbert Gulon, Mrs. John
Mrs. Lavick and Mrs. Edwin Pott-
t Me^iridale JSxchange 'club,* for the
MeJviridale • excursion, Saturday,
•Dr. Carl Ratigan, Enrique Bee June 12, to isbb-^Lo. Purcliase of a John Dougla,} Swiecicki, apprenljlce
.. ., Lc^tibiii Real Estate With Us
DEARBORN SEEP CO. hoff. ., % % « % r . mari and James ;B6yie motored yes boy.i c a n p by fhe Mialvindale club
3 n i 4 ; s . M.f30N j^:]nREEf ,iarday'"i^ .Lexlngtoii-''tq:pay a" •"*«' visit WWl fjiscussed a t the last meetin;?. seaman, U / ' S . N a v y , is home 01; a 'GE^[ERAL INSURANCE
The Hl-Y ;Boys,r>cc<5fepanle<fe b ^ trf^Bob Thieleman. . . Two< nevr 6I-arilt batteries of coke 10-day furlough of absence, •visiting PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
Between MichigtihAvei^'^iaund.. Railroad Mr. and Mrs. Harold Koch, were ovens bai'e been placed In service his parents.; T h e young bluejaccet
the week-end guests of Mr. and at the "Rouge plant; of the Ford has just cbmpleted the required 12 22287 Michigan Avenue Dearborn
Mrs. Ben Donaldson at their cottage Sacred Heart Church will hold weeks of recruit training a t the
Motor Company. They will provide
at Cavaasugiir'^'L'aHe?." Tli|er|' v^ere 1 their Fifth Annual Circus and Car-. an additional 8,'!X)0,0b0 cubic feet of Naval T r a i n i n g Station," Gi eat Clare A. English Tel. DE. 1190
: ^ o r S l . S ; ? | n / i P P ^ I L 12 to .0 a t Mlewgan and fuel gas dially for operation of tlie Lakes, i U . H e states t h a t upon his
A p a r t m e n i DwiJ^fflerfii; V l t m u ^ ^ *
thehr iniCormal ^Hhitlatlotfi w^Ue MUltary avenues. plant as weU as increasing the daily return from leave he will be sent S/v^rtwvv^^vww^«w^vwvw«wvwv^ftMrt^^
Cotliagerii: there. -• . 0 -'-y ^
' ••. ""• •'.
Don Wilson who wrote the lyrics
yiel<l of the coki; ovens to 4,000 tons. to San Pedro, California, for d uty
. Ciity employetss who an; members aboard a warship. His •parents re-
and niusic, with Edward Bradley
Mr., and Mf#. Leo DuVall with of t h e American Legion or tlie side a t 5669 Calhoun Aven.ue.
their son and daugliter Travers and who wrote the story of Hollywood .Vetijraas of Foreign Wars have been
"Virginia are planning to spend the Bound came from Chicago to .wit- grinted permtsslon by t h e city
week-end in Lansing ami CadUlac. ness the play. •
a ^ " ^
Guide: "Wc are now passing ,the
coulncil to take time oft with pay Government Hotel where 51,000 g;lrls
If Ithey wlsii. to attend state oil live."
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gregory and Sailor: "Going my way?" national conventions, of t h e two Seaman: "What are we passing
children will spend the week-end In
North Branch.
Damsel: "No, I get a h a r p at the national organizations.
end of mine?" 'em for?" JUNIOR ORDER UNITED
•« tl I I l i l * • • • '»••« '» » « » " * • - . » • • • ' > • - • ;
.oA».>.«ini> '•'» i ^ i ' » • — " * *<••••••

Ordinance No. 102 DETROIT THEATRES • .
• i t « i » i t » i i i • • • •


Only native born citizens, 16 years old or over are
MICHIGAN a))Ultles, who, because of his \ix-
ORDINANCE, NUW^ER;'33, J OF THE CITY OF DEARBORN ci;ptional. manners, she nickna;:aes" eligible for membership.
George Brent and Anita Louise
THE CITY QP^DEARBORN,ORDAINS: are the stars ol the romantic action- "Kid Galahad". The picture folliiws ALL FORMER MEMBERS URGED TO ATTEND^
comedy "The Go-Getter", current Bette's Indirect managenKint of "-he
• Section r.lifiAt Sectiori;;5W.i- of ordinance 33 of tlie City of Dearborn K:id through mariy fights to a chi.m- MEETING- TUESDAY. JUNE 1, 8 P M . ^
is:hereby amended^to x e ^ / ^ _ f < ^ ^ ^ . screen aattraction
.^..reen a t the
u r a c « o « uu .... „Michigan„ . plonshlp battle, with a smashing
Kfvi-1. rtRKWTiAL Second floor — W e s t Dearbon,i , v-r
.504.1:; GENia^AL RTJLEi^PORi
RULEl^FQRi SIDE YARD WIDTH. I n a residence I thuatre. On the stageand in person ap illmax when the rival promblers
his.Radio <^-i
District-'there; a sldefyM^^ each side of every lot except a.* I fteirs Clyde Lucas (Bogart and Robinson finaUy se,,tle
1 2 1 4 8 Michigan A v e n u e
speclfled i n Section 504.3i" below.; The minimum width of any one side | n h y t h m orchestra, with 16 Melody matters. ' ' "
yard ShaU .beffour feet';,provided that one story buildings or one story Ijtars playing 70 different -- . . _instru-
ments. Featured Is Lynn Lucas,
projecttons m a y observe.;a 'mlnlriium side yard of three feet; pro?rtdied, Master &• Rollins, LilUan Carmen,
further, that buildlngs,.;on'iany-lot 35 feet or less Iri width may observe aEd Muriora. "The Go-Getter" finds
a minimum side,yard-^if.three.feet; and. the total width of both slide George; Brent cast as a romanUc
IlimiHIISHIBiaEBIItll i i D i i i H i i i i i i i i a i IDCBIU:! r

yards on any icrt;,shall'^riot be less.than:

..Twelve ,teet in .a";,ResIderice District. .. ,
• * • -. yC'Uhg ilian who couldn't be stopped , S3
3S'lb. Rail Rootlni, 11 « n
b y t h e poUce, a crashing Zeppelin
Ten f e e t i n a l i e s i d e n c e i B - District. or even an ocean i n his efforts t o
wiin the girl, who was equaUy per-
»«r 100 la. tt..v..;. •»*'*'
76-lb. 81«t«
Roofing '2.21IF ^-IMPROVEMENTS ^ c ^ r ^ m
dr«<I» of bioinas ara haimm
. .ElgOit feet''in; A-Residence C. or D. District. £ £ ON ALL BUILDINC NEEDSi NO OBLIGATIONS built yr'.th, STAN-STEE%.
Section^ 2. This, Ordinance shall take effect immediately upoh Its. sistent In saying "No". ttO'lb. lltx»»on 94 o n -
passage, pubUcatiqg^^, and .record ;as required by law.
Hollywood a t work, where all vis-
Dated: At the City br-Dfearbbrn, Wayne County, Michigan this 1911; itors <ire barred Is shown for
Atphan ShlnslM.... *•<»"»•
Waai Slilnoln, -ll fK SEE OUR SHOWROOM
day of May, A. D., 1937. first time to "A Star Ls Born" with TERNS OF HARDWOOD FLOOR,
Janet Giynor and Fredric March, FIREPLACES, STAIRS, ETC.
u fMyron A. Steyens^ record-brealclng natural color story,
vdth • glamorous Hollywood for Its
HundrMli o( eld htr-*
SIDII^^G A Viurdiitkik n i E l S to KacU Visitor

CityClerk bfickgroimd, is now showing a t tlie

In and about OtaUl
t t t bi^DB " d r i M t d a a '
•IththU n«w MdurliiB
MadtoDn theater. "The picture is tbie tidlnc. At i«r»rlilnaly • RafUeto-cmll . • BaUcan W o o l
story a t a >maU. town' girl who
low CMt you cm e«v«r SUMMER IBOTTieES
i!;onaes to Hollywood to face the od<ls
your hoffi* with-yovr
:el)oloo ot nny ono of ROCK w p o t I'LANS FOR SMALL HOMES
TJENNIS RACQUETS Mtny ottrootWo .. d«. S u m m t r • H*»t—^Wlnttr Cold atav
through tho wolU ol your hom*. Thlst
VUit our CotUc* and Sntall H t m *
of 100,000- to one and scales, the •Itnt.' It'wIII «ot rot, Dept. for (r*e o t i m a t o t , plan* dnd
RESTRUNC \ : t .helghta of sta.rdom, to find the price
bwn, ipllt Of (od* «nd
fMiiilrot no - palntlii*.
can • • • i l y a n d cheopl)- b« aUminatad
with ROCKWOOL iniuUtton. Easy
advic*. No obUxAtlon. Wo do kd-
vl»e you t o build now if you intond
Bring in .y.our racquets aad let of faifae a heavy 'one. The big sup- Ptt tauata to wv»r to apply.- Atiy ono can do i t . . .
to own
a amall liom* ot your .alam.
packod in handy 38-lb Q C -
us: make them' likeViie^/ Be portlctg cast includes Adolphe Men- •Mk*.. Por t a e k . . . . .'.T.f.. . . ; S'JJC PAIMT ^
Z or your cooking thU mmmer chocse ready for the Spring sekspn.' • jou, May Robsbni Andy Devlne and FIR PLYWOOD. Uaiat ta tha tinta H>
p a i n t , prataat.Jl»t>
Lionel Stander. ' . W tbl«k, MautifoUy trateed outor «nr/oe«*. Ttm-
WINDOW SOREEIfS S-ply, «ztr» attang. H M bnn-
drcdt of uaea. ^ ExctUent H* tlanaily a^vaitfaad'.
Sanding' Machines The inside of jDrofesisIonal fighting "Tho, licniMt ^Msoon £• hor*. J!qiilp maMna tar* ^ m l trlnkett.
IdMl for partHioM, etc..
par gal. . . .
« | A|;
. • •••'
li> small, c r a m p e d q u a r t e r s , c<K>kiiig i s a P'®**^**^ !'^^ WR RENT ^5 yottr homo itow, Whllo prtcoo- ^;ro i *t
-anicularlv d u r i n g t h e su^^'oer m o n t h s W h ^ a j ^ t v e • ••' • ' • - " : . .
hiahipulatloiis is revealed by Beti-.e
Davis, Edvi'ard G. .Robinson a n d
,.'•,• • ' ' •'^ '.fi'
lowatt. Order «owl Avoid th*;raiJiI
- . VH«M M 'itCkJ-
Larce «ta«a of tkit vcnecr,
nuiKtns from 4 foct by a
fett Uma. f a t A I L ^ MODERNIZE
u;u.. up the k i t S ^ e n so. q u i c k l y . B u t t h e r e is a cornf orU
ablo, convenient w a y o f . p r e p a n i M r m e a l s - a " ^ e t ^ ^
.; {Use theni^^by vthe day or
?.: hour..:TKieyiiwill. sSVe you.
Humphrey isbgart" as the stsu« of
->"kid-Galahad" now showing a t tlie
••-- low M . - ; . . . . . . , . ' • D o f C i ,
Bargains in Screen Dto;; r » •- •
M. ffcorty 4 / 2 C
O p e n D a l l y 7 ' A ; M. t o NOW
nuule tor oorder
cro>sded oms: f
DoUrlpt et of p lOe V E
" VN, ^-i^USAN,
f i f ^ f _*t hSe ^«e ^l «SJ «Co i ^ ^ n y - 1 i ^ ; - '""^'" '
,^^ '•'^
M^: tJnlted Artiijts theater. Robinson ;l8
(f»6t Al a p;rize-fi«ht promioter. witb.
Att. $l»aa ttttd,Stylaa—tram l!i^fiM C M

6 P..M. ;
Except S u n d t y r a h d Holidayt^

14201 Tiroman
c o k . For 2c it will c o o k a «>;«»I»¥« ' ? ^ ^ ; ! * J ^ ' ^ ^ ISltlsa r Davis; as the, lady, known 8* B*tw*«a Schaofor
XOl Eo*t Lincoln ' and GroonHold
of iNvo to ten p e o p l e - a n d i t o p e r a t e from « » / ^ l ^ J " ? * 'Hufl', and Humphrey Bogart ai^i
oiulot. No licat can escape A r 6 u ^ > ; i t « ^ « l « » j f j » ^ ^ CENERAL the'rlvtU. Xlfiblnson's fame as a;mari»
.asfcr of fighters appears t o be on
Avo.,. ^ o r a l O ^
Elmhurst e U O
Oraa«tt oaaa
After the cooking is fiBis^d^it . A l k e e p i o o d ^ w a n ^ ^ Royal Oak .03««
,, . Jdr'merlyNeuendOii's-V - '
liours. Itis ideal to c a r r y o n p i c n i c s : I t w d l W ^ r ^ j m -
plctc d i n n e r - t w o v e g c u i l e i , u ^ r o a » t , p o t a t o e s a n d gn^vy. Michigan at Oalcwood' ^ Tel. DE. 1172^
Uie. wane untU Bette Davis dis-
covers - a^hbtel^ bell-boy with flj,liic "
""17507 Van PlkMt;., MlWl^^f C?™**?!^ u.... P H ? ^ ri

i li;

yy- ,yyyy.:-y--^..j:.y • >>i;,---u> •^t

tf^JOb^ wss^
Se«tt, Mxs. MovA atmatitit'jmi M M .
Charles Balcer. y >^.' Blaze Perils.Waterfepnt of Samfrm4.sf?o S^MP/CORNER.
' l b s . lOearfci Nelson entcrta&Md
IN AND ABOUT liierrUienury/Chil^.atMMsr bebije
t p u n d a y evecdng. The'^pUi^call fitft

INKSTER v . . i m t ieeeidved; hy^Uxs. Jodepk l a i t r .

M I S . tba^^MotUbeae maia l a « I M « C
of t h e - p r o g r a n . DeUghtXul./nmslfiali {;;fMJt«iBie. a l j S O i ^ n PMtally :i.::r-jj. i
numbeni were i ^ \ e n by p i e ^ a d i s ^i^j^eaTliftt "Rwuiianian" >-.->,.',• ^1
CoUectOTi?4it^^lp: *twai»A aii!W^?93L • • ^ ^ ? fei

Mrs. Ellen i»arrlngton of AUce Bibbons alKi of Highland avenuf ^ ? - ' ' - y y '• :
spent the week-end,vlsitiiMrxelalIve« The Honenmkers <^if^ lall^ h a ^ e
raad. Dearborn, entertained the A Wieoer-^rout ilt the hoa)« of Mr.
Alpha Ladies Ciub at her home in Canada.
and Mrs. John Trimmer of VanBorn ^ ^ ^ a o n ' hx R«HimanU.J»fc^^ -,BOd€rn steamsh,,) i
Wednesday. Prizes were TCon by Mrs.^'GorSon Rassman -vrm enter-? ; ~ ^ d T n o t thinic of Roumania / a ^ r c h w i t Kiarine
tain the. Willing Workers d u b « t i rMid SatuiKia]'- evening. Ifr. M h n
Mrs. Harder, M r s . JKraus and Mrs. jXr»ariUmecouiiti3^.1»t:hMr»e*-| Dearbom st.,„p e,^
her hotne xuixk Tuesday Ior a n aU carlyle is i n charge of a r a m g e -
Grace Llnglnger. Guest prij'.e wasjj
received by Mrs. Lucie Black. day meeting. ments/ --y ; :«rte o n t h e lUaclf.-sen a x e ^ m ) » ^ Members of the
Mrs: Ma»eile>PB*ar%.iaMteftalned ' \J^>^lor t h e - > r ^ ^ ' G M a hiave
Mrs. C. G. Leadbetter has her Mrs. Lucile Chapman of ne«r her pedro club Tuesday.'Prizes "werit Aiir ' M a i l Societv
mother and sister, Mrs. Anne Lane Telegraph road entertaJne<:i her t o Mrg. \Caroi;m Heeren, KCrs. A i u - - T h e IL- 4 : i L jMuple 'hiuB a « t ^ - esthkjitton a t tht
«• and Miss, lAnc, from .Minneapolis, brWge club Thursday Jiftemocn. Une Shafer a n d Mrs. i d a Jones. i^Qg j>icture iat t h e Roum'utteL^^ab- -^flitel, S a t u r d a y , v.a
as her guests for two weelcs. Two tables were a t play with prizes Ifirs. R u t h Snyder :enl»rtcihied her
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Underwood of gotag -to MR;. Pearl Matthews;, Mrs. 19ee<&e Chib ;»t her home Friday.
H u m street celebrated their eigh- Ruth Lantj; and Mrs. Roj' KIcMul- Mrs. Snyder will entettahi i ^ x t F r i -
teenth wodding anniversary Satur- len. tlay evening iiaa, In honor of h e r
day evening. The evening -v/as apent Mr. and Mrs. Diclc Leich were house guest, Kirs. TSizabtfth Snyder,
in playing bxmco and cards. hosts t c their Pedro Club SaJiurday of Cleveland. ,.
Rev. and Mrs. James Dalton of night. • Mrs. Kate IKclfer will enteirtala
Stancorae, Michigan spent tlie Mrs. Edith Krouse -of VaoBom a t a famUy.'dlxifier in h e r Ixnne near
weeic-eiid with t h e latter's parents road will entertain the Round TaWe Middlebelt r « i d Saturday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Wood of Union Eirebosi ahown pouring water onto a pi€T in S a n Francisco durlng,,a mjstierious conBagrafion rocenlly-.
Troup a t her home next '.rhuxaday. markfeig h e r iWrthday ejnniversaiy.
F i r e m e n battled lhe stubborn flames lor seven hours hefore they hrought lhe ftre under^conteoL .ScvwsJ
boulevard. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klott:; have Covers will be laid Tor. 14 guests; • ships tied -up a t the pier were perUed by the blaze.which sent great^loudii.of blackiSmoke.billowmgrowi
Miss Ruby Stroh entertjiined for as their guests Mr. And S^trs. J o h n Mr. and Mrs. tDwen Watson of the bay; Eight firemeu were iujured and ninety-five were overcome-ortemporar.Uy 'bifaBied''by t u m e s .
thc pleasure of Miss l.Iarlan John- Klotts of Ck»lumbus. near VanBorn road entertained t h e
son, bride-elect, a t a dining room The W. R . C. Literary club will Good Time cUih a t their home S a t -
shower, a t her home Friday eve- meet in theb: club rooms Monday i iurday night. And Mrs. Mabel Clark con,»lation. the Dfltji Club a t her home Friclay < i > i i , , i « i » ; i i i • ' » « » I I , . » » o i o , ! * .
ning. evening. - ^ Mr. and Mrs. Harry lianders The D. O. S. Scxdety of Good afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brown of near
VanBom road, entertained their 500
The T a k o a-stitch club 'jvni meet entertained h e r Study 'Club af'their Cheer will have a get-together Sat-
nt the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Rau- home Friday evening.. unday evening, a t the home of Mr.
The Busy Bee TQnfltlng d u b will and Mrs. Donald Dawson of Tele- Reynolds a t their home "Saturday
MIore than twenty-five guests w-sre
ent(!rtalned by Mr. and Mrs. Louis SCOUT NEWS
Club Saturday evening. Ihigs Wednesday aftemoon: Dish
Mrs. Charles Brydon -wfll enter- towels are to be made for Miss meet a t t h e Tiome of Mrs. Thomas graph road: ^ evening 'tvhen they celebrated their
Matting Tuestlay, all day. Dlstriet Cewrt M Honor. — ITie raarine "Delfinurf;<Dolphin)'"emerg-|ed m a p *•: airnu-.i
tain her Quilting club at her home Ruth Smith, bride-elect. Mrs. Ruth Ronaersko -will onter- e n t h wedding anniversary.
Thursday -with an all day party, Miss Martha'Miller h a s retumed taln h e r euchre club a t her home Miss <}4venvere Bitner and Wil- thhrd lUfftaict Court of Honor for tng *rom beneath Jthe ^axtSKe of t h e ] United States al^^ao
The Charmers club wUl me<5t Prl-
t h e year •was held a t t h e Low rey^ ^ttack Sea.
M r and Mrs. Ralph Lester have day evening i n their club rooms. from cincinmitl, where she Tislted near VanBom road Tuesday after- liam Montgomery were married in , / \ ^**'^J ^^ ^*'as loane:- Mr. Wv
gone to Council Bluffs, Iowa, to a t - her cousin. noon. Bov/ling Green, Ohio, Tuesday. school, Prlday, May 21..At 7:30 p m.; ; A l t h o u ^ the Ismail jfeoumanlAnj Assistant Postma^i
Mr. and Mrs. John Pierce o!.' near
tend the wedding of Mr. Lester's Mr; a n d Mrs. Hary Yeatman have . M r . and Mrs. Charles Kendall Jos«jph Karmatm, of t h e advance- jiavy is -cc«npletely «p^to-date^ i n i T h e Dearbom si
Telc{jraph road will be hosti;.
sister. entertained with two parties »3om7 were hosts to their card club Fri- ment conjimlttee, presided a t the JiVery reelect, the" Rownaniaai naval •ducts I t s meetings i.-.: :; We,:;
A surprise' party was given in Hii» t •-<>-»- »•« « «i « i < « i i » i i i • 9 1 < " > -
Court; Merit badges 'were awarded '.•adetG, like those o f - m a n y ,;OtheiJ At 7 p . m . i n t h e C^ ,
Mrs. Elliabcth RlddeU has r e - pUmentlng their house guests, Mr. day evening.
honor of JMrs, R u t h Griffin a t her
t u m e d from Cincinnati. "R'hcre she
attended the wedding of her niece, homo on AiUddlebclt road Thursday
a n d Mrs. Danvood Yeatman of New
An enjoyable evening was spent
a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
The by CommLssioner Joe Mays a n d as- ; »untrie.% -receive tiieir first trainhig J ,Maple a v e n u e , oppr.
^ t ^ i n t commissioner Hans Ftedten. lm An oMfaj>hioned.- sailing; vessel'' p o s t ^ i c e . All m«'iu, ^> arc :^f«
Marian VanWormer. evening. Sta'.r.and ilife a-R'ards were :mad<! toy J.rtie traihing Iwlg: ^'Mlreear, p i c - and there are no dui
Mr. and Mrs. William Sparks and
lamlly. of Highland avenue, and
T h e Cum-Double Club held a p e - Holbrook Priday evening when the
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hutton enter- dro party a t tlie home of-Mr. and
tained their pedro club Friday eve- Mrs.Xaur5' of Johnson avenue, F r i - O. O. M. Society held their monthly
EIBRARYI district chairman Paul E. Johnston. f.trred on t h e 3L _|_ 2L ^ibloe, fcas
The Eagle award was presented] ';)06ition opened At noon .krsd ^doaed t r o
New Members: Leo B'-'.L-'CC!]
i t is a genci-al co;:,••:'.,):; -^^5
Mr.-;. Sparks' mothcr, Mrj. Willia ning. Prl;'>es went to MJ.'. Harold to scout l^arl Hogue of F5J 8 In a teatoredil colieofcs covers. Ruih: rd LO'.J.
day evening.
Mr. and Mi:s. WiUlam Lnwson of entertained the Jeffersonian Club
Gulley xoad entertained in honor <* at theh: home FHday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. HaTrison- Gilbert
TABLE- cereinony
F S 8.
h t i l p . m . ,The society ^ •'—•*
:his •e>AibItlon hi commenwrittton
iff t h e t e n t h Anniversary of Ltod
P a g e
Suites :
the .<-Ut;y.;,.> 0: ;;i«;
their hoose iniests, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Harry Orathers entertained Prom • A. spei:Iai'"a'ward for outstanding ?.ergh's famous'flltfht A c r o 8 s - « h « A t - . t e d S t a t e s a n d po.'v^c.-Mor.s.

Leo Perry of, Boston, Mass. Mr. and her Sewing Club al; her h<xne Prlday The Dearbom Public Lllwary ,ser,'ice vms made to assistant scout- t a n t l c . T h i r t y f r a m e s of cov^.'is a n d SalvettI and Stanford

DALY BROS ma;ster Roger Bowman. This a^mrd i^tamps wete ^displayed. An lU^mrinftt^^ lect United States •s'.n.p^i
^ 1 » ,».il.HI » « • i « , « i , » • ! • • • » ,» » » » . l » » » l
Mrs. Perry will r e t u r n tQ their home afteraoon. Faced by the necessity of finding
in Boston. Friday. The Garland Club will be guests, a life work as graduation draws wasi pres5n^.ed by commissioner "Wal-
The New lira,- cWb. -will sponsor of Mrs. William IJurkhrk Thursday near, Dearbom young folks will fhid ter H . Bell.

Funeral Directors
a dinner-dance a t their club Tooms| aftemocm.
Prlday. evening.
among l)ooks just added t o shelves ; The Winners d ' t h e District to'ioor^
Miss Ruth Roemer will be hostess of the Dearborn Public library, five Rally, a a d Swtmming Meet 'vere\
The U p . a n d At I t Stmday Scool to her friends a t an informal tea' volumes which ivill aid them in se- presente<l v?lth streamers. Mr. Itow
Class held their May party a t the Wednesday alternoon honoring her lecting their vocations and in ob- man preaented awards to Jwiiorl
+ + home of Mrs. Bessie Watnsigi.e, F r i - house guest. Miss Louise Hsjnilton tahilng the positions they seek. The Leaiders^ho recently completed thef
day evening. of Columhus. nev; Ixjcks a r e : How You Cari Get Junior Officers Training •Ooursrj. Awnings Optometrists
The Sisters of Good a i e e r will Mr. and Mrs. Charles Emei-y were a Job, by Gardiner; Vocations, In ; The. aUendance-banner i o r t h e
CHAPa AND CASKET DISPLAY 'ROOM meet with M r s . Rosa Hickman oif hosts Saturday evening tC' their Industrj', by Lane; Principles and Court was won by P S 14 of tSie
MlddlebeltTWvd Th-ursday afternoon pedro club.
- xmrrED -/CUSTOM • DR. G. D. ROWE
22273 MICHIGAN AVENUE Me'thodj; of Vocational Choice, by Henry lPV:»rd school wtth 39 present. A W l f f l N G S H O I ? .
for theh: bl-monthly p a r t y . Mr. a n d Mrs. iiuther Kean have Ottley; Choosing Your Life Work, . ^.nnual District Jamboree. — TIMJI opTOMiimasT
PHONE DEARBORN 1515 Mr. and Mi:s. Glen Brading spent J gone to Toiedo to attend liie wed- by Rosengarten; Chooshig a n Occu- annual district J[ambb«c and o u t " ! ^)earbora'fl Only ' A-vmlng Sboip
' S I M XKamined Glasses I
i S u n d a y ' ^ t h M r . Bradlog^s aaother ding of Mrs- Kea3.i's sister. 1 pation, by Ziegler. . . > doerr" rallj' held Saturday, M a y !!2 a t ?i MAWUPACTUREHiS O E
RESIDENCE PHONE 11n Pontiac. Marian Riley celebrated her ninth Otlier hew bodks added durihgr b e r t l s -Woods -was won by Troop AWNINGS—TENT&^OVERS 208-4 1st. Nat. Bank Blij.'
Mrs. Rebecca. Jones -wais hostess •birthday Saturday aftemoon with thC'-lasl; week-include: . "'^ ^ y.\
F S io 'o:r the Woodworth school, I9O6 SCHAEinERRIX ~ - G B : MO*
DEARBORN 0633 t o h e r bridge d a b Thursday -after- a circus party foi: eighteen friends.] ' FICTION '•'"' pbm'petltlon in cookhig and geaerai
noon. M r s . I « c y Morham re«5Clved| Thc Round Tfible of the ,,?EO Builders Osteopaths
camping was judged i n d e c i d i n i r t h 5 |
1 ftrst priae, Mrs. J o h n Rogers aecond Society of Wayne county will' meet Man Who Had Everyihihg, Br<Mn-
winner. 'The judges were: Joseph
At the home of IVIrs. M a b ; ! Caip:) field; Ciolden Spike. Dell; Thunder.
Fiiday afternoon. ' Dragon Gate, Mundy; Trusty Karmann,'Hans Predeen, Sevei-aincej C. F. GEEaENWALD
A farewell party was gl'/en for Knaves, Rhodes; EvMgreen Tree, Paiget a m ^ J b s e i ^ Mays. The troops Contnustor mnd JMUdcr . . . DR. F. f KRONMIV]
Miss Mabel Taylor by the members Taber; Judas Tree, Swanson; Tup- flhiShed iirith tlie following ixfints:

Services and ActivUiekin i of her Loyalty club Friday evening.
* Miss Taylor will spend the ;>ummer j
with h e r grandparents i n Calorkdo.
bulent Pendrayles,

Mcdem Siiort stories, Ashmun;- 22(i: F S 1-219Vi; P S 14—215; F S 6

r,- T S 10-265; P S B-^249%; Vl\ 3—1
24£i; F S 5-^240; F S 12—238; FS 1 3 ~ f
Remodeling a i ^ kinds.
Win sid In ttnmnctog
22611 Law ATjemn
O s t e o p a t h i c PhyslclaD
O t A r l n T h e a t r e Bulldli?
2 2 l « 2«lcailgan Ave. DEar,:

Dearhorn Churches Members of t h e Loj^l Friendship

Charles Sullivan Saturday evening.]


York Tribune
Sjjnday Scbool 'Class were enter- War, Ba«>hr; Letters to Susan, Ban- \ "".Che winner r/sceived a silver lov-
tained a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. ning; Introduction to Business Law, ing cup, '^'hich will be competed for
Cmise- of

t h e
the .'Civil

f-^:!14; F S > ~ 2 1 3 .

agiain n e ^ t year, a n d a blu£ and

Phozw DEsltyom -0979

Cem e nt ing
Oflfteopathlc Physldsju and
First Methoaist Emynanuel Evangolical The Hfl1y^Attian4:e Mrs. -Oscar Domblazer ent«srtalned Bullt-n; Commercial Law, Chamber-
go:id streamer which remains the Snrgeoas
Episcopal Church Lutheran Church Splrituolisf Chiu-ch the members of h e r 500 Club a t her lain;
home Thursday afternoon. Prizes tice, Dnvis; Rip Cord, O r a h a m ; New
SiUT^'eying: Theory and P r a c -
pa;rmanenl; possession of F S .10. R E AYRES .214 D e a r b o m B'OiWlng
Garrison and Mason Aves. 801 Military Avenue Knigbts of Dearborn HaH went to Mrs. Horace Cowen, Mrs. Rtiyininp Dictionary. Johnson; Vic-
Detroit Area Camporee.—All .Por<l- CEMENT WORK T e l e p h o n e DEarbom 10C9
GORDON PHILLIPS, REV. IL F. HENSICK, Pastor torious Living, Jones; Girls Who son district troops are registe:r<»d for
Calv,Ln Buildix)g Harold Brooks and Mrs. J a y North.
Minister t h e Detroit ^Vrea OounciU Camporee
Qermtin Service, fl:0O a, m. REV. CHAKLES D . GJUt?dUIJf, A miscellaneous shower wsis given Becanns Wi-lters, Kirkland. BXRr.POR will, fHumbing
Sunday, 9:30 a. m. Church EngUsh service, 11:0() a . r a . a t the home of Iilr. a n d Mis. John Maklni; Home Movies, Ottley; to be held, a t l=louge Park, Jiirte a, BASSaJOeaiT F L O O R S
Pasier 5 and 6. Tr<K>p F S 8 was the flrst
School for children and par- Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Bushnell, Saturdayj afterncon for Beekoeping. T>hillips, Practice of X^KtlMftes Fre« O. A:"HANKINS0N and(
Sunday Services 7:00' p. m. Mrs. Lester Perkins, a recerit bride. Printing, Polk; Children's Sleep, troop to havo i\s registration fee in.
ents of the little folk.s. ISummer Cjijn]|>.—The Fordsou Dis- 184« Giilley Road . 8anit«ry Engineen
Mrs. Pay Edwards a n d daughter; New Federal Organiza-
.,1 10:30 a. m. Nursery, Junior Special Anointing and Heal- Ruth, spent several days last week tion;;. Scl-imeckebler; Trees, Sheck- trict'summer camp will be oosi^cted DEarborn OSSS-W Heating — Plumbing
ing Service. with Mr. and Mrs. John Cutler 6f. ell; Real Estate Handbook, Snyder; near West IlTA-ach, Michigan, from
•it Church and Morning Wor- Doarhorn Free VentUating
The public is cordially i n - Chicago. Collcct^ed Poems and Plays, Tagore; June 28 to July 24. T h e caniptetg "Siffopractofs
ship. The last mentioned will Methodist M i s i i o n vited. Speaker — Rcv. Nina Helen Brown left Friday evening] Evircpe since 1789, Turner; Foun- program will be divided into two - . TWO Stores -
be in thc form of a Memorial Shaw. dry Work, Wendt; How to Use Your (2-week) iperlods. Applications are4 V.m^ I t t m i m m ' DEar. 0787
22632 Micihlgan Avtjnue to 'Visit her aunt, Mrs. Fayo Smith, 930 Street Pearl I
•;a Service. "Going Home" will be of Chicago. Candid Camera, West; World's being rapldi J' ireceived And indica- DILABBAmi:
rendered as a speciai number Conducted under t h e Lusipces Mrs. Robert Rice will entertain Gi-eat. Detective Stories, Wright. tions are tii At the enrollment in
of thc Wayne Free Meith. camp will be! the- largest ever aa- 4WI Phflcei
by the choir.
Churcll First #resbyi^eTi«in commodatid. T h e camp site eonsi.'its
11:45 a . m . Intermediate. KEV. L. L. KELLY, F w i e r of ;486 a,ca?es o r virgin woodland sur-
Senior and Adult sections of
the Church School.
7:30 p. m. Open-air Serviee
R(!gular services each Sunday
Sunday School a t 2:30 p . m.
rouriding iv lai-ge inland lakt;, and
the.cqopcnitloin oi-looal citla«ns
/avxtilable^ through
—^ C o m p l e t e Building 3en:i«'
Mason and Garrison ^ First claiis i»c>ij^ will Again spend
on thc church lawn sponsored
by tlie members of the Senior
Epworth League.
Worship service and Gospel
.sermon a t 3:30 p . a i .
Mr. W. J. Cameron •will d e -
liver t h e Memorial Day a d -
next Sunday a t .
) .
V .
K ify
PHOME "- r ^ ^ p ^ W ••—
A two -weeV;s camping period cti Isle
R<)yale in iUuSce Superior.
for .this pei'ioi are July 26 to .lug. 8
The daiies
TeL: DEarborn 0212
2228S Michignn Avenue

o'clock In the morning. New SMwts^—Francis <Br()wnie) i Paliriters^
y> Wednesday, 4 p. m. Prepar- -Ssducci an<i i:rfisUe H a u ^ of '.?S 12 J
Saerod Heart CInnxh EsUmftta I
atory Members Class for boys
and girls. 7:30 Midweek Dc- Micliigan a t Milltar3' B. H. WEHTIELD
St. taul's i u t h e r a n i E F O R E y o u imsure y^otir autoioobUe 1 P a r k a t Manlstipe
•votkoial Service and study
oourse in foreign missions.
8:30 p . m. Regular monthly
BJSV. A. X M . SHARn:, Piutor
Daily Mass: 8:00 A. m.
Sunday Masses: T'M, 8:46, B e e d i and Monroe
• this
w p r e
a e n t a
n e
t o
t h
m e u n
l u b
a '
Td biB lOpeJoi June 1
3M Detrett

al, Industrial ts^

meettnij of the Official Board. 10:30 artd 12:00. Asi; h i m t h e r a t e s . Aak hJ|?i i v h a t t h e n e t Manistiqtie.—Kltchi-tiki-pi, which B e r i d e n c e Cleaning
W, B. iSTOTD^ Paitor IS' t h e ; IndiaJii name for t h e Big J k l k W i
cost h a s b e e n on t h a t ca.«^ for those w h o j
T b e Cradle HoU meets Slitting !pf P;iJtins-Book state park, fitili. »-t8. l - i . So<ildin9
Thursdar s i t e m o o n ^ t 1:30. insured a y e a r a g o h e r e . A H t h i m a b c « t t h e j n<>ar here, • ".Istted bist summ er by
Christ Episcopal policy t h a t p a y s t h e full awflouiit carried in.: 50,000 tow.-ists, includtog several ..: / R i ^ J s t e r e d a n d Licensed
Baptbt C h i M ^ p e a r b o r n will be officially opened ^ » " " • " " ' . ' '*•"•••'
Church t b e policy i a c*»c of totaV:^^^. , ^ 2 - 24 H o u r Srnicc
J22S5 Michigan Ave.' Ni^wlin Road a t 01ms1«ad Ave. A d t hhi^ id)oat t h e d o z e i i * i ^ e r features of
f o r t h e 1937-iMjaspn June 1. ;|ELCX37nGAI« w e n : OCAWORN SODDING CO
I h i t c y G. SUccy, Reetor First Evangoliori Tlie siiring is famous for its clari-
IBAROLB C. BldMKffAIJ) t h e prtrtoction n o t uffOft'By p r o v i d e d in^ ty and^.depth.. Standing; on a raftl MSM BOXTAlOB
9:'l5 Chiurch ^School. Adult
Study Class. "Class study: PMior iwrdinary msurancfc. (^^ . ' . • • ./, ;; oil t h e surfaije of the sprinu, one . i M e v l i o n e : DEarbom ^ ^
•The.Nlcene Creed". IfTO Maaoii Bixvet c a n walcti-la^coiii descend t o ,3ie 1*. ML.
Suztdny M(Kiiii% V/orship— Aak h i m these qnestionn l>efore y o u insure bottom 50 feet below, where i t i i
11: Memorial Day Service. SEV. Du r . KmnMEKtlOcibtor
K>:30. The pastor will q ^ i l c on y o n r e a r n e x t t i m e . (If TPxi o w n a c o m - engulfed in. t h e b u l ^ ^ n g sand& I t Phofograpay
The George Haigh Corps W. auoday 23«hQo3, 10:90 a. in.
R. O. AuxUiary to the OAJA. Religion a n d I ^ e . McKiriiig vordiiv. 11 lu m. nuarcial car a s k h i m a l w i i t t h e injiuranco is estimateci t h a t thousands of .dol-
P h o n e O R e g o n 3215
will attend the service i n m e - . K. 1^ a - T L , «:30 p . i n . ^eirvices t o commercial caa- owners t h a t 'lArs Iwye- Ij&Miii^iittorora'-•i n t o nhe
mcjrj of Captain George Wil- - Sandny Scbool—11:45. Mr. lOdwedc ttrvice, 7:10' % r i n g ; ^ ci|idotH..vikton *, FIRB
provides insuranoe a t <»**?)<' /
liam Haigh. O. E. Hitt, eupCTlutendent. Evening ^eiylce, 7:30 p . at. V A m < ^ tJi^^Mii^ta^of^Decibom
who last yeA'r'!x»velled t o M i n i s - ilEOTOS INSjmANCB SMITW STUDIO
'.Oie Children's Choir wlU Senior B . Y. P.-U. aiid Inter-
ste«. ti<iue t o -vlsfet Kitiaji-tlkl-pl, '^wfire i .Tctfr t l M , d I d n i b b l e A«feo« C o m m e r c i a l Photograph
Hiedlate 3 . Y. P . cr.—6:3p.
• tihe following: Frank. And A. viaaie- 4514 k o k r E AVENUt
Evening Service—7:30. T h e
D e t r o i t Aufoiimolbilc •peiuci^ .Mr"liai>d Mr»;-^P.^Mponp]itr.
FitTRt Church of Christ e'dd FeUows a n d Re>>efc%hs of H n t W>||HKW -: " " l l t t t c T ' I i i M i n m c c 111 axid^Mrs: Orilgowiy E«per/:Earl O a -
m SciemHst Dearbom will attend tha eve- Amnu!ya4n-fmti) Skboey D . V a W t i o , j S i w a r d ] ^ | E h j » c ' sahl,;^^'::ikn;i^ itaL^ >I«n^, lOarold BuftiiMfts Stati
Luthftrmi d i u r c h 'FiirrliQ, Eliznibt^h Mttehell, Ld.rnine
Reading Room: 2 l l Manu- nhig serviee i n a body. T h e -^ • ';•' W m C . B « k i a * | t d t .' . ' : , ^'" / • ' "^;
facturers National Bank Bldg. I h r e c Linlcs in a Wt«9d Wide MitcheU; Ars.; 1 3 k * LUJegreB;: M r .
Ojien dally e:<cept Sunday Chain is t h e s o n w i xn'bjeci. aikl Mrs. C. IS. O a * . Mr.;an<:i:Mrs.
and hoUdays. Music for t h e aervke ivtSI I M V X V , GExmsK 1. iaanam. •Harry W i l ^ d i / r ^ - I^KI^^^ Mrs. WOUun ^^ysmkiKBsk -r. AiDVHElTlSlKG
Servicei: famished by t h e ctaaruB i^botr. At AwtonMbile Cl««i.^prMlcliiaiii v . J B*>eller, ,OUiii3^*''"V»aiyiIut, Lee ';Oayis, IJOM •f.BeasonaWe P^-
3imday, 11:00 fi. m. We wckxHoc the nam Aeivt M I 4 L<)lltA . B s i ^ d l i a ^ 'f]^. a n d M m. D.
i l u i i a y mccidng «nrvilee 11:00. .:•,: -y,- - • ' . J L . B . Heeren, I M l g r ; ' ' . ' ; . . " ' ; . •• : / call
Sunday School. 9:30 tfiends of theTtOOP J a i 1015 ii*. l i r a r o e B l v i . ; DeailJotnllJti;;., Sl^^fiidtfaliiOEi,^ U r : and Mro. jrnfilr
Wednesday, 8 p . m. t'ae Rebekah Lodge Vft. l i c ^ ' T b o n w i S o i i ' a n d ' d a t i g h t e r •( - - ••-•DBteborn 0400
aans-iaidflktii A: r.« t ' JgtXSK&ttS PRESS
mmmmmi^mmmmmamut -i
m *# ^ t*. Av- *•• # \ .

'-y^^^' .*-!•'.-• y ::^i\:^y^y'y^:' . ' M ' - " ' ' ' - ' " - ' - y -,-' .'-'v - -

-" .. ,;v •

'Ml; , V * - • '
I ,



' Balanc<Kl pcvwer-spscd -when It's S>6«rborn| Star Loses Biit 4 Camet In Maf«h P3ay;
pngridge of Schmiclts .JuStjMi^sei^^ No-^Hii needed. I t sounds like a n automor
biie ad- Ill»t it/s a description of the i FerndlBle Runfiers-ui> Ifi Meet
Gam3; Rusty and Sam [ ) i t o AC Universit;/ of Michigan tjrac^ team
f hich S^ti;:rd{iy staged' a convincing V«th cap Vin Don Eschelbacli but four games in four matches.
dclmonstr£ition that i t is t h e iiest in Wlnnpr of !.;hP ^eglQn^l^ singles He won five love sets out of t h e
playing o n F o r ^ ^ o n F i e l d f e f i ^ n t . t p , / c ^ w i t h it a jinx ^ Ipng liilj qt winnlnu track teams. champlonshi • and thc doubles team eight he played and won.
,lhe c h a m p i o n M o « | i ^ C t < ^ i n y ' ) r b r ' n < ^ ; M i a » o n i n p a r t i c u l a r . Wit-h Cap t.B. Osgood selling over the ccmposed of i ledley Stacey and Don I n the flrst round h e raet Steve
nd Sunday, t h e jins^ i ^ i | s w p r k i n g a » u a u a l w i t h t h e r c a u l l i hurdles \tn a soggy path in new Dapprich ns-flnnllsts. the Dearborn Weslowskl and e ^ i l y conquerod h i m
„l, despite e x c e U ^ l i V p i ^ l ^ i n g o n t h ^ p a r t o f C y e r s , t h e woyld record tlraie; with Bill Watson High tennis iteam under the guijj- 6=0, 6=0. | n t h e quarter {Jn^^^s, h e
jy c h a m p i o n * b o i w e d ^9. t h e K e y e s C l u b , 1 t o 6 . „ . tqsslng th'2 lead pellet to a new con- ance of Coacs. Jack Rabe,-'c^me back defeated Haughton e-2.. ^-0. a n d in
ference record; with Sani Stoller frcm Ann AJbor Tuesday with tlie. the semi-flnals he duplicated h i s
y ; t h a l l d u e re»pe)Pt t o ^ / t h e p e v a i f t e n t j i n x w h i c h h a * streaking along t h e jjoakcd cinders
Jlowed t h e M o o s e i n a l l t h e i r f a m e s , t h i s y e f i r , i t m u s t regionals t e a n championship. . f e a t of two weeks ftgp and defeatwl
to a niark of 0.8 In the hundred and
Jjaid t h a t M i n s o l l o f t h e K e y e s h a d c o n s i d e r a b l e t o ^ Q The Pioneers gathered IQ.points, I Roy L ^ a r Qf River Rouge 6-1, 6-1.
with'Walson back again to -leap
Ferndale cni-:e in second with IV*', He won the championship by troun-
ith the vi';t;ory o f h i s t e a m . - ' a s , h e h a d t h e M o o s e s l u g g e r s further than any one else and hurl
River Rouge; also a member of the cing Showlpr, Ann Arbor's reprcsen-
jiulculTtHl a n d t h e y g o t b i i t - t h r e e h i t s . ' the {UscuK the greatest distance, the
Twin Valley'; League, finished third, tatlvoj 6-p, 6-0."
Cyor.>< h n l d t h e K e y e s H i t l e . s s / u n t i l t h e a e v e n t h i n n i n g team. In tiie Western Conference Dsarl^pm's other singles reprpsen-
followed by <' nn Arbor. Pontiac, ani^>
jjjnOickif slimmed-out a'double.S)'" meet served notice that the Pacific
Jaclwon In o^der. The Dearborn and tatlve, Haydon Hayes, drcpped " a
Ki;h wenc for naugl^t; I t was i i ^ BOX, SCORES Coast Is up against a tough asslgn- Pern-dale tca!is arc the only cllglb^ hard r fought contest In t h e first
ilil fnc nitvii that-the.gamo.-was
jiVri In that inning 9 s ^ s . . r e - ,
jd proclor making inini ji^f\ Aa Pingston c ..
Jrt. Dickey drew^ 1^/Valk.' Gallo Davis 2b ......
• AB R H E
2 0 1 0
.....3 0 0 0
Carl Hubbel, star- pitcher ;of tl)e New York Giants,. showa-receiving MUNGO HAD l'£ COMING
I menr, In Selecting a team that can
humble the Maize and Blue.
• •

Mickey C<>cl:ir-ane, dynamic

teains to conipete In the Stato tour-! round, after three sets, to his o p -
nament Friday, a t Ann Arbor.
The star 0; tournament w ^ Dom
Esplieltiach, .who played brilliant
ponent from B'crndale, 3-6, 8-6 and
The Dearborn doubles team t
h at
|Ied .ind Dlckoy. went t o ' t l i i r d . Starck If ...... 4 0 Q 0
the silver plaque annually awarded to! t h e . m o s t valuable placer: in leader c i ' the Dp jiroit Tiger's U^s tenuis troug'out the day and lost went to thp ^eml-flnals, Stacey and
over got !i Jvit'^and I)ic)ccy scored Nowak l b .. 4 0 1 0 Voji Llagle Mungo's disregard of
the National leagues,-recently, at the Polo Gy-fiunds, New Yorl*. J | m m y training and early morning brawl critically Injured iii^d battling for Dapprich, defeated Sandwald a n d
Iji tlic wi-,inUig run- Morenz cf .. 4 0 0 0 his very life In a New York hospital Hewma^i pf Jaclfson 6-1. 6-0 In t h e
Dawson, left, president of the Besetiajl Writer^ i^ssoclatipn, n^akes^^ with his '.u^am-mate got hl"^ a •'vell-
Each tf^'ni made three errors, IClmble ss .. .....3 0 0 1 presentatiou. . - * .'_ •"-•'•;'}•. as tiie resiilt of b c ^ f struck below first round and In the quarter finals
ce o t whhh had a n y effect on ^lexmy 3b •:.•
.'jSrlng. It was a great gnmb llomas rf ...
3 0 P 0
...:.3 0 0 1
de^e'rved If heavy fine of $1,000. It's
only fair "that 'when a baseball pl?iyer
Is draxying down big money because
t h e
tem})lp ,by
a "iiailer»'
c, legion
Fdrdsbn Twelfth won
over Black and Rossman, 6^3,
I n the semi-finals they beat
victory was fairly earned by Cyeri^ p ,.,..., 3 0 1 1
t Keyes toom. Nevertheless, t h e
oose maintam they, cannot be^t 29 0 3 3 Shores Cafe of his ability, t h a t he should dc» the
best he can to keep In condition to
faps and
hop? t
h a t lie
wi'i In liitate Meet Beach
but lost
and Dart of Pontine 6-3, 6-3,
In a hard-fought, three-set
cj^rn his pay and avoid tlie kind of again be seen, a s above; donning finals, 7-5, 6-8 and 2-6. T h e other
]lnx nnd iire promising a wiri-
ng streak .starting next Sunday Grebeck cf .
i<n they I'lny on Pord Field,- Kinael ss —
3 0 0 0
4 0 1 2
City trouble that might ruin his career.
It's altogether too common nn oc-
Mickey's Oeiiirborni High Qlanke^ In KlfKik and Don Reed defeatpd H05-
doubles team composed of Walter

currence for blg-tlmc players to bedside is that he is improving, but Ti'ack E'ient at Lansing jtins and Lpwnley of Jackspn 6-0.
n the game nt Chrysler Pield be- Bom 2b 4 0 0 0
scoft a t the rules t h a t govern oi:hers whether h e will ever don mask and C-l after which they werp defeated
e«n tlie Pcnmldt Brewing fmd ihfi Auperko 3b . 4 '0 0 1 The Shores Cafe ;5Qftball; t^am Evangelical church 10 and O.?;:- protectors again .remains in doubt.
fjclub. Longridge of t h e Schmidt Proctor l b ... 3 0 0 0 retained t h e le^d In tl^e • r.---.---ir.: ^ ^ ^ schedule for tonight's'games and a fev; more good stiff fines such Wwining tjit two second places, by Pevy and Phillips of River R o u r
city league as Grimes handed Mungo—might the Fordson' track team took ten 6-4, e-2. .'>•
a heUl tlM: Boys club hitless until Dickey c 3 1 1 0 by defeating t h e St, Alphon.sus GYQ Is:-Boys Olub and Dearborn Merr
make them realize that they owe poin'ts to plaie twelfth In the state
ninth when Strach, first m a n Oallo rf ....... 3 0 1 0 team 6-0 a t Pord Field, Monday chftntp • s^t Pqrdsciii high diamond, the ball club something more than
got tic only h i t of t h e g^me Glover If 4 0 1 0 night. ftnd LleMolay vs. isyangellcai church WET GROUNDS HALT hlgti school l^-ack championships a t
the Lev.? Club. B u t It didn't Minsoll p ... 3 0 1 0 The Wildcats dropped t h e ' Mtt. fit-^Pord Pieid.-
mere wecirlng of a uniform. East; Lansinj; Saturday. The Dear- BASEBAU TOURNEY
in i\nyth!r»g except to spoil a n p - Olivet team t o the cellar with' the WilYNE HECORD GOOD
• 'OLD^TiMIERS'GAME borri high scliool team was aisb rep-
resented In t;ie meet but due to In-^ D.^TES ANNQUNCED
gamo for Lengrldge. 31 1 5 3 DeMolay club when they tfefeatJi^ ^TANlE^INCjS
In winning ten matches and losing Wet grounds, da;i gerous t o Uio ability to c')mpete with class A
Meantime the Schmldtjs h ^ d been Moose ....,...., pop QOO 000-0 3 3 the church team by the score of W L . Pctg. Announcement t h a t t h e state
graying, spavined oklsters who make tpains failed;to gain a single point. baseball tournament would be held
cumulating 3 runs, two in t h e Keyes .;.., ..I pop OOP ooi-l 5 3 12 to i. I t was a great d a y for' tlie Boys , Clu^ • 2 P lOOQ but two, "Wayne University is having
UQ t h e various teams, Resulted In
lond and one In the sixth inning Umpire—Plots. " ' Wildcat batsman ahd they h a d llttlfl Shores Cafe .2 0 1000 one of its most successful tennis I'he two -/Inners from Povd.son In Battie Creek, Septernber 3, 4,''5
season in'the school's history. Seven calling off of games scheduled for were Eddie r ra.-jg and George Klein,
av up the game. Lovrekovich SCHMIDT BREWING trouble In -wlnnliig. The Royals, ^ Q Y 6 :..^..,....v - - v : 1 0 1000 and 6, concluding on La^or Day was
of these ten matches were shutouts, the opening of tho Old 'Timei's Soft- Dragg place*:' second to Tykockl pf
iched for the Boys club. Both ' AB R H E new team in tlie' league, -diifeate^ -^jYftligeJiRfil. Qhurch ....1 1 50Q made by Henry p . Schubert. Deajr-
and the three remaining were 6-1. bail League seasori V/ednesday night. Laasing Oen a a l in the broad jumP:
played errorless ball. Oogola rf 4 0 0 0 the Indians, another newcomer lb-2j' b . Merchants .........I 1 ••ipq born recreation superin tendent u p -
University of South Carolina, Geor- RQluctantly the graybeards felt gin- Tykocki's ley p - w a s 22 feet and 9
e Rmty and Sam tef\m, making g, Howell If .......................7.....4 1 0 ^ 0 I n last Thursday's games,- t h a Wildcat?! ;".....6 1 pop gia, Alabama, Tennessee, Birming- gerly of the khi'ks In tlieip backs, Inches. Klelrj placed second to Mil- on his return t^om thp National
2 Recreation congress In Atlanttc
lrflrs(start of the season against aelgerich cf •"•••."•••4. 0 I ' o Boys Club dpfejited t]ne WU^pJlts ^ Mt. olivet .....,.....:./•..-P ..Ppq
ham, and. other prominent southern tested the twinges in rheumatic ler of Gran-;, Rapids. Creston, whp City. Dates wero annpunced a t the
Smith AO at Ford Pield, served Thurston 3b .......3 0 0 0 and 2 and Shores Cafe.sw^mnptl-tha De Molay ........,..'......,.p 2 , O O P
colleges were among the Tartar's limbs and decided l.hey would have juniped 5 f-'et; 8 Ms hiciies to win congress.
;e that .they have considerable Wolak 2b :..... ....'.:.:.:......4 1 1 0
victims, "irhey have yet to play eight to wait anqther ^veolc and for drier the high jun.p.
ngth.when thoy took their o p - Roche 8s .;...:... 4 1 1 0 Last year the Moose team, cham-
more matches to complete their weather before cavorting on the ; The star ; f the meet proved to
pions of the city Icr^gue, were e n -
in',* Into oamp by t h e score of B. Howell l b ...........~'..:.ri..4. 0 1 0
3. Tho Rwsty and Sam aggrega- ;B. Korte c ............;:.;.;;^...:^..4 0 2 0 Schaefer 3,b ..'.............:r-rv5 .1 .0 .p
^ AB R H ^
Shikina Meets Curnf season. Some of the.'je are Ypsilanti diamonds.
Normal, .Iklblon, Michigan State, and
be Perry M^^on of J^onvoe, -whq tered in the tQurnament from Deair-
But next We^Oft^'^ftyi 99^^? 8 ^ ^ helped his te -.m ^ i n the state cham-. born and despite a poor start this
jlammed out 11 hits from t h e Longridge p
'rtriejj of Soldtn while Katone^
:.\.,.,A 0 0 0 Sikorski l b
Dudas rf
,....; 5 r Jl
,...,. .,.....,...,..4 ;2 . 1 :
On Nival Western. State Teachers, all Michi-? weather.and dry fluids, t h e oldsters pionship by setting a new state
gan" ^Schools.
yoar, the tea mis confident t h a t
will totter to the -b{iU parjcs to show record in th; 220 yard low hurdles", they will again represent tho city
Pramlck were*^ holding the * ' '" T" " -•'.^ ^ 3 5 3 6 0 Wagerson c ...&, 1 \ Oki ShiHlna, .japanp^e hfiayy-
the sprier younij,3ters" t h a t there's Ho was clocr cd In :22.a seconds for In the .state tournament. r
I nlne^ to 8 hits. The Smith, BOYS CLUB Du Pont cf .....,., V--S P 3 walght grappler, wi\l face B\ill qur-:
HERE'S A PUZZLER life in Ih' old .lT(a,r^..J^|^t^" Games to the only .n<:>v record of the;,day,
played somewhat raggedly, E ; Venoeloy Of/..,.. ...; 4 O O P Warsaw if -.•--.2 l . i ryi .twp-flsted -Ya.nke^! l^'s^drmaiir, in On hj^ trip .to Atlantic City. Mr. I!(T
The Dotroit Racing Associatipn Is be played a r 6 ' PheYps-Colllhs post Saginaw AQ. shed lp scconi place.
M 4 errors of which two were Strach 2h ".,...„.•...?....:....'..'. 4 0 1 0 Zberkot. IX. >>^V»^**"^** v i * ^ * " .^P...i) J ) . •i^he fe^tuj-c Tyrestiing event a t N^Val Schubert-was accompanied by Thad •
a^ioutrlo open t h e spring'meet eft; v?. City Emplpy§<5.5 a t ^ q r d s o n High; Just ono point behlnd^^ tjie .IMonroe
to Padolowltch, shortstop. s.,Kres5-sarr...r..™..;:i^:'....:.':4*-'o' 0 0 Hegadus ss .)A P .,0 ArmoJ^y tpplght. I|l8x M^nin, prpqn- Meon, member of t h e recreation..
in'g| N e ^ York heavyweight,.VWiU the Pair. Grounds. I> will be a good Fort Dearborti ' p e s t ^<vs. Exchangd team. MMsl egpn Hejghts^,-plgccd ccn^mls.slpn and CpunP^hnan Cas- '
Wirday tho Moose- will play Nicholas ifc ^'..!...-.>.l.....l 13 0 0 0 HamUton 2b. .......vv^ V \ - club at FQrh*Preld;'^Alps'Oafe vs. third.
Bo,v5Club at Pord Field, Keyes J. Kress .:1b 1 0 0 p Katona p tang: •> with Hi\me'i Chacoma,. . o | year ,:with many ol: t h e country's par- B. Hughes. Also present from
-. • . ^ 1 ; l best'hpi SCS in the races. The mutuel Brennan Service a t Lpwrey flpld;
oppose Smjtli AC %\ Ohrygley M. V!§ncel,ov If .....4 0 0 0 Pramlck p .1. MexlpQ, in thp ^enii-flnfil. Alpj^ ,Kft- 5?8ai;born a t t b e congress was Mlsi
,...:. ...2, q I s.ftbos)ti, ;thp "?nt,iie?s :PQle".,^iU tSce window» will be open every day. Bets i Auburn Cleaners ^'?.'. Firefighters a t Mal-g^ret Pckh^Ed of the Agrlcultur- '
d ar,d Schmidt Breiylnjf a n d \ h e H a m d e n 3b ,.••••.•••,••.••••-2 0 0 0 will be made, men will win, others Lowrey field; i'iremen vs. E*ast K l - HAVE S<->FT-BALL.LE/VGUE
p^tp §h«rm^n of ,TeX!^ while ^Tp^nr' al Extension service.
'•) and Sam team will meet a t MlJclch'rf ..:. .'. .>.'..3 0 0 0 3« .8 11 1 ^^'111 loo!;e; this wagering Is legal b y ' wanis a t Pprd^sn Hlg^i Field near Wayne C<-mty employees have 4
ny'-'Ra^" Silvy "of iramjlton, Ont.,
n hi^h field. All games will Lovrekovich p ........„....l 0 0 0 soft-ball leai/.-ue. All coupty depart-^
S. Vencelov 0 ..».....^...'....I....3 0 0 0 SMITH A e fpces Tony Martjr^l of Italy in pne- state-law. At the same time these the tennis courts.
at 2:30 p. m. horses arp running, men who are Games will start; a t 6:3p^p. m. and ments have i. team entered a n d tiie
A. Marthi 2b .,'.;. ...;.........5 0 a
23 0 1 0 J. Martin c .5 1 1
fall bouts.'
not forturiate enough to be a t the cphtinue nine :innlngs or imtil t h e competition,is
ball-players on
stiff. There are many
the county payroll,
AINrtson Pitche$
lENcixG TOVHNI;Y O N t,T^ck pr who can't affprd a two-, oldsters r u n out of wind.
dinners In fencing toiurnamenls Schmidt
Boys Club
Brew'g p2Q
001 000-3 5 0 J. Henry l b
POP POO-0 1 0 Sicnkcrilc 3b .
;3 1 1-
.4 0 p GETS FOOTBALL AWARD' dollar b(!t, the minimum a t t h e former pros- semi-pros, and fast Pearborn To Victory
;uiprogros.s for men and women —r ;...>......4 . * • - - '.,..,. track, v/lll be In "bookies" betting company air Ateurs. At this time th6 By allowing but two hits, a n d :
Umpire—Kaufman. Oierplk cf 0 p auditors lea l t h e league.
[Wayne university -wHl receive i n - 4 1 2 Award of the annual spring ?opt- the same races. They will be bet- holding his foos to one r u n . Bob
awards at t h e conclusion of
Padolowlch .ss
Flaherty If .,A . 0 2
Joe Qem-
lll(;gally by
It's a
BASEBALL 'Albertson, who plays outfleld for -.
bouts June 1. T h e awards ai"e 4 0 0 the Pioneers when not pitchihg, >
W L Pctg. Richards rf quarterbacl?, fpr being W^yne l^ni- in one part of town and outlawed A s It SHOMM Be carried his team to a 3 and i victory •
arm bands with' superimposed
.words. Coach BeJa do TMS-
Schmidt Brewing 3 0
1000 Soldan p
...:.... 4 P p versity's mps^ outstanding varsity In anotncr. ^^liayed From Sporty -} over Wftyne high sehpol Prlday af- >
and hl.s wife, Joanna de T u s - Keyes .•.••2
0 29 3 8
prpsppcV "for t)ie coniing football • ^i: f t e r n o o n a t |^prd Field.
:i3t!oiial fenping champion and I|usty
tplcs contender, will referee. JBoys' Club .';....
333 Rusty & Sam 201 500 000-8. l i
^epispn.' Gy'ilUP Is a, .triple-threat BITSY FACES TEST
ifiign and xya? named all-city q^iiar- WHETHER Bryan "Bitsy" Grant
Intervie'winff J'ohn Kobs, varsity Cirabj B?i9 • ^ ^ his
wiiile Albertson was turning i n .
stellar, performance, his team-
2 000 Sniith A O ....210 000 000-3 ' 8 baseball c^ach a t Michigan REX MAVS of Glendale, Calif.,
women a n 4 25 men ^re' Moo^e r"~-v- P
000 Umpire—Mordes
terback {iiu-lng his prep school ^days ijpsetter pf champions Is to be In- State College, by ^ a x Henkel, eslablished a ncw world record
mates cpilpcted seve"h hits off Ver; ^
3 as a Chadsey High school player. cluded on t h e 1937 Davis Cup team
sting. ; •' '• iai»«th A c..;.. 0 flrst iitritig pitcher. Pin^t of ^ for ihe hirjf-mile dirt track in
nler to score three runs. Had Al-
of the United States will be deter- iieries of six articles. ber^pn not ppmrnltted a balk, it is
mined by his showing in the zone Chicago. iMs time was 25.71 scc-
very prpbablp lie would have pitched
play with the Australian team on ontls, bcttiring the old mark of
"Much Is suid concerning the his second shut-out in as many
Saturday. Grant who h a s been r e - human interetst side of baseball and 25.U0 ma^ ! last year by Ben'
starts. I n the seventh inning, Bo|r-
fused naembcrshlp on the Davis Cup major league competition, yet little Shaw. . . . Cy Pflrnian, former
man grounded out to flrst, WUUams
team 'for 'several years, h a s a n an-, has been said, or done to encourage bastball u:tnp!re in ihc Nalional
repeated this act. Vernier then.'.
npylng habit of bobbing up tp and act-ually teach youngsters the Le:i|rue, died a t Nev/ Qdeanis
walked, and Temple, who was plnch-
humble lhe men -v/ho have been flne points pf America's national tho other ; Jay. . . . CorneUus J.
hlttlng for Brown, singled to r i g h t . ;
ranked ahead of him. At his best game." liiaf- Is the opinion of John Waiter, f«;.)tball tackle, won the
field .sending Vernier to third from-
he is capable of defeating ^ny mem- Kobs, head Ipaseball coach a t Mlch-r lev; i Wes: jrn Conference medal
where he scored for Wayne's only;;
ber of the squad. Everi Budge a n d Igan State college. for, excellence in scholarship
run when Bob committed a balk.
Mako, .sure choices for' the doubles an«! athkvics. . . . After two
"Aspirants desiring to play pro Brehmpr then ended t h e game b y ^
team arc never sure they can beat yea,:; of e:--Istence as an informal
ball have Ut tr^ln themselves, and grounding to shortstop. ;|!:
him In singles play. The choice this act'rity p:;i t h e WajTiq Univpr-
though experlpnce Is by far t h e sHj camp; IS, fencing h a s been The Dearhorn boys collected twd "
year lle^ between C'trant and Frank tallies in t h e fourth inning and t h e
best teacher,' It .should be supplpr maJii s^ •'iirsity sport. Bpla d,*
Parker and Saturds.y's play \vlll teli other r u n in the sixth.
mented by a little expert advice and Tuaiap, fa;no^s European cham-
the stpry. The Wayne aggregation came |:jJ ;
instruction," says kobs. pion, is coi,ching thp sport. . . •
He h a s mi2t with great success a t Many of Uhe countf-y's leading Dearborn confldent of an easy vi(:V
State, where h e been hea4 stables wl;'. compcto a t t h s De- tory, due to their defeat of Fordson
high a wcek previous, but t h e Pio-
Flying Frenchman coach of liaii^baU and assistant
coach of footbaU durhig his 13 years
troit Fair; Grounds this year.
Amimg t;,icm are t h e Alfrer, neers played heads u p baspbaU- ,y
at the cpllege'. At the regxiest of Dot'tre, Na-in apd Bomar stables. -The Pioneer batsmen did excel- ;2
Raturns To Arena college officials, he h a s assisted In
preparing Initial Instruction In thp
. . . Duriji'r the World War, t h e
basi!l>aU t<»m of t h e V. S. S.
wprk with honors taken' by.;.
a n d Fitzpatrick.
Maurice LaGhap<jlle, t h e Plying dlftrnpnd garn<!. Five sijcceedlng a r - Peitrisylvaijia won the champion-
Frenchmen who challenges for t h e ticles wiu conjsern pitching, batthig; shlj» of tlii Asiatic Fleet. Prac-
Ught-henvy title, will be back again infleld play, outfleld piay and catch-
next r t i d a y evening a t the Dear- ing.
tically Ihcvpntire B^st^n BediSei^
team was'wearing t h e uniform
BeUeville Hurler
born Arena. He wllL meet Mike Cha-;
coma, the rough Mexiciin. This will
"The gret.t recmlslte pf baseball," of 'lie shl;r. • . . Tony Gunisjul, BlanM Wyan^Qtt^ .V

be t h e l:>esl; two out of three falls,

says K:obis, "is relaxation. You have
all seen majoi- league pitchers 'who
BroMiis' »;cond s t r i n g ' eatcfxer,
has been iveleased to t h e P a U ^ Ray Pyle scored t h e flrst shutout'? i'
one hpu!.' time limit. club of tl'«e Texas LeagVPf Qen of the season in the Miehigan Inter^-^
Just 'cffuldn't -work under fhre.^ And county league when he blanked'"'
Stanley Buresh, the Australian Hull'man, i l rookie will stay in
the shortstop" who 'couldn't stop- a Wyandotte in thp opening game a t \ .
k a n g ^ p o kicker, will nieet Nick his jtlacc. ; . . Gene Sar»ien and
groundi ball fpr t h e life of hhn when Garden City last Sunday. Pyle was ^
JElitch, utrapiJlng Jugp Slav, In the Oil) I Dutr.;. are i h e farwites for
the going iv£|s tough'. ThPse men ably suppprted by his teammates'.,
seml-fljiai rvlilch also Is t o be .a twp the third .annual Invemests in-
are exampleji.qf persons Iji-cklng
i n thren fails mati;h.
relaxation, loosenpss and emotional vita f,|on Wv itch play ti^irn^y, , . . who did not make h n error. Aljow-"^
Al <3«it>r{{e, ^ desperate Boston The prl«e ^s M,500. • . r BflUV w e ing but five hits and no waUts,, Pyle"
control. 'Tliej; t«ldom last long in coasted to %n easy victory when t h e
mjit charajt^r. h a s been billed t o former P. )G. A. champs. Jjofth-
the majors urtler^ they master their Gas House Gang took advantage of-,
face "Jplinriy Silvy, the red-headed weslern bi>ike t h e MichigiM) flye-
ij^CftHness i n jjpnie way or another. numerous Wyandotte errors t o score ^
hpldmaUer from Hamilton, Ont., in ycar le?ise: on t h e l^lg Ten golf
«"Ihe psjcliplpglcftl pressure t h a t 7 n m s In t h e game. Slug Tatro was ^'
the one fall match. tronUy wlvsn they wpii ,tl|e Qig
t h e coagh !la rwiutred tP bring Into on t h e receiving end of Pyle's Pit-':
piay a t is difl[|8.ult tp explain. Tei7, meet-in ChicaiP t h e ^iber
day, , . . npwdn pvpr iyjie N«t*f 9hos, ^nd i^ava a brilliant iierfprin--;
IJIIG TEN HITTERS Some men jujit <lon't have t h e ablUr anee bei>ind thP bpt besides col- .;
b a t i e an I Army , reli|itiQiwship
O AB H P e t ty to relax. With t h e right kind of havi) df8i||)peared enttri^K ftn# lecthig two of Garden City's s i x ;
J. I l e m y (Smith /LC) 3 13 7 .1538 ha,ndl]ng, :ine.ny m e n develop ease the two • chools wttl JWfH •» hits.
Maiy,tin; (Smith AC) 2 6 3 .500 and oonfldence',, alwifs bpil >re. . , , |if^ ?*Off)«i, Next Bunday Garden City w m , 1 4
Kinsel (Koyes) ,..,...,..,.2 9 4 .444 '<i8€ti tha't flirst ba»eman over there PQH xrf)i)ly- W M W, y e w f - ^ joumey to BeUeviUe t o play t h e . -
33orn (Keyes) ................2 7 3 :429 — h e h a s t h e makings of a fine aclniolhpy • frpin QWa<|C(fni^ City yl
thijrd game of the seliedule. T'he
RsOChC! < Schmidt iftr'g) 3 12 5 .417 pl^yex'. He iii jii^t a. frpshman, haJi is Ihreattning t h e collegiate diamond Is a t t h e high schjpol
j^rebeclc (Keyes) ......,,2 9 3 ,338 j a good re&c'h/ good f^epnij sense, javnl|x| reiiiird. . . . He threw the grounds In Belleville.
Superko (iseyes) .......,2 10 3 3001 and! iiats cliisp lo ^400, but unlesji 8pc<il'.235.i .feet> J'uit/ 5 ^ test '^611 Monday afternoon, Decoration ,
^ a g e r s o n (R & Sam) 2 XO 3 , .300 l.he locisgns )ip..,yi^e h l p s a n d ^ ^ . o u l - shoi'l of tue collegiate reoord. Day, t h e Ace of Clubs wtU play in?;
Gogola (Schm't Br'g) 3 12 3 .250 derff, he'll n.«iver get past th<J bench. Qj^rden City. <:"
Hugheii (S;mlth A.C) 2 9 2 a22';.See whftt; i mean?" •Itm a L J . - i «••»••*»!»*•> • ; ; ' '


JI < (

V M"

•..AMf'11^4- ^ w^ THURSDAY, WA.


isssmearsssssL—aj m

A f t i d M Fer Sale
CdlMMUNmr FORUM firailiites Of MSe Murphy To Rece,,
for c a s h . — Call D E 1737-J. 23313
Sbi; m e e t i n g s - o f * t h e
• i t r . ' Knoirtei;- p w ^ d t a j j i f \ # w i
BUiin^ B . l,>owr^ J u n i o r High
'8el9ooi U a O m n v . C i u b , . o f m a e A ^ O i e
ToHearCamron LLD. At Detroit
~ WSlllwi •,'[.•. <^ur«ran,,F(»d Motor
vuMfting of M s y I f . A feltej' Wni r n b - 'oompRrijr e »ctiti*<^-wm deHver tSkS Gov. Prank M-.:;.. ^...

DO THEIR BUYING & SELUNG HEAL BARC(AIN 75 U>. CORK C c c u n u n i t y F o n a m <itariBg t i w

m g used two months. $3i}0. — In-^ t h e Iseason Just coiidtideil. i t

quire 24358 Scott street, off Tele- dec idled a t a retient :ineetiag <rf t h e •
tBitttfid, I r o m lAe . Blue-Blzd. caxap- commesscet; e n t address a t Michigan
Uned Ice Box. $4.00. SxHO ft Olscm «»<|:r 193T-3S w!m txbbidd^Mafninf •<aat6yg/iiiti:,y mmiior,yym',cbwx^ jstate Oc^iite. Monday,. J u n e , 1 ^ i t
* * i 5 0 w l e d g 6 r i ? g e n e « i « ^ c o o t r i b u -
•|»" anri>unii!d by ; R o b « t ; S.^ Slmw,
pn»idcnt;<ir t h e asU^je. T h e "<Xttn-

a^ t
gradua :-js i : : / *,"
h e
degr^-:- -,_[ -,."..".f

B S . : . ; , . -'-'y^
:,-.-• •.,• 'll'";''

THROUGH "PRESS" WANT ADS graph, tibii g i T e a t h e m h y t h e Motiiers menceiixet^j program wiU Ije held in ti-oLt. lhe Rrr:. A U 4 "': c(l
c e t r ; executive :coininiitee of the d i a t i . - y ' ^ ^ ' • " ^ : ' - - - ' • • ; " , ' : ' ' ' ' - - - presiden: cf :•'- ; .."
-Fctinru P^rom ai list submitted by Demco stra! ion ijaU o n t h e campus
GAS RANGrE, B.^lBY BUGGY. •Jlhls being thie lai^ meeting untU a t East Lajixslng.y nounce-i. Tr.e -.x .
Baby Dresaer. Bassinette, - r 2521 the nudlence a t t h e last meeting of .^^,teniber.Mrsj£:Mnrles wmounced hi thc au:i:;o.-:_.
Monroe AviMiue, the :Forum, speaken: for tlie coining ^|ijg commnnity a n d Mothers'Club - Degrees =iriU be awarded t o a p - Temple, j-one z •
CLASSIFIED lh4SERTlONS MUST BE RECEIVFD BY 5 P.M. WEDNESDAY year; wUI be seIijcte<L . ' I'^qal^^^fc^ be-h<*d acmetiime in^ J ^ ^ proximate!'' 600 students a t t h e Probate Jucl^jj :-: .
STRAIGHT IHGH-BACKED ^NTSO iiS; usual OTie lof Uie programs wfllK.;i;,.hj|(|,^n ©i t h e 4A cootiributed-Ji exert^ljes v h i c h "wm conclude t h e Herman J. E r ; .
WANT ADS MAY BE TaEPHONED BY CALLING D t 0400 or 0401 chair with footstool aiui reading
be iwesented in i t s entirety by t h e ' p ^ ^ dj^^cted 'hy Mrs. VrWseniuid, final weekr of Senior activity. T h e rector in c;-.^..-
stand, $10ii0. Davenport-table, $3. Senior ST» ingoufc is s<iied5iled for schccb; cf *,h: n
Cabinet ra<Uo Superhetrodyne, $25. Unlverslity of Mic:higan club <^| .entitled ''Tbe-Royal Tojnnaker."
Monday J.^me 7;' Lantern night is system, -R-'.r. c. .-.•
Portable WestinghbiL'se Electric Dewbom.
reiaitation A
on speaker
t h e or nationaii
hist(»7 of thci! | , „ICts.. — . .KnoivlesR.„^,^ j ^ t r o d w ^ d M r k Tues<!iay, ^fime S r S e n i o r play. J u n e
Notices Real Estate For Saie . . . _ » . . . , .^niiiplMigen, physiologist, irom t h e of Laws dtgr:.
CLASSIFIED Sewing M:»:hine, $25.00. Double l a t e r movement is »!«> f u f t to; . b e t J ^ S ^ o t education, who gave 9-an<;i t h e ; traditional ilver-carnival
electric cocking plate. $2.00. BisseU o n i of t h e projjranuL I t Ss ptanne<i J^^ j i ^ ^ ^ a a l taUc concerning scien- on t b e Reji Cedar. Friilay a n d ^ t - Commence r..-...-
KEFINED PERMANENT PROTSS- AOVERTISING RATES Houses to use the aiKiitorium of Fordsot.! vriU optn ~[IT. r,.
t a n t h o m e for 14 year old m o t h e r - CASH>- Sweeper, 75c. Alumintun roaster, urdaj- eveiings, J u n e 11 a n d 12,
X c e a t s a MTOrd; minimum 2^. 75c. Everything in good ccndition. Hi gia sciiool for t h e series a s i n t b e tific trainlo^ f w . t h e i r diuighte:rs. in Gesu chur;;.
less girl. M u s t b c i n W . D e a r b o r n . ONE ACRE — MODERJI B R I C K / C h e O l r l S c o u t s t o o k over t h e
All itabs«<iu«nt insertbtui Sc CaU a t 22't20 Coltunbla. past, J o h n N. WiUy, Chicagio, editor a n d 8 p. m. Rr\-. .;
P r e s s B o x 882. IiMt tJwn fint insertion. H o m e . M24n t h o r o u g h f a r e . S^OO. in<!cting w h e n M r s . Traphaj.'cn's
CHARGE^- 10% down. 1103 M a s o n S t . D E a r - :it waa repotted a t t h e meetlB^ t a l k w a s cmicliided a n d pi'esented a n publi'iier jf t h e Hotel Monthly wUl St. .\usuc'.u-.f -
3 cent* a word; mlnimutn 30c b o m 0436. WIHTE EN^lilEL ICE BOX, —100- thai; the Porum finished the seascn receive thi honorary difgree of Doc- '!»ho recer.'c-c :..
i n v e s t i t u r e infonnaUy, t h e c e r e m o n y tor ol' L a v s . degree frcm •.:-.:
L e t t and Found An inibitequent ln««rt:oos
leafl }.han flrat inserttc-n,
5c pounds, ExceUent condition.-$12iX). with a favorable tialancc of $35.19
in' w h i c h t h e girls first rtxeivel^hebr
22303 Beech. in tilie ireasin^r. wUi deliver ir..
LOST O R TAKEN — CHILD'S DISPLAY (CLASSIFIED):— W E S T DE/JRBORN. — MODERN p i n s M r s . J u d n i i ^ presidetl over t h e mon.
CASH:— f r a m e baiigalow, full a t t i c a n d Attending t h e nuieting were t h r e e
streamlined tricycle, color m a r x m , TO ci.'ntx per column lacb. POR SALE — ICE BOX IN GOOD „ j ^ . members ctf the Executive coin- o e r e m o n y . ;
from 22313 Gregory, P-cward f o r CHARGE: basement, f u m a c e , fireplace, long Glf O U S E 1 X C I I E . \ S E
..V, condition.—^050 ^ o m e U A v e ^ ^ | jjjjj,,jje. ajjjj^ Clare EngUsh, Rev. .W.
i n i o r m a t i o n o r r e t u m . D E 1737-J. t o centa per column Inch. Con- Uving-room. W,000.00. T e r m s . Sharp tii.fled grouse vrere described >i?OSTr.E.>Il-.I)\, r.I) Mul
tract ra.te« for con2«cutlvc I Greer.and Eajl Coleman. Merwjm
BREAKFAST SET LIKE NEW. —! as a '^ani'.hing species 20 years ago O n e of :^..• ::.
Insertion)! available on request
from Claicslfled Advcrrtinlne Lots Schultz Plumber, Inkster Road,
lAwlfi Is acting chairman, C u i
Hx»a, vice-chairman a n d Miss IiJa*
Brazilian Soprano and theh; extermination was pre cf the- l a t e ::. :
Missing since S a t u r d a y . E d P e t e r - ZJM.migar. between VITarren and Ford roads.]
TIME L I M I T : 50 feet, Aliocandrine $1,600 be Uir L. ChafCL.1 conthiues as secre- r m ^ 11 ' <5' I ' • I *^<^^<'' Si;ice then shsirptalls h a v e ' 290 men or th-;
son, 22345 Gregory. D E 1505. Cla«9ifled .idvertiJiiRS -cannot BIRD CAGE AND STAND — RED tarj' tr«jasurer. r O r i l H o o r i 5 > 0 l 0 l S l I appeared^in increasing numbers i n ' on duty -A^ith •.;-.
-J*} accepted for current: pub- 50 feet. L a w .$1,100
lication after 5 p . m. of t h e enamel trimmed with chromium. Michigan;! upper pttninsiUa a n d ' vrho wero giver.
Employnrient 40 Ieet, P o r t D e a r b o m Manor.,..$600
day previous to issue. 22702 Gregory. B i d u -' S a y a o j , B r a z i l i a n s o p r a n o . likely wil; Increase "with adequate] fwo medals o:
40 feet, Noi'th D e a r b o m P a r k , OBDEB STREET LIGHTS
prote<:tioi. • 48 Navy Cros.'^<.-
Kelp W a n t e d - F e m a l e
PHONE WANT ADS TO large trees .$700 F I R S T CLASS ICE BOX. EXCEL- Iii'JtaUation of three overhead -Whose Metropolitan-debiiit wa£. one
DEarborn 0400 oi t h e highlights of t h e 1937 oipera-
Several good buys i n D e a r b o m H i g h - lent condition. Capacity 50 lb, — streict Inghts cm the south side_ of tiic seasoQ, wUl- be-guest artii.t o n WiR«l i&^^m
HOUSEKEEPER. — N E W WEST l a n d s a n d D e a r b o m Hills, also s o u t h CaU DE 0149-J. PiEham road west of Oakwood
D e a r b o r a h o m c . T v a a d u l t s . Piione of Michigan Avenue. Ixjulavard was requested of the Df.^ tiie. Ford. Sunday Evealng Hour,
Mrs. Jolly, ChetTy 1680, daytimes.
Board and Rooms
housework. CaU N o r t h l a w n 1138. R O O M A N D B O A R D F O R T W O
22159 W . M i c h i g a n — D E a r b o r n 0040
CHILD'S rVORY BED WITH MAT- tiolt Edls^m oompany by action of iilay 3d.'lrom^8 t 6 - 9 [p. m.' EST
trcss. Whi;te Garland G a s Range. the city council Tuesday n i g h t . I t i e ;(jj. t o : i p * E D T ) V over . t h e , na.tion-
Wall type shik. — 21555 Edna. action was taken as t h e resul't- '<>f wide Oi^janbJak; nttworki
convplahits by the management- of , :}!iiiss Sayao will sing two groups
mlddleaged gentlemen. Good h o m e OUTBOARD MOTORS FOR RENT tlie Dearbom I i m t h a t darkness of <^i songs; hicluding *^inriareUa" by
G I R L for G E N E R A L H O U S E W O R K for t h e r i g h t p a r t i e s . — MUdred I SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 7
good wages. — 22836 N o n a . D E a r - T u r n e r , 6350 H e l e n Avenue, G a r -
For .Sale and For Sale. Elto and Evenrude, Felham road h a d resulted in ttie Mlozart, "Almant la lU^e le Ros-
Warren Beach, 22120 Beech Street. prevalence of prowlers i n t h e vici- ajjgnol", by . Rimsliy-KprKikow, a n d
d e n City.
Houses, Lpts, Farms DEarbom 1039. nity. Itlae^ariii "Ali, forS'e lui" from Ver-
d r s , " L a .Traviata/' ^
O I R L O R M I D D L E - A G E D W O M A N ROOM AND BOARD. 815 MONROE. All Sizes, some w i t h buildings, some MOVING PICTURE PROJECTOR
for general housework. S t a y n i g h t s . fTlw Pord Syitnifcons' Orchestifc
-with city water. S e e moving picture camera and mov- a n d you a r e h e r e b y f u r t h e r n & i B e d tinder t h e batcm of EugiJiie Orman-
D E a r b o r n 0648-J. Apartments ing picture carrying case. Can be tf> jdeld, s u m m d e r a n d deliver 15) ^dy -WiU open t h e progra.Ka with t h e
WILFRED C. DENISON ; T h e S e c r e t a r y of t h c B o a r d of Educaiioii >,i i).-:rt«.l
BXPERIENCBD WOMAN T O D OLOWER PLAT — UNFURNISHED, seen by calUng DEarbom 0712. t h e possesslori a t t h e preoUsds ,in /•Roman Camival" overture by Hec-
Office Middlebelt and Highland road Scl'<ool D i s i r i c t N o . 7 wiil receive scaled propoNa!s ;..-iorf ( | |
cleaning o n e o r two d a y s a ^wcek. sail! l a n d c o n t r a c t m e n t i o n e d iu»ier ,tor. BerUos;. Other orchestral se-
four r o o m s a n d b a t h , n o chUdren, one mile north of Michigan avenue. POOL TABLE. — CAN BE SEEN P . I ' L , X U S E 11, 1937, covering coal r c q a i r e i n e n l s f.-r shi difr
D E 0050-W, 22553 G a r r i s o n . a n d b y v i r t u e of t h e t e r m s tbjnrcof. ?le<:Aibiis on t h e progrsun wiU i n -
30149 F o r d road. G a r d e n City. by callhig DEarbom 0712 for a p - e n ; schools f o r - t h e 1937-38 school year, rcs^rvin:: il-.!.- rirat'JI
D a t e d M a y 10, 1937. ,:•. clude t h e "Waltz of t h e Flowers"
Rockford - $1350 j>olntmeiit. rc*;-xt a n y o r a,U bids.
U P P E R O P BUNGALOV/, I D E A L Kai:le L . Moss from l»:haikowsky's ''Nutck-acker
Situations W a n t e d for couple. 1642 Ii4ay a t Monroe.
Wooded Lot, waverly ...,4975 GARLAND GAS RANGE, ENGLISH Da'fid A. Stofls Suiie" a n d tlie ''Ride of t h e Val-
MUdred J. -..4800 Cab, Bed-Davenport a n d Ivory B y D a v i d A . Slosri, -., kyries'*, from "Die Walkun;" by
Female 5 W X n 4 . F U R N I S H E D I ' L A T O N Corner Lot-, 53 x 125 „4800 ; T h e e s t i m a t e d q u a n t i t i e s a r c a s foUo\\-s:—
Bed. — DE 0354-M. ,j A t t o m e y aixS i i g i m t ; Wagner.
M i c h i g a n Ave. F o r R e n t J u n e 1. SterUng, 4650 13€>iman & Sloss
K C P E R I E N C E D W O M A N f o r D A Y Tel.: D E a r b o m 0685-J. 2 lots on Melbom, $700 each BED - DAVENPORT COMPLETE Atl/)meys f o r Blaitie L . Sloss" . .?. /. Ci; N T R A L P L A N T — N u t . P e a a n d Slack
Work, Monday, F r i d a y a n d a a t u r - Fort Dearbom Manor, 1J490 to $700 with mattress, $35. Black walnut n n i D a v i d A . Sloes • • . , . . , 0::JFO.RD — N u t , P e a a n d Slack
day. CaU D E a r b o m '0007-W.
Fort Dearborn Lodge
Dearbom Highlands, several
lots a t -
double bed, springs and mattress. ;J2;!'lO Michigsin Avenue
.$500, $20—22042 Morley Avenue.«
-;;.; Resolotlbos Honor E l . I S O N — N u t , P e a a n d Slack
Deiirborn, M i c h i g a n . • , •-)
Business Serrkes A t t r a c t i v e , completely Jfumlshed 20 lots in Maple Ridge
— : A P A R T M E N T S :— Sub 4375 to $450, terms S T E E L B A S E M E N T SASH, $2.45;
M a y 13, 20, 2^ - , . -,-..- Mrs. John Lesiiiiski S<i U T H W E S T E R X — N u t P e a a n d Slack

. - raU bUla paid. 2 lots on Columbia ...4285 each 2 X 4's, $40 M ; s h i p l a p , : m M : Total llO^i I g g I
LISTEN 2 0 - 4 5 foot lots. East Park. g a n i g e sidhig, $50 M ; a s p h a l t BEXMAN ic SIX>SS : . • , . Resolutions df c(»dcilence i n t h e
FRED iE. SHELDON, Mgr. subdivision. „ $450 each shingles, $4.90 sq.; 8 " W . P . ceiUng, 2a340'\MlchIgah AVetiiM? "',"•- BiMith'^of M r s . " B a r b c r a Liislnski.
EK* N o t P a y Good M o n e y for 640 B r a d y S t r e e t :#ljfe of C o n g r e s s m a n J o l m Liislnskl, Ll'>rDBERG — Mine Run 120 Tnl
DEARBORN HCLLS $48 M ; 4 " Y . P . flooring, '$^0 M ; D e « r b e m , M k h i g a n .
Inferior L A N D S C A P E work. CaU D E a r b o r n 9092 — JM)60 prii»nted b y Cbuncilman E m e s t G. OiCFORD — M i n e K u n ii\. j J
Sheetrock, $40 M . C<»nplete stock
T o : M R S . T H 0 1 4 A 3 WOOf>,'.,<orr; 'iJUUer, w e r e ' a d o p t e d a t 1' W H I T M O R E BOLLES — Mine R i m lyiloi)
sash, doors, f r a m e s a n d . t r h n a t
Sorenson Cottages JAMIE L. X T n i g ^ V s A i u ^ t i n g of t h e city <!ouncU.
P h o n e D E a r b o r n 1110. MODERN WATER FRONT COT-
..tage. Electric stove a n d refrigera-
J OHN^OrsI low.istT>rIces. F . H . F e l l r a t h ' s s o n s , P^<'->-ly ^ ^ • „ ^ ^ ' ? ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ? ^ ' ^ ^
9 2810. i n k s t e r R o a d . P h o n e D E a r - f' c^o^netbr ya c tnotifl<jd
born 0950 a n d W a y n e 7138, .
of November,
t h a t a c e r t a i n tend 'Thfe resdlutions foUow:
executed oti t h e lOth ^ y , ^ W h e x i i 8 , ' i h e H6nOTfl,ble J o h n - L e -
1923, between Airttiur sinski, Meiotiber" of Congress, h a s
HARVARD — Mine R u n

?' '''[_' * Total


D U M P T R U C K F O R H I R E B Y DAY tion. M a b e l Z i m m e r m a n , P o r t a g e REAL ESTATE CO. -» '' ' 1
o r h o u r . Black d i r t a n d general 22615 Michigan Ave. DEarborn 0634 ! T. Slos.'? a n d lacatie L . & o s s , b i s wife.- sicffered'^a serious a n d i r r e p a r a b l e . ]
L a k e . Plnclcney. pieces for sale. Prices r e a . ^ a b l e . | v e r i d o n j , an<:i M r s . Rose D i e t s a s ibSs i n "tho u n t i m e l y d e a t h of h i s
» • ,, . L

landscaping, — Ellis Dewyer. 5117 ; I t is t o b c u n d e r s t o o d t h a t t h e s e a r c cstiinaii-d quami;i5|

Westpoint. D E a r b o m 1267-J. 348i;)8 E l m Street, W a y n e , M i c h vendee, ITor t h e p u r c h a s e .o< r e a l b e l o v e d ' . w i f e , - B a r b a r a ;
W a n t e d - T o Rent a n d ' t b e d e a l e r wUl f u r n i s h m o r e o r less a s required.
N O R T H SIDE estate i n " t h e <3ity o< I>«jborTi,^
CEMI2NT. 54c p e r s a c k ; P E N C E County of Wayne, Btate of liiUchi- we, t h e officials of t h e City of Dear-
Thsrefdre, b e i t resolved. T h a t i
R O O M AND B O A R D FOI*. F A T H E R F L O R E N C E AVE 4450.00 c a s h posts, 22c a n d u p ; Chick fence, g£ii. describijd a s foUows. to-wit: ; b o r n / ^ e r e as6emb]«|d,|ftccepting t h e
given b y Pellx W a m e r , expert I n ; AH coal m u s t b c a free b u r n i n g t y p e a n d A compl(*||
a n d t w o sons, ages n i n e a n d twelve M U R R A Y A V E ...$450.00 " 56c r o d ; 4 " Sewer pipe, 20cr e a c h ; Let 90 of Sloes P a r k 8ub<llvlsioo..- WiU' Jand mandate of God with
Sv/edteh massage, physic t h e r a p y . aiiaJysis.of cosd t o b e supplied mu&t b c ffivea wuh prc^wall
—^Dearbom P r e s s B o x £83. M Y R T L E AVE $450,00 " 4" R e d tUe. 4'/{:C e a c h ; RoU roof- of p a r t of .Lot T w o .(2), iMlUtary ii^^hris^an ftwtitude,. - realbElng in
4737 H e l e n Avenue n e a r Michigan.
J i i n t of s h i p m e n t wUl also b e r e q u i r e d . Prices quoted to b(|
T e l e p h o n e O R e g o n 3579. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS OUTER DRIVE $450.00 " hig. $1.21 roU; R e d T o p I n s u l a t i o n R<;3erve, ViUage of D e a r b a u , "Vrajme «>me' 'ineasijure''*ti}e' loss suffered
for two adults. CaU D l i 1423-J. Wool, 95c sack. All c s s h a n d c a r r y . County, Mic]]<g&Q, accordini; l o . tbe through the,demise o:r Barbara L e - f, o. b . b i n s ail t h e different scbooLi.
kinds, w a s h i n g m a c h h i e s , radios,
S O U T H SIDE L a r g e Stock R o c - L a t h , Celotex, pl;iit thereof recttrded June 22,. 1920; sinski and t h e deep a n d im^athom-
Rooflng, Asbestos Siding, H a r d - ir4 Liber 42 of Plats, o n Page 33,in abie sorrow which h a s ajme to
• T h e S e c r e t a r y will furnish a n y f u r t h e r ulfurIIlaUon.'^
padloO'j}; keys m a d e . — G e n e r a l
Real Ustate f o r Sale ALICE A V E $350.00 c a s h c|3iri;!d a s r e g a r d s speciflcations a c c e p t a b l e .
ware, Nails, P a i n t a n d a l l H o m e tho Office 01: thrj Register of-.DfiOds. those,to whom she^was neai-est a n d
H a r d w a r e , c o r n e r Oakwood a n d C A M P B E L L AVE S350.00 " Builders needs. — P . H . F e l l r a t h ' s for said County of Wayne LB i n dearest, offer, in this h o u r of b e -
Michigan. P h o n e : D E a r b o m 1272.
Houses G E R T R U D E AVE $350.00 " Sons, 2816 I n k s t e r Road.—Phone default by reason of the non-pay-j reavement, our "heartfelt sympathy
3 B E D - R O O M , BRICK HOUSE, D E a r b o m 0950 o r W a y n e 7138. ment of t h e instaUments of prin-; and condolence.
80 foot lot, o n o n e of D e a r b o r n ' s cipal and intertjst due th«reimder: . Besolyed ifurther. T h a t liie city SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 7
holsterlng, b r o k e n pieces repaired;
m a i n thoroughfares, a t h e a v y s a - O U T E R D R I V E $700.00 "
Pets and you are hereby further rotifled clerk "cause this resolutlori t o be
expert o n antiques, c h a i r s reeaned.
criflce. Only $650 down. Five m i n - t h a t the said David A. Etoiia and' i^fead a t length iipon t h e records
:J H e m s t i t c h i n g . — Cy Ussedly. 4591
Oreenfleld, O R e g o n 4591.
u t e walk from school. 'I'otal price, All Improvements E N G L I S H S E T T E R P U P P t E S . — Katie L. S143SS, devisees, under the:
;of thie. City of Deaiiborn a n d to Roy D. Rentcin, Secy.
$6500.00. a n d Included a n four a d - D E a r b o m 0354-M. wJU of Arthur T. Sloss. deceased,; ^transmit a.-copy of same suitably,
I I A D I O SERVK3B — ANY M A K E joining 40 ft. lots, w i t h w a t e r , All Taxes Paid el'jcts to de<:lare and do hertiby de-j embossed to t h e Honorable J o h n '
Dated: May 27, 1937.
sewer, gas, electricity, v n d p n o n c Live Stock clare said land contract forfeited* Lesinski.
r a d i o repaired. D e a r b o m R a d i o
Shop, 1110 Mason. P h o n e D E 0137. immediately available. A w o n d e r -
Close To School
40 Y O U N G L A Y I N G H E N S . — 2211 aiKi you are hereby further i.iotifled
, •>;: W A L L P A P E R AND C A L C I M I N E
ful layout for a family with grow-
ing children. Lots of space for
Bus Service CorneU. to yield, surrender and deliver upi
tlie posjtesslon of t h e preniises inli
cleaned, p a i n t e d walls w a s h e d . kiddies t o play w i t h o u t r u n n i n g TERMfj CAN B E A R R A N G E D sidd land contract mentld)ie<l under
W e abio d o general pcdnting. E s t i -
m a t e s free. J a c k ' s Display S c r -
i n t o t h c street. F r u i t a n d s h a d e
trees. Owner t a k i n g a l'>ss of n e a r - L. M. THOMAS New Milk Cows a:id by virtue of the terms tliereof.:
Dated: May U, 1937.
vlce. T e l . : D E 1362-J. ly $6000 o n t h i s property. T O w n - Wc Kave T h e m
302 Calvin T h e a t r e Bldg. Katie L. Sloss., ' ;
s e n d 8-0227.

Radio Service I P Y O U HAVE $300 o r J400 CASH, D E

a r b o
m 1007 $45.00 up David A. Sices
By David A. Sloss,
get bargain i n 4-room house. S a v e For a Good Buy Attomey a n d Agent.;
$300. P h o n e D E a r b o r n 0329-W. 3228 Campbell Ave. Sec Ueeman & Sloiss
- )Ti all mnkes and typ«c ':ourt«oui
D E 122.'> ^ittorneys for Katie L. Sloes
ii<l «molent lorvlce. Bring In your
««t or tiiK«M« for Fr«o estimate* or H O U S E F O R SALE. 22W2 M O R L E Y
Ave.. Size of l o t 68 x 177. Price For Exchange
B.E. ARNDT nnd David A. Sloss
:!2340 MicMgan Avenue
r i I O . S « DE. 1334
j i t i •»'« Will call a t your horo«.
$9500. — I n q u i r e a t 500 W a g n e r
C o u r t o r caU D E 1311.
27005 M i c h i g a n Avenue
Inkster, Michigan
.Dearborn, Michigan.
May 13, 20, 27
r r- 15 HifTlNC us NOW
Garrison Ave. Seven ro»»m brick. Your Opportunity Articles Vl'anted
L o t 50x176 $5,500.
Telegraph $3,500-~$350 down. r H E COUNTY O P WAIfNE IN
Xttia MlchlKKn near Outer Drlvd HOME
D e a r b o m HlUs, S i x rooms, l o t 55 ft.
for n e w brick 4 b<!droom h o m c .
See Clarence L . P a r k e r , I n c .
Bthel Augwstiui,
J D c L U X E T O : VN S E D A N — R A D I O A N D H E A T E R . . .
Bwmtiful Gr.rcn Finlf*i, J n s t like n e w , 50CO miles S895
Real i s t a t e ForHtent 22035 O l m s t e a d Avenue Plaintiff
GUINAN & O'LEARY — vs. —
Rooms 22159 W . M i c h i g a n — D i ; a r b o m 0040 BEEMAN & SLOSS
Fred Augujsttis,
22340 Micliigan Avenue O L D S 1936 — 6 — B U S I N E S S CCItIPE —
• Defendant. No. 265815 1933 C H R Y S L E R — 6 — D e L L \ i ; J U0(''|
R ( X ) M S U I T A B L E P O R O N E O R 8 R o o m Brick. Air conditioned. W a n t e d Resil Estate DEARBORN, MICHIGAN
ORiDEi^ OF P U B U < ; A T I O N Very low. mileage.' DeLoxe, r a d i o .
two yoxmg m e n . Reasonable. — D e a r b o r n Hills $12,750 To: LOUIS LA FLAME. You are — Very clean t h r o u g h o u t , Kadio ;\iul %*)(y\
At a session of said Court, held
21700 E d n a . New 7 r o o m brick, Ah: conditioned. W A N T E ; D - T T L O T S A N D H O U S E S , hereliy notified t h a t a certain land besatlftil b l a c k i l n i s h , t i r e s Uke n e w .
a n y location. Sale or t r a d e . l h a v e contract executed on t h e 20th day In t h e City of Detroit, on t h e 19th h e a t s r . T h e c a r f c r your \'acalion trii> ^ ^ •
D e a r b o m HUls $10,800
R O O M — V E R Y L A R G E . S U I T A B L E F i n e brick t w o family 3 a t . Five t h e buyers. B r i n g m e your listings. of October, 1923, between Artkim- T. day of March, AJD. M'S?, Present
for t w o gentlemen. 2715 S . T e l e - Lloyd S . J o h n s o n , R e a l E s t a t e a n d Sloss and Katie L. Sloss, h i s wife, the" HotiDrable Adolph P'. Marrt:i-
rooms a n d b a t h eai:h. T w o
graph. Insiurance, 2716-17 S . Telegraph, vendors, and Louis La Flame JWE :; nier. Circuit Judge. : .1934. C H E V M A S T E R 2 . D O O R SE>>AN —
c a r garage. Gregory a v e $7950
i t appearing from the iafUdayit'cii 1931 OLDS—6—6-A^'HEEL - 4-1)00! <tm
Seven rooms, n a t u r a l flre place. D e a r b o m , Mich. vendee, for t h e purchase of real L e w mileage. ;R4ulio a n d h e a t e r
FURNISHED ROOM P O R U O H T fUe in tfhis ctiuae t h a t , the wherh- — D c L u x e h e a t e r . B l a c k finish 4 m
housekccphig. — M o d e r a . U s e of
Pvigidaire. 24133 S c o t t SC.
S t e a m h e a t . T w o c a r garage..$6,500
5 R o o m House. F i r e place. T w o c a r
garage $5,000
Articles For Sale
T^Ti estate in t h e City of Deafborn,
Coimty of Wayne, State of Michi-
abouts of the xlefendant inrtid Auguh>
tus, is kiiown a n d thiat, his-*: k>it
Very c l e a n ,
tires. Good condition 31349 •" m
gan, described as follows, to-wit: knotirh address w a s 125 Nortti 15111'
R O O M I N P R I V A T E R E 8 I D B N C E Six room m o d e m h o m e . Cornell F O R H I G H E S ^ , G R i l D E S O I L , S O D Lot 123 of Sloss P a r k Subdivision Street, Miuitcon, lUincAs, a n d thikt
i^^ 22321 Garrison. B e t w e e n H o w Avenue _ $3,850 —general laridscaiplng a n d s p r a y - of part, of Lot Two (2), MiUt^iry
i n g s<jrvice, call S O R E N S O N . CaU Reserve!-ViUage of Dearborn, Wayne I t is Onlered t h a t said ilefendant 1936 F O R D - D E L U X E . TOUKINCi TlP^ I
a r d a n d MiUtary. . Six room m o d e m h o n e . N e w , 1985 F O R D R U M B L E . S E A T C O U P E
enter U s appearance io, said catise
Y o r k Avenue
L A R G E P R O N T R O O M S U I T A B L K Plvi> room, s e m i m o d e m G a r a g e .
$3,200 D E a r b o m 1110. *' County, Michigan, according to tlie on or before three months'from'tlib
plat thereof recorded June 22, 19J!0, 'd«ite of tills'order,''or the BiU i>r
' \ A - 1 condition.' E'tliick flnlsh
-'L. '• -, -^ '^> V .
B e a u t i f u l grey Unish. Low milc:i;;o ^ { ( M
I c r t w o gentlemen. 5648 WUUam- T w o lots .„.. -$2,950 F L O W E R S for DEC(5RATION D A Y . in Liber 42.of.Plats, oh. Page 33 In De Luxe Heater '
B e d d i n g , a n d vegetjible p l a n t s . P r e - Complaint may be takeoi '»n coii,^
6 R o o m House. ...42,31 K), 300 down. the Ofiice of t h e Register of Deeds | fesced; thiit "a copy of this order
'•$30 a m o n t h . ' 5 p a r e d P o t t i n g sdilijJPhoxie D E 1110.
R O O M F O R RENT—2230« O R E O - for -said tJounty of. Wayne,^-Js in be ^«erved up<m' t h e defimdant, pet^.^
H o m o Flower: Sh?fe,. 22372 M I C W T
4 R o o m Hou>e..-.....4],5(0, $300 dowh.
ory. gan_!avenue.- ••; *• • -" - ... .:'": defaiilt by,reason of the non-pay- sotiaUy or Joy. registered xctaU as'ie^-j
Seven r o ( « i h o u s e , luiflulshed. L o t
N I C E L Y F U R N I S H E D SLJEEn[NO ''45 X 135 '..^f..........;.....
ment of the instaUments of iwih- quired by law; and t h a t laid Order
..41,300 LOUNGE O H ^ I R A i ^ P OTTOMAN cipa! and interest due. thereuiuier;
be pu,bUs]wd,p««oardlng;'l|) itsnar. i p^}
O L D S M O B I L E Sales &. Servicei
R o o m . O a r a g e if desired.. ;*ru«^> , - Bafxl^l chiMr.mfaiibipiinyi" arms. SUp and, you are hereby further - noti- Ad^ph^y.illtariiainief I
p h o n e D K 1045. — 32360 J M a t m l
corner C a u . J OHNSO N
V c o v e j : ^ davenpcrtit.">:3mal)Lt*^ting fied t h a t t h e said David A; Sloss A TRUE COPY
desk. Single cheriy bed and {U'cs anii Katie L. Sloss; devisees, under Vemon L. Kerwlii,L J;;;^;;',; .^ r ' ' -
'^':;8lng-tableV Lairiprj/^e^ Dep.uty,rClerk,' ]> .
. , . , , , -•

^' & ADAMS. Inc

ROOM — SUITABLE P O R T W O REAL ESTATE GO. • this week. — 2236 Waverly, near elects to declare and do liereby <le- NeU^C. KeUy; '< " " '
g e n t l e m e n . 833 M o n r o e . 33€16 Mlehlsan Av«k Dfi<u-boni 0I&4 Pord road. claro said land contract forlelte^i, Atbsnuy Ior PUintifl!: 1 3 9 0 0 W . Warren A**

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