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Kenneth B/12A-13

Hacksaw Ridge

Hacksaw Ridge is a film that tells about a man named Desmond Doss who worked as a
combat medic, who refused to carry or use any weapon. In 1925 Desmond Doss got into a fight with
his brother and nearly kill him. That incident makes him to reinforces his ideal about “thou shalt not
kill”. Fifteen years later Desmond Doss takes a man into the hospital after he was run over by a car,
there he meets a nurse named Dorothy scuttle. They started dating and Desmond tells Dorothy
about his interest in medical works.

After some time, Desmond enlist in the military to serve as a combat medic. His father,
didn’t approved Desmond by the decision Desmond took. Before leaving, Dorothy was proposed by
Desmond, which she accepts. Desmond is placed in basic training, where he excels in physical
training. But because of his philosophy of refusing to carry or use a weapon he is casted out among
his fellow soldiers. He was about to be discharge for psychiatric reasons but because of his religious
beliefs do not constitute mental illness he can’t be discharged. Desmond was put through heavy
labor to make him leave on his own accord, at one night he was even beaten by his fellow soldier.

Desmond intend to marry Dorothy after his unit finished basic training, but because of his
action leads to his arrest for insubordination. At court martial Desmond pleads not guilty, but before
he is sentenced, his father barges into the tribunal with a letter from his former commanding stating
that his son's pacifism is protected by the US Constitution. The charges against Desmond are
dropped, and he and Dorothy are married.

Desmond unit is assigned to battle in Okinawa, in the fight he rescued plentiful of people, he
also saves his squad mate Smitty. As the Americans camp for the night, he reveal to Smitty the
reason why he didn’t hold any firearms. The next morning, the Japanese launch a massive
counterattack and drive the Americans off the escarpment. Smitty is killed, and Howell and several
are left injured on the battlefield. Desmond hears the cries of dying soldiers and returns to save
them, carrying the wounded to the cliff's edge and belaying them down by rope, each time praying
to save one more. The arrival of dozens of wounded who had been presumed dead comes as a shock
to the rest of the unit below. When day breaks, he rescues Howell, and both escape Hacksaw under
enemy fire.

The Americans plans to retake the ridge on Saturday but will not launch without Desmond,
the operation is delayed until he finished his Sabbath prayers. With reinforcement, the Americans is
winning the battle, but in the battle Desmond is injured by a grenade blast when he tried to save his
squad from Japanese soldiers who pretend to surrender. Finally, the battle is won by the Americans
and Desmond is given an award by the president.

From the film I think the most memorable character to me is Desmond Doss himself where
he risk his lives to save his squad without using any weapon and his faith in god is unwavering and
even though he is cast out by his fellow soldier and beaten he didn’t hate them and even protect
them from their commander.

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