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Chapter 4

As you read, use context clues and any prior knowledge to determine the meaning of the
following words. The page numbers where you can find the words in the text are
included in parenthesis, but we use a different version – so add 3 to all of the page numbers.
Refer to a dictionary if necessary.

Chapter 4: Vocabulary
Tattered (74) Old, in poor condition
Aloof (74) ufriendly
Meager (74) Lacking quality, thin, lean
Advanced (76) Complex, experienced
Averted (89) Prevent or turn away
Disarming (76) Charming , affecting allying suspicion or hostility
Persuasive (78) Trying to make up someone’s mind?
Apprehension (79) Fear of something bad
Scornful (81) Expressing contempt (hå nlig)
Brutally (83) Savagely brutal way
Overwhelmed (84) Too much that is going on
Protective (86) Intended to protect someone or something
Appraised (89) Evaluate or assess of value
Crestfallen (91) Disappointed

Chapter 4: Study questions

1. Curly's wife is lonely because she's the only woman on the ranch. Candy is lonely
because of his age. Why is Crooks so lonely?

Crooks is lonely because he is the only black person on the ranch. He can´t sleep with the
others in the bunk house and has his own room. He is not welcome in the bunk house because
they say he stinks, so he gets excluded from all the card games etc.

2. Lennie tells Crooks about the land. What is his reply at first?
When Lennie first tells Crooks about the land, he thinks Lennie is crazy and is lying about the

whole thing.

3. What does Crooks want when he believes there might really be land?

He wants to get away from the ranch and join Lennie, George, and Candy on their plan. He

also says that if they need a helping hand, that he is available and that he still can work.

4. What is Curley's wife's reaction to the dream of the farm with rabbits?

Curley´s wife´s reaction to the idea of the farm with rabbits is like Crook´s first reaction, only

she doesn´t seem to understand. She says the whole thing is “baloney” and that she has seen

men that couldn´t do it.

5. Why did Crooks change his mind about the farm after Curley's wife left?

Crooks realizes that he won’t get the opportunity to leave because of his skin color. He gets

reminded of what they can do to him if he doesn´t obey. He loses his confidence and doesn´t

want in on the plan.

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