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Part 1: Enumeration

a.) Objectives of Physical Education and expound each objective

- There are five objectives of Physical Educations which contains developments
as they are the aspect for our good performance this are the Physical development,
Psychological Development, Social Development, Moral Development and
Improvement in Knowledge. Physical Development is the proper growth and
development it is also developing skills strength and endurance. Psychological
Development is the development of healthy behaviours. Social Development is the
method to socialize and cooperate in sports. Moral Development is developing the
self-control and progressive sense in sports. Lastly, The Improvement in Knowledge, it
is understanding the protocols including the rules of game, sports, exercises and the
health protocols.
b. Components of Physical Fitness
 Cardio-vascular Endurance
 Flexibility
 Balance
 Power
 Speed
 Agility
 Body Composition
 Muscular Endurance
 Strength

Part 2: Essay
1. Why Physical Activities important for health and well-being in these trying times? \
- Physical Activities helps us to maintain our health especially in this kind of situation.
Maintaining our health is not just applicable in physical activities, it is also applicable in our
daily routine as doing this kind of activities helps to move our body especially our muscles. It
helps us to stretch each part of our body enhance our physical endurance.
2. What are good physical activities?
- Good physical activities are doing the general exercises or those common exercises
that we can execute every day.
3. What are the 4 types of physical activities?
- The four types of physical activities are endurance, balance, strength and flexibility.

4. What are 10 benefits of physical activity?

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- As physical activities are good in our health, there are many benefits we can get from
1. It controls our weight
2. It improves our mood
3. Reduce the risk of heart attack
4. Promotes better sleep
5. It also protect us in any chronic diseases
6. Increase Life span
7. Have lower blood pressure
8. Decrease the depression
9. Strengthen our bones and muscles
10. Improves our brain functioning
5. Why awareness about mental health is important?
- It is because mental health matters. It can affect many things in our life especially our
daily living. Discriminating mental health is like abandoning yourself because this kind of
health illness has no cure but the understanding of individual and open ears. Being aware of
this is also preventing the unpredictable idea of someone who is suffering from mental health
6. How will you stay fit and healthy amidst pandemic?
- As I am restraining myself from going out right now because of the rising number of
positive individual, doing house chores will still help me to stay fit and healthy because I can
still move and do some activities indoor.

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