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It is submitted to fulfill the assignment of Instructional Design for young learners Lecturer
Ika Sulistyarini, M.Pd.

Created by:
Fatma Rahmawati

Created by:

Fatma Rahmawati




A. Background
Early Childhood Education (PAUD) is a comprehensive development process for children from
birth to six years of age, which includes physical and non-physical aspects, by providing
stimulation for physical, spiritual, (moral and spiritual), motor, intellectual development.
appropriate and correct thinking, emotional and social so that children can grow and develop
optimally. PAUD is held before the basic education level, through formal, non-formal and/or
informal education. PAUD functions as a developer of various potentials possessed by children.
The potential includes the cognitive, language, physical (gross and fine motor), social and
emotional domains. PAUD is a pre-school institution that introduces the form and culture of the
school. Laying the foundation to develop the potential of children is largely determined by the
educational process experienced by children at the age of 0-6 years. The experience received by
children through the learning process in the family environment, community environment, and
PAUD environment is an important and decisive educational process for the future development
of children. The growth of children's knowledge, skills, attitudes and traits will depend on what
other people see, acquire and teach children. Education reform can no longer be dammed. This
is intended to improve Indonesia's human resources. Curriculum Balitbang Diknas carried out
the development of Competency-Based Curriculum (KBK) in 2004 KBK was successfully
launched and officially used in the National Education system..
Competency-Based Curriculum in Kindergarten has the aim of helping students develop various
potentials, both psychological and physical, which include morals and religious, social,
emotional, cognitive, language, physical/motor, independence and artistic potentials to be ready
to enter basic education. . students who are used in understanding what is conveyed by the
teacher in the learning process. If the teaching materials used are good, the potential and student
achievement will increase. Therefore, teachers need to compile teaching materials, so that the
material to be conveyed has been conceptualized and prepared carefully. Creativity is also
needed in designing teaching materials, so that it will produce good and interesting teaching
materials and according to the needs of students and also in accordance with existing standards.
Good and interesting teaching materials will increase students' motivation in learning, so that
they learn voluntarily and cheerfully without any coercion or pressure from various parties, such
as the teacher and parents/family. Instrumental, social motivation, and low achievement
motivation of students, for example, can be conditionally conditioned so that there is a higher
learning role for students. The learning events that affect the learning process can be determined
by the educators
Several external conditions that affect learning. The most important thing is that the learning
materials can be prepared / designed by educators according to the learning needs of students. The
development of English teaching materials in the form of print media, namely the module at
Pelangi Early Childhood Education, is to make it easier for students to understand and use English
in everyday life. Because in the form of a module, it makes it easier for students to study either at
school with their teacher or at home accompanied by their parents/family and even learn
independently because the book is not too thick and can be taken anywhere. So students can study
anytime and anywhere freely. The interesting shape will also make students want to continue
learning without feeling bored. These teaching materials also help teachers to more easily convey
material in the learning process in class
Kindergarten education is a form of education formal education in early childhood. abbreviated
Kindergarten,Kindergarten is one form of early childhood education unit on the pathway formal
education that organizes educational programs for children ages 4-6 years. At this age, children
are in a unique development process because the development process occurs simultaneously with
the sensitive period.Time sensitive is the most appropriate time to explore all potential child's
intelligence as much as possible. In this sensitive time, speed children's brain growth is very high
up to 50 percent of the the overall development of a child's brain during his life and will happen
once in their life. Therefore education in Kindergarten must be able to stimulate all aspects of
child development. Aspect Child development is the development of habituation and basic

In the aspect of habituation development, including social development, emotions, morals,

religion, and independence. Aspects of ability development Basic includes language, cognitive,
artistic, and physical motor development. One of the developments of early childhood is language
development. Writing is one of the language skills and is a activities related to thinking processes

and skills. expression in writing. Writing is one of the four language skills, so that in the learning
process it is impossible separated from other language skills such as listening, speaking and read.
Reading and writing is a development of skills reading and writing as well as creative and
analytical actions in produce and understand reading. Children learn to read with write and learn
to write through reading. Second, the development of reading and writing has started long before

children start kindergarten. Kindergarten provides writing lessons simple start.

Teaching is carried out with the aim of introduces how to start writing to children. Writing ability
cannot be obtained naturally but must go through a process that does not easy to do and must be
diligent, routine and practice as often as possible. In learning to write, the beginning shows that
there are significant difficulties faced by children. There are some children who are slow in
writing The beginning is caused by weak fine motor skills and how to control hand movements
while writing. Children have not memorized in writing letters so that in completing the task of
writing the beginning cannot be completed on time and not getting maximum results. Thing This
is because writing is difficult to read and children often do it mistakes, so it is very disturbing to

the learning outcomes. The ability to write early in kindergarten is caused by two factors namely
from within and from outside. The factor from within the child is interest While from the outside it
is influenced by the surrounding environment, namely teacher. It's not an easy thing to always
maintain a child's interest in learning to write beginning, because children have the characteristics
of and different abilities. In addition, learning to write Beginnings for children are considered
boring learning, this is often dominate children's thinking so that they are less interested in
beginning writing lessons. General conditions that occur in the world This early childhood
education also occurs in ELC Mayang Sukoharjo Kindergarten.

External factors are influenced by the existing environment around the teacher. Teachers get used to
writing the beginning of the child. Besides the classroom teacher does not use the right learning
method in improve initial writing skills. Learning to write the start is not only done at school but the
attention of parents at school Home is also very necessary in learning to write beginning.Before
children learn to write words, first they are introduced to letter. After the child has mastered the
letters, then the child can assemble the letters become a word.

B.Research Problem

1.The formulation of the problem in this study is "Is the demonstration method able to improve
initial writing skills in group children at ELC Mayang Sukoharjo Kindergarten?

2. What is the method used in the learning of ELC Kindergarten Mayang Sukoharjo?

3. What theories are used at ELC Mayang Sukoharjo Kindergarten?

4. How effective teaching materials and theories of English for Early Childhood Education

C.Purpose of Research

The objectives of this research are as follows:

1. The general goal is to improve the ability to write beginning through the demonstration method
in Mayang Sukoharjo's ELC Kindergarten children

2. The specific objective is to find out the ability improvement Learning through Theory and
Methods at ELC Kindergarten

3. Educate Indonesian children with education, parenting, independence, religious and life skills
services for children

4. Assisting the government in meeting the needs of the community for government facilities and
infrastructure in preparing children's growth and development in better conditions

5. Build competitive habits in children and raise children to love and be sensitive to the surrounding
6. Train children to be able to socialize from an early age

D.Sellected Class Program

Playgroup (KB) ELC Kids (Age 2 - 4 Years)

Smart Kids : Monday - Thursday 08.00 -12.30 WIB Friday 08.00-10.00 WIB

Full day Kids: Monday - Friday 08.00 - 15.30 WIB

Kindergarten (TK) ELC Kids (Age 4 - 6 Years)

Smart Kids : Monday - Thursday : Pk. 08.00 -12.30 WIB

• Friday Full day Kids: 08.00 -10.00 WIB

• Monday - Friday 08.00 -15.30 WIB

E.Curriculum ELC

1.Using an active learning approach and

2.applied learning 2. Process-based child assessment

3. Reports on learning activities every week

4. Learning based on the development of the child's age stages and in a pleasant learning
atmosphere (Fun Learning)

5. The learning process prioritizes the formation of positive characters (Character Building)

F.Variety of Outdoor Activities

.BTQ (Read and Write Quran) Tahfidzul Qur'an and Hadith,Tahfidz and habituation of daily
prayers . Duha prayer and midday prayer in congregation. Swimming. Cinema Kids, Cooking
Class,Market's day Parenting Seminar, Happy Talent, Health check (Cooperation with SHAF
clinic), Extracurricular. Outbound,Outing Class ,Educational Visit,Hajj rituals, Internal and external
competitions, Go green, Archery . Equestrian


The formulation of the problem in this study is "Is the demonstration method able to improve
initial writing skills in group children at ELC Mayang Sukoharjo Kindergarten

Although in the demonstration process the role of the child is just paying attention, the
demonstration method can present concrete lessons. Beginning writing lessons are taught in ELC
Kindergarten so that children are better prepared to face learning activities in elementary school. In
general, children who graduate from ELC Kindergarten have better writing skills than those who do
not graduate from Kindergarten. This is because their readiness to learn to write at the beginning is
better than those who do not enter kindergarten. When the initial writing learning process was given
in kindergarten, especially at ELC Mayang Sukoharjo Kindergarten, the author still found children
who had difficulty writing letters. In addition, children are also less interested in starting writing
learning activities. This happens because the learning process is always monotonous and cannot
attract children to start writing activities. So the author is looking for various methods to improve
early writing skills in kindergarten. The method used in learning to write children's beginning is by
using the demonstration method. In the process of learning to write beginning with the
demonstration method, it will be more interesting, because children do not only hear, but see
firsthand the process of learning to write the beginning that has been explained. Based on the above
background, it is very important to teach early writing skills to early childhood, so that they are
better prepared and able to follow the learning process in elementary school and at the next level.

What is the method used in the learning of ELC Kindergarten Mayang Sukoharjo

Regarding Early Childhood Education, there are various kinds of learning methods that are often
used by ELC Mayang Sukoharjo Kindergarten teachers in learning activities including:

a. Role Playing Method

Role playing is a children's game by playing characters or objects (animals, plants). Figures such as
father, mother, farmer, doctor, policeman, pilot, in ELC Kindergarten through the method of
playing the role of children can develop the ability to imagine, manipulate object, creativity,
socialization and communication. Role playing is the beginning of drama. Role playing means that
children imitate the characters or actions of the characters they want.

b. Singing Method

Singing is a part of life, it is very popular even when children learn to crawl (toddler). Teachers can
use singing activities. For example, to recognize and learn to count body parts. In ELC
Kindergarten the singing method can be used without tools and there is no specific way to use this
method. The teacher is free to invite the children to sing according to the theme, material, or
learning activities that day. This singing method will also help children with their language

c. Conversation Method

Conversation has an important meaning for early childhood development because talking can
improve communication skills with other people, improve skills in doing activities together, besides
this method can also improve skills in expressing feelings, and expressing ideas or opinions
verbally. Therefore, the use of the conversational method in ELC Kindergarten for early childhood
will help the development of social, emotional, cognitive, and language dimensions. Conversation
activities carried out between the tutor and the children are expected to: increase children's courage
to actualize themselves by using expressive language skills, increase children's courage to state
verbally what to do for themselves and other children, increase children's courage to establish
relationships with other people, whether friends or tutors, provide opportunities for children to build
their identity, through dialogue opportunities, expand knowledge, insight and word renewal,
improve children's receptive language skills, such as listening and understanding other people's
conversations. In learning for early childhood, it is better to prioritize two-way communication in
the form of conversation. Provide opportunities for children to talk about what they know and what
they have done, whether at home, in ELC Kindergarten institutions, or in the community. Free them
to ask about anything, and whatever is said or asked by the child, it should be responded positively
even though the children's words often deviate from the themes that are often discussed.

d. Storytelling Method

The storytelling method is a method that tells an event or events to students. These events or events
are conveyed to students through unique speech, expressions and facial expressions. Another
opinion states that the storytelling method in ELC Kindergarten is a learning method that uses the
teacher's technique of telling stories about a legend, fairy tale.

What theories are used at ELC Mayang Sukoharjo Kindergarten

The learning process has many theories that have been expressed by educationalists and
psychologists. These theories are concerned with how to treat children in learning activities so that
they are able to receive and capture the material presented by the teacher well. In the following, the
author will describe some of the learning theories applied in ELC Kindergarten. a theory of early
childhood learning not much different from existing educational theories. It's just that the difference
is how to apply it in the process learning. In other words, the theories are associated with

characteristics early childhood growth and development.

Behaviorism Learning Theory

Behaviorism is a psychological school which views that human learning is influenced by the
environment. Learning according to the theory of behaviorism is a change in behavior that occurs
through a mechanical stimulus and response process. Therefore, a systematic, organized and
planned environment can provide a good "stimulus" effect so that humans react to these stimuli and
provide appropriate responses. learning is a process of interaction between stimulus and response.
Stimulus in this case can be a thought, feeling or movement. Changes in behavior can take the form
of something concrete that can be observed or something that is not concrete that cannot be
observed. The stimulus and response must be observable.

This is because, although unobserved changes such as mental changes are important, according to
him, they do not explain what the learning process is. happened or not. With this assumption, it can

be predicted what changes will occur in children. classical conditioning theory that almost all
organisms' behavior occurs reflexively and is limited by simple stimuli. He suggested that the
stimulus is required (conditioning reflex) to provide the response expected by the environment in
accordance with the demands of the environment (conditioned reflex) hereinafter referred to as
classical conditioning. The learning theory of classical conditioning is a learning theory of the
stimulus response category. namely a stimulus called a conditioned stimulus (conditioned stimulus)
and an unconditioned stimulus (unconditioned stimulus).
The result is the start of an unconditioned response, which then becomes a conditioned response.
Thus, it can be concluded that the unconditional stimulus and the additional stimulus, namely the
conditioned stimulus, will produce a new response, namely the conditioned response or response.
with operant conditioning theory, assumes that human behavior that can be observed directly is the
result of previous actions. If the consequences are pleasant then it will be repeated again. These
consequences are reinforcement (reinforcement) to do it again and so on. Consequences can turn
into rewards or punishments. The implication of this theory is that ELC Kindergarten teachers
should be careful in determining the type of reward and punishment. Teachers must know the
hobbies or interests of their students. Punishment should really be something the child doesn't like
and conversely, the reward is something the child really likes. Do not let the child who is given a
gift consider it a punishment or vice versa, what the teacher thinks is a punishment for the child is
considered a gift.

Cognitive Learning Theory

The cognitivists view that a person's behavior is more dependent on insight into the relationships
that exist in a situation. So, in the learning process, cognitive theory places more emphasis on
children's cognitive abilities. The characteristics of cognitive learning In the learning process, it
requires understanding rather than understanding memorization, punishment and reward.Learning
uses insight more for problem solving. Cognitive theory has many schools of thought pioneered by
philosophers Piaget revealed that a person's learning process will follow the pattern and stages of
development according to his age. These patterns and stages are hierarchical, meaning that they
must be passed in a certain order and a person cannot learn something that is outside his cognitive
stage. this stage of cognitive development applied by TK ELC

1.Sensorimotor stage (age 0 to 2 years).The growth of children's abilities can be seen from their
simple motor and perceptual activities.

2.Preoperational stage (ages 2 to 7 years). This stage is divided into two, namely preoperational and
intuitive.Preoperational (ages 2 to 4 years), children have been able to use language in developing
concepts, although it is still very simple. So there is often an error in understanding the object.
Intuitive stage (ages 4 to 7 years), children have been able to gain knowledge based on abstract
impressions. In drawing conclusions are often not expressed in words. Therefore, at this age
children have been able to express their heart symbolically, especially for those who have extensive
How effective teaching materials and theories of English for Early Childhood Education

The development of teaching materials has the function of making guidelines for students who will
direct all their activities in the learning process as well as being a substance of competence that
should be studied. The development of teaching materials also has the function of being a guide for
educators to direct all their activities in the learning process as well as being a tool for evaluating
learning outcomes. students, Enriching knowledge because it was developed using various
references. The development of teaching materials has the benefit of making learning activities
more interesting, providing opportunities for students to learn independently and reducing
dependence on the presence of teachers, as well as providing convenience in learning each
competency that must be mastered by students. Teaching Material Development Techniques The
preparation of teaching materials has the stages of preparation as shown in the following stages in
accordance with the guidebook for writing textbooks for improving the competence of PAUD
educators in 2012 including: Writing yourself (starting from scratch). The author compiles
textbooks based on his own ideas and experiences. Information repackaging/text transformation.
The author does not compile the textbook himself from scratch (from nothing or from scratch), but
makes use of existing books, textbooks, papers, and other information. Collecting writings from
various sources that are related and relevant to the theme (compilation or wrap around text).


character education in morals and religion so that children can become honest and trustworthy
children in every word and work given to children, this PAUD too has a goal so that the child
becomes someone who has character noble and responsible and provide learning, guidance and care
while in the playground environment in order to build and stimulate the potential of intelligence
owned by children through Character-Based Holistic learning with 9 Character pillars. That in the
component of learning material/content that will be given to children according to the theme that
has been designed by the teacher which in the theme is inserted 9 character pillars which include 6
aspects of child development, namely cognitive, language, socio-emotional,physical-motor,
religious and moral values, and aspects of art. The world of children is a creative world, this can be
seen from the ideals that are common and dominant in children, namely high curiosity,
sportsmanship and love of new things. Learning with joy and a pleasant atmosphere that opens new
insights in the meaning of life.We strive to realize learning objectives by carrying out holistic
integrated learning activities for students. The learning process is carried out in the classroom and
outside the classroom. It is hoped that it can stimulate the growth and development of students in
learning while playing because the world of children is the world of play.Educate your children
according to Gamanus !!! This is the hadith of the prophet Muhammad SAW.

PAUD TK Alam ELC Kids is an early childhood education institution (Pre school) consisting of
Playgroup and Kindergarten (playgroup and kindergarten) that adheres to the concept of Islamic
and modern education with contextual and situational learning methods. the concept of Multiple
Intelligences (MI) which states that all children are intelligent with their respective intelligences.
We also introduced the Qur'an, Hadith, Siroh, and prayer. ELC Kindergarten Vision The realization
of a generation of Muslims who are smart, cheerful, noble and creative,ELC Kindergarten Mission
Laying a strong aqidah base in accordance with the Qur'an and As Sunnah. Forming pious and
pious Muslim personalities and personalities in accordance with Islamic values. Maximizing the
potential of intelligence in all by learning in accordance with the level of achievement of child
development. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the method Learning is a
method used by educators to help learning activities in order to run according to the objectives.
Children's learning Early childhood itself is a process of interaction between children, parents,
educators or others in an environment that helps to achieve developmental tasks. The interaction
that is built is a factor that affect the achievement of learning objectives to be achieved. Thing This
is because the interaction reflects a child's relationship gain meaningful experience, so that the
learning process takes place fluent


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