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Republic of the Philippines


Don Severino de las Alas Campus
Indang, Cavite

ASSESSMENT GUIDE FOR STS (GNED 06) Lecture 01: Science, Technology, and Society:
An Introduction



At the end of discussion, students should be able to:

✔ define Science, Technology, and Society

✔ explain the characteristics and processes of Science and Technology; and ✔ discuss the
emergence of STS as a new field of study.
Learning Materials provided to students:

✔ Copy of the presentation (pdf copy)

✔ Transcript
Activity #1: Article Review “What Good is Science Education” by Dr. Raul Kamantigue

I. Read the article “What Good is Science Education” by Dr. Raul Kamantigue Suarez. The
links are provided below. Answer the guide questions that follows:
Links of the article
Part 1:
Part 2:

II. Guide Questions:

1. After reading and understanding, do you believe that it is necessary for every Filipino to
embrace science education? Why or why not? Will it be relevant or not to our daily lives?
Discuss your answer in not more than two paragraphs.

2. As a globally competitive student of CvSU, what can you contribute to improve Science and
Technology? How can you use Science and Technology to come up with a better society?
Answer this question briefly and direct to the point.
Humans gain knowledge, and our activities have evolved since the advent of scientific study.
The term "science" refers to a fact and several types of science. Furthermore, the term "fact"
refers to actual discoveries that only our limited senses can comprehend. Are you walking while
standing or lying when we wake up in the morning or rest in bed? Do you sleep while laying
down or standing up? Given the planet's gravity, it may appear that you are standing when you
elevate your body into the air while your foot is planted, yet we live in Asia, and that continent is
positioned on the face of the world, leading you to believe that you are standing. Do you sleep
while laying down or standing up? When you lift your body into the air while your foot is
grounded, it may appear that you're standing, but we live in Asia, and that content is placed on
the face of the earth, making you imagine that you'll stand sideways, and in fact, we are, but our
eyes trick our perception due to the direction of gravity towards your feet, not convinced? Place
your foot on the wall and believe that everything slides sideways, that gravity switches direction
onto the wall you're now standing on; the same experience will play in your head, and you'll
know that your senses are deceiving you.

This is a wake-up call for those who waste their lives by neglecting what gives their lives
significance. The existence with a feeling of purpose the only way to embrace any form of
change is to change the system. Our nature and education we must renounce the cultural
ideals that govern our lives and focus solely on ourselves. Our identity is defined by our exterior
usefulness and materialism. “Grades" It doesn't matter" is not an excuse for someone who is
unable to reach high academic standards. They do not adhere to stringent rules; they just exist
in a system that preserves everyone's talent. Opened because society has a rigorous technique
of maintaining an unsuccessful system that does not appear to work to crumble because they
turned a genius into a stupid society slave.

It is critical that everyone embraces science education. It is critical to have access to education
by reforming our system, which imposes senseless, commonplace requirements, useless in our
lives and in the context of society. Education must be presented with enthusiasm for learning
and a desire to nourish our curiosity in the same way that we fuel our energies to survive in a
humdrum nothing about human nature is promoted by this system. And why is this significant?
The truth is that could people accept science if we live in a system that is continuously
demeaning its citizens? Our discoveries of nature have rendered us completely unconscious of
our own nature; people should be aware of this. How to be human Our need for knowledge
stems from our desire to live a caring life for others. One's passion as their life's mission, our
purpose fires our will to study, not only does mankind gain information over time, but significant
wisdom with an open mind will be gained as well created as a result of life's experiences,
including discovery.

The goal of education is to unlock human brilliance by exposing people to the beauty of the
world. Our nature, and as a result, they will be more thoughtful about their own nature, resulting
in to live a fulfilling life, one must have a passion or a meaning. What we perceive in this world,
like our senses, is not how it is. Humans should work in such a way that the world we live in is
just not the reality of human nature. Simply order in the system that restricts our potential to
exist totally alive. Love of learning entails not just being aware of previous discoveries, but also
delving deeply into the unknown and discovering new ones. The objective fact underlying
everything, you'll be happy to acquire a passion for learning for yourself. It liberates you in all
parts of yourself as you become one and adopt a single life aim.

We cannot change the reality that science and technology have become an integral part of our
existence. The technological revolution has just begun. It is becoming better by the day, and
nearly everything is reliant on it. As an internationally competitive CvSU student, I believe that
the best way to develop science and technology is to learn new things about science and
technology. Collaboration and information exchange - a creative study into a subject that acts
as a direct source of motivation for new technical possibilities. I will be able to contribute and
apply my expertise from my Science and Technology program by producing unique concepts.
Because the principles and goals of the innovation were shared, society will benefit.
Reference list:

What should be done to improve the role of Science & Technology in societal development?
(n.d.). Retrieved February 28, 2022, from

Why is science education important? Jonna Timonen, PhD. The writer works as a coordinator at

the Jyväskylä University Museum in the Open Science Centre. July 25, 2020 from

How Science and Technology Are for Society. (n.d.). 1302821_002.pd

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