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College of Teacher Education


Doria, Jean Garcia Rating:

Dosal, Angelica Medes March 11, 2024
Garcia, Airene Magno

Lesson 5: Technology as a Way of Revealing

Technology has a profound influence on our lifestyle and society. Through inventions and
innovations, it becomes a more effective instrument in human development and the
dissemination of knowledge. Technology is not just a simple tool, but a powerful force that has
the potential to serve as a vehicle for progress and change. Technology enables faster and more
widespread access to information. With the internet, information on almost any subject can be
obtained in a matter of seconds. It opens doors to knowledge and expands man's understanding
of the world. Social media, on the other hand, provides a platform for the exchange of ideas and
perspectives, allowing for broader discussion and connecting across cultures and beliefs.

According to Heidegger, there is something wrong with the modern, technological culture
we live in today. In our ‘age of technology’ reality can only be present as a raw material (as a
‘standing reserve’). This state of affairs has not been brought about by humans; the technological
way of revealing was not chosen by humans. Rather, our understanding of the world – our
understanding of ‘being’, of what it means ‘to be’ – develops through the ages. In our time
‘being’ has the character of a technological ‘framework’, from which humans approach the
world in a controlling and dominating way.

However, the potential threats and challenges associated with technological development
cannot be ignored. Threats to privacy and the digital divide are just some of the issues facing
society today. Technological changes can cause dislocation in traditional industries and can
result in unemployment for some sectors of society. Although there are challenges and threats, it
is still important that we recognize the positive impact of technology on our lives and society.
With the proper use and improvement of technology, we can expand our knowledge, strengthen
our health, grow our economy, and above all, succeed in achieving a more prosperous and just

Science as Method
Science is an enormously successful human enterprise. The study of scientific method is
the attempt to discern the activities by which that success is achieved. Among the activities often
identified as characteristic of science are systematic observation and experimentation, inductive
and deductive reasoning, and the formation and testing of hypotheses and theories. How these
are carried out in detail can vary greatly, but characteristics like these have been looked to as a
way of demarcating scientific activity from non-science, where only enterprises which employ
some canonical form of scientific method or methods should be considered science (see also the
entry on science and pseudo-science). Others have questioned whether there is anything like a
fixed toolkit of methods which is common across science and only science. Some reject
privileging one view of method as part of rejecting broader views about the nature of science,
such as naturalism (Dupré 2004); some reject any restriction in principle.
Republic of the Philippines
Rizal St., San Jose, Occidental Mindoro
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Contact Number: (063) 910-204-0460

College of Teacher Education

Scientific method is an approach to seek knowledge that involves forming and testing a
hypothesis. It is a method of learning and analysis based on observation, experiment, and logical
analysis. It involves the formulation and testing of hypothesis, the collection and analysis of
gathered evidences, and the development of theories that explains that observed phenomena.

The scientific method typically begins with observation, where a scientists can formulate
hypotheses. According to all theories, in problem solving usually begins with identifying the
problem and identifying the possible factors involved. However, in scientific method, it is the
second step after the observation the unexplainable occurrences in the society around you.
Followed by formulating the hypothesis that could explain the occurrences. Third is conducting
experiment through identifying and setting up the independent variables and the dependent
variables. Identifying the cause and effect of the study, either it will be helpful to the society or
not. Fourth, gathering and analyzing the data once the experimentation is complete. After
collecting the data, it will be needed to analyze to know if it can support your hypothesis and
your claim to this study. And the last step, formulating conclusion and provide recommendation.
In this part, you are concluding your study and recommending tips and significance to your
fellow scientists to help them in the study that somewhat related to yours and it can help them
and it can broaden and extend the study.

Scientific method is used to experimental research while the research method is using
sociological investigation. However, there has somewhat similar to each other in terms of the
procedures in conducting a study. According to the Society (1994), a research method is a
systematic plan for conducting research. They introduce the four used methods of sociological
investigations: experiments, surveys, participant observation, and used of existing sources. The
experiment is a research method for investigating cause and effect under highly controlled
conditions. A survey is a research method in which subjects respond to a series of statements or
questions in a questionnaire or an interview. Participation observation, is a research method by
which investigators systematically observe people while joining in their routine activities. And
lastly, in existing sources, not all research requires collecting new data. In many cases,
sociologists save time and money by using existing sources, analyzing data collected by others.
The similarities in the process are quit showed in the comparison of this methods of studying the
society. These are important processes to ensure that the ideas and concepts we study reflect
reality and can be used to develop practical applications.

In the fields of science and technology, the scientific method is a foundation that teaches
us how to think logically and systematically. It gives us guides in the discovery of new
knowledge and the development of new technologies. By using the scientific method, we learn to
be critical, observant, and careful in our studies and experiments. In addition, according to
Aristotle quote “Genius is 1% talent and 99% hard work”, that the inherited intelligence is
useless without action.

Science as a Social Endeavor

Science is not just a lonely trace of knowledge; it is a collaborative and social endeavors
that involves interaction among scientists, researchers, and the broader community. Through
collaboration, scientist exchanges ideas, share data, and collectively build upon each other’s
work to advanced knowledge and understanding. As its core, science as a social endeavor
incorporate the collaborative nature of human inquiry, where individuals from diverse
Republic of the Philippines
Rizal St., San Jose, Occidental Mindoro
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Contact Number: (063) 910-204-0460

College of Teacher Education

backgrounds come together to explore the mysteries of the universe and solve complex

One aspect that underscores the social nature of science is collaboration. Scientists
frequently collaborate with colleagues within their own institutions and across the globe to share
resources, expertise, and data. This collaboration fosters the exchange of ideas, stimulates
creativity, and accelerates the pace of discovery. Whether it's associative teams tackling
multifaceted issues or international collaborations pooling resources for large-scale projects like
space exploration or climate research, science thrives on collective effort.

Moreover, science as a social endeavor involves communication at every stage of the

scientific process. From sharing preliminary findings at conferences to publishing research in
peer-reviewed journals, scientists engage in a continuous dialogue with their peers and the
broader public. This communication not only disseminates new discoveries but also invites scan,
critique, and refinement from the scientific community. Through open discourse and constructive
feedback, scientific knowledge evolves and becomes more tough over time.

Furthermore, the social context in which science operates shapes the direction and
priorities of research. Funding agencies, policymakers, and societal values influence the
allocation of resources and the focus of scientific inquiry. For instance, the urgency of addressing
pressing global challenges such as climate change or public health crises often drives scientific
research agendas. Additionally, ethical considerations and public concerns play a vital role in
shaping the ethical conduct of research and the responsible application of scientific findings.

Diversity and Collaboration

Diversity refers to the presence of differences within a group or community, encompassing
various aspects such as race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status,
cultural background, perspectives, and abilities. In the context of collaboration, diversity
involves bringing together individuals with distinct backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints to
work collectively. While collaboration is a process whereby individuals or groups work together
toward a shared objective, pooling their resources, expertise, and efforts to achieve a common
goal or outcome. It can provide unity toward diversity as collaboration is essential in
communication, addressing complex problems, innovation, and community development.

The literary critic Pierre Macherey (1978) argued that a literary works ideological bias can
be found out by examining not what it says about social reality, but precisely what it does not say
about social reality. In collaboration and diversity in scientific endeavors serve as powerful tools
to reduce biases. This diversity helps to identify and challenge inherent biases that may exist
within a scientific community or research field. Besides, collaboration enables cross-validation
of findings and methodologies, reducing the likelihood of biased results. Additionally, diverse
teams are more likely to consider a broader range of perspectives and potential implications,
leading to more stronger and inclusive conclusions. Ultimately, by promoting collaboration and
embracing diversity, science can achieve greater objectivity, transparency, and reliability,
thereby advancing knowledge while minimizing the influence of biases.

Collaboration and diversity stimulate problem-solving by bringing together individuals

with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. When people from diverse
backgrounds collaborate, they bring unique insights, approaches, and skills to the table, enabling
Republic of the Philippines
Rizal St., San Jose, Occidental Mindoro
Website: Email:
Contact Number: (063) 910-204-0460

College of Teacher Education

a broader range of ideas and solutions to be considered. In addition, collaboration fosters

teamwork and mutual support, allowing individuals to hold each other's strengths and making up
for weaknesses. By working together, diverse teams can overcome obstacles more effectively,
leading to more beefy and comprehensive problem-solving outcomes. Overall, collaboration and
diversity create an environment where creativity flourishes, ideas are critically evaluated, and
solutions are more likely to address the multifaceted challenges of today's world.

Collaboration and diversity in scientific endeavors facilitate specialization by grasping the

unique perspectives, skills, and expertise of individuals from different backgrounds. Through
collaboration, scientists can pool their knowledge and resources to tackle complex problems
more effectively. Diversity brings together individuals with varied experiences, viewpoints, and
approaches, leading to innovative solutions and fresh insights. Moreover, collaboration and
diversity foster a supportive ecosystem where individuals can learn from each other, exchange
ideas, and cultivate interdisciplinary connections, ultimately advancing scientific knowledge and
promoting inclusivity within the scientific community.

Collaboration and diversity serve as powerful sources of inspiration and motivation in

various endeavors, including science and innovation. This diversity sparks creativity, fosters
innovation, and leads to novel approaches to problem-solving. By working together, individuals
can overcome challenges more effectively, support each other's strengths, and achieve goals that
may have been unattainable on their own. Moreover, collaboration encourages mutual support,
encouragement, and accountability, creating a positive environment that fuels motivation and
drives progress. Ultimately, the synergy generated by collaboration and diversity not only
enriches the outcomes of endeavors but also instills a sense of purpose and excitement, inspiring
individuals to push boundaries, explore new possibilities, and make meaningful contributions to

Collaboration and diversity in science facilitate the division of labor by supporting the
unique characteristics of people inside the society. When scientists collaborate, they can allocate
tasks according to each person's strengths, effectively streamlining the research process and
increasing productivity. Additionally, diversity within collaborative teams ensures that a broad
range of viewpoints and approaches are considered. By pooling together diverse talents and
knowledge bases, collaboration enables researchers to tackle complex scientific challenges more
effectively than any single individual or homogeneous group could achieve alone. Ultimately,
the combination of collaboration and diversity not only divides labor but also enhances the
quality and impact of scientific outcomes, driving progress and fostering inclusivity in scientific

In the field of health, technology plays an important role in spreading knowledge and
addressing health problems. Many medical devices and processes are becoming more effective
and safer due to advances in technology. For example, advanced imaging techniques such as
MRI and CT scans provide more detailed information on a patient's health, while telemedicine
allows patients to communicate with doctors without having to go to their office.

In education, technology opens up new possibilities for learning and teaching. Online
learning platforms allow students to study at their own time and place, expanding access to
education for the less able. Educational apps and interactive learning tools boost student
engagement and enable the development of their skills in various fields.
Republic of the Philippines
Rizal St., San Jose, Occidental Mindoro
Website: Email:
Contact Number: (063) 910-204-0460

College of Teacher Education

In the economy, technology brings faster development and growth. Automated processes
and artificial intelligence enable faster and more reliable production. Through e-commerce,
business people can do business all over the world without having to have a physical store. The
gig economy, on the other hand, provides opportunities for individuals to work independently
and without having to be subject to traditional employment.

The scientist despite the differences in the field of expertise face a common challenge, the
complexity of the problem. It's like puzzle with countless pieces, each piece representing
different aspect of problem. Each scientist perspective helps illuminated different part of the
problem and together they piece together as a solution. The road to this solution is through trials
and errors, debates and discussion, late nights and early mornings. But through this struggle that
the team diversity truly shines.

Through the diversity of their background, they approach the problem from different
angle, seeing from different facet, proposing different solution. They come and pull together and
think out of the box to tackle different possible solution. The collaboration of their diverse mind
leads to a solution that would have been impossible to find in isolation. Collaboration is not just
about efficiency and specialization it's about bringing together diverse mind, fostering an
environment with mutual respect and shared purpose. It is about the thrill of discovering, the joy
of share success. Without collaboration complex problem we face will remain unsolved.
Moreover, the power of collaboration in science is reaching beyond individual limits, tapping
into collective wisdom and pushing boundaries of possibility. The symphony of collaborating
diverse mind is like a music where each instruments plays critical role and the harmony they
create together is far from beautiful than any solo performance.

Dupré, J. (2004). “Miracle of Monism”, in Naturalism in Question, Mario De Caro and
David Macarthur (eds.), Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, pp. 36–58.
Hall, A. (1997). “A Way of Revealing”: Technology and Utopianism in
Contemporary Culture.
Heidegger, Martin. “The question concerning technology (W. Lovitt, Trans.)
The question concerning technology: and other essays (pp. 3-35).” (1977).
Macionis, J. (1994). Society: The Basics, Sixth Edition.
Parayil, G. (1997). The “Revealing” and “Concealing” of Technology.
Working Papers in the Social Sciences, No. 18.

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