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OKAY so basically

Sp6 is the 6 type most likely to get mistyped as 9 because they both avoid conflict, are people
pleasing and are usually empathetic and kindhearted but. it’s for super different reasons.

6s people please out of fear, they are scared to not be nice people and are scared what will
happen if they stand out, fear being disliked.
9s are people pleasers out of emotional numbness or apathy. 9s lack a passion for life so they
don’t care enough to even form opinions to being with so they just merge with others, not
because they’re anxious (9s are usually not anxious people) but because they just don’t care ab
things. ive heard that some 9s pretend to care about things more than they actually do. a big
thing is 6s care too much and 9s care too little, 6s are always doubting, over analyzing and
thinking things through way too much, while 9s don’t think about themselves much at all, being
the passion of sloth they just prefer to numb themselves and laze in the background. 6s have
too much inner passion and are constantly thinking about things in their head and thinking about
all the perspectives, while 9s lack inner passion. The biggest difference is fear vs indifference
6s will be passionate about things, 9s will not. another thing is emotionality reactivity. 9s are a lot
more deadpan in expression and don’t express a ton of big emotions erratically. while 6s can be
calm, but due to stressed, can have a v reactive way of responding to things when pushed. 9s
are very calm when it comes to real emotions, and often feel muted towards them because of a
lack of emotionailty. 6s are the opposite, and because of how much they worry and panic are
much more emotionally reactive and snappy when pushed.
Another thing is the inner cynicism of a 6 vs a more lighthearted nature of a 9. 6s are often
prone to lacking optimism, being they feel so doubtful about things so must prep for the worst to
happen, leading to a negativity (one they often believe to be realistic). 9s don’t overplan due to
anxiety are much more lighthearted and take things less seriously. Emotionally 9s are like a
flatheart rate that moves up quickly every so often, and 6s are like up and up and down and up

Both 6s and 9s also have procrastination problems, but 6s stems from a fear of failure and
thinking things will go wrong, so they avoid completing things. Meanwhile, 9s will feel more lazy
and resentful of the demands they have been given. While a 6 may also be lazy, they will also
still feel a pressure when putting things off, or meltdown at the last time.

Both 6s and 9s are also indecisive, but 6s stems from needing to think and see all the different
perspectives and outcomes “just in case” (and also in sp6, to wanting people please) while 9s
lack of decision making comes from a lack of inner expression and identity, they have no idea
what they want because they merge with others and don’t have enough self values to select, so
they let others. While 6s also may let others pick, it is again rooted in a fear of being disliked.
There is a sense of avoidance in both 9s and 6s, 6s avoid the feelings of blame and insecurity,
so they cope via projection (pinning blame on something else when they feel they have done
something wrong, this can form in self blame or blaming on outer sources. It’s also believing
something you think must be applied to others. “My friend stopped waving to me in the hallways.
They must dislike me.” Even though they are actually disliking them for ignoring them, they pin
the blame so that they reframe it so their friend is the bad guy.)
9s avoid self-relflection, looking inward at themselves and their own identity. They cope with this
via narcotiztion. (Numbing themselves when things feel too complex or difficult. They distract
themselves from attention via small activities that require little effort, watching tv, repeating
activities, etc. They prevents from being fully self aware and leads to a state of inertia.)

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