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Cahya Fuadi Muchlis

Contradictive Opinion
Original Text :
Social networking sites play a very important role in education. Indeed, students are afforded
multiple opportunities to improve learning and access the latest information by connecting
with learning groups and other educational systems (Greenhow and Robelia, 2009).
Greenhow C., Robelia B. Informal learning and identity formation in online social networks.
Learning, Media Technol. 2009;34(2):119–140.
Direct Quotation :
Social networking sites play a very important role in education. Indeed, students are afforded
multiple opportunities to improve learning and access the latest information by connecting
with learning groups and other educational systems (Greenhow and Robelia, 2009).
Paraphrase :
Social media platforms are extremely useful in schooling. Indeed, learners have several
options to enhance their learning and have access to the most up-to-date knowledge by
interacting with learning communities and other learning systems (Greenhow and Robelia,
Summary :
Social media can enhance students learning system (Greenhow and Robelia, 2009).

Original Text :
Since students tend to spend more time on social media other than educational purposes; this
tends to cause distraction from the learning environment, affecting their academic progress
(Bekalu et al., 2019, Hettiarachchi, 2014).
Bekalu M.A., McCloud R.F., Viswanath K. Association of social media use with social well-
being, positive mental health, and self-rated health: disentangling routine use from emotional
connection to use. Health Educ. Behav. 2019;46(2_suppl):69S–80S.
Direct Quotation :
Since students tend to spend more time on social media other than educational purposes; this
tends to cause distraction from the learning environment, affecting their academic progress
(Bekalu et al., 2019, Hettiarachchi, 2014).
Paraphrase :
Because learners waste extra time on online platform for reasons other than learning, this
creates distraction from the educational setting, reducing students academic development
(Bekalu et al., 2019, Hettiarachchi, 2014).
Summary :
Online social network can reduce students academic development (Bekalu et al., 2019,
Hettiarachchi, 2014).

Paragraft :
In conclusion, although social media can improve student learning systems, from what
Bekalu have said, social media can also interfere with the academic development of students
if they are not used optimally for academic purposes.

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