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A. Read the following paragraphs and write a direct quotation, a paraphrase, and a summary
of each of them using in-text citation format of APA 7th edition OR MLA.

1. Self development is not a school subject to be directly taught by teachers. Instead,

they are designed to provide students with opportunities to develop and express
themselves, in line with their needs, talent, interest and school conditions.
(Author’s name: A. Chaedar Alwasilah; Year of publication: 2013; page: 4)
Score = 20
Direct quotation
“Self development is not a school subject to be directly taught by teachers. Instead,
they are designed to provide students with opportunities to develop and express
themselves, in line with their needs, talent, interest and school conditions” (Alwasilah,
2013, p. 4).
Educators do not explicitly teach personality in classrooms. Rather, they are intended
to allow learners to explore and represent themselves in accordance with their
necessity, abilities, passions, and school circumstances (Alwasilah, 2013, p. 4).
personality is learned by oneself and not taught by the teacher in the classroom
(Alwasilah, 2013, p. 4).

2. As for the relationship between cultural categories and language, many lexical items
of human languages act as labels for the categories and their instances. As mentioned
above, in English the word food refers to a category, and a word such as steak is an
instance of that category. (Author’s name: Farzad Sharifian; Year of publication:
2017; page: 43)
Score = 20
Direct quotation
~~~~ Text ~~~
“As for the relationship between cultural categories and language, many
lexical items of human languages act as labels for the categories and their
instances. As mentioned above, in English the word food refers to a category,
and a word such as steak is an instance of that category ” (Sharifian, 2017, p.
Numerous lexical units in spoken languages serve as identifiers for the classes and
their examples in terms of the link among cultural categories and language. As
previously stated, the term food in English refers to a category, and a word like steak
is an example of that classification (Sharifian, 2017, p. 43).
lexical has a function to identify classes and examples (Sharifian, 2017, p. 43).

3. The relationship of language and culture in language study is one of the most hotly
debated issue at the present time. Because language is closely related to the way we
think, and to the way we behave and influence the behavior of others, the notion that
our sense of social reality may be but a construction of language or ‘language game’,
is disturbing. The notion that a person’s social and cultural identity may not be the
immutable monolithic entity it is usually taken for, but a kaleidoscope of various
presentations and representations of self through language, is unsettling. (Author’s
name: Claire Kramsch; Year of publication: 1998; page: 79)
(Score = 30)
Direct quotation
~~~~ Text ~~~
“The relationship of language and culture in language study is one of the most
hotly debated issue at the present time. Because language is closely related to
the way we think, and to the way we behave and influence the behavior of
others, the notion that our sense of social reality may be but a construction of
language or ‘language game’, is disturbing. The notion that a person’s social
and cultural identity may not be the immutable monolithic entity it is usually
taken for, but a kaleidoscope of various presentations and representations of
self through language, is unsettling” (Kramsch, 1998, p. 79).
One of the biggest contentious issues in spoken language research today is the link
between language and culture. Because language is so tightly linked to how we
perceive, conduct, and affect the behavior of others, the idea that our experience of
social reality may be nothing more than a construct of language or a "langauge game"
is unsettling. The idea that a person's social and cultural identity is a kaleidoscope of
multiple presentations and representations of self through language, rather than an
unchangeable monolithic entity, is disconcerting. (Kramsch, 1998, p. 79).
The concept that the sense of social reality is just a pun is very disturbing (Kramsch,
1998, p. 79).

B. This is a take-home examination. Find a text in English that has five in-text citations (you
may take only a part of the text). Modify the five in-text citations using APA 7 th edition
OR MLA. Write a reference list or a list of work cited for the text. (Score = 30)

Research conducted by Davis et al. (2017), Kriyantono (2015) reveals that Corporate
Social Responsibility emerges as an answer to the increasing public demand for
responsible, ethical, transparent public and private sectors and states that the Indonesian
state is the first in the world to adopt a mandatory CSR approach. This is also expressed
by Kuldeep Singh, Madhvendra Misra (2021) regarding the relationship between
corporate social responsibility (CSR) and organizational performance from the
perspective of European multinational companies. The results show that CSR, when
carried out on external stakeholders, affects organizational performance. Moreover, this
influence has been found to vary between established and reputable firms.
According to Andriyanto's research (2017), Putri Anriza & Lawas (2018), said that the
CSR program carried out by Pelindo III has been running by 3 billion CSR activities, this
can be seen by the work program carried out every year and accompanied by a report on
the position of the CSR program's financial activities, namely partnerships and
community development. In general, CSR activities in SOEs are mandatory as a form of
corporate responsibility towards the surrounding environment based on Government
Regulation (PP) No. 47 of 2012. In its implementation, CSR at the Pelindo IV Makassar
SOE is realized through a partnership and environmental development program known as
According to Conny Semiawan et al. (2005:157), epistemology is a branch of philosophy
that explains philosophical problems around the theory of knowledge. Epistemology
emphasizes the nature of the steps, the relevant means of obtaining knowledge, and seeks
to answer what can be known from the object of study. This view has implications for the
right way to obtain the truth. Moreover, it is related to the tools used to achieve the true
nature of the object of study.
Definition of Strategy that the way to achieve long-term goals David (2010), the strategy-
making process consists of three stages: strategy formulation, strategy implementation,
and strategy assessment.
According to ISO 26000 in Cheng and Cristiawan (2011), Corporate Social
Responsibility is the responsibility of an organization for the impacts of its decisions and
activities on society and the environment, manifested in the form of transparent and
ethical behaviour that is in line with sustainable development and welfare. Public; taking
into account stakeholder expectations, in line with established laws and international
norms of behaviour, and integrated with the organization as a whole.

1. Corporate Social Responsibility emerges as an answer to the increasing public
demand for responsible, ethical, transparent public and private sectors and states
that the Indonesian state is the first in the world to adopt a mandatory CSR
approach (Kriyantono 2015).
2. the CSR program carried out by Pelindo III has been running by 3 billion CSR
activities, this can be seen by the work program carried out every year and
accompanied by a report on the position of the CSR program's financial activities,
namely partnerships and community development (Putri Anriza & Lawas 2018).
3. Epistemology is a branch of philosophy that explains philosophical problems
around the theory of knowledge (Semiawan et al., 2005, p. 157).
4. The strategy-making process consists of three stages: strategy formulation,
strategy implementation, and strategy assessment (David, 2010).
5. Corporate Social Responsibility is the responsibility of an organization for the
impacts of its decisions and activities on society and the environment, manifested
in the form of transparent and ethical behaviour that is in line with sustainable
development and welfare (Cheng and Cristiawan, 2011).

Referece List:
1. Kriyantono, R. (2015). Public relations, issue, & crisis management. Jakarta:
Prenada Media.
2. Putri Anriza, S., & Lawas. (2018). Corporate Social Responsibility PT Pelabuhan
Indonesia (Pelindo) III (Studi tentang Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Program Kemitraan
dan Bina Lingkungan PT Pelindo III di Kampung Lawas Maspati Kecamatan
Bubutan Kota Surabaya). Kebijakan Dan Manajemen Publik, 6(3), 1–12.
3. Semiawan, C. (2005). Panorama Filsafat Ilmu. Indonesia: Teraju.
4. David, Fred R. (2010). Manajemen Strategi. Buku 1, Edisi kesepuluh. Salemba
Empat. Jakarta.
5. Cheng, M., dan Christiawan, Y.J. 2011. Pengaruh Pengungkapan Corporate Social
Responsibility Terhadap Abnormal Return. Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan, 13

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