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THE HUMAN BODY finger = dedo

flesh = carrie Dape = nuca

ankle = tornozelo navel = umbigo
arm = braço forearm -- antebraço
beard = barba neck = pescoço
forehead = testa nose — nariz
bladder = bexiga hair = cabelo palm = palma da mão
blood = sangue hand = mão
rib = costela
bone = osso head = cabeça
skeleton = esqueleto
bowels = heart = coração
skin = pele
intestinos brain = hip = quadril skull = crânio
cérebro breast = spleen = baço
peito jaw = mandíbula
kidney=rim stomach=estômago
buttocks = nádegas throat = garganta
cheeli = bochecha knee=joelho
leg = pema thumb = polegar
chest = t0rax tissue = tecido
lip = lábio
Chin = queixo toe = dedo do pé
ear = orelha tongue = língua
elbow = cotovelo tooth = dente
eye = olho lung = pulmão
vein = veia
eyebrow = sobrancelha moustache = bigode
wrist — pulso
eyelash = cilio
eyelid = pálpebra Muscle = músculo
face = rosto

1) Passe para o português :

a) The head consists of: the skull, the hair, the face, the ears, the lips, the mouth and the

b) The organs of the trunk are : the stomach, the bowels, the liver, the spleen, the diaphram, the heart, the lungs and the

c) The chief parts of the human body are: the head, the trunk and the limbs.

d) The neck connects the head to the trunk.

e) How many limbs do we have?

f) We have four limbs: the two arms (or upper limbs) and the two legs (or lower limbs).

g) On each hand there are five fingers: the thumb, the forefinger, the middle finger, the ring finger and the little finger.

h) Each foot has five toes: The finger-tips and &toes are covered with nails.

2) Passe para o inglês :

cérebro – brain barba – beard músculo – muscle tecido – tissue

cotovelo – elbow pulmão – lung quadril – hip pulso – wrist
carne – flesh calcanhar – heel bochecha – cheek crânio – skull
fígado – liver olho – eye bexiga – bladder costela – rib
lábio – lip coração – heart sobrancelha – eyebrow umbigo - navel
bigode – moustache nariz – nose unha - nail
mandíbula - jaw tornozelo - ankle

3) Faça a ligação correta:

mouth nuca
chest intestinos
bowels testa
eyelid cílio
forehead língua
eyelash dente
nape tecido
tongue pálpebra
tooth boca
tissue peito

Gilmar Soares da Silva

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