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Materi Online_Mr.

Suju Kampung Inggris Pare


Formal :
a. I would like to introduce myself, my name is….........
b. Let me introduce myself my name is…..................…
c. Would you mind if I introduce myself, my name is…
d. May I introduce myself, my name is…...................…
e. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is.................

a. It‟s nice to meet you
b. I‟m glad to see you
c. I‟m pleased to see you
d. See you tomorrow
e. See you next year
f. Good bye
g. Thank you
h. Thank you very much

Informal :
a. Hi
b. What‟s up?
c. Good to see you
d. How are things (with you)?
e. How‟s it going?
f. How‟s life been treating you?

Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
Practice 1
a. What is your name ?My name is Mr. Jhon
b. How old are you ? I am 50 years old
c. What‟s your job ? I am a computer technician
d. What‟s your address ? My address is Dahlia Street No.21
e. What‟s your number phone ? My phone number is 081 249 893 528
f. I don‟t have a phone number

Practice 3: Answer my questions based on your own data ( Tutor )

Is your name Lukman? Is your address Anyelir street No.1?
Is your name Suju? Is your address Dahlia street No. 1?
What‟s your name? What‟s your address?
Are you a doctor? Is your phone number 1234578910?
Are you a musician? Is your phone number 1234588666?
What‟s your job? What‟s your phone number?
Are you 15 years old?
Are you 22 years old?
How old are you?
Is your address Angrek Street No.1

Practice 4: Yes and No

a. My name is not ...............................
b. But my name is ...............................
c. I am not ............................years old
d. But I am ...........................years old
e. I am not a professor
f. But I am a ......................................
g. My address is not Angrek street No.1
h. But my address is ............street
i. My phone number is not 123456789
j. But my phone number is ...............

Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare

a. I‟d like to introduce you to miss…
b. I want you to meet…….
c. Let me introduce you to……
d. Have you met……..
e. May I introduce you to……
f. I would like to introduce my friend to you; his name is ….... he is
from …...... he is …......... years old, he is a ……………. (Job)
g. I would like to introduce my friend to you; her name is ….... she is
from ...….. she is …...... years old, she is a ……………. (Job)

Practice 1
Dewi : Hi, Jimmy, how‟s life?
Jimmy : Great Dewi, how about you?
Dewi : Everything‟s under control. Did you meet my sister Lisa?
Jimmy : No, I didn‟t
Dewi : Let me introduce you to her right now, Lisa he is my classmate, Jimmy
Lisa : Hi, jimmy nice to meet you
Jimmy : Nice to meet you too

Practice 2: use the sentences below to make a conversation with your friends

a. Maria the first time comes to your home. Introducing her to your
b. Mr. Charlie is a new Manager. He does not know his secretary. You are
entering his room with his secretary. Introduce the secretary to him.
c. You have just moved to a new home, so you meet your old friend.
Introduce him/her to your husband/ wife.
d. You are sitting next to two girls/ boys at a cafeteria. One of them is your
best friend.

Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
A. Formal :
Greeting Responses
Good morning (00:01 am-11:00 a.m) Good morning
Good day (11:00 am-14:00 pm) Good day
Good afternoon (14:00 pm-18:00 p.m) Good afternoon
Good evening (18:00 pm-24:00 p.m) Good evening
Good night (18:00 pm-24:00 p.m)
Good night
hendak beranjak mau tidur
Hi Hi
How do you do How do you do

Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
Greeting Responses
How are you? I am fine, thanks
How are you doing? I am very well
How is everything? Pretty well
How is life? Not so bad
So so, thank you
I am not fine
I am unwell
I am not so well
I have a cold
I am not good
I am headache
I am stomachache
I am eyeache

B. Informal :
Hi Hi
What‟s up? Very well
How are things (with you)? Every thing`s under control
How‟s it going? I am ok/ I am not oke
Long time no see Long time no see too

 It was nice talking with you, good bye
 Well, it‟s was nice to meet you, good bye
 Well, it‟s going late
 So long
 Have good time
 Have a nice day
 Enjoy your trip
 See you next time
 Ta – ta for now
 See you tomorrow
 Till later
 See you next time

Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
Practice 1
John : Good morning Mr. Brown
Mr. Brown : Good morning, John
John : How are you, Sir?
Mr. Brown : I am very well, how about you?
John : Not bad, Sir. Thank you
Mr. Brown : Good bye, John. Till later
John : Good bye, Mr. Brown

Practice 2 : Translate into English

1. Selamat pagi
2. Bagaimana kabar anda?
3. Saya baik-baik saja
4. Bagaimana tentang anda?
5. Saya kurang sehat
6. Saya kena flu
7. Sampai nanti
8. Baik selamat tinggal
9. Terimakasih
10. Terimakasih kembali

Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
Possessive (kepemilikan)
No Arti Subject Object
Adj+N Pronoun
1 Saya I Me My Mine
2 Kamu/ kalian You You Your Yours
3 Mereka They Them Their Theirs
4 Kami/ kita We Us Our +Noun Ours
5 Dia (pr) She Her Her Hers
6 Dia (Lk) He Him His His
7 Dia (benda) It It Its Its
1. Kamu bertanya kepada saya
2. Mereka datang kerumah kami
3. Kami melihat buku kamu
4. Dia laki laki mencintai dia perempuan
5. Boleh saya meminjam hp kamu?
6. Itu Hp kamu dan ini punyaku (Hp saya)
7. Ibu kamu datang kerumah mereka
8. Saya ingin belajar bahasa inggris dengan dia laki laki
9. Kami mau membeli rumahnya dia perempuan
10. Anis adalah temanku


A /eɪ/ H /eɪtʃ/ O /əʊ/oʊ/ V /vi:/
B /bi:/ I /aɪ/ P /pi:/ W / d b.l .ju /
C /ci:/ J /dʒeɪ/ Q /kju / X /eks/
D /di:/ K /keɪ/ R /ɑ r/ Y /waɪ/
E /i:/ L /el/ S /es/ Z /zed/zi:/
F /ef/ M /em/ T /ti:/
G /dʒi / N /en/ U /yu:/

Practice 1 : How do you spell ___________?

Knowledge Board Welfare You are a teacher
Science Market Translation I go to pare
Teacher Candidate Campaign Do you speak English?
Lecturer Native Regulation Can you speak English?
School Indonesia Praying Have you got your praying

Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
Practice 2 :
John : Excuse me
Mary : Yes?
John : What‟s your name?
Mary : My name is Mariya
John : How do you spell it?
Mary : M-A-R-I-Y-A
John : Oh I see, thank you
Mary : That‟s ok

Practice 3 :
Heny : Good morning Aan, how are you this morning?
Aan : I‟m just fine Heny, thanks, and how about you?
Heny : Yes, I am. You are student too, aren‟t you?
Aan : Yes. My name is Supratman
Heny : What‟s your fist name?
Aan : My first name is Aan, My name is Aan Supratman
Heny : I‟m very glad to meet you Aan, My name is Heny
Aan : What‟s your last name Heny ?
Heny : My last name is Sulistiany, so my name is Heny Sulistiany
Aan : How do you spell your last name Heny?
Heny : Sulistiany, S-U-L-I-S-T-I-A-N-Y
Aan : I‟m very glad to know you Heny
Heny : I‟m glad to know you Aan

Practice 1
1. What‟s your name?
2. What‟s your full name?
3. What‟s your middle name?
4. what‟s your surename?
5. What‟s your nickname?
6. What`s your call name ?
7. How old are you?
8. What‟s your job?
9. What‟s your position?
10. What‟s your home address?
11. What‟s your office address?
Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
12. What‟s your school address?
13. What‟s your hobby?
14. What are your hobbies?
15. How do you spell it?
16. What‟s your zodiac?
17. What‟s your phone number?
18. What‟s your postal code?
19. What‟s your religion?
20. What‟s your marital status?
21. What‟s your favorite food?
22. What‟s your favorite film?
23. What child are you ?
24. What class are you now ?

Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare

1 One 11 Eleven 30 Thirty
2 Two 12 Twelve 40 Forty
3 Three 13 Thirteen 50 Fifty
4 Four 14 Fourteen 60 Sixty
5 Five 15 Fifteen 70 Seventy
6 Six 16 Sixteen 80 Eighty
7 Seven 17 Seventeen 90 Ninety
8 Eight 18 Eighteen 100 Hundred
9 Nine 19 Nineteen 1.000 Thousand
10 Ten 20 Twenty


Million : Satu juta A billion : Satu miliar A trillion : Satu triliun

Note :
2. Teen : Belasan
3. Ty : Puluhan
4. Million : Juta
5. Billion : Milyar
6. Trillion : Triliun
7. 101 : One oh one
8. 0 : Zero, oh, null

Practice : Mention the following numbers

15 50 51 55 13 30 5
300 3000 57 17 70 77 55
12 20 1001 2009 66 107 1887
2080 1986 1099 2018 1001 30.001 5555
99.330.997 13.099.330.997 103.099.330.997

YEAR ( Tahun )
1995 : Nineteen ninety-five
1869 : Eighteen sixty-nine
1945 : Nineteen forty-five
Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
2006 : Two thousand and six
2009 : Two thousand and nine

Dibaca satu per satu
081 945 825 39 : Zero eight one nine four five eight two five three nine one
085 736 157 410 : zero eight five seven three six one five sevent four one zero
Practice 1 : What’s your phone number ? It’s _____________________

082 157 988 344 082 333 385 367 085 878 712 635 081 333 985 907

085 607 719 569 085 285 111 009 081 554 707 360 082 332 080 691

089 560 269 1612 081 249 893 528

Practice 2
John : Mary, what‟s your phone number?
Mary : Pardon?
John : What is your phone number?
Mary : It‟s 081 945 825 391
John : Thanks
Mary : That‟s ok

Cardinal number in use

1. How many books do you have ? I have 11 books
2. How many pens does she have ? she has 100 pens
3. How many pens does Ani have ? she has 5 pens
4. How much money do you have ? I have 11.000.001 rupiahs
5. How much money does Susi hve ? She has 2.019.2018.100
6. What is your phone number ? My phone number is 089.765.432

1st : First 11th : Eleventh 21st : Twenty first
2 : Second 12th : Twelfth 22nd : Twenty second
3rd : Third 13th : Thirteenth 23rd : Twenty third
4 : Fourth 14th : Fourteenth 24th : Twenty fourth
5 : Fifth 15th : Fifteenth 30th : Thirtieth
6th : Sixth 16th : Sixteenth 40th : Fortieth
Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
th th
7 : Seventh 17 : Seventeenth 50th : Fiftieth
8th : Eighth 18th : Eighteenth 60th : Sixtieth
9th : Ninth 19th : Nineteenth 70th
: Seventieth
10th : Tenth 20th : Twentieth 80th : Eightieth
90th : Ninetieth
100 : A/one hundredth
1000th : A/one thousandth
1.000.000th : A/one millionth

On March + 10th + 1985
On the 13 + Of August + 1985

- Pada jam : At ……….( At seven O‟clock )

- Pada hari : On……….( On Sunday )
- Pada bulan : In………..( In January )
- Pada tahun : In………..( In 1999 )
- Pada tanggal : On……….( On January 15, 1865 )
Ordinal number in using
- What date is today ? today is.....
- What child are you ? I‟m…..
- When were you born ? I was born…..
- What semester are you ? I‟m …...

Practice 1
John : Hello Santy?
Santy : Hello John
John : What class are you now?
Santy : I‟m the second class of senior high school. What about you, John?
John : I‟m the third class of senior high schooll

Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
Practice 2
Mary : Excuse me, Beth
Beth : Yes?
Mary : What day is today?
Beth : Today is Wednesday
Mary : I see, what is the date today?
Beth : Today is June 23rd, 2019
Mary : I see, thanks
Beth : That‟s ok

Practice 3
Mike : Excuse me jean. What date is today?
Jeany : I really don‟t know. What month is this?
Mike : This is march. But I don‟t know what the date is this
Jeany : I believe it‟s the fifteenth of march
Mike : It must be march 15th, what year is this?
Jeany : I know what year it is, this is two thousand and nine
Mike : Right. So today is march 15th, 2009
Jeany : Isn‟t today your birthday?
Mike : No, it isn‟t. My birthday is the tenth of march
Jeany : What year were you born in?
Mike : I was born in nineteen eighty nine
Jeany : And I was born in nineteen eighty seven
Mike : What do you want to talk about?
Jeany : Let‟s talk about the lesson
Mike : Ok
Practice 4 : write conversation and practice with your friends


1 kali : Once
2 kali : Twice
3 kali : Three times/thrice
4 kali : Four times
20 kali : Twenty times
115 kali : One hundred and fifteen times
21 kali : Twenty once/ twenty one times
22 Kali : Twenty twice/ twenty-two times
Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
Multiple number in using
1. How many times do you take a shower everyday?
2. How many times do you eat everyday?
3. How many times does she wash her clothes in a week?


1/2 : A half/ one-second
1/3 : One-third
1/4 : A quarter/ one-forth
2 1/5 : Two and one-fifth
5 ½ : Five and a half

0.5 : Zero point five
10.20 : Ten point two zero
2.45 : Two point four five

1. Addition
5 + 4 = 9 : Five and four are nine/ Five plus four is/equal nine
2. Subtraction
7 – 5 = 2 : Seven minus five is two
3. Multiplication
3 x 3 = 9 : Three times three is nine
4. Division
60 : 2 = 30 : Sixty divided by two is thirty

Now is your turn

1. Make conversation with your couple about date and number!

Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
Hari ke English Indonesia
1 Sunday /s ndeɪ/ Ahad
2 Monday /m ndeɪ/ Senin
3 Tuesday /ʧu:zdeɪ/ Selasa
4 Wednesday /wenzdeɪ/ Rabu
5 Thursday /θɜ:zdeɪ/ Kamis
6 Friday /fraideɪ/ Jumat
7 Saturday /sæt ədeɪ/ Sabtu

Lebaran day Hari lebaran

Holiday /hɒlədeɪ/ Hari libur
Happy idul fitri/adha! Selamat hari raya idul fitri/ adha
Happy feast day Selamat hari raya
Happy Birthday /bɜ:θdeɪ/ Hari lahir/ HUT
Christmas /krɪsməs/ Hari Natal
Practice :
1. What day is today ? the day is.............
2. What day is tomorrow / tomorrow is ................
3. What day was yesterday ? yesterday was..................
4. What day was before yesterday ? the day before yesterday was......
5. What day is after tomorrow ? the day after tomorrow is................
6. What day is the first/mid/last day in a week ? the first/mid/last day is.....
7. How many days in a week? a week has...................
8. What do you think about today? I think today is.......
9. Do you like today, why?
10. What day do you like best?
11. What did you do yesterday?
12. What will you do for tomorrow?
13. What do you usually do on Saturday night?
14. Where do you usually go on your holiday?

Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
Days and my activities
There are seven days in a week, they are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. I like Sunday very much because
Sunday is holiday, I don‟t need to go to school on Sunday. On Sunday
morning I usually have sport, watch TV, listen the music, and wash my
cloths. Sometimes I go to swimming pool in the afternoon. On Sunday
evening. I take a walk with my friends.

Hari ke English Indonesia
1. January /ʤænyu ərɪ Januari
2. February /febru ərɪ/ Februari
3. March /mɑ:ʧ/ Maret
4. April /eɪprəl/ April
5. May /meɪ/ Mei
6. June /ʤu:n/ Juni
7. July /ʤu‟laɪ/ Juni
8. August /ɔ:gəst/ Agustus
9. September /sep‟tembə/ September
10. October /ɔktoʊbə/ Oktober
11. November /noʊ‟vembə/ November
12. December /dɪ‟sembə/ Desember

Practice :
1. What month is this month ? This month is.............
2. What month is next month? Next month is ................
3. What month was last month ? Last month was..................
4. What month is before november ? Before november is...............
5. What month is the first/mid/last month in a year ? The first/mid/last
month in a year is....
6. How many months in a year ? A year has...................

Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
Drilling :
January : The month after January is February
February : The month after February is March
March : The month after March is April
April : The month after April is May
May : The month after May is June
June : The month after June is July
July : The month after July is August
August : The month after August is September
September : The month after September is October
October : The month after October is November
November : The month after November is December
December : The month after December is January

Months in discussion :
- What month is this month? This month is….....
- What month is next month? The next month is...........
- What month is after July? The month is after July is...............
- What month do you like best, why?

Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
Past : Lewat
To : Kurang
O‟clock : Tepat
A half :½
A quarter : 1/4
Hour : Jam
Minute : Menit
Second : Detik
Am : Ante meridiem (started from 00.01 a.m-11.59 p.m )
Pm : Post meridiem (started from 12.01pm-24.00 p.m )
Note : Hour (jam / durasi/total)
O`clock (pas/ jam dinding)
Time ( waktu secara umum )

Note :
1. Untuk british menit dulu baru jam, gunakan past jika menitnya ( 01-29 )
Contoh :
4.10 : it‟s ten past four
7.20 : it‟s twenty past seven
11.25 : it‟s twenty five past eleven
1.15 : it‟s quarter past one
4.30 : it‟s half past four

2. Gunakan to untuk menit ( 31-59 )

Contoh :
4.35 : it‟s twenty five to five ( jam 5 kurang 25 )
7.50 : it‟s ten to eight ( jam 8 kurang 10 )
10.40 : it‟s ten to eleven ( jam 11 kurang 20 )
3.45 : it‟s quarter to four

Caranya : Jam dulu baru menit untuk pengucapannya
Example In Use
07.00 : it‟s seven o‟clock a.m
04.25 : it‟s four twenty five a.m
Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
16.15 : it‟s four fifteen p.m
19.30 : it‟s seven thirty p.m
22.40 : it‟s ten fourty p.m

Times in discussion :
- What time do you get up every morning ? I get up at.......................
- What time do you go to bed every night ? I go to bed at...............
- How many hours do you sleep in a day ? I sleep in a day for two
- What time do you take a shower? I take shower at..........

Practice 1
Zoo : What time is it?
Jack : It‟s two minutes past seven
Zoo : That alarm clock must be fast. It‟s six fifty
Jack : Maybe your wristwatch is slow
Zoo : Maybe. But I don‟t think so. My watch is correct
Jack : Well it‟s time to get up now
Zoo : Yes it is, we don‟t want to be late today
Jack : We won‟t be late
Zoo : We are late once or twice a week
Jack : Yes I know. But we won‟t be late today
Zoo : What time does the bank open?
Jack : It will open at seven thirty

Practice 2
Marcel : It‟s time to go now. where is my book?
Fred : Your book is over here, and here is your bag, too
Marcel : It must be time to go, we don‟t want to be late
Fred : It‟s seven o‟clock. Let‟s go
Marcel : Actually, the correct time is two minutes past seven
Fred : That‟s right, it‟s two minutes past seven
Marcel : We both have the correct time
Fred : Yes, your watch is correct and so is mine

Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
A. Daily Activity At Home 1
Every school day, I get up very early in the morning. Sometimes
my younger sister, Erna, wakes me up. She is a diligent girl. We share a
room. But we sleep on different beds.
I like to study in the morning at 4 o’clock. I study some lessons
based on schedule. Sometimes, I check my homework, also prepare
books. At 5.30 Erna and I clean our room. Then, we take a bath in turn.
While waiting, I help mother to prepare our breakfast.
Then, I take a bath and prepare myself for school. After eating
breakfast, we go to school together. We go to school on foot because my
school is near our house. School ends at 2 o’clock. I join an
extracurricular activity after school, like English, music, dancing, etc.
I go home at 3 o’clock. Then, I go to rice field to help my father.
Sometimes I swim with my friends in a river near the rice field. Go home
in the evening, have lunch and do homework. I sleep at about 10 p.m.

Enrich Your Vocabulary!

1. Get up very early : bangun tidur sangat pagi
2. A diligent girl : seorang anak perempuan rajin
3. On different beds : di tempat tidur berbeda
4. Based on schedule : sesuai dengan jadwal
5. Take a bath in turn : mandi secara bergiliran
6. Go to school on foot : pergi ke sekolah dengan jalan kaki
7. Near our house : dekat rumah kami
8. Join an extracurricular activity : mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler
9. Go to rice field : pergi ke sawah
10. Wake up : bangun tidur
11. Press the snooze botton: tekan tombol snooze (tidur sebentar)
12. Turn off the alarm : mematikan alarm
13. Get up : bangun (dari tempat tidur)
14. Have a cup of coffee : menikmati kopi
15. Make breakfast : membuat sarapan pagi
16. Read the newspaper : membaca Koran
17. Have breakfast : sarapan pagi
18. Have a shower : mandi
19. Get dressed : berpakaian
Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
20. Brush one's hair : keramas
21. Comb one's hair : menyisir rambut
22. Brush one's teeth : menggosok gigi
23. Put make-up on : berias, dandan
24. Go home : pulang
25. Cook dinner : memasak makan malam
26. Make dinner : makan malam
27. Do one's homework : mengerjakan PR
28. Watch Television : menonton TV
29. Watch the News : nonton berita
30. Take the rubbish out : membuang sampah
31. Wash the dishes : mencuci piring (kotor)
32. Feed the dog and cat : memberi makan anjing dan kucing
33. Go to bed : (Siap-siap) tidur
34. Go to the bathroom : Pergi ke kamar mandi
35. Take one's medication : Minum obat
36. Get into one's pyjamas : memakai baju tidur
37. Set the alarm : mengatur waktu alarm
38. Lock the door : mengunci pintu
39. Turn off the lights : mematikan lampu

B. Daily Activities 2
University students
I stay with some friends in a boarding house. I usually wake up
earlier than all friends. I wake up at 5 o’clock in the morning. I wash my
face and do jogging on road near the house. Sometimes one of my
friends does jogging with me. I like jogging because I can meet other
friends. Besides, jogging makes my body healthy.
After jogging, I buy food and drink for my breakfast. I usually buy
one pack of yellow rice with vegetable and meat inside. In the boarding
house, I eat yellow rice as my breakfast. After having breakfast, I clean
my room and take a bath.
When I have morning class, I go to campus and study in the class.
I often wait for a next class in the campus. I occasionally have my lunch
at canteen in my campus.
I join some student organizations in the campus. I spend my free
time to do some activities related to organizations. We have monthly
Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
meetings to discuss some events. At home, I finish all tasks as soon as
possible so I can sleep early. I usually go to sleep at 10 p.m. after
brushing my teeth.

Enrich Your Vocabulary!

1 In a boarding house : dalam rumah sewaan atau kosan
2 Wake up earlier than all friends : bangun lebih awal dari semua teman
3 On road near the house : di jalan raya dekat rumah
4 Jogging makes my body healthy : jogging membuat tubuh saya sehat.
5 One pack of yellow rice : sebungkus nasi kuring
6 Occasionally : terkadang
7 Some student organizations : beberapa organisasi mahasiswa
8 Some activities related to organizations
: beberapa kegiatan berhubungan dengan organisasi
9 Finish all tasks as soon as possible : menyelesaikan semua tugas
secepat mungkin
10 Go to work : pergi bekerja
11 Drive to work : mengendarai (mobil) ke tempat kerja
12 Check one's email : memeriksa email (surat elektronik)
13 Reply : menjawab
14 Take a taxi : naik taksi
15 Take a train : naik kereta api
16 Lunch meeting : pertemuan di siang hari
17 Take the bus : naik bis
18 Work on the computer : "komputeran"
19 Morning tea : waktu istirahat pagi (untuk sekedar minum
20 Have lunch : makan siang
21 Afternoon tea : waktu istirahat sore
22 File one's paper : menyimpan arsip
23 Organize one's files : menata arsip-arsip
24 Make telephone calls : menelepon
25 Organize a meeting : mengatur pertemuan
26 Report to one's boss : melaporkan pada pimpinan
27 Write a document : menulis dokumen

Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
C. Daily Activities 3
In the morning, I usually wake up at 6 o’clock. I do physical
exercise for 5 minutes so I don’t feel sleepy. When I have morning class,
I have a shower immediately.
Then, I go to campus by motorcycle. Sometimes, I pick up my
friend then we go together. On the way to campus, we buy and eat
breakfast at one food stand near campus. We chat along the way about
many things. We love talking about funny things. We laugh and feel
really happy.
While waiting for a next class, I go to my friend’s house.
Sometimes, I wait in campus while doing some tasks. Joining some
organizations at campus makes me quite busy but still happy. I need to
manage my time very well so I can set up priority.

1. I don‟t feel sleepy : saya tidak merasa ngantuk

2. have a shower immediately : mandi segera
3. pick up my friend : menjemput teman saya
4. on the way to campus : dalam perjalanan ke kampus
5. talking about funny things : berbicara tentang hal-hal lucu
6. while waiting for a next class : saat menunggu kelas berikutnya
7. do some tasks : menyelesaikan beberapa tugas
8. quite busy but still happy : cukup sibuk tapi tetap senang
9. manage my time very well so I can set up priority :
mengatur waktu saya dengan baik sehingga saya bisa menentukan
10. finish all tasks before due date :
menyelesaikan semua tugas sebelum tenggat waktu

Practice 1
Ann : What time did you get up yesterday morning?
Bill : I got up at 04 o‟clock
Ann : What time did your mom get up?
Bill : She got up about the same time as I did
Ann : Did you get dressed right away?
Bill : Yes, I did, I got up and got dressed immediately
Ann : What time did you have breakfast?
Bill : I had breakfast at 06 o‟clock
Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
Practice 2
Jack : What time do you usually get up everyday, John?
John : I usually get up at five o‟clock
Jack : Do you always get up at 05 o‟clock everyday?
John : No. some days I don‟t get up until 07 o‟clock
Jack : What time does Ann get up? Do you know?
John : He usually gets up at six o‟clock
Jack : Does he get up later than six o‟clock once in a while?
John : Yes, he does, once in a while he doesn‟t get up until 08 o‟clock A.M.
Jack : Does your brother get up later than you do?
John : No, my brother gets up the same time as I do everyday

Now is your turn!

1. What do you do every day? Make a list!
2. Interview some friends and tell about their everyday activities

Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
A. Asking the direction
- Excuse me, How can I get to SKI?
- Excuse me, How do I get to Brantas street?
- Excuse me, Could you tell me the way to………….?
B. Giving the direction
- Well, from here you can go on then…….
- Follow this street then you will find…..

Belok kanan Belok kiri

Turn right Turn left
Take right Take left
Make right Make left
Go right Go left

Jalan lurus Jalan pintas

Go ahead Cut way
Go on Alternative way
Go straight on Short cut
Keep on walking down Short way
Follow the street
Disebelah kanan jalan Disebelah kiri jalan
On the right side of the road On the left side of the road

Jalan buntu
Dead end
Blind road

Other Words
West : Barat North west : Barat laut
East : Timur North east : Timur laut
North : Utara South west : Barat daya
South : Selatan South east : Tenggara

Three junction: Pertigaan Go up: Tanjakan

Ring road: Bundaran Go down: Turunan
Zebra cross: Penyebrangan Bridge: Jembatan
Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
Fly over: Jalan laying Roundabout : Bundaran
Make U-turn : Berputar arah Railway lines: Jalur kereta api

Traffic lights/ Lamp Lampu lalulintas

At the end of the road Jalan yang terakhir
At the corner of the road Di pojok jalan
Take the second turning on left Belok kiri di belokan yang ke 2
Wavy road Jalan yang bergelombang
Sneaky road Jalan yang berlenggok
Zigzag road Jalan yang berlenggok
Crossroad/intersection Perempatan
Traffic signs Rambu-rambu lalulintas
Turning / turn Belokan

Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
A. Consonants
1. pen /pen/ 13. so /səʊ/
p s
2. bad /bæd/ 14. zoo /zu:/
b z
t tea /ti:/ 15.
ʃ shoe /ʃu:/
/ vɪʒən/
d did /dɪd/ 16.
ʒ vision
5. cat /kæt/ 17. hat /hæt/
k h
6. got /gɑt/ 18. man /mæn/
g m
ʧ chain /ʧeɪn/ 19.
n no /nəʊ/
ʤ jam /ʤæm/ 20.
ŋ sing /sɪŋ/
9. fall /fɔ:l/ 21. leg /leg/
f l
10. van /væn/ 22. red /red/
v r
θ thin /θɪn/ 23.
j yes /jes/
12. this /ðɪs/ 24. wet /wet/
ð w

Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
B. Vowels and diphthongs
/k p/
i: see /si/ 12.
ʌ/ ɑ cup
/ hæpi/
i happy 13.
ɜ:/ ɚ bird /bɜrd/
/ə baʊt/
ɪ sit /sɪt/ 14.
ə about
e/ ɛ ten /tɛn/ 15.
eɪ say /seɪ/
æ cat /kæt/ 16.
aɪ five /faɪv/
/ fɑ:ðər/
ɑ: father 17.
əʊ go /gəʊ/
ɒ got /gɒt/ 18.
aʊ now /naʊ/
ɔ: saw /sɔ:/ 19.
ɔɪ boy /bɔɪ/
ʊ put /pʊt/ 20.
ɪə near /nɪər/
10. actual / ækʧuəl/ 21. Hair /heər/
u eə
u: too /tu:/ 22.
ʊə pure /pjʊər/

Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
Words are connected in four main situations:
1. Consonant/Vowel.
2. Consonant/Consonant.
3. Vowel/Vowel.
4. T,D,S, or Z+Y

1. Liaison rule 1: Consonant / Vowel

Ex: Hold on My name is
Turn over Pick up on
Tell her I miss her Fall of
Follow up on Sell it
Come in Fade away
Call in 6-0
2. Liaison rule 2: Consonant / Consonant
Ex: Business deal Some plans need luck
Credit check Check cashing
The top file Let them make conditions
Sell nine new cars Had the
Sit down Both days

3. Liaison rule 3: Vowel/ Vowel

Ex : Go away Through out
I also need the other one You are
She isn‟t He is
Who is Do I
Go anywhere I asked
So honest To open
She always Too often

4. T, D, S, or Z+Y Liaison practice

Ex : Gradual Tissue
Who‟s your friend Got your
Just your Where‟s your book
Gesture Congratulations
Miss you Had your
Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
(1) U + Vowel = W
Practice I
Bolo : Do I have to do every practice?
Dude : Yes, you ought to. You and I oughto practice it.
Bolo : Do I read well if I practice so often or every two hours.
Dude : aha! Yes, you are.

(2) T + Vowel = d/r

Ex: Get out But I get one
Out of Give it a try
But I‟m here Don‟t get in the way
I will eat them all Just let it be there
Get away from me

(3) D + j/y = ʤ (J)

Ex: Did you see it? We followed your instructions
Could you tell me? He robbed your money
How did you like it? Did you find it?
I have told you twice

(4) Z + y/j = ʒ (ZH)

Ex: How‟s your family? Who‟s your friend?
Who does your hair? Where‟s your mom?
How was your class today? She says you‟re ok

(5) I + vowel = y
Ex: The end The only
I also need the other one Let me in
Why ain‟t you doing May I be here
Practice I
Billy : I am so sorry about the upstair.
Ana : They are your mommy and daddy, aren‟t they?
Billy : Do you see it?
Ana : oh, not really. I only ask it.

(6) T + j/y = t/tʃ (CH)

Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
Ex: I died without you Put your hands up
No, not yet Don‟t you like it?
Can I get you drink? I‟ll let you know
All but you one may go Is that your final answer

(7) S + j/y = ʃ (SH)

Ex: I miss you like crazy
May god always bless you
Yes, you are
I‟ll try to guess your age
What‟s your name

Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
1. D‟you /dju:/
a. Do you /dju:/
- Do you mind me?
- Do you want to come with me?
b. Did you /dɪd ju:/
- Did you leave her?
- Did you stay up all night?
1. Don‟t /dəʊnt/
- you don‟t know nothing about it at all
- Don‟t you feel what I feel?
3. I‟m /aɪm/am
- I‟m lazy, I‟m in hurry, I‟m extremely bad tempered
4. He‟s /hi:z/ Bob‟s /bobz / Mike‟s /maɪks/
- He‟s at school, He‟s not here
- Mike‟s inside of class
- Bob‟s around, Bob‟s here
5. It‟s /ɪts/ Who‟s /huːz/
- It‟s a big deal, It‟s so hot
- Who‟s inside? Who‟s he?
6. Isn‟t /ˈɪzənt/ It‟s /ɪts/ Not He‟s /hi:z/ not
- She isn‟t getting better
- Isn‟t Sam doing well?
- It‟s not a good plan
- It‟s not a chocolate cake
- He‟s not a cool guy
7. You‟re /jɔː(r) /
- You‟re out of your mind
- You‟re really beautiful
- Your addected to music
8. We‟re /wɪər/ wɪ:r
- We‟re off to bed
- We‟re a perfect match
- We‟re going to set out
9. Aren‟t /ɑːrnt/
- We aren‟t at home
- Aren‟t you at home
Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
10. I‟ll /aɪl/ al
- I‟ll be there soon
- I‟ll catch you later
- I‟ll be right back
11. He‟ll /hi:l/ She‟ll /ʃi:l/
- He‟ll take a book on the table
- He‟ll talk to you as clear as possible
- She‟ll love him at first sight
- She‟ll lit the fire
12. It‟ll /ˈɪtl/ /ˈɪt -/
- It‟ll be no fun without you
13. We‟ll /wi:l/ you‟ll /ju:l/ they‟ll /ðeɪl/
- You‟ll have nothing more to worry about
- We‟ll attend that party tonight
- They‟ll have planned to hang out.
14. Won‟t /woʊnt/
- We won‟t give you shit
- I won‟t take it anymore
- Sam won‟t skip the class
15. I‟ve /aɪv, av/ you‟ve /ju:v/
- I‟ve been so crazy
- I‟ve been waiting so long
- You‟ve gonna away
- You‟ve run out money
16. They‟ve /ðeɪv/ we‟ve /wi:v/
- They‟ve made up their mind
- They‟ve stabbed in the back
- We‟ve got a lot of money
17. Haven‟t /ˈhæv nt/ -„ve not
- I haven‟t money anymore
18. He‟s /hi:z/ she‟s /ʃiːz/ it‟s /ɪts/
- He‟s friend of mine
- She‟s winning a gold medal
- It‟s only a golden chance
19. Hasn‟t /hæz nt/
- She hasn‟t talked on the phone
- She hasn‟t missed up everything
Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
20. „s /s/ or /z/
- What‟s the plan now?
- Who‟s it from?
21. He‟d /hi:d/ you‟d /ju:d/
- He‟d already gone when I got there
- I wish you‟d been better
23. Hadn‟t /ˈhæd nt/
- Tom hadn‟t shut it down
- She hadn‟t told her mother
24. I‟d /aɪd, ad/ you‟d /ju:d she‟d /ʃiːd/
- I‟d like to say thanks to you
- She‟d understood the past perfect tense
- You‟d better close your eyes
25. It‟d /ˈɪtəd/
- It‟d be under control
- It‟d worked out
28. Wouldn‟t /ˈwʊd nt/
- He wouldn‟t have promoted, sure, he wouldn‟t!
29. Could‟ve /ˈkʊdəv/
- We could have come early
- I could have passed the long way

Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare

ə mɛrəkən æksɛnt treɪnɪŋ

hə loʊ maɪ neɪm ɪz.................aɪm teɪkɪŋ
ə mɛrəkən æksɛnt treɪnɪŋ. ðɛrz ə lɑt tu lɜrn.
b t aɪ hoʊp tu meɪk ɪt æz ɛn ʤɔɪəbəl æz
pɑsəbəl. aɪ ʃʊd pɪk p ɑn ði ə mɛrəkən
ɪntə neɪʃən pætərn prɪti izəli, ˌɔl ðoʊ ði oʊnli
weɪ tu gɛt ɪt ɪz tu præktəs ɔl v ðə taɪm. aɪ juz
ði p ænd daʊn, ɔr piks ænd væliz, ɪntə neɪʃən
mɔr ðæn aɪ juzd tu. aɪv bɪn peɪɪŋ ə tɛnʃən tu
pɪʧ, tu. ɪts laɪk wɔkɪŋ daʊn ə stɛrˌkeɪs. aɪv bɪn
tɔkɪŋ tu ə lɑt v ə mɛrəkənz leɪtli, ænd ðeɪ
tɛl mi ðæt aɪm iziər tu ˌ ndər stænd. ɛniˌweɪ,
aɪ kʊd goʊ ɑn ænd ɑn, b t ði ɪm pɔrtənt θɪŋ
ɪz tu lɪsən wɛl ænd saʊnd gʊd, wɛl, w t du ju
θɪŋk? du aɪ ?

Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
No English Symbol Indonesia
1. Vast væst Luas
2. Eventually ɪ vɛnʧəwəli Kemungkinan besar
3. Division dɪ vɪʒən Pembagian, pembelahan
4. Aquatic ə kwɑtɪk Hal yang berakaitan dg air
5. Bounded baʊndəd Membatasi, di batasi
6. Shoreline ʃɔrˌlaɪn Garis pantai
7. Violate vaɪəleɪt Melanggar
8. Reconcile rɛkənˌsaɪl Mencocokkan, mendamaikan
9. Prey preɪ Memangsa
10. Prowl praʊl Mencari mangsa
11. Wondered w ndərd Heran
12. Budged b ʤd Bergerak
13. Crashing kræʃɪŋ Rodoh
14. Pounce paʊns Menerkam
15. Bite baɪt Menggigit
16. Lasted læstəd Bertahan
17. Defend dɪ fɛnd Membela
18. Severed sɛvərd Motong, potong
19. Maintain meɪn teɪn Mengurus, memelihara
20. Hostile hɑstəl Bermusuhan
21. Shark ʃɑrk Ikan hiu
22. Remarkable rɪ mɑrkəbəl Luar biasa

Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
The Origins of Surabaya In ancient times, in vast sea there was a
frequent fight between a Shark (sura) and a Crocodile (baya). They fought
each other to fight for prey in the ocean. They almost had same strength
and already fought so many times but no one ever wins or loses. Eventually
they both made an agreement that must be followed. The agreement was a
division of hunting area. They divided their hunting territory into two
where Sura ruled in water and hunted aquatic animals while crocodile ruled
on the land and hunted land animals. Their territory bounded by the
shoreline in beach. This agreement should not be violated by anyone.
With this agreement, there was no longer fight between Sura and
Baya. They both had reconciled and agreed to respect each territory.
However, this peace did not last long. Until one day, Sura ran out of prey in
the ocean. He began to prowl in rivers and lakes in land. Sura also caught
land animals which were drinking at the river. He did this hunt secretly
without being known by Baya.
One day Baya wondered why his prey turned less. Then he looked
for the cause and he found Sura was hunting in his area. It made Baya
became very angry. “Why are you hunting in my territory?” Baya asked in
anger. Sura was shocked to hear Baya was angry with him, “I do not hunt
in your area, I hunt in waters which are my territory” said Sura. “But you
were hunting in river. The river is located on the mainland and you‟re also
eating land animals that are my prey. You have violated our agreement
“said Baya. “It cannot be. all water is my territory, including rivers and
lakes that exist in the land!” Sura added. They both argued each other.
Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
Because there is no one budged a great battle happened between them. This
fight is very powerful and terrible. Sura and Baya were crashing, pouncing
and biting each other. None animals dared to approach or even stop their
fight. This fight made all the water around them turned red because blood
which was coming out of their injured.
This fight lasted very long. They continued to fight to defend
territory without taking a rest at all. In this battle Sura bite Baya‟s tail.
Getting a bite from Sura, Baya replied to bite Sura‟s tail. Two of them were
biting the tail one another without taking it off. This incident lasted very
long until Sura was not stand anymore because his tail nearly severed. Then
Sura ran to the ocean. Baya satisfied that he had managed to maintain his
area. Until this day they both continued hostile and Sura never returned to
rivers and lakes anymore.
The fight between shark and crocodile named Sura and Baya was
very remarkable and memorable for the local society. Therefore, the area
was given the name of Surabaya. And this fight is made as a symbol of
Surabaya which is the image of sharks and crocodiles bite their tail each

Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare

1. Simple Present

 Verbal : (+ ) S + V1 ( S/ ES )
( - ) S + Do/does + Not + Vbi
( ? ) Do/does + S + Vbi?

 Nominal : (+) S + Is/ Am/ Are + 3 Comp

: (-) S + Is/ Am/ Are + not + 3 Comp
: (?) Is/ Am/ Are + S + 3 Comp?
 Time signal :
Adv of
No. Every + time On + Time (Pl )
1. Every day Always On Sundays
2. Every Sunday Usually On Mondays
3. Every week Often On weeks
4. Every month Some times On months
5. Every year Seldom On years
6. Every time Hardly ever On days
7. Every summer Never On winters

2. Present Perfect
 Verbal : (+) S + Have/ Has + V3
(-) S + Have/ Has + Not + V3
(?) Have/ Has + S + V3 ?

 Nominal : (+) S + Have/ Has + Been + 3 Comp

: (-) S + Have/ Has + not + Been + 3 Comp
: (?) Have/ Has + S + Been + 3 Comp?

 Time Signal :
Specific Time duration ( T D )
Already Since
Lately For
Not……..yet Up to now
Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
Just Until now
So far All my life
 Fungsi :
a. Menyatakan kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan di waktu lampau
menekan kan pada effect nya ( hasilnya )
Ex : I have just eaten.
b. Menyatakan kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan di waktu lampau
dan masih berlangsung di dunia present.
 Fungsi ini menyebutkan time duration ( TD )
Ex :My father has worked in Japan for 13 months.
c. Menyatakan aktifitas yang berulang-ulang dilakukan atau
belum pernah sama sekali dilakukan
Ex : I have gone to Bali for 4 times
I have never met him before
3. Simple Past
 Verbal : (+) S + V2 + O.
(-) S + Did + Not + Vbi +O
(?) Did + S + Vbi + O ?

 Nominal : (+) S + Was/ were + 3 Comp

: (-) S + Was/ were + not + 3 Comp
: (?) Was/ were + S + 3 Comp?

 Time signal :
Cardinal + Time +
Last + Time Specific
Last time Yesterday 2 days ago
Last week The day Before 3 months ago
Last month Before 4 weeks ago
Last year 2 years ago
 Fungsi :
a. Menyatakan kegiatan / aktifitas yang sudah dilakukan pada
waktu lampau.
Ex : My sister watched TV yesterday
Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
4. Simple Future
 Verbal : (+) S + Will/ Shall + Vbi
(-) S + Will/ Shall +Not+ Vbi
(? ) Will/ Shall + S + Vbi?

 Nominal : (+) S + Will/ Shall + Be + 3 Comp

: (-) S + Will/ Shall + not + Be + 3 Comp
: (?) Will/ Shall + S + Be + 3 Comp

 Time Signal :
Next + Time Specific future
Next time Tomorrow
Next week Soon
Next month Later
Next year Tonight
 Fungsi :
1. Menyatakan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan di waktu yang akan
datang (prior plan )
 Fungsi ini menggunakan tiga pola :
a. S + Be + Going to + VBI (Plan)
Ex : I am going to meet her tomorrow.
b. S + Will/Shall + VBI (Spontant)
Ex : She will go to Surabaya.
 Fungsi :
1. Menyatakan habitual action ( Kegiatan sehari-hari )
Ex : I often play foot ball in the morning
She always helps her mother every day

Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
A. Pengertian Modal
Yaitu kata kerja bantu yang memiliki makna dan berfungsi
memberikan makna tambahan pada kat akerja utamanya yang

Modal Similar of modal

Will / Shall Be going to (akan)
Should/ Ought to Be supposed to, Be allowed to
Have to/ Has to/ Had to
Have got to/ Be to
Can/ Could Be able to (Bisa, dapat,mampu)
Would Used to (Dulu terbiasa)
May, Might Boleh,Mungkin
Had better Lebih baik
Would rather Lebih suka
Need Butuh / perlu
Dare Berani
Ciri - ciri modal:
a. Modal harus bertemu Vbi
Ex : I can speak you
b. Modal tidak boleh bertemu dengan Additional inf
Ex : She can speaks Englisx -- ~ ah incorrect.
c. Modal tidak boleh bertemu dengan To inf
Ex : I can to speak English
d. Modal tidak boleh bertemu dengan modal murni dalam satu kalimat,
tetapi harus diganti dengan similarnya
Ex : I must can speak English incorrect.
I must be able to speak English. correct

Materi Online_Mr. Suju Kampung Inggris Pare
W-H Questions
No English Indonesia Keterangan
1 What Apa
2 Who Siapa
3 Whom Siapa
4 Where Dimana
5 When Kapan
6 Why Mengapa
7 What for Untuk apa
8 How Bagaimana
9 For whom Untuk siapa
11 To whom Kepada siapa
12 With whom Dengan siapa
13 Whose Milik siapa
14 How often Berapa sering
15 How long Berapa lama
16 What kind of Jenis apa
17 What time Jam berapa
18 Which one Yang mana
19 How many Berapa banyak
20 How much Berapa banyak
21 How long Berapa Panjang
22 How deep Berapa dalam
23 How fast Berapa cepatnya
24 How quickly Berapa kecepatannya
25 How tall Berapa tingginya
26 How high Berapa tingginya
27 How far Berapa jauh
28 How old Berapa umurnya
29 How much Berapa harganya
30 How wide Berapa lebarnya
31 How heavy Berapa beratnya
32 How to Bagaimana untuk
33 How come, Why Mengapa
34 What else Apalagi
35 What about Bagaimana dengan


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