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By: Nikki Abegail R. Baclaan

In the quest of individual options, we tend to exercise our freedom to think in making decisions
about what is good and wrong, and it is in ourselves to determine whether how these choices
are portrayed is acceptable, worthwhile, and impactful. We lived in a world of apathy today, and
Since most of us viewpoints on how life is revolving, our beliefs on what is good or bad split us.
Furthermore, we undermine the idea of committing inappropriate activities that are somehow
harmful to the world by being divided by these moral ideas.

To begin this conversation, it implies that one response to what makes a social problem is that it
has captured the attention of a certain society at a particular time.

Poverty, homelessness, child abuse, disaffected youth and non-attendance at school, the
treatment of vulnerable persons in institutional care, graffiti, road rage, lone parenting, and
divorce can be on a list of current social problems in the late twentieth century. This short list
was compiled from news items broadcast on television, radio, and in newspapers during the
month in which this course was written. Some of these may still be issues as you read this course,
while others may have vanished and new ones have emerged. Except for the fact that they are
currently in the news, it is unclear what they have in common. The greatest way to start is by
catching public interest, fear, or concern.

The majority of people described themselves as decent people who are always willing to do the
right thing. However, if we look closely at the ground level and evaluate how people behave in
various settings that test their moral character, we may find ourselves criticizing other people's
experiences. Social psychologists have known for a long time that people are judged by their
peers. They have also discovered empirical results on how we reevaluate other people's moral

In the scenario above regarding judging other people's moral character, it is clear that the origin
of most societal problems is found within ourselves. Some people may choose to reject virtue
ethics and morality in order to resolve moral difficulties. People with a poor sense of morals are
frequently perplexed as to how they should base their decisions. Currently, adolescent pregnancy
is prevalent in the Philippines. This led to one of the most talked-about topics in the country. It is
one of the most heinous acts that many adolescent youths have committed. According to the
Commission on Population, the number of adolescent mothers giving birth in 2019 was 180,915,
a substantial increase over prior years.

Some may believe that having a child in the womb provides bliss, Aristotle's virtue ethics
philosophy says that people should strive for noble character. To put it another way, people
should be moral and ethical. Happiness necessitates character, and character is virtue's ultimate
goal. ethics. By prioritizing happiness, the "form of existence" as a whole becomes vital to this
philosophy. To be happy, humans must acquire practical values in the end. By simply counting
the number of people who have disregarded the essence of virtue ethics, or, to put it another
way, who have led a life without question. Most people, especially adolescent pregnancy victims,
may believe that what they've done isn't as unethical as what others regard it as since they
consider it a blessing from God.
Let us help individuals who believe that teenage pregnancy is a blessing by reminding them that
engaging in early sexual activities has long been regarded a moral infraction. Having the
impression that you were engrossed in those things at a young age already indicates your
unethical behavior.
There is also the issue of disobedience to utilitarian ethics teachings and corruption, in addition
to adolescent pregnancy as a result of a lack of knowledge of virtue ethics. The moral foundation
of utilitarian ethics is to concentrate on specific acts that will benefit the greatest number of
people. The "Corruption Perceptions Index" for the public sector in the Philippines. Aside from
teenage pregnancy as a result of a lack of understanding of virtue ethics, there is also this problem
of disobedience of utilitarian ethics teachings, and corruption. Utilitarian ethics' moral
foundation is to focus on specific activities that will result in the greatest good.
The determinants used to show relationships in corruption in the Philippines are rated on a scale
of 0-100, with higher numbers indicating more corruption is becoming worse

This enables utilitarianism to say that behaviors are correct when they help the greatest number
of people, and improper when they benefit only a few people to put it another way, because
corruption halts economic growth, it does not benefit the majority of people. In the context of
total growth and in the presence of utilitarian ethical philosophy, this action is manifestly
To continue, deontological ethical theory holds that such actions, even if they appear to be
wrong, are permissible when they serve a greater good. Stealing isn't always terrible, especially
when it helps the environment. Its logic will only differ because we all come from diverse
backgrounds that must be respected, and this diversity carries with it a range of rationalities that
this theory may find problematic.
To summarize, virtue plays an empirical role in preventing adolescent pregnancy; if this can be
widened and taught widely in schools, young people will at the very least know the importance
of prioritizing their own good before engaging in more risky activities. If when People are seeking
to grasp what is truly intended, and by emphasizing the larger benefit for everybody, we may
create an ideal and favorable climate in which negativity can be reduced.

Combining the key principles of normative ethics as remedies to some of society's moral
challenges can lead to a profoundly purposeful existence that no one can imagine if there is a
chance to disregard the potential implications of specific actions, especially for the larger good.

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