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Christine Mae J.

Levida September 11, 2021

BSN: 202 Ms. Ingrid Halili

Formative Assessment 1: Expository Essay (Problem-Solution)


A quote from Edmund Burke once said, "The greater the power, the more dangerous the
abuse." Sometimes, too much power is dangerous because it comes along with mischievous
abuse, resulting in violence. Abuse of power and authority uses one's position of power to take
unfair advantage of people, organizations, or governments. Abuses of power have been variously
described as white-collar crime, economic crime, organizational crime, occupational crime,
public corruption, organized crime, and governmental and corporate deviance. The element of
deception is present in all of these crimes. (Katz, Graham, & Auchter, n.d.). Nowadays, abusing
of power and violence has been a widespread issue not just here in the country but around the
world. Mostly, the elite group and powerful families can abuse power and maintain dominance
with the use of direct violence and crime. Just like in the land of Wakanda, abuse of power,
violence, and corruption has been unresolved for a long time. Two powerful families constantly
fight for power and authority. These include disagreements that lead to presences of violence and
intimidation, including kidnapping, extortion, and even murder. In relation to this, many people
think that these kinds of dilemmas and unresolved issues of abuse of power and violence will not
be somehow eradicated. At the same time, people still have hopes that there is a solution to put
this problem on end. In resolving these issues, the people should not tolerate corruption. Instead,
we must transform the society by taking proper action, and sacrificing short-term peace to
eliminate the problem of long-term corruption.

Abusing of power, violence, and corruption is still prevalent up until now. Concerning the issue
of violence in Wakanda, there has been an initial negotiation made. The two families expressed a
deal named “Forever” to solve the quarrel on power and authority. The “Forever” deal concludes
that the families are likely to consider an immediate cessation of violence in exchange for a
national position of equal power. In this manner, the level of competition is once again equal,
they get to maintain their control, and none of them will be convicted of crimes against one
another. In addition, the families have agreed to hold a national election every six years.
Regardless of the outcome, the “Forever” contract will be renewed in 6 years. Any breach of this
agreement will almost certainly result in more violence as families attempt to intervene. In this
case, there is a presence of dilemma regarding the proposed deal that might cause mo huge
problems in the future. Economies plagued by a widespread corruption that involves misuse of
power in the form of money or authority to accomplish the goals in illegal, deceptive, or unfair
ways will result to country’s unable to function effectively or grow economically, causing
suffering for the people and society as a whole (Mirzayev, 2019). In simple words, they tend to
place corrupt and undeserving people into positions despite their convicted crimes. And, get
away from their illegal acts for the sake of long-term peace through the means of having great
deals or on the other hand, choosing violence and sacrificing the short-term peace to eradicate
the long-term issue of corruption? The question is, what is the best and most ethical thing to do
that will generates best outcome for the human society?

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